Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 4 - Power of Veto

 When we last left our 13 houseguests:

  • Austin won HoH
  • Beth was intrigued to what a showmance with either Tychon or Jedson would bring
  • As a result of winning HoH, Austin chose Victoria to have a Wendy's meal with and then received a video message from home
  • Steal or Share came into play, as in milk and cookies for the week if they both shared, one steal meant luxury for the week for the stealers with a Veto advantage thrown in, while two steals meant slop all round
  • Austin nominated Kiefer and Josh
In case you missed it, the teams as they stand after Julie's eviction

Defender - Kiefer (c), Josh, Rohan, Latoya, Jedson, Breydon
Destiny - Tina (c), Tychon, Kyle, Beth, Victoria, Tera, Austin (Current HoH)


Recap of Austin's nominations, and Josh thinks he was the easiest target to put on the chopping block. He says he wants to prove himself in the house, he dam well better and fast as I have him in the Digital Spy sweepstake for this season.

We have a new alliance in town called the Sunsetters, consisting of Jed, Ty, Beth, Latoya, Tina and Kiefer. Sunsetters came about with a sort reference to sending people off into the sunset, and Latoya claiming they were formed in Week 1.

As I said already, she is certainly going to be a tough nut to crack. Definitely up there as a contender, but can see her falling short.

Veto picks

Reminder, as usual in Big Brother Canada the HoH is not eligible to play in the Veto comp until at least when the house is whittled down to just five IIRC.

This week participants will be Josh, Kiefer, Tera, Tina and Victoria, with Beth hosting

Back to house business, and it's screams as usual from Victoria when the Have Not room is revealed to be a massive ball pit. God help whoever has to sleep in that ball pit when Have Nots officially start

Should be noted, Latoya's none too pleased with this pit. I dread to think what she will be like if she's selected as a Have Not.

Veto competition

Houseguests have to stack apples on their respective barrows, after negotiating a winding path. 5 apples per trip and return to their respective stations and stack the apples they have collected. If they feel they have the largest stack they can buzz in. If they drop their apples, then their stack is reset and they have to start over. Highest stack after 30 minutes wins the Veto.

And we have a winner, KIEFER has won Veto and will most likely to remove himself from the chopping block

Veto ceremony

No shock, Kiefer uses the Veto on himself

Austin has picked Rohan as the replacement, so it will be Rohan or Josh taking the honour of meeting Arisa at the end of the next episode

To be continued in Episode 5.....

Thank you to everyone who comes in and reads these summaries, and please keep the likes, comments, shares and retweets coming. They are very much appreciated.

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking

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