A so far glorious week, citizens, with Jessica winning HoH and putting Aquaman and Trapjaw Jackson on the chopping block pre-Veto
The clock is ticking for Christie as this week is the last chance she can use her power, as in whoever wins the Veto Christie can give them the power to pick the replacement nominee. But she won't use it on the outsiders, only on her rapidly crumbling alliance pals.
Said alliance pals however are now looking for better options in moving further on in the game, but they know deep down they HAVE to win the Veto, as if an outsider wins it the Veto won't be used and Christie's power officially expires and Aquaman or Trapjaw are guaranteed to head to jury first.
Can Jessica succeed where Cliff monumentally bungled it, let us all find out
We pick up the action after the noms ceremony, and Jessica says she will put the final nail in Shit Shooters. To be fair Jessica, they have already done that themselves, but this will put the cherry on a very big cake. Meanwhile, Trapjaw and Aquaman are not talking anymore, and Trapjaw says he himself has to survive
Christie tells us it sucks Aquaman is on the block. Baby throwing her toys out of the pram I would say, as things stand her power is worthless. Aquaman is pretty confident Trapjaw will be out, and Analyse feels bad for Trapjaw as nobody is talking to him. That is so unfortunate, said no-one ever.
Trapjaw and Holly continue their showmance, if you can call it that. She would be well advised to kick him into touch, she can do a lot better than him. She wants to smooth things over with people, as her knowing Kat should never have come out and has to work hard to get the targets off their backs.
Aquaman is telling his remaining buddies he is going to win the Veto, and asks if anyone wants to be his houseguests choice should he draw it. Nick and Christie immediately volunteer. Tommy and Christie advise Aquaman not to be arrogant. This coming from the pair who are definitely connected, even though nobody knows it.
Off to Jessica and the outsiders, and she says she wants nominations to remain as they are. So do most of the viewers, just hope she doesn't do something stupid and waste all of the hard work she's done already. Nick then asks Jessica who she wants out, and she seems stuck on Aquaman. Nick doesn't know where he stands in the house, well he has been pretty much the inbetweener since his storyline in Bella went out the door.
Veto picks
Aquaman, Trapjaw and Jessica play automatically and joining them will be Kat, Tommy and Nick via random draw
Christie is making no secret of her dislike of Trapjaw and she is paranoid that him, Kat and Holly know each other. If she gets voted for the field trip twist, her paranoia is going to go through the roof and it will be a pleasure to see. She says Trapjaw wants her out, and her priority is getting him out and Aquaman safe. If we had our way out here, both of them would be out on their ear. She is hellbent on using her power should Aquaman win Veto and risk a pawn of Aquaman's choice going on the block.
Back to the showmance, and Trapjaw is certain Christie will use her power if Tommy or Aquaman win and he ends up going to jury. So he says he has to win to avoid any scenario that sees him go home.
Veto competition
Area 21 is the name of the game. Rules are that each competitor will board the spinning spaceship in turn, and after going for a spin will fire their rocket onto the game board in front of them. Whatever number it lands on will be their score. Lowest score in each round will eliminate that player, however everybody will get a prize, some good and some not so good. The houseguest eliminated in each round can swap their prize with someone else, and the overall winner can choose any prize.
Some of the punishments will be explained in due course
Eliminations and prizes:
1. Kat and she has the Veto for now
2. Aquaman and a trip to Hawaii
He swaps it for the Veto
3. Tommy and an Angry Alien
He swaps with Jack and now has the Veto
4. Trapjaw and BB Explorer
He swaps with Tommy and now has the Veto
5. Nick and he gets $5,000
He decides to hold on to the money, while Jessica as the winner gets Area 21 alien doctor
Naturally she swaps it for the Veto, and Trapjaw now has the alien doctor punishment
Jessica has all the power, woohoo!!!!!!! Even better, Christie's power is now officially expired. Not going well this week for the nasties of the house and boy, did we need this to happen with a steam roll being threatened.
Christie is now telling us Aquaman doesn't deserve to go, is she serious? Did we hear that correctly? The house is the last place he should be, and I am intrigued to see what kind of a reception Aquaman will get when he gets out of there. Jessica, meanwhile, is so happy and who can blame her. A lot of people were writing her off for many weeks calling her stupid, and look at her now. All the power and on the verge of something Cliff should have done weeks ago before he bungled his HoH.
Christie is hellbent on Trapjaw going, and tries to plant seeds with Jessica that Aquaman should stay. Jessica is not one for changing though, as she more or less tells us that Aquaman is out of there no matter what.
Christie's desperation to keep Aquaman in the house keeps growing as she pitches to Jack, Nick and Tommy about evicting Trapjaw. Blissfully unaware the man of the moment has been listening in and he says will talk to Jessica, and try and stir the pot to stay.
He then proceeds to tell Jessica about the others plan to try and lean towards voting him out, and then Nick's name pops up which prompts Jessica to work out Nick is playing both sides and that she won't hesitate to make a boss move should the situation demand it.
Tommy's punishment
After being summoned to the Diary Room, he comes back out dressed like a rocket as he got the BB explorer punishment. When he gets a signal from Big Brother, he must either travel at the speed of light, sound or smell. The missions will be called at random. What these three entail will be explained as and when they happen.
Veto ceremony
And straight away Tommy gets a mission to travel at the speed of smell. He runs round the table in the living area a few times, with a foul stench emitting from his costume. Kat in her infinite wisdom sprays some air freshener around while Tommy is doing his few laps.
Back to business, and Jessica has decided NOT to use the Veto. So it will Aquaman or Trapjaw heading to jury first, and also Christie's power is officially null and void as she cannot use it.
Jessica ia very certain Aquaman will go, while Christie says she won't let him go without a fight. Give it a rest, Christie, his game is over. Get over it and get on with your own game.
In a laughable closing segment, Aquaman says he's been a decent guy and he's tried to be loyal and trustworthy. Trapjaw says he's going to do everything he can to stay because Jack has more enemies than he does. You obviously don't know what's waiting out here for you and Aquaman, pal.
And that is that for another episode, as we move towards finding out who will be the first into the jury for this year.
Episode 20 is a mere stone's throw away, and it's going to be a pleasure to be waving goodbye to one of these two scumbags who should have gone long ago. Hopefully it will then be Christie, Tommy and Trapjaw for the field trip
Just reiterate for that, 1st place gets immunity, 2nd gets a punishment, 3rd goes on the block as the third nominee.
Hopefully the public will get it right and we will be rid of another one of the nasties, and I personally don't mind which one. In any case like I said earlier it will be fun watching Christie getting even more paranoid.
Anyways, in case you missed it, BB on Blast have dropped a new pod for your listening pleasure, where they discuss the recently aired first of three episodes about the late UK housemate Jade Goody, and also catch up with this series as well
And not forgetting Rob has a Podcast, which has all this season's stuff including episode analysis, live feed updates, roundtables....The list is endless. Link in the column to the right
So, finished this just in time so I can join the Aquaman eviction party on Twitter very soon barring a very late flip, and be waving his nasty rear end out of the door.
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking
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