Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 33 - Final 5 HoH and Nominations

And so 7 become 5, as Jessica and Christie both found their way to the jury house after the Double Eviction spectacular

The tale of the Double Eviction:

  • Jessica evicted
  • Nicole, in her first comp win, won the Double Eviction HoH
  • Nicole nominated Tommy and Christie
  • Cliff won Veto, but did not use it 
  • Christie was evicted

Tommy has to go the rest of his game alone, and we can put that outside connection business to bed, unless he brings it up to who is left, and/or Christie lets slip in the jury house.

Tonight see Nicole's temporary reign come to an end, but not before she gets the treats an HoH usually gets. She sure deserves them after the season she has had. A new HoH comp then begins, and we find out who they will nominate as we start on the road to seeing who will make it to final 4, and who will fall at the next hurdle.

And so we pick things up after Christie has left, and Tommy is very displeased with the outcome of the Double Eviction, while Jackson couldn't be happier. Begs the question now, with his nemesis gone just who will he go after now?

Nicole is feeling very emotional, as the enormity of what she has just done begins to sink in. Top 5, got rid of Christie at her first attempt, and we see the moment in the ice rink comp when she was finally crowned HoH. 

Flashback to just after Nicole won the power, and Jackson is telling her how proud her parents would be of her. He is so happy that Christie is going on the block for the fifth, and as it turned out final, time.

Nicole warns Tommy he may go on the block, but she is still testing the waters. We then see Tommy and Christie share a hug, and they are certain it will be them on the block. Fast forward to Nicole's nominations, and Nicole hopes Christie won't hold a grudge if she is nominated. Fast forward to Cliff winning the Veto, which of course he does not use. Tommy is bemused about how his and Christie's alliance is going to end, by Nicole of all people. He then goes on to say, safe in a house with four people who backstabbed him. Pot kettle black, as you were doing your fair share, pal. Hopefully you can go join Christie in the jury house sooner rather than later.

Christie advises him before she goes, that he has to win the next HoH and that Jackson or Cliff must go next.

Back to the present day, after Christie's eviction....

Nicole's pictures and gifts as part of her HoH victory are delivered via the storeroom, but she doesn't get the HoH room as her reign was only on a temporary basis, so it would have been a bit impractical to stick her stuff in there and take it out shortly afterwards when the next HoH was crowned.

Cliff, Nicole, Jackson and Holly are in collusion in regards to the way forward now. 3 against one says Cliff, as obviously Nicole is ineligible to play in the next HoH comp. They all agree that Tommy cannot win this one.

Staying with Nicole and Cliff, they obviously didn't think they would get this far. Cliff thinks Tommy would put up Jackson and Holly should he win HoH. Cliff reckons this would be good for his game. He and Nicole agree they need to keep playing friendly with Tommy, and things will take care of themself.

Tommy tells Nicole he is not mad at her for getting rid of Christie, obviously Nicole doesn't know that Tommy and Christie had that outside connection. Nicole assures Tommy he is not alone in this game, and encourages him to go out there and win the HoH. Nicole says she is doing an adapt and navigate, and wants Tommy to win HoH as she is certain he will target Jackson and Holly, so her and Cliff don't have to.

HoH competition

Lucky us, Swaggy and Bayleigh from last year have popped in to host this competition. You remember Swaggy, completely gatecrashed last year's finale to propose to Bayleigh despite only knowing her a few weeks.

Anyways, the name of this comp is called Flix and Chill. Reminder, Nicole ineligible to play as she is outgoing HoH. 

In each round three movie posters will appear and the players will listen to the reviews, and guess from the clues which poster is being referred to. Fastest person to get it right wins the point. Whoever scores the highest once all the rounds are done, will be the new HoH

Round 1 - Jackson
Round 2 - Cliff
Round 3 - Tommy
Round 4 - Jackson
Round 5 - Jackson
Round 6 - Jackson
Round 7 - Cliff
Round 8 - Jackson

Winner and new HoH is JACKSON. Terrific, another week in power for the golden couple.....

With this outcome, Tommy is certain he will be on the block, but he has an idea to go to Jackson and plant some seeds about Cliff and Nicole. He has noticed that Cliff and Nicole leave it really late to talk to Jackson, and they also made Tommy and Christie feel safe too. Jackson claims they all played other. He tells us in the Diary Room that Jackson should put him on the block if Jackson doesn't see him as the biggest threat, and if he doesn't then he does not deserve to win. Cliff is seen as the biggest threat, and could be a danger Cliff pips him to the post if they make final 2.

Cliff knows he is going up with Tommy, and is quite disappointed not to win that HoH. Personally I don't want to see another Cliff HoH, given how he completely screwed up his last attempt. He tells Nicole that if he goes home, he wants her to go all the way to the end. Some doubts are creeping in with Nicole, and starts to think what if Tommy wins the Veto, she or Cliff will be next to jury.

Nomination ceremony

Jackson nominates CLIFF and TOMMY. No shocks there. Jackson reminds them they are at the important part of this season, with the end in sight, and with that he wishes everyone well in the Veto comp. Of course Tommy is his big target this week, hopefully he can get Tommy at the first attempt. Well he has to really, a lot of people outside of the house saying Tommy may well win this season, and his odds are definitely shortening the longer he stays in there.

Cliff is not shocked he has been nominated, and that this veto is one of the more important ones. Tommy is very determined to win this Veto, and he promises to give it everything he has got to try and make that final 4

To be continued in Episode 34, when the Veto is up for grabs and it's one of the favourites in BB Comics. More to come in the next post.

And so there we have it for another episode and another step closer to the end

Usual shoutouts for BB on Blast, Julie Girl and Rob has a Podcast and thank you for everything they do and continue to do for the BB community.

Speaking of Julie Girl, they have uploaded Chapter 11 for this particular series and you can listen right here

BB on Blast will be dropping a new pod before the eviction episode, and I will link that up on here when I do the write up for the eviction episode.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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