Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Finale

And so we are down to 3, ladies and gentlemen, as we head into the finale of Big Brother USA for 2019

To say it's been up and down would be a massive understatement, and now it's come down to Jackson, Holly and Nicole. Think everybody knows by now who I want to win, as she's just so damn adorable but there's the small matter of this final 3 part HoH

To cut a long story short, part 1 was a physical challenge to which there was only going to be one winner, yep Jackson. So as we start proceedings for this finale, it will be Holly v Nicole to see who will take on Jackson in part 3 to see who will be the final HoH of this season

But first....

It's over to the jury and season 2 winner Dr. Will Kirby to talk over who should be crowned winner and why. First off they need another member of the jury, so Cliff come on down. 

It should be noted how much some of the jury are flabbergasted at how Cliff could fall for Jackson's lies, as in Jackson saying he would keep him over Holly when he had no intention.

Dr Will - What are the most important factors of choosing a winner?

Nick - Comp wins

Kat - Lot to do with social game

Nick - 9 comp wins is massive

Jessica - Social game is also important

Kat - Jackson is loyal

Analyse - Disagree

Kat - He screwed up my game from Day 1, but I saw a lot of facets of his game

Cliff - I don't think Jackson was loyal

Next subject

Dr Will - Was it impressive that Jackson talked you into into a showmance?

Cliff - It was, and it was a good game move

Jack - Everyone did lie and I can't fault him

Cliff - Lies are fine, but don't say you are honourable and have integrity

Dr Will - Jackson could be a Jekyll and Hyde, and could be condescending and arrogant

Christie - This is Jackson's world and we all live in it

Tommy - I heard him talking to Christie and Kat, and he was quite aggressive. He has to separate game from personal. Do I vote with morals or with love of the game.

Dr Will then asks what the jury what they think of Holly and Nicole

Tommy - I would love to give my vote to Nicole

Kat - Nicole's under-rated and playing a social game

Christie - Nicole would drop a seed to create enemies and it was brilliant

Cliff - She won a few comps at the end

Analyse - I'm confused by Nicole's game play. Not sure whether it was strategy or just luck

Nick - Don't know if Nicole played the whole game

Jessica - Playing game and laying low which no else was doing

Jack - Wonder if it was Nicole's strategy to float through the game

Kat - Nicole was part of an alliance

Dr Will finishes with the question of who is the brain and brawn between Holly and Jackson

Jessica - Jackson is both

Christie - I don't respect Holly's game if she just hid behind Jackson

Kat - Holly did hold Jackson back, but that helped him get further

Nick - She did win some HoH's

Tommy - She showed up when she needed to 

Kat - Holly went after the bigger targets, while Jackson went after the bottom feeders

Cliff - Holly developed a lot of relationships with others

Jack - Holly was never put up as a threat, which is impressive

Dr Will then closes the session and urges them to work on their questions for whoever is in final 2

HoH part 2

This penultimate comp is called Foggy Memory

Nicole and Holly will have to put the day number to a memory on a wall, and this will involve a lot of climbing. They will then push the button to see how many they have right, if any are wrong there are no penalties nor do they have to start over. They can merely change the number of the ones they think are wrong and keep going like that. Fastest time wins part 2 and joins Jackson for part 3.

Bad news once it's done as Holly finishes with a time of 10:38, and Nicole finished with a time of 14:38.

Nicole's game is effectively over barring an extraordinary set of results as in Holly winning part 3 and somehow cutting Jackson

Needless to say Jackson is delighted, and Nicole is in tears but she still has hope albeit a VERY slim hope.

Before we get part 3 underway, we see some conversation where Nicole pitches to Holly about what could happen should she beat Jackson in part 3. She suggests that she may be a better bet to take to final 2, should Holly beat Jackson. Holly is contemplating this, but I can't see it happening. Nicole knows she is most likely gone in either scenario, but credit to her she has tried and not sat back accepting her fate.

Part 3 HoH

For the final competition of this summer, this is called The Jury Is Out. Holly and Jackson will see a series of videos from former houseguests making three statements about their time in the house, and Holly and Jackson have to decide which statement is false. Most points win, and the crown of final HoH for the season.

First 4 questions are answered correctly by both, Jackson takes the lead after question 5 and then is never really troubled then as he coasts to victory becoming the final HoH of the season

He has a few minutes to decide who to take to final 2, but it should come as no great shock

And quelle surprise, he evicts NICOLE and takes Holly to final 2. Should be a nice easy cruise now for him.

But jeez, that reaction for Nicole when she exits the house is something else in a really good way. Just shows how much she is loved by most outside, including yours truly.

She admits to Julie that she is not shocked, but had a little hope. She says it was a game and she's not hurt. She says she has learned so much about herself, and such a genuine reaction when she spots her family in the audience. Only a brief interview for Nicole, as there is of course other business to attend to.

The jury are now on stage after the break, and Julie introduces the final jury member and we all know who that is. Members of h8ful/unde9able are of course very happy their two associates are final 2.

The jury have three questions each to ask the jury, so off we go

Cliff asks Jackson about jury management

Jackson - I was forced to be in a position where I was on my own, and I had to take shots at people. Just everything I did was game related.

Christie up next and she asks Holly what her plan was and how it evolved

Holly - I had a plan A to a Plan Z, and honestly did not know which one I would use until I got in. I laid kind of low to get to know people, and stepped it up from there. She didn't talk much about qualifications or achievements. I didn't speak much, but listened a lot and won when needed to.

Tommy, and Jackson's treatment of the female houseguests

I'm an intense person, and always give 110%. I have never degraded a woman's character and physical attributes. I respect women, and my mom raised me right. I know myself and didn't mean to be degrading. I didn't make jokes or slanderous remarks to women at all.

The cameras don't lie, but you do, pal..... You can smell the BS a mile off

Analyse asks Holly how she played her own game

Holly - Jackson and I played totally different games and had different targets. I took you out to disarm myself, Tommy and Christie and went after bigger targets knowing it wasn't the best move for Jackson. Some may think I was riding certain coattails, but I held on and dragged my heels to hold Jackson back, as I needed him as a teammate and tool.

Jessica asks Jackson about why he should win over Holly

Jackson - His strategy was there are always bigger fish, and I wanted to leave in targets, and disarm the people around them so the targets were removed when needed.

Jack concludes by asking the same question to Holly on why she should win

Holly - I chose the harder route, as I wanted to play with honesty and integrity. I was a sharp shooter, and flew under the radar and didn't think anyone was targeting me. My relationships were managed well, was able to manage my social game and her. Calculated and thoughtful with all my moves.

Final statements and winner vote

Basically Jackson tells them to vote for who played the best game. He then regales about all his comp wins, HoH's and other stuff. Personally speaking, his fairy tales about being a Have Not and being punished can be ignored as he was NEVER punished for breaking the Have Not rules, nor for anything he said or did in there that could be considered against the rules.

Holly bases her statement on constantly being underestimated, myself personally she basically didn't do anything and has been brainwashed by Jackson. Remember that part about disarming in the questions and answers above, that's classic Jackson talk. They are not lasting outside of the house, give it about a month or two.

And with it's voting time......Who wins they decide

Now that's over with time to get to a delicious part of the show, where finally some sort of comeuppance is due

The first five

And it indeed does turn into bloodbath as h8ful/unde9abale are brought to account by Ovi, David and Kemi amongst others.

As you may remember at the start there was an incident where the aforementioned faction shut out Nicole, David, Ovi and Kemi amongst others from the HoH room while the faction had a good cackle amongst others which was very uncomfortable viewing. Nicole says it was very frustrating, and just the fact she herself wasn't allowed in there to advocate for herself. She believes in forgiveness, and wants to do just that and move forward.

