And so we are down to 3, ladies and gentlemen, as we head into the finale of Big Brother USA for 2019
To say it's been up and down would be a massive understatement, and now it's come down to Jackson, Holly and Nicole. Think everybody knows by now who I want to win, as she's just so damn adorable but there's the small matter of this final 3 part HoH
To cut a long story short, part 1 was a physical challenge to which there was only going to be one winner, yep Jackson. So as we start proceedings for this finale, it will be Holly v Nicole to see who will take on Jackson in part 3 to see who will be the final HoH of this season
But first....
It's over to the jury and season 2 winner Dr. Will Kirby to talk over who should be crowned winner and why. First off they need another member of the jury, so Cliff come on down.
It should be noted how much some of the jury are flabbergasted at how Cliff could fall for Jackson's lies, as in Jackson saying he would keep him over Holly when he had no intention.
Dr Will - What are the most important factors of choosing a winner?
Nick - Comp wins
Kat - Lot to do with social game
Nick - 9 comp wins is massive
Jessica - Social game is also important
Kat - Jackson is loyal
Analyse - Disagree
Kat - He screwed up my game from Day 1, but I saw a lot of facets of his game
Cliff - I don't think Jackson was loyal
Next subject
Dr Will - Was it impressive that Jackson talked you into into a showmance?
Cliff - It was, and it was a good game move
Jack - Everyone did lie and I can't fault him
Cliff - Lies are fine, but don't say you are honourable and have integrity
Dr Will - Jackson could be a Jekyll and Hyde, and could be condescending and arrogant
Christie - This is Jackson's world and we all live in it
Tommy - I heard him talking to Christie and Kat, and he was quite aggressive. He has to separate game from personal. Do I vote with morals or with love of the game.
Dr Will then asks what the jury what they think of Holly and Nicole
Tommy - I would love to give my vote to Nicole
Kat - Nicole's under-rated and playing a social game
Christie - Nicole would drop a seed to create enemies and it was brilliant
Cliff - She won a few comps at the end
Analyse - I'm confused by Nicole's game play. Not sure whether it was strategy or just luck
Nick - Don't know if Nicole played the whole game
Jessica - Playing game and laying low which no else was doing
Jack - Wonder if it was Nicole's strategy to float through the game
Kat - Nicole was part of an alliance
Dr Will finishes with the question of who is the brain and brawn between Holly and Jackson
Jessica - Jackson is both
Christie - I don't respect Holly's game if she just hid behind Jackson
Kat - Holly did hold Jackson back, but that helped him get further
Nick - She did win some HoH's
Tommy - She showed up when she needed to
Kat - Holly went after the bigger targets, while Jackson went after the bottom feeders
Cliff - Holly developed a lot of relationships with others
Jack - Holly was never put up as a threat, which is impressive
Dr Will then closes the session and urges them to work on their questions for whoever is in final 2
HoH part 2
This penultimate comp is called Foggy Memory
Nicole and Holly will have to put the day number to a memory on a wall, and this will involve a lot of climbing. They will then push the button to see how many they have right, if any are wrong there are no penalties nor do they have to start over. They can merely change the number of the ones they think are wrong and keep going like that. Fastest time wins part 2 and joins Jackson for part 3.
Bad news once it's done as Holly finishes with a time of 10:38, and Nicole finished with a time of 14:38.
Nicole's game is effectively over barring an extraordinary set of results as in Holly winning part 3 and somehow cutting Jackson
Needless to say Jackson is delighted, and Nicole is in tears but she still has hope albeit a VERY slim hope.
Before we get part 3 underway, we see some conversation where Nicole pitches to Holly about what could happen should she beat Jackson in part 3. She suggests that she may be a better bet to take to final 2, should Holly beat Jackson. Holly is contemplating this, but I can't see it happening. Nicole knows she is most likely gone in either scenario, but credit to her she has tried and not sat back accepting her fate.
Part 3 HoH
For the final competition of this summer, this is called The Jury Is Out. Holly and Jackson will see a series of videos from former houseguests making three statements about their time in the house, and Holly and Jackson have to decide which statement is false. Most points win, and the crown of final HoH for the season.
First 4 questions are answered correctly by both, Jackson takes the lead after question 5 and then is never really troubled then as he coasts to victory becoming the final HoH of the season
He has a few minutes to decide who to take to final 2, but it should come as no great shock
And quelle surprise, he evicts NICOLE and takes Holly to final 2. Should be a nice easy cruise now for him.
But jeez, that reaction for Nicole when she exits the house is something else in a really good way. Just shows how much she is loved by most outside, including yours truly.
She admits to Julie that she is not shocked, but had a little hope. She says it was a game and she's not hurt. She says she has learned so much about herself, and such a genuine reaction when she spots her family in the audience. Only a brief interview for Nicole, as there is of course other business to attend to.
The jury are now on stage after the break, and Julie introduces the final jury member and we all know who that is. Members of h8ful/unde9able are of course very happy their two associates are final 2.
The jury have three questions each to ask the jury, so off we go
Cliff asks Jackson about jury management
Jackson - I was forced to be in a position where I was on my own, and I had to take shots at people. Just everything I did was game related.
Christie up next and she asks Holly what her plan was and how it evolved
Holly - I had a plan A to a Plan Z, and honestly did not know which one I would use until I got in. I laid kind of low to get to know people, and stepped it up from there. She didn't talk much about qualifications or achievements. I didn't speak much, but listened a lot and won when needed to.
Tommy, and Jackson's treatment of the female houseguests
I'm an intense person, and always give 110%. I have never degraded a woman's character and physical attributes. I respect women, and my mom raised me right. I know myself and didn't mean to be degrading. I didn't make jokes or slanderous remarks to women at all.
