Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 7 - Power of Veto

Good day, citizens, as we roll into another episode with Victoria firmly in charge, and Latoya and Kiefer taking up residence so far on the block with another Veto looming.

As we found out in the last episode, this fireball of energy persona from Victoria is just that and that she is here to play and WIN. You go, girl. The Sunsetters are in some pretty deep shit, while the new alliance of the Oddballs (Austin, Victoria and Breydon) are flourishing.

Only 6 episodes in, and this is already shaping up to be better than recent series from North America....Let the games continue, this is indeed last houseguest standing with the teams now no more.


It's getting extra spicy in the house with conflict aplenty, with Latoya and Kiefer making their pitches to stay. This really is a mad scramble, way to go Josh. Think they are going to regret evicting you. Victoria continues to bob, duck and weave her way through her HoH reign. Will be sad when it comes to an end tomorrow

Latoya in full 'how dare you nominate me' mode, and you can just feel this house is going to past extra spicy to lava inducing.

Speaking of which, another house meeting.....And here we go, they are off again and it's exploding. And this only Episode 7. I really hope they don't burn each other out as we get further into this season.

Veto picks

Just a reminder, the HoH is ineligible to play in the Veto comp in the Canada version.

Participants: Latoya, Kiefer, Jed, Austin and Ty. Beth will be hosting

Veto comp

Crossword puzzle this week, and they have to scratch their respective scratch cards for the clues to terms used in this format of the show, and then find the right letters to slide into their respective puzzles to make the respective words. If there is an incorrect answer all letters will drop from the person's puzzle who gave the wrong answer.

Think that's about it.....

And the Veto winner for this week is JED, Latoya is so very happy thinking she is possibly safe. We'll soon find out. mwahahaha. Always said her overconfidence would be her downfall, and this could be that moment.

Skip the Slop

And Canada has picked Breydon to skip the slop and he can now allowed to get a takeaway as his prize. Moving swiftly on.....

May I just say, Victoria is playing this game very well. Making all the right moves to get Latoya out of there, as Latoya is a huge threat. I always thought Latoya would be tough to get out, but if she ends up going in the next episode, Victoria has made it look relatively simple.

And we have a cliffhanger to end tonight's show.....

Will Jed use the Veto, or will there be a twist in the tale as we head into the next eviction? Find out in Episode 8, coming soon to a blogspot near you.

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Continued best wishes to Nikki, and please if you can spare a few bucks which would go a long way to helping her in her ongoing battle with anorexia.... Link right here, and please be aware it will contain distressing images

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

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