Kemi then asks Nick, Jack, Jackson and Christie amongst others what their obsession was with her. She says she hopes they can be better people coming out of this. Jack is given a chance to speak to which he says he can't apologise enough for his behaviour towards Kemi, and hopes in the future. Christie says she is not aware of what footage there is of this, but once she has viewed it she will be straight on the phone personally to Kemi, and will discuss things behind closed doors. Jackson in his usual lying self, is also unaware of said moments, but says the only problem he had with Kemi was her cooking. He claims he loved her on a personal level, and does apologise to her whatever the reference is about and likes her as a person. Kemi says it's important to understand what he is apologising for before he apologises.

Julie then makes reference to Jackson being made Camp Director right at the start, and then him banishing Kemi, David, Ovi and Cliff, and how some people may see this. Jackson flat out denies this was about race. He claims David and Jessica wanted to be Camp Director, and this is the reason he nominated them, and that Kemi only spoke to him once. David then says he thought it was game, but since then there could have been implied biases and they will discuss that behind closed doors at a later date.

Julie then turns to Nick and asks about his showmance with Bella and then his jurymance. Nick then says he takes responsibility for his actions, and realised he had feelings for Kat, and didn't want to hurt Bella. Bit late for that now, pal. Shitty for Bella, and I do hope Kat sees what he is really like before she gets too involved. Bella tells him about the commitment he made to her, and not to make her look stupid which he did, and she's very hurt.

Time to crown the winner

As if most care about this result, but hey ho off we go.....

Nicole - Holly
Cliff - Jackson
Tommy - Jackson
Christie - Jackson
Jessica - Holly
Nick - Jackson
Analyse - Jackson
Kat - Holly
Jack - Jackson

We have our winner and it's predictably Jackson. Holly never really had a chance did she. And out they come hand in hand to very muted applause from the audience. Can't say I blame them, and it should be noted Jackson's face is like thunder. Not the look of someone who's just won half million in prize money.

Anyways on to the result that perhaps most are more interested in, and that is America's Favourite Player and the top three are revealed as Cliff, Tommy and Nicole

And I type this next bit with a big smile on my face, as NICOLE win America's Favourite Player to much better reception to the overall winner. Much deserved I may add, won the hearts of many viewers and put smiles on faces all the way through this lousy season.

Happy ending to a lousy season with Nicole's win right at the end there, she may not have won the grand prize but that will do as a nice consolation prize, and more than likely the title of The People's Champion of 2019...Step forward Nicole Anthony, did so well in the face of adversity and you could really see how much this is all meaning to her.

And so, my friends, that wraps up Big Brother for 2019. No more now until at least spring 2020 when Big Brother Canada open their doors for their 8th series.

I just want to say thank you from me to everyone who has come in and kindly read these posts. It has certainly been educational as always learning about the North American format, to which I will keep learning going into the brand new decade ready to do it all again.

Just a few shoutouts:

BB on Blast's finale pod for this season - https://www.spreaker.com/user/lightupvm/bb21-finale

Julie Girl right here

Rob and indeed all of the Rob has a Podcast team, it has been a good watch/listen and certainly educational for me as I continue to learn about the format. 

Speaking of Rob, he and Taran have spoken to all of the houseguests in the backyard of the house, click right here

And if you come in, show some of the other links on the right some love while Big Brother is on down time.

And so there we have it, hope everyone has a nice what's left of 2019 and see you all back here in the new decade as we go again for more Big Brother fun, and let's hope next year's houseguests bring us plenty of moments to talk about for the right reasons. Good luck to them whoever they will be.

Until 2020, take care and as always keep on rocking....

PS, follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever if you wish

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 38 - Final 4 eviction

4 become 3, as we hurtle towards the big finale

When last we left proceedings, Jackson had won Veto and it didn't really take a genius to work out he was going to use it on himself and put Cliff up

The same Cliff who has effectively harpooned his own game as well as Nicole's, as there is no way Jackson will jettison his one and only storyline.

Jackson is hellbent on winning this show, which is causing major ripples everywhere as many feel he will be rewarded given the way he and h8ful/unde9able conducted themselves throughout the early stages of this season. Then there was the small matter of cheating when he was a Have Not, eating away whenever he wanted when he was supposed to be on slop as a Have Not should be.

Points in themselves to why he should NOT even be near this finale, but unfortunately the divine intervention has spoken, and there he is. There are other points around, but it would take forever to list them.

Anyways, there is an episode to write about and yes there will be an extended jury segment, so deep breaths and off we go, although it does seem somewhat of a formality.

We pick up from where Jackson won the Veto, and already Nicole knows what is going to happen as do we all. Cliff is just too stupid to see it, as he thinks Jackson will stick to their final 2 deal. Taking Tommy out looks more certain like being the wrong move, thanks a lot Cliff. If you'd let Nicole go with her gut, then maybe you would be in final 3 and Jackson and Holly would have been gone by now.

Back to the show, and Nicole hopes Jackson will send Holly to jury, but we know that won't happen. A point Jackson gladly makes as he says 'how dare we consider getting rid of Holly'. Can't have that can we *sigh*

A heated exchange between Jackson and Nicole ensues, as he tells her his word and handshake are rock solid until it is not reciprocated. She tells him not to blow smoke up her butt and use last week for an excuse for this week. Jackson says Nicole isn't a fourth wheel to a tricycle, and Nicole says she's more like a third wheel on a bicycle. She says out loud she was seriously considering keeping Tommy, and Jackson tells her this isn't the game they wanted to play, more like forced to play

Nicole says she now sees the game they set up, and Jackson claims this wasn't a master plan. He then tells her she could easily win two parts of HoH, and she admits her gut was right and not Cliff's. Tommy should have stayed. Jackson tries to tell her to keep the plan to herself, and from out of nowhere she says he knows what he can go do with himself.

In the HoH room, Cliff has an inkling he has been played and Nicole confirms it and also that Jackson and Holly wanted to keep it from him. Too little too late now, Cliff, this is firmly on you why this is going the way it is right now.

Nicole then recites the conversation with Jackson, and Cliff says he himself came to win and nothing else will do. He then claims he is going to fight until they drag him out of that place. Futile I would say, as nothing is going to change Jackson's mind.

Jury house segment

If we must, we must....

Rewind back to three weeks ago, and it's Analyse making her way into the jury house, and she claims her and Jack have gotten closer. Does she seriously believe he will stick around on the outside, moving swiftly on. 

Nick then makes his entrance, much to the surprise of the equally adorable Kat. Really nice to see her again. Some choice words from Nick about Tommy, saying he is a snake and feels betrayed.

Fast forward one week, and here comes Jessica. She says she feels she has a little bit of power as in having a say who wins. Can just see her doing a a Topaz from BB Canada and voting for the wrong person.

In case you missed it, Topaz was going to vote for Gary to win Big Brother Canada and she looked away from her wallet for a few seconds and it turns out she took out Gillian's key, effectively handing the victory to Gillian. 

Anyways back to action, and Jessica shows the jurors so far Jackson's win on the HoH comp, and her own OTT fall off said wall. Kat says she doesn't want to reward Jackson's dirty game, and there is more to winning this show than winning comps. Nick pipes up and says he could have put up Tommy and Christie. Lot of griping from a few of them about not getting Cliff out.

Oh Kat, so adorable but your taste in men leaves a lot to be desired as a jurymance as she calls it, is teased. Nick is the other half of this jurymance, but he denies everything for now.

Christie is next in, and boy is she still bitter about going. Still going on and on about how she thought she was going to win. The bad blood between her and Nick is still there by the way as we will soon find out.

Christie brings along the video of Nicole winning her first comp, and she is flabbergasted at Nick and Kat possibly being an item. Analyse says she would respect Nicole more if she won more comps. No need for that, Analyse. Christie admits she was surprised as her and Tommy, and Nicole and Cliff were plotting to get Jackson out. Jessica says Nicole may have had a specific strategy after all, and not idly floating by.

