Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 25 - Power of Veto

So off we go again for another Veto episode, and it's another crucial one. In case you missed it, Jackson won HoH, and nominated Christie and Analyse

Can he win all the power this week, and consolidate his intention to send Christie to jury? Will there be some sort of manifestation for Christie or Analyse to get off the block?

We pick up the action after nominations, and Christie is not surprised she is on the block as she has figured out she is the main target and claims it is not her time to go yet.

Jackson thinks Christie is the biggest threat as she is playing a good social game, likewise with being mentally and physically good. He says he needs to win Veto to make sure Christie is gone.

An awkward silence ensues in the camper between Holly, Christie, Analyse and Tommy and leading Christie to say the house is a joke, and everyone is fake. Pot meet kettle, Christie. Analyse reckons the best scenario is that Christie wins and takes herself off the block, as Christie has the best chance to stay. If you say so, Analyse.

Analyse has got it into her head she is well liked in the house, and reckons she is likely not to go. Christie tells Analyse the universe has her back.

In a conversation with Jackson, Tommy says Jackson may have nominated his allies he still has good standing with Jackson and Holly. Jackson tells Tommy he has no reason to target him, at least not yet I reckon. If I had my way, I would have taken the punt on putting up Christie and Tommy straight away. Yes I know they have kept their outside connection quiet, but it would have been fun to watch them both sweat.

Tommy thinks he has proved his loyalty to Jackson and Holly, and tells Jackson he will gun for the Veto if picked to play. Jackson tells us if Analyse were to come down, he WOULD put Tommy up as the replacement to make sure Christie went home.

Jackson explains that his conversation with Tommy went really well to Holly. Holly says Analyse and Christie won't talk to her, and Analyse won't even look at her. Jessica would prefer Christie to win the Veto and get the votes for Analyse to stay, and claims she has a really strong ally who will help if she stays, and then goes on to claim Jackson has a final 2 deal with Nick. Christie claims Kat told her Nick is the puppet master, and says he is good at this game.

Christie is now wondering about Nick's loyalty after said conversation with Kat. Meanwhile, Analyse is certain Christie is the target, and wants to make sure she comes off as Analyse needs her as an ally. Nick refuses to throw the Veto to make sure Christie, and gets somewhat defensive when asked about his final 2 deal with Jackson. He has no clue who he would put up next to Analyse should Christie win the Veto.

Veto player picks

Jackson as HoH, and Christie and Analyse as nominees will play automatically. 

Jackson draws Cliff
Christie draws Nick
Analyse draws Holly

Jackson gets his wish of not having Tommy in this competition, as he doesn't want to risk a repeat of last week when Tommy won Veto, and took Christie off the block. 

Analyse is disappointed she drew Holly, and tells Christie and Tommy. Christie of course says Nick is a snake, and of course she says she knows. She is also certain he is working with Jackson. Tommy takes it upon himself to talk to Nick, to see what Christie is going on about.

Nick asks why nobody trusts him in this game, and wants to confront Christie to which Tommy advises him not to. But he goes anyway, which accomplishes nothing in particular apart from Christie saying it's odd he was not put up on the block. I just wish Christie would accept she is on the block, and stop acting like a petulant child.

And again she is having a tantrum talking to Tommy while she is showering, she tries to squeeze out the tears and yet again here goes Tommy doing the very same thing.

Veto competition

Tommy is hosting in his usual over the top manner. No name for this game, and the rules are:

Houseguests have to bring balance to the beach, as they have to hang their respective ten sea creatures of different weights on some bars, and evenly balance them out without none of them falling on the ground. The first houseguest to hang all ten without any of them falling and then hitting their button will win Power of Veto.

A very short competition which JACKSON eventually wins, and with it all the power this week

Naturally, Jackson is very happy and has no intention of changing his mind, but then again things could change in the next episode. Jessica suggests doing a slow motion Baywatch run to Tommy and Holly. Don't encourage that guy, Jessica, as he loves every bit of airtime. Christie and Analyse are trying really hard to bring the mood down in the camper, grow up girls. It is called fun, you should try it sometime.

Christie starts blubbing again as it dawns on her she is most likely going, and says she wouldn't act this way if the situations were reversed. Tommy makes his way to her and apologises. Christie goes into freak out territory yet again, thinking Tommy is siding with Holly. Think Tommy's aunt had a lucky escape with Christie, seeing how she is acting. Tommy is almost done with her I reckon. Could one of them spill that one well kept secret sooner rather than later, I wonder.

Christie now feeling she has nobody left in the house, and didn't think Tommy would turn his back on her. She says unless she can think of something really fast to stay in, she is off to jury. Poor Tommy and Kat I say, stuck with her delusions for a few weeks in the house if/when she gets there.

She then goes goes to Holly and Jackson, and promises protection to them and would do anything to prove to them she would be loyal. If I were them, I would tell her where to stick that pitch.

As expected, Holly and Michie are not believing her as yet again more tears are flowing. To be frank, Christie is getting desperate now and it's showing.

Veto ceremony

As expected, Jackson does not use the Veto. He says he picked the girls for a reason, and he is sticking with it. Myself personally, good decision. Tommy can wait a little longer, but in some circles there are rumblings Tommy could go all the way to the end and win. 

Christie is still defiant, and doesn't want the satisfaction of Jackson getting her out. She says she would love to stay and get a new army built up. Think that ship has sailed myself, and she's gone barring a major flip.

Who will go to jury, Christie or Analyse? To be continued in Episode 26 when Christie or Analyse's fate will be sealed....

In case you missed it, BB on Blast have dropped a new pod right here, and as always Rob has a Podcast can be found via the links on the right, and is on air every day with roundtables, live feed discussions and everything else to do with this season

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

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