A step closer to the double eviction, and it's all to play for with Jessica and Christie on the block pre Veto
Can one of them win Veto and take themselves down? Admittedly it would be good to see Christie go, and we will finally be free of her flooding the house with her constant crying and tantrums when someone dares to put her on the block or suggest she be a pawn
Can't for the life of me understand why Jessica was even an option to go on the block, apart from winning one competition and getting Jack out, she has and still continues to be absolutely stupid and clueless in terms of gameplay. If anything she would be perfect to take to final 2 or 3, she is NOT beating anybody, and definitely not winning this game overall.
Tonight's Veto comp is the trash the house until you find someone's Veto token comp, what happens is that the 6 players involved hide their Veto tokens in obscure places in the house. Then they take it in turns to find someone else's token, whilst turning the house into a great big mess. The player who doesn't have their token found wins the Veto.
But first, some more campaigning on Christie and Jessica's part and then we find out the 6 who get the honour of trashing the house, while the remaining person who is not picked gets to be host.
We kick off proceedings after the nominations ceremony, and to no great shock Christie is complaining yet again about being on the block. Meanwhile, Jessica hasn't taken things too well herself basically blaming herself. She claims that she fought since day one for people that look like her. Christie and Tommy comfort her.
Nicole points out to Holly that even though they all like each other, they don't really know each other. This prompts Holly to suggest Q and A's with everyone, which Jackson doesn't want to do as he doesn't want stuff finding it's way to the feeds. He does everything to stop it, including suggesting that it's a busy few days ahead with Veto and the holiday weekend looming. Holly says she wants to do it before she leaves the house. First signs of trouble in paradise with the golden couple.......
So, basically Holly and Jackson are starting to argue, and Holly is frustrated there is nowhere in the house to go to keep her distance from Jackson. She tells him that he is condescending, while he says she is snippy. Jackson says he has no idea where Holly is coming from, but she does know how to shut him down. He admits a relationship in the house is difficult. Holly is trying really hard to shut Jackson down, and accuses him of stopping her from getting to know everyone else.
Veto picks
Christie, Jessica and Jackson will play automatically as nominees and HoH respectively. Jackson draws Nicole, Christie draws Tommy, while Jessica, via the houseguests choice token, picks Cliff. Cliff is determined to win this one to keep nominations the same.
Things are still frosty between the golden couple, to which Jackson grunts. Holly has no idea why she is being shut out, and then we see Jackson basically ignore Holly as she says good morning to him. She then confronts him during everyone else's conversation about Nick, and asks why he did not say good morning to her which promptly flares up into another argument between them. Jackson claims she came at him aggressively, and that you don't do that to people you care about.
Just me but, whatever way people read this edit in this episode, Holly should have kicked this douche into touch a long time ago.
Time for Christie's Corner as she goes to talk to Holly after Holly goes for a lie down. She tells Holly that guys don't always know how to handle things. Holly says she wants to do her own thing and doesn't feel valued in this relationship.
The golden couple now try to clear the air. Jackson says he doesn't like being spoken to in the way Holly did to him in front of everyone. He tells her she called him a naughty word a couple of times and his family will see that, to which Holly says she does feel bad about that. He says he can't make her happy, and then interrupts something she is about to say. He still goes on about being talked the way he claims he was spoken to by her. She finallys talks and says she feels like he is done, to which he says he is.
Some tears from Holly as she says she hates the house, and Jackson apologises that she is upset. She says she has never felt worthy, and then she reverts back to him not saying good morning to her. Jackson admits he doesn't know what else to do.
Holly is now seriously regretting this showmance, to the point of wondering if it was a good idea at all and also if it should continue out of the house. She then says she has always wanted to be in there and play, and doesn't want to waste the chance. Jackson then brings up the subject of his exes, and she says she is not one of his exes. He tells her how long is left in the game, and that she could make this experience anything she wants it to be. This leads to Holly leaving the room and sobbing outside, while Jackson looks at the picture of his mum and says he loves her.
Veto competition
In this game the Veto tokens are known as life preservers, and each one has a houseguest's name locked on it. They have 2.5 minutes to hide their tokens within the house. After they have all been hidden, the players will take it in turns getting three minutes for each attempt they make to find someone else's token. After five have been found, that will be end of competition. As stated up the page, whoever doesn't have their token found wins the Veto for this week.
Nicole's token - Under the logs in the camper
Jackson - Amongst the logs in the Living area
Cliff - Under the bottom drawer in the bathroom
Christie - Under the rug in the bathroom
Jessica - Under her bed wrapped in a pillow case
Tommy - Under the mattress in the Target Bedroom
Basically the house is completely trashed in this competition as everyone rummages around making a complete mess
Jackson finds 3 of the tokens in each of his turns, Tommy finds one and so does Jessica
Fast forward to who's tokens have been found, and they are revealed as Jessica, Nicole, Jackson, Christie and Cliff
Therefore and much to some chagrin for the viewers, Tommy wins the Veto and it doesn't really take a genius to work out where this is heading.
Jessica is certain Tommy won't use the Veto on her, and he obviously won't because of THAT big secret that he and Christie have between each other.
Before the ceremony, Holly and Jackson have another conversation about where they go from here. She tells him she's emotionally drained and hopes he isn't turning on her, because she made him mad. He tells her they have no choice but to work together, and then that he doesn't want personal stuff to bring them down. Holly tells him he doesn't want to lose her, and requests a hug to which Jackson duly agrees. She says that she adores Jackson, and she has had a personal relationship that has blossomed through the game. She says she wants to keep him in her life, and doesn't want to lose him or ever hurt him.
Moving swiftly on, as there's never a bucket around when you need one. These two will be lucky to survive a month at best outside of the house. Cynical I know, but first chance he gets he will stray if they have even the slightest argument.
Veto ceremony
Anyways, back to business and the point of this episode in the first place as in will Tommy use this Veto.
Oh look at that, he has used the Veto on his outside connection. Due to a previous agreement, as in Cliff volunteering to be a pawn, Cliff is named as the replacement.
Tommy says Christie is the only ally he has left in this game, while Jackson says the goal is to get rid of Jessica this week. He repeats that once she is gone, he and Holly will go into the shadows and let Christie/Tommy and Nicole/Cliff fight it out amongst themselves. Naturally, Christie is very happy with Tommy, and Cliff says now that he is up, he hopes that will throw them off the scent that he is working with Jackson and Holly. Christie closes the episode by saying if she wins HoH, then Jackson is definitely going up.
To be continued in Episode 32, and it's Double Eviction time. Remember, once Cliff or Jessica are out then it's one week of Big Brother in one night with HoH, Nominations, Veto and an Eviction.
Rooting for Nicole to get this one even if it only a temporary HoH, as I will be rooting for her for however much longer she is in there. Worst case scenario is Christie winning HoH, as she will be insufferable but then again she won't be able to play in the following one. Nothing I would like more than to see her or Jackson booted out of there in the next episode.
So there we have it, Jessica will probably be out first by another unanimous vote I reckon, and then hopefully a temporary HoH for Nicole incoming. One can dream I suppose, but there is always hope.
Some good news today in that the show has been renewed for a 22nd season, but unfortunately it does look like the celebrity version is not coming back for the new decade. So only two series to write about next year, but what the hell, I really enjoy doing this and will continue to write about it while there is still life left in this franchise.
Catch up on BB on Blast and Julie Girl here and here, and also Rob has a Podcast which can be found in the usual place on the right.
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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