Ding ding, here we go for another round of Christie v Nick. Again about her blowing up Nick's game, saying it was her only way to stay. Next up we see Cliff winning the Veto which eliminated Christie, and her mistake at the end when she flipped her answer at the last second. Tommy is predicted to arrive at the jury house next. Christie then feels it was a wrong move getting her out, and the shot should have gone Jackson's way.

And right on cue here comes Tommy, and yes him and Christie tell everyone their big secret. Tommy then shows Jackson winning another comp, and Nick claims Jackson is one of the best players ever. He would say that wouldn't he. Nicole is then shown winning her 2nd comp, and Jessica thinks Nicole will win due to being a gamer, and Jack claims she manipulated everyone very well.

Tommy tells them about his pitch to Cliff and Nicole, and Nick says he can't believe they believed Jackson. Analyse says Jackson is playing a good game, if a little dirty. Nick then says any one of the four left could win and is voting for the best player of the game

Back to the house we go, and it's looking increasingly bleak for Cliff. Now restorting to blackmail saying he could destroy Jackson's game as Jackson could destroy his.

Cliff says he was going to honour his word, and Jackson went right back on his word when he won safety. He asks Jackson if he had considered jury votes, and says he will vote for Nicole if it is Jackson v Nicole in final 2. If it the showmance in final 2, Cliff's vote will go elsewhere as she honoured an agreement and Jackson didn't. Of course Jackson scoffs at all this behind Cliff's back.

Veto ceremony and eviction

And to no surprise at all, Jackson uses the veto on himself, and Cliff is named as the only possible replacement.

After the usual shoutouts, it's down to Jackson as Veto holder to have the sole vote to evict and again to no surprise, he evicts CLIFF

In his interview with Julie, he admits he placed too much faith in Jackson to falter. He then talks about the hard decision he and Nicole faced, and tells her he was scared of Tommy, especially when it came to mental comps, and thought Tommy would take Nicole over him.

He goes on to say he was playing for first, and it took a hell of a long time to decide on Tommy or Holly. Julie then asks him if he got ahead of himself when he revealed to Jackson that it wasn't the real final 2 plan, to which Cliff says he didn't want to break his word, and that Jackson was always truthful with him and that he got played in the end.

He is then asked if he would have trusted Jackson and Holly moving forward if the tables were turned. Cliff says the Final 4 was agreed weeks ago, and it wasn't seen as a solid agreement.

And there we have it for the penultimate week, and now we move into the final 2 episodes for this season

Episode 39 - Season recaps, interviews with last year's final 3 of JC, Tyler and winner Kaycee and the first part of the final 3 HoH.

Episode 40 - Part 2, live part 3 and so much more which will be revealed as the episode goes on before we find out if Nicole, Holly or Jackson.

Personally I want Nicole to win, as there is just no room on this show for cheating as Jackson has basically done for most of the season, and definitely no room for what we saw in the early stages of the season with h8ful and then unden9able

Don't think I will be covering ep.39, as most of the season's stuff has been covered through previous posts, and not really interested in last year's not rights.

Probably cover part 1 briefly in the finale post, and go from there so it feels a bit more complete rather than interspersing part 1 with all the other filler....

So there we go, folks, nearly at an end now and a really up and down season if I'm being honest. Just think how different it could have been if Cliff hadn't of screwed up his HoH, some of those jurors would be languishing outside of jury.....If only, eh?

Shoutouts as always for BB on Blast and Julie Girl, and not forgetting of course Rob has a Podcast which will be at the finale interviewing the houseguests, and who knows maybe Julie and some of the backstage people as well.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until the final time we meet this season, stay frosty and keep on rocking......


Thursday, 19 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 37 - Final 4 Power of Veto

The end is near as we head into a very crucial Veto, where the winner of this competition gets the sole vote to evict

On the block right now is the golden couple of Jackson and Holly, and Nicole has locked in her place at the finale by winning HoH.

As always following the nominations episode, we pick up after that very event and it's all systems go in the house as every one of them left knows the Veto is more crucial this week. Of course Nicole doesn't have to worry too much, as she is in the final 3 already as you already know. But I am sure she would like to make sure it's not with the showmance in tow, as both of those two in the finale would be too difficult to handle.

Holly still acting really entitled and sour about not winning the HoH, a theme which has basically run through this series. Remember how some of this year's intake have basically whined and cried about being nominated or not winning certain competitions? Yeah that's I'm talking about.

Jackson is fully aware of the so called plot by Cliff and Nicole to split him and Holly up, and has vowed to lie as much as they apparently have to him.

Cliff is speaking of how Holly is going to throw Veto, and how he and Nicole should go and talk to her and give her permission to play should she agree to take Cliff. Nicole  thinks Holly will stick to her word. Holly is none too happy about this, as she soon tells us and it makes her more determined to win this Veto.

Cliff's apparent downfall now continues with Jackson, as they discuss the final 2 deal they made. A deal I may add that Jackson has NO intention of keeping, and Cliff is just too blind to see it. Jackson regales this conversation with Holly, and they both have a good chuckle about it.

Luxury competition

$10,000 up for grabs here as we play a jumbo sized version of spot the difference. Basically, the house will undergo a few cosmetic changes, 18 in fact. The houseguests have to go through the house and count how many differences they can find. They all have only one guess each, so they have to make it count. When they think they have their guess ready, they have to run back upstairs and ring the bell, and whoever is correct or near enough wins the money. But if there is a tie, whoever rung the bell first and is closest will take the prize.

Should be noted that during this competition, Ovi turned up in there as part of the competition

Once everything is said and done, the guesses are:

Jackson - 17
Nicole - 16
Holly - 17
Cliff - 17

But as Jackson was first to ring the bell, he wins the cash prize

Veto competition

Straight into the serious business of the episode we go, and the rules for this competition are kind of like a big board version of Guess Who, involving catapults. The houseguests will take it in turns to answer the 3 same questions, and have to knock down the cards of the houseguests they think don't belong in the question with a catapult

The questions are:

Who did not receive a punishment in Tossed in Space
Who was never HoH
Played in BB Fireworks Quiztacular

A very taxing competition, especially for Cliff as it was a very hot day when they did this competition in real time.

When all is said and done, the times were:

4th - Cliff (38:36)
3rd - Holly (17.30)
2nd - Nicole (14:17)

Winner of the Veto is JACKSON with a time of 11:29, and he is the second houseguest to qualify for the finale

Apparently, and this is only rumour of course, Jackson had divine intervention during that competition. Namely from backstage, although we only have Jackson's word on this. Cliff still has his heart set on a final 2 with Michie, but we all probably know by now his goose is effectively cooked. Not a spoiler, but as Jackson has always said Holly will remain untroubled so the eviction is only a formality I would imagine.

Naturally Jackson is so happy and brags about him and Holly are going to the finale, and we get a vomit inducing segment with these two, when it's more realistic they will be all but over 5 minutes after leaving the house.

Cliff is STILL convinced Jackson will flip and keep him, but back on planet Earth Nicole knows Cliff will be on his way.

And to close this episode, Nicole is convinced it will be her against the showmance in the finale.... If only she knew about the swell of support out here for her, it would give her so much confidence going into the finale.

To be continued in Episode 38, when it's more than likely Cliff will be on this way with Jackson using the Veto

And so we move into the last three episodes:

Season recap

Won't be covering the season recap, as that's been done to death already. I just hope once this formality of an eviction is over, Nicole can summon everything she has and has a good run in the final 3 3 part HoH

Even if she doesn't win the grand prize, I reckon she will still have the bonus prize of America's Favourite Houseguest locked in.

