Greetings, chums, as we head into another eviction episode. The ever so adorable and funny Kat or the bungling former HoH, Cliff, will be second to the jury house to join Jack.
Tale of the week that was:
- Tommy won HoH, and pre-Veto decided to nominate Kat and Cliff
- In the Field Trip challenge, Jackson won immunity, Analyse got the punishment, and brief celebrations in the outside world as Christie ended up on the block as she finished last
- Unfortunately, the celebrations were short lived as Tommy won Veto and to no shock used it on his outside world connection, Christie.
- As a replacement nominee could not be selected due to Christie being on the block through this twist, Kat or Cliff will be guaranteed to be joining Jack in the jury house.
Disappointing week all round really, despite that small victory in the Field Trip twist and I think this latest twist can be put in the less said the better files.
Anyways onto tonight's action, as we gear towards Kat or Cliff's departure....
And as if he hasn't said it enough, Kat is Tommy's main target and Cliff also wants to focus to make sure Kat goes to jury and not him. Kat is rating her chances of winning this game pretty highly. Needless to say, Nicole is not happy about this scenario, as she has to send one of her friends to jury and that there is also the small problem of a chicken in the house
This chicken of course is Analyse dressed up as part of her Field Trip, although I don't know why they bothered. She barely does anything at the best of times, and they've barely shown her punishment or anything to do with it.
Cliff is assuring Kat they will be friends outside of the game, but the priority at the moment is making sure he stays in the house, and Kat is asking him not to throw her under the bus. Shortly afterwards, Jackson is telling Kat that Cliff is the bigger threat. She knows by now that Jackson and Holly have her back, along with Jessica, and needs one more vote to stay. But who.....?
Outgoing HoH Tommy has gathered Nick and Christie, and is making sure the right person is going home. Nick has been trying to build relationships, and wants to start a new faction which would be good for him getting to the end, and more importantly getting rid of Jackson and Holly. He suggests to Tommy and Christie that Kat is working with Jackson and Holly, and that Nicole is leaning on getting rid of Kat. Tommy admits Cliff would be a good person to work with, and Christie suggests a new group of six, consisting of Tommy, herself, Nick, Cliff, Analyse and Nicole.
Christie admits to trusting Cliff, I would say only because he was foolish enough to listen to her BS a few weeks ago. Nick has gone straight to Cliff and pitched this new six to him, to which Cliff is quite interested in. Cliff says if Kat goes, he will only have Nicole, Jessica and himself. Hardly enough to get him to the end, his words not mine. Yes, he seems to be leaning towards this new six as he thinks they will take him to the end
Nick then goes back to Christie, and Christie is delighted with the outcome. She tells us she didn't want to go to the end with couples. She does know she is in a sort of couple herself with Tommy doesn't she? An unfair advantage if I do say so myself.
Nicole is currently pondering on who to vote for, and it doesn't help matters that Nick is getting in her ear telling her who to take out. Nick says he can't work with Kat going forward, while Nicole barely trusts Nick. Nick's talk then turns to saying Cliff will owe the group one if Kat ends up going.
Holly tells us her and Jackson have basically been doing their own thing, but has to play her cards close as she doesn't want any nasty conspiracy theories coming out about her. She says Kat is probably the only one she trusts, and wants to keep in. Again she has to be careful due to her outside connection with Kat, so Kat has to fight this battle herself.
Kat is hoping that if she goes that Nicole, Cliff and Jessica can carry on some pre-arranged plan. She tells Nicole that should she stay, that Nicole will NOT go up if Kat wins HoH. Poor Nicole is so stressed out with the heavy burden knowing it's an expensive decision she will soon have to make as in which of her friends to evict. She knows she's not been accepted as much as she would like in the house, but Cliff and Kat are two of those people who have.
Staying with Nicole, and now Cliff is pitching to her about keeping him in. She is so stressed by this and wants them both to stay. He then starts to fill her in on the plan for the new six, to which Nicole is concerned about as Nick is very close to Tommy and Analyse. She is also disappointed Jessica has been left out. I can understand why Jessica has been left out, as apart from her HoH reign in which she got rid of Jack, she is pretty dumb and clueless about this game.
Nicole, perhaps unwisely, goes and tells Jessica the whole story about this incoming new alliance. Of course, we all know Jessica will NOT keep her mouth shut about this. Sure enough, Jessica is already running her mouth to Kat a short while later, and Kat now wants to shut down Cliff's Angels.
Kat is very hurt and disappointed with Cliff, and tells him so. Cliff, wonders what else he was supposed to do to keep Nicole and Jess safe, and he then sees how upset Kat is. He tells Kat he has to do what he can do to survive.
Jessica now running her mouth to Holly, who manages to put two and two together to figure out who this new six will be, and goes to Jackson with what she has just been told. He suggests getting in Nicole's ear about getting Cliff out or the plan to get him, Holly and Kat out will succeed.
Christie and the new six are in the camper and she is having one of her daily theories in that Kat, Holly and Jackson are indeed working together. Nicole still mulling over who to get rid of, by the way as we head into the eviction vote
Time for the speeches
Kat: Sad that her and Cliff are on the block, proud of Cliff for surviving banishment, Camp Comeback and then winning HoH. Managed to convince everyone she is the bigger threat, and will make more deals with Nick over time.
Cliff: Proud to have signed up for Big Brother, and age doesn't have to be an obstacle. Wants to stay, and hopes the votes go his way. Sorry to Kat for paths going in different directions.
As usual, the two nominees will not be allowed to vote and this week neither will the HoH as it's even numbers.
Nick votes to evict Kat
Christie votes to evict Kat
Analyse votes to evict Kat
Nicole votes to evict Kat
Jessica votes to evict Cliff
Holly votes to evict Kat
Jackson votes to evict Kat
By a vote of 6-1, Kat will be the second member of this year's hug. In a pre-arranged promise, she only hugs Jessica and then leaves the house.
In her interview with Julie, Kat is disappointed she couldn't dress up properly, as the HoH comp is endurance, a comp Kat won't be playing in obviously.
She is asked what she hoped to accomplish by confronting Cliff, and she says she had nothing to lose and is loyal to a fault, much like Jessica is.
Kat is then asked to what she believes, to which the answer is that she would have targeted Jackson straight away, teamed up with Nicole and Jess and then targeted Holly. She says she knew Jackson was using her as a pawn and wanted to flip the script. About her final 2 deal with Holly, Kat says she knew Holly had Jackson's back and that affected her game.
She says she would have said no to safety had SHE been approached by the new six, and says Jessica has been a true friend to her, and when she campaigned she kept Jessica and Nicole in mind.
HoH competition
We close tonight's festivities with the start of the new HoH competition, which this week is the infamous slip and slide. Augtoberfest to use it's game title. Quite simply, they have to go up and down their respective slippery slopes with a small mug of apple cider and fill up their respective stein. The first houseguest to fill their stein up, and remove their ping pong ball will be the new HoH
As outgoing HoH, Tommy is not eligible to play
As the show closes, Nick is narrowly in the lead and Analyse not far behind...But of course that can all change in an instant, and that's it for the episode
To be continued in Episode 24, when we do find out who actually wins HoH and who the nominations will be, as we get on the road to finding out who will be the third jury member.
Kat will be missed as she was so unintentionally funny, but ever so adorable as well. Who will bring the humour to the house now amongst this lot, there is nobody quite like Kat.
Anyways, if you missed BB on Blast or Julie Girl's latest pods, catch them here and here and don't forget Rob has a Podcast discussing all aspects of this season from live feed updates, roundtables and episode discussions to name but a few. Link that a way >>>>>>
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......
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