In a perhaps average week that was, Holly won HoH and nominated Nick and Christie. Jackson did not use the Veto to save the two already on the block. So it will be either Nick or Christie heading out next.
Will the houseguests make the third time the charm and get her out of there, or will she escape again and Nick is out of there? Let us all find out
Holly is naturally delighted about Jackson not using the Veto, as she doesn't want to miss this second shot at Nick. Both Nick and Christie are very confident about their chances of staying.
The really adorable Nicole wants Nick to stay as she feels he is an ally, and also a shield. She tells us she has to be cautious about sticking her neck out as it could lead to a lot of heat on her. Christie and Tommy still think they will be the final 2. I just wish Big Brother would do SOMETHING about this connection and drop some hints there are two that really know each other in there.
Still with Christie, and she tells the useless Jessica that she is not a big a threat as Nick. Jessica thinks it will be the Jackson and Nick show if Christie leaves. Jessica sees herself as a third wheel with so many house pairing already, which she feels could be good for her game. Just a pity she really hasn't got a clue how to actually play the game properly. Christie suggests a final 3 of herself, Tommy and Jessica, as she reckons Jessica would pick her to go to the final 2 and Jessica would be easy to beat.
Prank time
Time to roll out the pies for Jessica, Nicole and Cliff as they are told to make more pies and surprise someone with a pie in the face. Cliff gets Tommy, and Jessica gets Christie. Nicole wants to pie Jackson, but he turns the tables on her by hiding behind a door, and he pies her instead shouting PLOT TWIST.
Nicole and Jackson go back and forth with the pies, but Nicole eventually gets Jackson when she pretends to go to the kitchen and then hides around the corner. Nicole eventually gets Jackson with a pie which she is delighted about.
Nick says he wants to stay, and he has Cliff and Nicole's vote. If he can get Tommy's then he will be good for this week. Tommy says he may not be able to keep Nick, which makes Nick wonder why Tommy wants to save Christie. We all know why really, but they don't. Nick then tells us he has to work quickly to flip the vote or he is out of there.
Nick goes to Nicole to explain this problem, and says Tommy does whatever to keep the house happy. Nicole then wonders there must be an ulterior motive to why Tommy wants to keep Christie....If only they knew.
Nicole then goes to talk to Holly, and asks what the options are about flipping the vote to keep Nick. Unfortunately Holly says she does not want the vote to flip this week. By this point Nicole is getting very nervous with possibly Christie surviving again.
Prank time
A lot of clowns appear behind the windows, and several clips of them appearing in various parts of the house commence. One of the clowns mentions Nicole by name, and the houseguests decide to leave Nicole on her own and hide in the HoH room. This is where Big Brother decide to have some fun with Nicole, as they turn the lights off when Nicole is by herself, and we see a clown making bird motions in one of the windows.
Back with Nick's campaigning, and he goes to talk to Jackson and Holly. He pitches that he wants to work for them, but not with them. He suggests being a shield, and makes a promise to keep them safe, along with saying if he's not there then Christie or Jessica would target Holly and Jackson. He then says if Jackson and Tommy are on the block, and they don't win Veto he would vote for Jackson. Jackson is ok with this pitch, and Nick says he can help, even if it is only for one week.
Jury house
Boooooooooo Jack, as he was obviously the first into jury. He is hoping for his squeeze Analyse to walk in, but in walks the adorable Kat. She says she is not bitter, and a lot of things happened to get her there.
She fills Jack in on the field trip twist, and they both sit down to watch the footage of the last few days. Knock Knock, here comes Analyse in next which pleases Jack very much. They then all sit down and watch more footage which includes Jackson and his HoH and Veto wins. Jack says how much of a good player Christie is, along with Cliff. Seriously? Cliff a good player?
They all agree in thinking Nick will be next to join them, but Kat thinks Nick is playing a dirty game and is flirting his way to the top.
Eviction vote
Christie and Nick are not allowed to vote, and Holly is not allowed to vote as it's even numbers
To cut a long story short, it's unanimous as Nick is evicted 5-0
In his interview in Julie, he says he knew he was going to be nominated, so chose to nominate Christie. He has no idea why it didn't work. He then explains how Tommy told him he had his back, but didn't follow through, and also that Cliff was always going to follow his own game, also that Christie does what she has to do. Julie asks him to elaborate about telling Jackson he had his back, and Nick says that he meant in the real world, due to no knowledge about how he is being viewed
Nick admits it was wasn't a smart move on his part. He then says Tommy will have trouble with jury votes due to evicting three of his people, and Jackson is supposedly the alpha male in the house. He explains that Tommy makes you think he is loyal, until voting time. He himself voted for people he wanted out, not what the HoH told him to do.
Taco Tuesday, as in the big blowup with Christie, is then brought up. He tells Julie that he wanted to get everything out in the open anyway, and somewhat admits that his loss of emotions cost him the game.
In closing he reckons Holly or Jackson have the best chance of winning, and that he respects their game the most.
HoH competition
Endurance for this week
As outgoing HoH, Holly is not eligible to play
Julie confirms Prank Week is over, and last houseguest standing will be the new HoH. Hold on and don't fall off are the key words. We see the start of the competition as the houseguests are sprayed with water.
Episode 30 - HoH and Nominations, Episode 31 - Power of Veto, and finally Episode 32 - DOUBLE Eviction, as in one week of Big Brother in one night with HoH, Nominations and Veto after the first evictee has left.
Back to the houseguests, and Jessica is still hanging on. I personally want Nicole to win and she does look very focused on this one. Will she finally win something? Stay tuned for Episode 30, coming to a blog near you very soon
So Christie manages to survive again, what will it take to get her out of there. Hopefully fourth or fifth time will be the charm as we start the road to the double eviction
Usual shout outs for BB on Blast, Julie Girl and Rob has a Podcast amongst others
BB on Blast - New pod
Julie Girl - here
Rob has a Podcast - Link is that a way >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
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