And so that's it for another post, and the usual shoutouts to BB on BlastJulie Girl and of course Rob has a Podcast

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

And as always stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 36 - Final 4 HoH and Nominations

And so, citizens, we enter the penultimate week for this season with Jackson, Nicole, Holly and Cliff all vying for those crucial 3 spots in finale week

Well, technically Jackson's not eligible to play in this Final 4 HoH comp as he is ineligible due to being Final 5 HoH, so he'll join in the fun in the next episode.

When we last left the lot of them, Nicole, Holly and Cliff has just kicked off the Final 4 HoH competition and Tommy had just been evicted, but wait......

Before all of that, in case you missed it in the last episode we were teased with a major blue that Tommy and Jackson had after Nicole had called a house meeting...

But we kick off final 4 week with mentioned Final 4 comp, and Holly being mighty happy and relieved that she managed to survive over Tommy. Jackson is only happy because his only storyline has survived, and he admits he perhaps made some deals he shouldn't have, and makes a shout out to his mum hoping she isn't mad at him.

Nicole did not want to take a showmance to final 4, but Jackson told her Tommy was playing both sides. We see a flashback to her confronting Tommy with this information with Cliff as her witness. Tommy warns them Jackson is a bigger threat, but doesn't have proof as he is playing on his own now that Christie is gone. A few minutes into this conversation, and Nicole calls a house meeting, and to find out the truth she says she is going to scrutinise Tommy and Jackson closely to see who is telling the truth.

Bear in mind now, the HoH is being put to one side so we can all see this blowup develop and explode, and we will get back to the HoH comp as soon as this massive flashback is done....

And so previously long before eviction, Jackson tells one and all that Tommy told Cliff and Nicole that he was coming after Jackson and Holly, and he told Jackson and Holly the exact opposite. Jackson goes on to say that Tommy's plan was to throw the final 4 HoH to Nicole so she can't vote, and then he was going to vote Cliff out. Tommy, of course, denies this. Jackson says he needs some evidence to cloud Nicole and Cliff's judgement. Jackson tells Tommy that Tommy has 5 votes possibly locked in already. Tommy says he will not be taking Jackson, and if there is a chance to take him out before then he will take it.

Jackson says Tommy has been playing both sides, and that Tommy and Christie have wanted him out for five weeks. Tommy is then told he got caught playing both sides, to which Tommy denies, and accuses Jackson of being a broken record because he is lying. Tommy then turns to Holly and tells her to stand on her own, and accuses her of allowing Jackson to manipulate the situation, and to stand up for herself.

This really infuriates Jackson, and Holly says Jackson may be grasping at straws to save her, and if Cliff and Nicole had stuck to their word, none of this would have happened. Nicole now jumps in saying everyone has been playing both sides, and of playing the same game. Tommy is still yelling that he is not playing both sides, and that Jackson has been coming after Nicole and Cliff for weeks. 

He then says Jackson does not deserve the money, and at this point Jackson storms off and it's all peaceful in the house....at least for now anyway

Time before eviction: 6 hours 50 minutes

Nicole and Cliff are STILL undecided after that blowup just now. Nicole says she is really seeing through Jackson, but thinks he is smart. At the moment she is on Tommy's side, and that Jackson is indeed manipulating the situation. Cliff says he is on Jackson's side, as that is what their agreement was. Nicole reckons Jackson was making a reference to Brett from last season when Brett said "Just Own It" to Angie (Rockstar), and Nicole doesn't want to see Tommy get Rockstar'd. Cliff still wants Tommy to go, as he knows Tommy won't take him to final 2.....And Jackson or Holly will? Cliff should have been gone weeks ago to be brutally honest.

Jackson is now telling Cliff what to do is best for his game. Jackson tells us he is going to say whatever it takes to keep Holly in the game. Jackson says his best option is to take Cliff and Nicole to final 3, as people who have fought against adversity. He then says he will lie point blank to Cliff and Nicole's face and not feel bad about it. No chance in hell he will go with them over Holly.

Cliff says he wants to keep Holly, but has to think of something to keep Nicole sweet given his friendship with her. He tells Holly that Tommy is staying, prompting Holly to say she'll do anything to stay. Not sure I like the sound of that. Jackson says when he hears that, all reasoning goes out of the window. Nicole says they are all there by the grace of God, which Holly denies and says they are there by the will of Jackson and Holly. Nicole says she could have hurt them in the double but she didn't. Jackson is worried about getting screwed over by another alliance, like they nearly were before.

But the all hearing Tommy has heard everything that has been said, and off we go for Round 2.....

Tommy admits Cliff was the bigger target, to which Jackson says they have had 4 HoH's between and not once did Jackson go after them. Jackson is worried that Tommy has the jury locked in if he was taken to final 2. Nicole says she would rather finish second than finish third to the golden couple. Now Nicole's voice is going up, as she basically says she knows she would finish third to the golden couple. Where's this Nicole been all season?

Down to 38 minutes before the eviction now, and Nicole is fretting about Jackson or Holly winning the Veto in final 4 week. Cliff thinks he needs to convince Nicole to keep Holly, and continue working with Jackson. Enter Holly, saying like before she would do anything to stay. Cliff then comes straight out and says if she would consider throwing the next HoH if she stays, and Holly if it proves her loyalty then yes.

A few minutes later, Jackson says to Cliff he would take him and Nicole to final 3 with him if he won Veto. Cliff makes Jackson swear to this, but we all know that it's more than likely Cliff himself would get cut. Oh boy, what a tangled web this weaves. Cliff then tells Nicole that they have to get Holly to throw the HoH AND Veto. Holly later agrees to this on the basis that it won't jeopardize Nicole's game.

In the camper, Cliff is now very confident it will be him, Nicole and Jackson in final 3. Cliff is feeling nervous about keeping Tommy in there, especially with the vague warning that Tommy could have the jury votes on lock. Nicole is feeling emotional, but in comes superdouche Jackson to comfort her. Jackson basically says handshakes and deals don't mean anything now, and thanks for keeping Holly.

Back to the HoH comp, and reminder that Jackson is not playing in this one as he is outgoing HoH. By now we already know Holly is safe, but there is a lot of pressure from all sides on her, will she throw this comp and let someone else win or will she try and hang on so she wins it herself.....Let's find out shall we

At the moment Holly is reluctant to throw this comp, and Jackson is getting more frustrated with this. These two are definitely not going to last on the outside.

And just like that it's all over very quickly as Cliff drops, and Holly thinks screw it and jumps off herself, and Nicole is the new HoH. So pleased for Nicole, another comp to add to her resume.

Cliff is really happy that Holly has stuck to her word, but needs to get to work quickly on Nicole to make sure she doesn't turn against him and put him on the block. Jackson, though, is 50/50 as he says if Holly had won that, she would have been safe but he would have been a target. Cliff tells Jackson that if he wins Veto Jackson will be safe

Jackson then tells Holly, he couldn't risk losing her and starts crying. Crocodile tears I might add. He says he regrets hurting Tommy, but is loyal to a fault. He vows not turn his back on Holly. Holly herself then says Tommy was a lover of the game, and will understand.

Before nominations, Cliff confesses to Nicole that he has made a deal with Tommy. Understandably, Nicole is annoyed with this, as Cliff didn't run it by her first. She questions taking the biggest threat to final 3, and Cliff says he made a deal he can't break which Nicole immediately sees through, as it indicates she will be cut at final 3 should Cliff and Jackson get there.

Nominations ceremony

As expected, Nicole puts the golden couple on the block. As she rightly points out, the Veto is the stronger power this week, as whoever wins it has the sole nomination to evict. Thankfully Nicole won't be in the mix, as Little Miss Adorable has already made it to finale

Everyone, as expected, is determined to win this Veto. But Holly is still mad about having to throw the HoH for nominations to end up the way they were. Jackson then ends this episode by saying he wants to walk out with Holly with the confetti raining down on him.

