Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 29 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 12 - Invisible HoH and Nominations

Fresh week, fresh start, and we await to see the Invisible HoH crowned

When we last left the remaining houseguests, the Invisible HoH comp was underway and it's basically who can get close to the exact amount of rocks that come down the conveyor belt. Oh and Kyle had been evicted 7-1 just before that.

As outgoing HoH, Kiefer was not allowed to play in the next comp...

In case you missed the rules about the Invisible HoH:

  • No HoH room
  • Invisible HoH allowed to play in Veto and next HoH comp
  • Nominations will be done behind closed doors
  • Houseguests won't know who won HoH
Quite simple really isn't it.... No doubt though their minds will be going into overdrive to guess who the mystery person of the week is.

On to the festivities we go, and we pick up the action with the HoH comp just starting.....

Those rocks are coming down thick and fast and in different numbers, don't think I would have done well in this one to be honest.

Temptation 1 - Feast for the house
Temptation 2 - Slop pass for one houseguest
Temptation 3 - Tina, with the lowest amount, can get a letter from home if she resets her counter to zero

Tina accepts and is out of the competition

There is a tie between Tera and Victoria, so onto the tiebreaker question which Victoria is closer to

Your winner and new HoH, albeit the invisible one this week is VICTORIA

And let the real games begin now amongst the rest who will speculate for days, and as always when Victoria wins a comp out comes the ball of energy.

So much for keeping things secret, as she all but tells Kiefer.....or does she? Yes and no would be the most discreet answer.

Wendy's is a solo venture this week for obvious reasons, and now Victoria gets a video message from her best friend. Meanwhile the suspicions are rife as they all try to work out who the Invisible HoH is, and Victoria is trying to throw them off the scent.

She first tells Austin she is not the HoH, and likewise with Ty and Jed.

Have Nots have been selected as Breydon, Austin, Victoria and Kiefer. Subtle way of throwing them off the scent there from Victoria, as she wants to divert the target to Ty, Jed or Beth.

Candidates for the block are whittled down to Jed, Ty, Beth, Austin and Breydon

Secret nominations

Victoria nominates Austin and Breydon, and to say Austin is not happy would be a bit of an understatement. Breydon meanwhile adds a 'how dare you nominate me' reactions to his CV. Dude you've done nothing, people have to be nominated and this time it was your turn. 

Excellent graphic of a hologram making nominations by the way

And so we move on to Episode 13, part 2 in this unique week and it's Power of Veto up next

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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