Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 9 - Nominations

Yes you read that right, ladies and gentlemen
The HoH was concluded in Episode 8 with Kiefer winning a sudden death crapshoot with Austin to claim the power in this fresh week

Latoya is no more as she was the latest to be shown the door by a vote of 6-3,a huge threat which Victoria made look relatively simple to get rid of

So into a fresh week we go, with Kiefer at the helm which should prove very interesting as we take a step closer to this year's jury opening its doors

And here. we. go.

Kiefer-mania is running wild or so he thinks, let's hope this is not a wasted week and one of the meatheads is sent packing.

Victoria insinuating that Beth wanted Latoya out, which is somewhat true as Beth wants to be closer to Ty and Jed. She is so hell bent on that showmance with one of them.

During the HoH recap we see Kiefer tell, or should that be lie, to Austin that Ty and Jed could be coming after her and somehow they cut a deal to keep each other safe. Hence Kiefer winning HoH

Tera, Victoria, Tina and Rohan are this week's Have-Nots as selected by Kiefer, and of course there is a Skip the Slop vote to take one of them down. Looks pretty cut and dry this is going to be Victoria, but we'll see soon enough.


Amongst the contents of his room is a letter from his sister saying there is a new member of the family, no not a baby but a golden retriever. I liked that as a dog lover, and I am so looking forward to the day when we can all mix indoors and see my dog, Lenny. Hell I know I've posted about him and shared his picture so many times whether it be in forums or social media, but dam he's adorable and so many people agree which is so nice.

Anyway back to the show.....

Kiefer has already seemingly settled on Kyle and Rohan for the nominees, but plenty of time left in this episode for minds to change.

Kiefer has chosen Tina for the Wendy's date, and at the delivery desk he gets a video message from his partner, Jericho, and also his kids.

The very next day, the Expedia room has opened, and Kiefer is in there like a shot looking for secret prizes or some sort of clue, and he's off again like a shot to tell everyone.

Austin says she is feeling a little stressed, so has decided to veer off to the ball pit to decompress. She has heard her name being mentioned as a possible nomination. Meanwhile back in the HoH room, Kiefer is telling Rohan he still hasn't got a clue what to do. Bet Kiefer thought this HoH lark was going to be a breeze.

Nominations ceremony

Kiefer nominated Kyle and Rohan. No great surprises there, hopefully one of the meatheads out this week. Refreshing no one alliance is running this house, that's about it really.

Not the best episode this time, but guess we must have some bumps along the way

To be continued in Episode 10, with the Power of Veto up for grabs

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Good news on Nikki, as of writing this she has checked into a private clinicto get treatment for her anorexia. All those donations helped, and thank you to each and every one of you who donated. I'm sure I speak for most of us in saying good luck to her.

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

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