So it's all up for grabs as we enter the final Veto comp of the season, and the most important.

Going to be a slobberknocker as we hurtle towards finale week, and a reminder this was the last proper Sunday episode of the season as the final Sunday episode will the usual recap of the season which I won't be covering, as everything is just about covered in previous posts. 

Two new pods from Julie Girl and BB on Blast have dropped, click right here and here and the usual shout out as well for Rob has a Podcast, covering everything about this season. Link to the right

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 35 - Final 5 eviction

5 become 4, as we take another huge step towards crowning this years winner

In case you missed it:

Jackson won HoH and nominated Tommy and Cliff
Nicole won Veto and used it on Cliff, and Holly was named as the replacement

Everyone has now touched the block at least once this season, and it all comes down to Nicole and Cliff to decide who from Holly or Tommy will join the jury, and miss out on the final 4

So, it's all to play for as evicting either one carries considerable risk, lots for Nicole and Cliff to think about, plus Tommy has come clean to Jackson and Holly about his biggest secret, as in knowing Christie for many years.

We pick up the action after the Veto ceremony, and Holly says she trusts Nicole and Cliff and is happy working with them. Tommy thinks he has a faint chance of staying in, and has to convince Nicole and Cliff to break up the showmance.

Nicole and Cliff are still weighing up the possibilities and pitfalls of whatever decision they make soon. The conversation is going back and forth, as Cliff assures Nicole they are a team. He suggests to Nicole that if they keep Tommy, they could talk him into getting rid of Jackson. Nicole thinks Jackson will win in any final 2 scenario, no matter who he is against. Cliff comes up with the assumption that Tommy and Jackson could be working together, and thinks Tommy will have to make some concrete promises.

Tommy tells Cliff and Nicole, if he stays then he will 100% throw the next HoH competition to them. But there is a danger of Jackson winning Veto, and Tommy would go to the final 3 in that instance.

Cliff tells Jackson is looking both ways, and talked to Tommy more than he has, but doesn't know what kind of deals Tommy has been making, making Nicole a bit concerned she could be the odd one out in a final 4. Cliff is worried about a plan he made and that Jackson may be mad at him and Nicole afterwards.

The showmance are talking Jackson's conversation with Cliff. Holly reassures him the final 4 deal is set in stone and hands have been shaken many times over. Jackson says there are many reasons to keep Holly, and he would feel safer if Holly stays and won't quit on her.

And so here we go, Tommy has now decided to tell Cliff and Nicole his biggest secret, but keeps getting interrupted by Jackson wanting to have a shower. So Tommy takes Nicole and Cliff to the Have Not room, and reveals that he told Jackson and Holly a few days ago and he wanted Nicole and Cliff to hear it from his own mouth. Nicole admires his honesty, but there is a matter of a red flag keeping that secret for so long.

Now everyone knows, they are discussing it together. Jackson says it could be a guaranteed vote from Christie if Tommy stays in and she would campaign hard to the jury so he wins. Jackson thinks Christie could easily flip a jury vote given the chance. Cliff is now becoming more certain Tommy has to go, to prevent that scenario.

Cliff and Jackson talk about a pre existing deal, and Jackson claims it would be a slap in the face if Tommy is kept over Holly, to which Cliff claims he is not playing on a personal level. Jackson says keeping Tommy does not make much sense, and is really fed up with trusting people and then getting burned. He then makes it clear he will be gunning for Nicole and Cliff should Holly go.

Jackson spots Tommy going to the Have Not room to speak to Nicole and Cliff, and goes to put his ear to the door.Tommy enquires what the plan will be if Nicole and Cliff keep him, and what is on offer. Nicole is concerned Tommy would do a 360 on her and Cliff, and go and work with Jackson. Tommy says that is not the case, and wants to prove himself to them in the event they keep him, they would owe him.

But at the same time,Jackson creeps back to the HoH room, and concocts a little plan of his own. He comes up with the plan of making Nicole and Cliff believe Tommy would stick with him from the flimsy evidence from the conversation he just heard, there is a chance they could believe it. Jackson asks straight out to Nicole if Tommy is throwing the HoH, and then says Tommy is working both sides so he can get Cliff out, and Nicole would be a better fit in final 3.

Cliff expresses some concerns about the final 3, and Jackson tells him and Nicole that Tommy thought Jackson was a threat. Nicole is sort of unhappy and says she doesn't like people thinking she is stupid. She wants to call a house meeting, and Jackson suggests the next day. Nicole has now heard two stories and has to decide which path to go down.

Julie says we will see this house meeting on the next episode, and there will be a small preview at the end of this episode including Jackson and Tommy going toe to toe.... Meanwhile it's time to get down to the more pressing business.


Usual save me speeches, and it will only be Nicole and Cliff voting as Tommy and Holly are nominees, and Jackson as HoH will only vote if the vote ends up 1-1

And Nicole and Cliff have decided to evict......TOMMY

In his interview with Julie, Tommy says he knew about Jackson's lies and respects him. Julie asks him if Nicole and Cliff did the right thing to which Tommy says he will see, and that he was more than happy to go to final 3 with them. He wants to root for them as the underdogs, and this was the best summer of his life

Tommy says he felt very much alone, and that was the main reason he revealed his outside association with Christie. His allies had gone and the walls closed in on him. In hindsight, he says maybe it was a mistake to reveal his biggest secret. He says he loves Big Brother, and grateful. If he had control he would have taken Nicole, and she makes great game moves with emotion.

HoH comp

Welcome to Big Brother Stunt Camp. What this comp entails is that the players will stand on the disc attached to the rope, and this comp is named Crash and Turn and it is endurance. Basically hold on for as long as possible while the ropes go around the backyard and there will be plenty of crashes. Whoever is left standing is the new HoH.

We are then shown an exclusive clip of Tommy and Jackson's argument, to which Holly is brought into and it does get kind of fierce. Tune in for episode 36, when we find out what happens in this argument in full, and also there will be a final 4 HoH crowned and that winner will win their place in the finale

In a slight correction, BB on Blast will be bringing out their new pod a little later than expected, and the link will be posted in the next post.

Meanwhile, don't forget Rob has a Podcast which will cover just about everything happening this week, the link is that a way >>>>>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking........

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 34 - Final 5 Power of Veto

And the five soldier on this week, with Jackson as HoH and with Tommy and Cliff on the block

Five will soon become 4, but who will make it to the final four and a step closer to the half million grand prize

We pick up proceedings after Tommy and Cliff were nominated by Jackson, and in this instance Tommy is the main target with Cliff as the pawn. A situation I suspect Cliff is getting quite used to now.

Tommy is still lamenting the loss of Christie, and thinks it's really hard with four people who he claims backstabbed. Drink it in, Tommy, you did your fair share as well so stop wallowing in self pity.

Staying with Tommy, he is disappointed to hear how Jackson and Holly are talking about her. Holly is saying she wanted Christie out long before him. Holly wonders if Christie may be a sociopath, and she says Christie drove her nuts. She says she can't fault Tommy for being so loyal and staying by her side. Jackson tells him he wasn't wrong about Nick, but may have erred about Christie. But that is short lived as he proceeds to talk bad about Christie as well.

Tommy is so anxious to bursting, and wants to tell the two of them his big secret. Shortly afterwards, he does just that as he FINALLY gets Jackson and Holly together and tells them about him and Christie. Apologies all round from the golden couple, as they sit and listen intently to Tommy spilling his guts

Now this could go one of two ways, he could get them to work with him or he could be seen as the biggest threat. Personally I think it was a mistake to tell them, but it could get him packed off to jury as he would have the majority of the votes if he gets to the end. Jackson is more determined than ever to win this Veto.