The cameras don't lie, but you do, pal..... You can smell the BS a mile off
Analyse asks Holly how she played her own game
Holly - Jackson and I played totally different games and had different targets. I took you out to disarm myself, Tommy and Christie and went after bigger targets knowing it wasn't the best move for Jackson. Some may think I was riding certain coattails, but I held on and dragged my heels to hold Jackson back, as I needed him as a teammate and tool.
Jessica asks Jackson about why he should win over Holly
Jackson - His strategy was there are always bigger fish, and I wanted to leave in targets, and disarm the people around them so the targets were removed when needed.
Jack concludes by asking the same question to Holly on why she should win
Holly - I chose the harder route, as I wanted to play with honesty and integrity. I was a sharp shooter, and flew under the radar and didn't think anyone was targeting me. My relationships were managed well, was able to manage my social game and her. Calculated and thoughtful with all my moves.
Final statements and winner vote
Basically Jackson tells them to vote for who played the best game. He then regales about all his comp wins, HoH's and other stuff. Personally speaking, his fairy tales about being a Have Not and being punished can be ignored as he was NEVER punished for breaking the Have Not rules, nor for anything he said or did in there that could be considered against the rules.
Holly bases her statement on constantly being underestimated, myself personally she basically didn't do anything and has been brainwashed by Jackson. Remember that part about disarming in the questions and answers above, that's classic Jackson talk. They are not lasting outside of the house, give it about a month or two.
And with it's voting time......Who wins they decide
Now that's over with time to get to a delicious part of the show, where finally some sort of comeuppance is due
The first five
And it indeed does turn into bloodbath as h8ful/unde9abale are brought to account by Ovi, David and Kemi amongst others.
As you may remember at the start there was an incident where the aforementioned faction shut out Nicole, David, Ovi and Kemi amongst others from the HoH room while the faction had a good cackle amongst others which was very uncomfortable viewing. Nicole says it was very frustrating, and just the fact she herself wasn't allowed in there to advocate for herself. She believes in forgiveness, and wants to do just that and move forward.
Kemi then asks Nick, Jack, Jackson and Christie amongst others what their obsession was with her. She says she hopes they can be better people coming out of this. Jack is given a chance to speak to which he says he can't apologise enough for his behaviour towards Kemi, and hopes in the future. Christie says she is not aware of what footage there is of this, but once she has viewed it she will be straight on the phone personally to Kemi, and will discuss things behind closed doors. Jackson in his usual lying self, is also unaware of said moments, but says the only problem he had with Kemi was her cooking. He claims he loved her on a personal level, and does apologise to her whatever the reference is about and likes her as a person. Kemi says it's important to understand what he is apologising for before he apologises.
Julie then makes reference to Jackson being made Camp Director right at the start, and then him banishing Kemi, David, Ovi and Cliff, and how some people may see this. Jackson flat out denies this was about race. He claims David and Jessica wanted to be Camp Director, and this is the reason he nominated them, and that Kemi only spoke to him once. David then says he thought it was game, but since then there could have been implied biases and they will discuss that behind closed doors at a later date.
Julie then turns to Nick and asks about his showmance with Bella and then his jurymance. Nick then says he takes responsibility for his actions, and realised he had feelings for Kat, and didn't want to hurt Bella. Bit late for that now, pal. Shitty for Bella, and I do hope Kat sees what he is really like before she gets too involved. Bella tells him about the commitment he made to her, and not to make her look stupid which he did, and she's very hurt.
Time to crown the winner
As if most care about this result, but hey ho off we go.....
Nicole - Holly
Cliff - Jackson
Tommy - Jackson
Christie - Jackson
Jessica - Holly
Nick - Jackson
Analyse - Jackson
Kat - Holly
Jack - Jackson
We have our winner and it's predictably Jackson. Holly never really had a chance did she. And out they come hand in hand to very muted applause from the audience. Can't say I blame them, and it should be noted Jackson's face is like thunder. Not the look of someone who's just won half million in prize money.
Anyways on to the result that perhaps most are more interested in, and that is America's Favourite Player and the top three are revealed as Cliff, Tommy and Nicole
And I type this next bit with a big smile on my face, as NICOLE win America's Favourite Player to much better reception to the overall winner. Much deserved I may add, won the hearts of many viewers and put smiles on faces all the way through this lousy season.
Happy ending to a lousy season with Nicole's win right at the end there, she may not have won the grand prize but that will do as a nice consolation prize, and more than likely the title of The People's Champion of 2019...Step forward Nicole Anthony, did so well in the face of adversity and you could really see how much this is all meaning to her.
And so, my friends, that wraps up Big Brother for 2019. No more now until at least spring 2020 when Big Brother Canada open their doors for their 8th series.
I just want to say thank you from me to everyone who has come in and kindly read these posts. It has certainly been educational as always learning about the North American format, to which I will keep learning going into the brand new decade ready to do it all again.
Just a few shoutouts:
BB on Blast's finale pod for this season -
Julie Girl right here
Rob and indeed all of the Rob has a Podcast team, it has been a good watch/listen and certainly educational for me as I continue to learn about the format.
Speaking of Rob, he and Taran have spoken to all of the houseguests in the backyard of the house, click right here
And if you come in, show some of the other links on the right some love while Big Brother is on down time.
And so there we have it, hope everyone has a nice what's left of 2019 and see you all back here in the new decade as we go again for more Big Brother fun, and let's hope next year's houseguests bring us plenty of moments to talk about for the right reasons. Good luck to them whoever they will be.
Until 2020, take care and as always keep on rocking....
PS, follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever if you wish