Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 10 - Power of Veto

Not the best episode last time out, as the HoH had already been decided in the eviction episode with Kiefer taking the honours

To say it has been a bit of a crappy HoH so far would be an understatement. Meanwhile in other news, Beth's search for a showmance continues, who will be the lucky (or unlucky) guy? SHE decides or more WHO CARES. No to showmances. 'nuff said

However, as I said in the last episode we have to expect a few bumps along the way in this season and hopefully tonight will retake this season's reins and regain momentum as we head towards the next eviction

As usual, it's the noms recap to start the show and Rohan says he is used to being on the block, but is disappointed in Kiefer for not showing much respect. Feels more like 'how dare you nominate me' personally.


Who does Beth remind people of? A certain person who disliked the women of the house and wanted them out, and hell bent on a showmance.... Ding Dong, correct answer. Nicole Franzel....

Meanwhile elsewhere in the house, Tina and Tera, IMO the floaters gossiping like Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets, and Austin and Kyle seem to be getting closer which gets on Breydon's showmance radar.

Talk then turns to floaters, and credit to these people this season, they are sharp. Victoria, Tina and Tera are named as the floaters

Veto picks

As HoH, Kiefer is ineligible to play. The picks are Austin, Beth, Jed, Kyle and Rohan. Ty is hosting.

Veto comp

Mountain out of a Molehill my name for this one. Blowing balls is the name of this one, steady you lot. Players have to blow balls round a course, and avoid the holes and get the balls into their molehill. First houseguest to get 10 balls wins the Veto. Any balls that fall into the holes on the course will mean the player has to start again.

Rohan wins the Veto, and will most likely save himself

Onto the latest Skip the Slop vote, and the Canadian punteroonies have picked ROHAN. Sure is his week, first the Veto win and now off slop.

Veto ceremony

No shock there, Rohan does indeed save himself. As HoH, Kiefer must now pick a replacement, and he chooses Austin. Reason being, she chose him as a pawn so he is returning the favour.

And there we have it.....

To be continued in Episode 11, when Kyle or Austin will take the walk of shame to Arisa, and there is a tease of an 'INVISIBLE' HoH.... Count me in.

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated.

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

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