Veto competition

Straight down to business this time, as everybody plays from this point now the house is down to 5. It's the firm favourite comp called BB Comics. In this one they zipline past the correct comics displayed in a window, and have to memorize them as there will be 2 comics for each houseguest, and one of those will have something different about them, as in spot the difference. The houseguest to put all cards up correctly and in order as displayed in the window will win the Veto, and there are no penalties or bonuses in this one. So it's basically keep going until they are all finished.

Comic Book names were as follows:

Nicole - Nicolossus
Nick - Elast-Nick
Jackson - Dr. Jackson Michie Hyde
Kat - Conspiro
Holly - Pinot Noir
Cliff - Ground Hog
Tommy - Flash Monster
Bella - Liberty Bella
Jack - Jack-Ass
Analyse - Fowl Play
Sam - Big Rig
Jessica - Model Mayhem
Ovi - Captain Cookie
Kemi - Keminator
David - Freeze Frame
Christie - Desti-Knee

Order of play and times:

Jackson - 15:59
Holly - 38:22
Cliff - 26:32
Nicole - 10:58
Tommy - 14:21

And another comp in the bag for Nicole and to add to her resume, as she wins Veto. So it looks like she will use it on Cliff for sure. Which does raise an interesting problem for the golden couple if that situation arises......

Jackson and Nicole confirmed and locked in for final 4, just a question of who will join them after the Veto ceremony

Celebrations abound for Nicole, as she is so happy about making final 4. Can she still win this, oh hell yeah. Her chances have just gone up another notch. Jackson is also feeling very confident as he thinks it will be him, Holly, Nicole and Cliff. Hang on, hasn't he forgotten something as in the only other person who could touch the block is Holly. 

He only remembers this amongst the celebrations of his grand plan, and goes off to tell Holly. Holly wonders if there is any way Nicole could be persuaded not to use the Veto. Oh hell no. Jackson worries that Nicole and Cliff could pull Tommy in and get rid of Holly. Jackson won't be able to play in the next HoH comp, as he is HoH at the moment. Holly worries this could be a perfect opportunity to vote her out, and on Jackson's HoH no less.

Cliff is very happy and very confident he has made final 4. Hold your horses, Hogg, Nicole hasn't used the Veto yet. Although it is VERY likely, he will make final 4. Talk then comes around to Jackson not being able to play in the final 4 HoH comp. Nicole wonders if Holly should be sent home as the showmance is a bit on the strong side, not to mention this final 4 alliance. Cliff is confident Holly can be beaten, and Tommy is alone now. Nicole all but confirms to Jackson that she will be using the Veto, and promises no funny business. She wants to break up the showmance, as it's a rare opportunity, but Tommy is still the main target. She makes a pact that Jackson and Holly must feel secure.

Nicole makes her way to Tommy to let him know she will be using the Veto to save Cliff, and maybe to get rid of Holly. This is all to get on Tommy's good side. She confesses that she wants Tommy there, and for him to go and campaign right down to the last second.

Tommy really though he was toast when he lost the Veto, but he is going to take Nicole's words to heart and really campaign hard. Nicole then goes back to Cliff, and tries to explain why keeping Tommy could have its good points, as in breaking up another duo at the first attempt much like Nicole did with Tommy and Christie. But if Holly stays, she will take Jackson to final 3 and vice versa.

Cliff does express concerns about Tommy staying, as he rightly points out he himself will have no chance next to Tommy in the next HoH comp. As in if Tommy stays Cliff or Nicole would be out next and off to jury house.

Veto ceremony

Unsurprisingly, Nicole uses the Veto on Cliff, and Holly is put on the block as the only option seeing Cliff has just been taken off and Tommy is already there.

First time on the block for Holly, so everyone in this season has touched the block at least once now.

Tommy has some faint hope he will stay as Nicole wants him to, and promises to campaign hard. Holly knows her fate is in the hands of Nicole and Cliff as they will be the only people voting come eviction. Still a lot of uncertainty about who will go, and it promises to be flips, flips and more flips before Nicole and Cliff settle on who will go out in 5th place

Will it be Tommy or Holly, Nicole and Cliff will decide in Episode 35.....

Very risky either way in my opinion, as if Tommy stays he will have the votes from jury especially Christie's if he gets to the end against anyone, and if Holly stays the showmance goes to the end

Slight delay for BB on Blast's new pod, which is now expected to drop after the final 4 nominations episode, and the link will be posted here when that is written up.

In the meantime, in case you missed Julie Girl's new pod listen right here

Special mention for Rob has a Podcast, which will coming live from New York shortly after the eviction episode, and they will be dissecting the episode just gone

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until the next time we meet, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 33 - Final 5 HoH and Nominations

And so 7 become 5, as Jessica and Christie both found their way to the jury house after the Double Eviction spectacular

The tale of the Double Eviction:

  • Jessica evicted
  • Nicole, in her first comp win, won the Double Eviction HoH
  • Nicole nominated Tommy and Christie
  • Cliff won Veto, but did not use it 
  • Christie was evicted

Tommy has to go the rest of his game alone, and we can put that outside connection business to bed, unless he brings it up to who is left, and/or Christie lets slip in the jury house.

Tonight see Nicole's temporary reign come to an end, but not before she gets the treats an HoH usually gets. She sure deserves them after the season she has had. A new HoH comp then begins, and we find out who they will nominate as we start on the road to seeing who will make it to final 4, and who will fall at the next hurdle.

And so we pick things up after Christie has left, and Tommy is very displeased with the outcome of the Double Eviction, while Jackson couldn't be happier. Begs the question now, with his nemesis gone just who will he go after now?

Nicole is feeling very emotional, as the enormity of what she has just done begins to sink in. Top 5, got rid of Christie at her first attempt, and we see the moment in the ice rink comp when she was finally crowned HoH. 

Flashback to just after Nicole won the power, and Jackson is telling her how proud her parents would be of her. He is so happy that Christie is going on the block for the fifth, and as it turned out final, time.

Nicole warns Tommy he may go on the block, but she is still testing the waters. We then see Tommy and Christie share a hug, and they are certain it will be them on the block. Fast forward to Nicole's nominations, and Nicole hopes Christie won't hold a grudge if she is nominated. Fast forward to Cliff winning the Veto, which of course he does not use. Tommy is bemused about how his and Christie's alliance is going to end, by Nicole of all people. He then goes on to say, safe in a house with four people who backstabbed him. Pot kettle black, as you were doing your fair share, pal. Hopefully you can go join Christie in the jury house sooner rather than later.

Christie advises him before she goes, that he has to win the next HoH and that Jackson or Cliff must go next.

Back to the present day, after Christie's eviction....

Nicole's pictures and gifts as part of her HoH victory are delivered via the storeroom, but she doesn't get the HoH room as her reign was only on a temporary basis, so it would have been a bit impractical to stick her stuff in there and take it out shortly afterwards when the next HoH was crowned.

Cliff, Nicole, Jackson and Holly are in collusion in regards to the way forward now. 3 against one says Cliff, as obviously Nicole is ineligible to play in the next HoH comp. They all agree that Tommy cannot win this one.

Staying with Nicole and Cliff, they obviously didn't think they would get this far. Cliff thinks Tommy would put up Jackson and Holly should he win HoH. Cliff reckons this would be good for his game. He and Nicole agree they need to keep playing friendly with Tommy, and things will take care of themself.

Tommy tells Nicole he is not mad at her for getting rid of Christie, obviously Nicole doesn't know that Tommy and Christie had that outside connection. Nicole assures Tommy he is not alone in this game, and encourages him to go out there and win the HoH. Nicole says she is doing an adapt and navigate, and wants Tommy to win HoH as she is certain he will target Jackson and Holly, so her and Cliff don't have to.

