Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 24 - HoH and Nominations

Another fresh week. and no more of the adorable and witty Kat in the house

But never mind, there is still Nicole and she is just as adorable. However I don't rate her chances of winning too much.

As for what happened in the last few days, new six is forming consisting of Christie, Nick, Tommy, Cliff, Analyse and Nicole.

Tommy is just coming out of his HoH reign, and in case you missed it he won all the power as he won the Veto as well resulting in him taking his secret outside connection Christie off the chopping block.

Speaking of Christie, she didn't actually get nominated in the conventional sense, but through a competition in which herself, Jackson and Analyse were picked by America.

Jackson won immunity, Analyse got a punishment of wearing a chicken costume for a week, while Christie was the third person on the block due to finishing last in said competition. You could say it was an 'egg-cruciating experience.

Nicole, perhaps foolishly, told Jessica about Cliff's new alliance and Jessica then passed that onto Kat, who confronted Cliff. The same Cliff who bungled his HoH.

Eviction night came, and Kat was unfortunately evicted 6-1, with Jessica the only vote to keep her in.

Tonight sees slipping and sliding aplenty as the slip and slide makes a return, only this time NO bonus prizes on offer. Just the first to fill up their stein and collect the ball will win the HoH. Tommy doesn't play as outgoing HoH....

Who will win the next power and who will they nominate....Let us all find out together, as this is very crucial for most of them now as the numbers keep on getting reduced as we take another step closer to the end.

We pick up the action where the HoH competition had started, and Nicole tells us that she didn't want too many people mad at her, hence why she ultimately went to vote out Kat. Holly is feeling really bad she couldn't save Kat, and she says she or Jackson have to win this HoH to be absolutely safe this week. Christie knows she has to win to prevent herself going on the block. The target on her back at this point must be enormous. If she's up this week, she is most definitely gone providing she or who's left of her allies don't win Veto.

Cliff and Jessica also put forward their cases to winning this HoH, although I don't think either have much of a chance with this one.

We rewind some 18 hours before eviction, and Jessica is talking to Analyse about the possibility of a new alliance, and Analyse firmly says there is no new alliance. We know that's a lie, but seriously if you told Jessica the world was flat she would probably believe it. Apparently Analyse has been flirting with Jackson, at least that's what he told Holly and Holly told Jessica.

Holy interruptions, as Holly walks in on a conversation between Analyse and Holly, which does become a little heated when Holly walks in. Some of the others are then seen listening in at the door, while Jessica goes barging in the room.

Christie and Jessica then talk about this new six, Jessica is quite determined to get to the truth. Christie also denies there is a new six, but the footage says different as we see the new six making a pact.

Back to Holly, Jackson and Nicole, and after the chat that has just transpired Holly wonders if she should start her eviction speech right now. Nicole leaves the room, while Holly and Jackson talk about what to do next. So, she goes to confront Christie and Analyse, who still deny the new six have formed. Jackson thinks now that it is him and Holly against the rest of the house, and both of them will be on the block if they don't win HoH.

HoH competition

As we saw previously, Nick was in an early lead and feeling very confident. Clips of several players slipping ensue, and then shortly afterwards Nick has run out of steam.

As expected Cliff and Jessica are really struggling, and Cliff is comparing himself to a hippo on a high wire. Couldn't be close between Nick, Christie and Analyse, however Jackson is fasting catching them up the way he is going up and down his lane. However he does have a wardrobe malfunction and he has to take his pants off. That is, his costume pants. 

A lot more slipping and sliding, and Jackson is really pulling away now and eventually gets the ball out of his stein

New HoH is Michie, but he'll only be a stopgap hero if that makes any sense, as once whoever is gone Jackson will be back to be universally loathed and despised.

He says he wants to target Christie and Analyse, failing that anybody who gets in his way could go up with Christie. Holly is also suggesting Christie and Analyse for the block. Analyse is apparently a good option.

Christie, as usual, is scared and thinks Jackson would do a backdoor and hopes he puts anyone but her up. What makes her so special, others have had a taste of the block. Tommy doesn't want get involved in Christie's paranoia.

As expected, Cliff is trying to get in the HoH's ear. He confesses to the new six and Jackson is not too happy that Christie, Tommy and Analyse have got Cliff to do their dirty work.

We then see clips of Jackson's various sayings during his stay in the house, less said the better and moving swiftly on.....

Michie does not want to risk putting Tommy on the block, and he feels he can take the risk.

Dawn of a new day, and Christie is straight off to Jackson to explain about the deal struck with Cliff saying there was no official handshake. Jackson admits he has respect for big game moves, but he's looking out for his own game. He says Christie is the biggest obstacle between him and the grand prize, and everyone else is afraid to take a shot at her. So leave it to him, he more or less says.

Christie nearly blows her and Tommy's secret as in their outside connection by revealing they live very close to each other. Just wish this particular secret could come out soon.

Analyse is next into Jackson, and he asks her about this deal Cliff spoke about earlier. She says her and Nick discussed it in bed with Christie, and the only way they'd keep Cliff is if he made a deal. Jackson's thoughts then turn to Nick, and tells Analyse he doesn't blame anyone, but have to do what's best for his game, and that is Analyse not going out the door. Analyse seems happy she is safe for the week.

Short segment of Analyse's chicken punishment at long last where we see her having lay eggs in the coop outside and talk chicken for the week. She also has to make eggs of Big Brother's choosing and then serve them to the housemates. We then see her being woken up at all hours, before Big Brother telling her the punishment. Boy, she really wanted to hear that.

After several talks, Jackson knows he would have been a target had he not won HoH, which Nick confirms. Nick has joined the hit list of people to go. Jackson says Nick is really good at manipulation and socially, high risk high reward he says.

Nomination ceremony

To no great shock CHRISTIE and ANALYSE are on the block. Main reason being if he hadn't of won HoH, his face would have appeared on the board, and they are two adults and two threats

Christie is Jackson's biggest target, while Analyse is a pawn. Analyse is upset to be on the block, while Christie thinks Jackson wants her out. She vows to win Veto this week, and going up against him and beating him at his own game will be really satisfying.

To be continued in Episode 25, when the Veto is again up for grabs. Will it be another week of the HoH getting all the power? Find out next time

Thanks for reading, and remember to click on the links to the right to keep with all the information for this season

BB on Blast will be dropping a new pod soon, and as soon as it's released this particular post will be updated with the link, and also don't forget Rob has a Podcast as well

And as promised, here is BB on Blast's latest pod

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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