Last week we saw:
Jackson win HoH
Pre-Veto, he nominated Christie and Analyse
Jackson won all the power when he won Veto
He did not use the Veto
Analyse evicted 5-1
And we saw the beginning of Prank Week, where the houseguests thought they were studying for a bird singing memory comp, but instead it was a game of luck with Holly securing her 2nd HoH.
Tonight sees Holly's nominations, and Prank Week continues as we find out who America picked as the Prankster, who will share the power with the HoH. As in the Prankster and the HoH will make one nomination each in the noms ceremony, and also if the Prankster's nominee comes off the block in the Veto ceremony, they have the power to name the replacement.
We pick up proceedings after Analyse's departure, and Nick is certain he will go on the block as he is a big target this week, however with it being Prank Week and it affects nominations it could be good as well. Freaky Christie is back, and feels somewhat guilty at ruining Analyse's game, but sacrifices had to be made to further her game.
We then see several clips of Christie cutting deals, got to give it to her. At least she tried to stay in unlike Analyse who could barely be bothered to campaign. Seriously doubting Cliff's game ever since he bungled his HoH when he listened to Christie, when he should have put her on the block instead that week. Now he trying to make her promise he won't be a target if she stays in, you would think he would learn his lesson after last time.
Next up it's Christie talking to Jackson, and says she is willing to be a pawn and take fourth or fifth place. I personally would be glad to see her go long before then, but she's got more lives than a cat in that house. She is really desperate to take a shot at Nick, and Jackson says if the target is not really on himself, then he may go along with it.
Back with Cliff and Christie, and he is telling her he and Nicole are pretty tight. Nicole says Cliff is her guy and her number 1 in this game and doesn't mind working with Holly and Jackson, and if that means voting out Christie then so be it.
Christie is now very confident these deals will keep her in, and as we found out they did and Analyse went to jury.
Back to the present, and Jackson is celebrating with Holly in the bedroom saying how proud he is of her for winning HoH. She tells him she is scared of what the pranks will be this week, but he reassures her. Oh how touching. Still think she would be better off playing her own game, without him constantly in her ear. Right on cue, he is already suggesting block candidates in Nick, Christie and Jessica. She is in two minds about Nick, as in she wants him to stay, but doesn't want to miss out on a chance to get him out
As a punishment for finishing in the bottom three of the HoH comp, Cliff, Nicole and Jessica have to make pies and smash them in the faces of whoever Big Brother tells them to, including themselves.
Then it's themselves again, this time in slow motion. Next up it's the middle of the night and they are woken from their slumber to make pies and smash them in 3 other people's faces, in this case Nick, Tommy and Christie. Couldn't have happened to nicer people I would say.
Back to house business and Cliff and Nicole are talking to Jackson and Holly regarding the incoming nominations. Jackson asks if they are ok going up as pawns due to the pranks, but this is a prank. Cliff is confident they can control the vote now, and Holly says she is comfortable with Cliff and Nicole.
Christie is next in and she says that Holly and Jackson were a big part in her staying and is going to step in and make sure things are ok. Holly says she really wants Nick out, and suggests Christie go on the block as the pawn. Bizarrely, Christie is not ok with this and has one of her now usual freak outs. In the Diary Room she questions this move, thinking this is too early. More like 'how dare you suggest nominating me/me being the pawn. She was perfectly ok with it earlier, so why is she spitting her dummy out now. Is she going to be like this every time she's on the block or suggested to be going on the block? It's getting very tiresome, someone just punch her eviction card and get her to jury.
Jackson and his watermelon obsession segment up next, and Cliff is wondering where Jackson is getting all of these watermelons from. Jackson is then seen in the Diary Room requesting watermelons. Less said about this segment the better.
Prank week continued
A weird voice comes over the loudspeaker saying the houseguests have to convene in the bathroom, which is said to be a prank. Off to the real location of the living room.
Holly reads out a card from Big Brother explaining the rules of The Prankster which are explained further up this page.
Holly is now very cautious and says she will handle Christie with care, as not to scare her off. Seriously? Wish they weren't so scared of her, but then again she has survived a few evictions so it would seem a wise precaution.
Nick still seems to be the primary target for this week, and he is hopeful that if Jackson gets put up then he himself can win Veto to take Jackson down. Nick then queries to Holly why he is the main target, and says he would take either of them down if he ever won Veto. She then thinks whoever the Prankster is that he or she would put up Jackson to mess with her HoH.
Another pointless segment ensues this time concerning Christie's eating.....Moving swiftly on
The Prankster is......
NICK, as we see him celebrating in the Diary Room. Poor Nicole, she cannot literally win anything in this game can she.
Christie is then summoned to the Diary Room, and Nick tries to throw people off the scent by suggesting Christie enjoys the new power. Nick thinks putting Christie up would be better than putting Jackson up, as he wants her gone. So do we all, but she somehow keeps escaping. Nicole is already on the trail of Nick when he suggests she would be going home against Christie. Not very subtle this guy is he.....
Jackson denies to Holly that he is the Prankster, and they don't realise how close they are when they suggest Nick or Christie as the guilty party.
Nick still certain he is going up and says he is not ready to leave, and wants to do what is right for his game.
Nominations ceremony
To no great shock, NICK is nominated by Nicole. With Prank Week in play, Nick has the other nomination, due to being The Prankster. He has nominated CHRISTIE
Nick tells us being on the block is not fun, but with Christie there as well he has a slightly better chance. Jackson is nervous about who the Prankster is, and doesn't want to be the replacement. Christie thinks the joke is on her as America wants her to go to jury. Holy Understatement from me there at least.
To be continued in Episode 28 when Zingbot pays a visit to the house and the Power of Veto is up for grabs.....
Usual shoutout to Rob has a Podcast as well, which is covering this season 24/7, link over that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking
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