HoH competition

Lucky us, Swaggy and Bayleigh from last year have popped in to host this competition. You remember Swaggy, completely gatecrashed last year's finale to propose to Bayleigh despite only knowing her a few weeks.

Anyways, the name of this comp is called Flix and Chill. Reminder, Nicole ineligible to play as she is outgoing HoH. 

In each round three movie posters will appear and the players will listen to the reviews, and guess from the clues which poster is being referred to. Fastest person to get it right wins the point. Whoever scores the highest once all the rounds are done, will be the new HoH

Round 1 - Jackson
Round 2 - Cliff
Round 3 - Tommy
Round 4 - Jackson
Round 5 - Jackson
Round 6 - Jackson
Round 7 - Cliff
Round 8 - Jackson

Winner and new HoH is JACKSON. Terrific, another week in power for the golden couple.....

With this outcome, Tommy is certain he will be on the block, but he has an idea to go to Jackson and plant some seeds about Cliff and Nicole. He has noticed that Cliff and Nicole leave it really late to talk to Jackson, and they also made Tommy and Christie feel safe too. Jackson claims they all played other. He tells us in the Diary Room that Jackson should put him on the block if Jackson doesn't see him as the biggest threat, and if he doesn't then he does not deserve to win. Cliff is seen as the biggest threat, and could be a danger Cliff pips him to the post if they make final 2.

Cliff knows he is going up with Tommy, and is quite disappointed not to win that HoH. Personally I don't want to see another Cliff HoH, given how he completely screwed up his last attempt. He tells Nicole that if he goes home, he wants her to go all the way to the end. Some doubts are creeping in with Nicole, and starts to think what if Tommy wins the Veto, she or Cliff will be next to jury.

Nomination ceremony

Jackson nominates CLIFF and TOMMY. No shocks there. Jackson reminds them they are at the important part of this season, with the end in sight, and with that he wishes everyone well in the Veto comp. Of course Tommy is his big target this week, hopefully he can get Tommy at the first attempt. Well he has to really, a lot of people outside of the house saying Tommy may well win this season, and his odds are definitely shortening the longer he stays in there.

Cliff is not shocked he has been nominated, and that this veto is one of the more important ones. Tommy is very determined to win this Veto, and he promises to give it everything he has got to try and make that final 4

To be continued in Episode 34, when the Veto is up for grabs and it's one of the favourites in BB Comics. More to come in the next post.

And so there we have it for another episode and another step closer to the end

Usual shoutouts for BB on Blast, Julie Girl and Rob has a Podcast and thank you for everything they do and continue to do for the BB community.

Speaking of Julie Girl, they have uploaded Chapter 11 for this particular series and you can listen right here

BB on Blast will be dropping a new pod before the eviction episode, and I will link that up on here when I do the write up for the eviction episode.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 32 - Double Eviction

And finally the moment most have been waiting for, yes citizens it is Double Eviction time

The story so far:

Jackson won HoH, and nominated Jessica and Christie pre-Veto

Much to some viewers disappointment, Tommy then won Veto and to no surprise took his outside connection, Christie, off the chopping block

Cliff was named the replacement, but Jessica was named the main target for this week, but little do they know what is coming with the double eviction.

One pairing will be broke up for sure in this episode, and will follow hot favourite to go first, Jessica, out of the door and into jury.

Reminder, it's one week of Big Brother in one night with HoH, Nominations, Veto, and Eviction and it's all to play for 

We kick off proceedings with a short batch of highlights, as in Jackson and Holly already looking ahead thinking they will finish as final 2. Jackson is still hellbent on getting Jessica out, before talking about his final 4 with him, Holly, Nicole and Cliff, but sees Christie and Tommy as an alternative option, providing neither pair find out about the other. 

Holly doesn't want to finish 5th or 6th, to which Jackson tells her not to worry as long as the other pairs don't get wise to the situation. Holly warns this could be risky, to which Jackson says 'high risk, high reward'.

Christie suspects that Jackson is working with everyone, and relays her suspicions to Cliff and he agrees with her. She suggests if Jackson and Holly stay in, the less likely the rest of them will make final 2, and decides one of them has to go. Cliff tells us that he needs Jackson and Holly to stay as he needs their vote. He decides to get to Jackson and Holly before Christie does

Fast forward to said conversation, and Jackson works out that Christie may try and get close to Nicole and Cliff warns him that he is being thrown under the bus. Holly figures out that Christie may be a problem, and after this eviction will see what the situation is, as she WON'T leave before Christie.

Back to Julie, and it's now time for the first eviction of the evening and to also inform them of what is happening

Eviction #1

First of all, she tells them there is NO jury battle back, and Jackson can be heard speculating about a double eviction. Julie confirms this and Tommy goes nuts, not sure if it's in a good or bad way though but he does ham it up somewhat.

On to the first eviction, and to no great shock JESSICA is evicted first by a vote of 4-0

Thank god she's gone, and she proves to be as clueless outside of the house as she was in it in her short interview with Julie.

And on we go now to start the process of getting the second person out....

HoH comp

Thin Ice is the name of this comp. Jackson is not eligible to play as outgoing HoH. Quite simply the players have to build their respective ice rink puzzle. The first to do so AND score a goal will be the new HoH. 

Is this Nicole's time at long last? You dam bet it is as she is miles ahead of everyone, but hold on she misses the first shot at goal, but no mistake for the second shot

Nicole has finally won a comp, and one of the most important ones, she is the new HoH!!!!!!

During the break, Cliff has a word in her ear about putting up Tommy and Christie, and a quick note here that Tommy hasn't been on the block yet. Christie also has a word with Nicole, but it is looking like it's going to be fruitless.

Nomination ceremony

Tommy finally on the block, as Nicole nominates him and Christie pre-Veto

All systems go as we head into the Veto comp...

Veto competition

What the Bleep? is up next, and if I didn't know better I would swear these two comps tonight have been switched around. But hey ho, on we go, a Veto Tommy or Christie must not win. Holly, Cliff and Nicole, it's down to you.

What this comp entails is that the players will hear playbacks of the jury members containing statements of their time in the house. Each statement will have a word or phrase bleeped out, and Julie will tell them what said word or phrase may be. True or False and all that. The highest scoring player will win the Veto

1. All correct
2. All correct
3. All correct
4. Everyone but Tommy and Jackson are correct
5. Cliff, Nicole and Christie correct
6. Christie and Cliff correct
7. Cliff correct

Cliff wins the Veto, but it should be noted it could have gone to a tie breaker had Christie not changed her answer at the last second.

Veto ceremony

Cliff says he will honour Nicole's nominations, and will NOT use the Veto

Tommy and Christie remain where they are, so looks like it will be fifth time lucky for Christie to go

Eviction #2

To cut a long story short, FINALLY it's Christie heading out the door as Jackson, Holly and Cliff vote to evict her

In her interview with Julie, she is somewhat disappointed saying it wasn't the best move to get her out of there. She thinks Jackson is going to win. She repeats that it should have been Tommy sitting there instead of her, but she hopes Tommy will stay and eventually win.

Then the big question about her and Tommy's connection outside of the house, and she says it was liking having a piece of home in the house and he kept her sane. She reckons it did help her, but it may have appeared suspicious as well. She finishes up saying it was her time to go and she was supposed to get a final 6, and maybe Tommy is supposed to win, and her leaving will help him get there

And that's that for the episode....

Coming up:

Episode 33: A new HoH is crowned, and Swaggy and Bayleigh will be hosting the competition....Lucky us

Episode 34: Power of Veto

Episode 35: Five become the final 4, as another houseguest goes to the jury house

One of the best episodes of the series so far, as Christie FINALLY was evicted, and Nicole finally won a major comp. God, that girl's adorable, and I'm so pleased she finally won a comp.

I think she has done her chances of winning overall the world of good, and look at that Jackson. She managed to do first time of asking what you couldn't in 4 weeks in evicting Christie. Some points in Nicole's favour, as we start on the road to finding out who the final 4 will be for this year

The usual shoutouts to BB on Blast and Julie Girl, and if you have missed their recent pods click here and here, and not forgetting Rob has a Podcast as well, link >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 31 - Power of Veto

A step closer to the double eviction, and it's all to play for with Jessica and Christie on the block pre Veto

Can one of them win Veto and take themselves down? Admittedly it would be good to see Christie go, and we will finally be free of her flooding the house with her constant crying and tantrums when someone dares to put her on the block or suggest she be a pawn

Can't for the life of me understand why Jessica was even an option to go on the block, apart from winning one competition and getting Jack out, she has and still continues to be absolutely stupid and clueless in terms of gameplay. If anything she would be perfect to take to final 2 or 3, she is NOT beating anybody, and definitely not winning this game overall.

Tonight's Veto comp is the trash the house until you find someone's Veto token comp, what happens is that the 6 players involved hide their Veto tokens in obscure places in the house. Then they take it in turns to find someone else's token, whilst turning the house into a great big mess. The player who doesn't have their token found wins the Veto.

But first, some more campaigning on Christie and Jessica's part and then we find out the 6 who get the honour of trashing the house, while the remaining person who is not picked gets to be host.

We kick off proceedings after the nominations ceremony, and to no great shock Christie is complaining yet again about being on the block. Meanwhile, Jessica hasn't taken things too well herself basically blaming herself. She claims that she fought since day one for people that look like her. Christie and Tommy comfort her.

Nicole points out to Holly that even though they all like each other, they don't really know each other. This prompts Holly to suggest Q and A's with everyone, which Jackson doesn't want to do as he doesn't want stuff finding it's way to the feeds. He does everything to stop it, including suggesting that it's a busy few days ahead with Veto and the holiday weekend looming. Holly says she wants to do it before she leaves the house. First signs of trouble in paradise with the golden couple.......

So, basically Holly and Jackson are starting to argue, and Holly is frustrated there is nowhere in the house to go to keep her distance from Jackson. She tells him that he is condescending, while he says she is snippy. Jackson says he has no idea where Holly is coming from, but she does know how to shut him down. He admits a relationship in the house is difficult. Holly is trying really hard to shut Jackson down, and accuses him of stopping her from getting to know everyone else.

Veto picks

Christie, Jessica and Jackson will play automatically as nominees and HoH respectively. Jackson draws Nicole, Christie draws Tommy, while Jessica, via the houseguests choice token, picks Cliff. Cliff is determined to win this one to keep nominations the same.

Things are still frosty between the golden couple, to which Jackson grunts. Holly has no idea why she is being shut out, and then we see Jackson basically ignore Holly as she says good morning to him. She then confronts him during everyone else's conversation about Nick, and asks why he did not say good morning to her which promptly flares up into another argument between them. Jackson claims she came at him aggressively, and that you don't do that to people you care about.

Just me but, whatever way people read this edit in this episode, Holly should have kicked this douche into touch a long time ago. 

Time for Christie's Corner as she goes to talk to Holly after Holly goes for a lie down. She tells Holly that guys don't always know how to handle things. Holly says she wants to do her own thing and doesn't feel valued in this relationship.

The golden couple now try to clear the air. Jackson says he doesn't like being spoken to in the way Holly did to him in front of everyone. He tells her she called him a naughty word a couple of times and his family will see that, to which Holly says she does feel bad about that. He says he can't make her happy, and then interrupts something she is about to say. He still goes on about being talked the way he claims he was spoken to by her. She finallys talks and says she feels like he is done, to which he says he is.

Some tears from Holly as she says she hates the house, and Jackson apologises that she is upset. She says she has never felt worthy, and then she reverts back to him not saying good morning to her. Jackson admits he doesn't know what else to do.

Holly is now seriously regretting this showmance, to the point of wondering if it was a good idea at all and also if it should continue out of the house. She then says she has always wanted to be in there and play, and doesn't want to waste the chance. Jackson then brings up the subject of his exes, and she says she is not one of his exes. He tells her how long is left in the game, and that she could make this experience anything she wants it to be. This leads to Holly leaving the room and sobbing outside, while Jackson looks at the picture of his mum and says he loves her.

Veto competition

In this game the Veto tokens are known as life preservers, and each one has a houseguest's name locked on it. They have 2.5 minutes to hide their tokens within the house. After they have all been hidden, the players will take it in turns getting three minutes for each attempt they make to find someone else's token. After five have been found, that will be end of competition. As stated up the page, whoever doesn't have their token found wins the Veto for this week.

Nicole's token - Under the logs in the camper
Jackson - Amongst the logs in the Living area
Cliff - Under the bottom drawer in the bathroom
Christie - Under the rug in the bathroom
Jessica - Under her bed wrapped in a pillow case
Tommy - Under the mattress in the Target Bedroom

Basically the house is completely trashed in this competition as everyone rummages around making a complete mess

Jackson finds 3 of the tokens in each of his turns, Tommy finds one and so does Jessica

Fast forward to who's tokens have been found, and they are revealed as Jessica, Nicole, Jackson, Christie and Cliff

Therefore and much to some chagrin for the viewers, Tommy wins the Veto and it doesn't really take a genius to work out where this is heading.

Jessica is certain Tommy won't use the Veto on her, and he obviously won't because of THAT big secret that he and Christie have between each other.

Before the ceremony, Holly and Jackson have another conversation about where they go from here. She tells him she's emotionally drained and hopes he isn't turning on her, because she made him mad. He tells her they have no choice but to work together, and then that he doesn't want personal stuff to bring them down. Holly tells him he doesn't want to lose her, and requests a hug to which Jackson duly agrees. She says that she adores Jackson, and she has had a personal relationship that has blossomed through the game. She says she wants to keep him in her life, and doesn't want to lose him or ever hurt him.

Moving swiftly on, as there's never a bucket around when you need one. These two will be lucky to survive a month at best outside of the house. Cynical I know, but first chance he gets he will stray if they have even the slightest argument.

Veto ceremony

Anyways, back to business and the point of this episode in the first place as in will Tommy use this Veto.

Oh look at that, he has used the Veto on his outside connection. Due to a previous agreement, as in Cliff volunteering to be a pawn, Cliff is named as the replacement.

Tommy says Christie is the only ally he has left in this game, while Jackson says the goal is to get rid of Jessica this week. He repeats that once she is gone, he and Holly will go into the shadows and let Christie/Tommy and Nicole/Cliff fight it out amongst themselves. Naturally, Christie is very happy with Tommy, and Cliff says now that he is up, he hopes that will throw them off the scent that he is working with Jackson and Holly. Christie closes the episode by saying if she wins HoH, then Jackson is definitely going up.

To be continued in Episode 32, and it's Double Eviction time. Remember, once Cliff or Jessica are out then it's one week of Big Brother in one night with HoH, Nominations, Veto and an Eviction.

Rooting for Nicole to get this one even if it only a temporary HoH, as I will be rooting for her for however much longer she is in there. Worst case scenario is Christie winning HoH, as she will be insufferable but then again she won't be able to play in the following one. Nothing I would like more than to see her or Jackson booted out of there in the next episode.

So there we have it, Jessica will probably be out first by another unanimous vote I reckon, and then hopefully a temporary HoH for Nicole incoming. One can dream I suppose, but there is always hope.

Some good news today in that the show has been renewed for a 22nd season, but unfortunately it does look like the celebrity version is not coming back for the new decade. So only two series to write about next year, but what the hell, I really enjoy doing this and will continue to write about it while there is still life left in this franchise.

Catch up on BB on Blast and Julie Girl here and here, and also Rob has a Podcast which can be found in the usual place on the right.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....