Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 18 - HoH and Nominations

That was the week that was. First Holly wins HoH, and in essence Trapjaw Jackson as well, and she nominates Nick and Sam.

Nick won Power of Veto, and used it on himself. Holly then had to name a replacement which turned out to be Kat. Little did anyone know this would cause those cracks in Shit Shooters to become gaping big holes that completely tore them apart. More on that soon, as let's just say the fallout is quite spectacular as we will find out in this particular episode

And what makes it even sweeter is all the planning for the flip was for nothing.

The end of Shit Shooters is near, and very soon there will be a new Head of Household. Can someone from Shit Shooters win, or will the outsiders shift the balance of power within the house. Let us all find out.

So, Kat survived and naturally is very happy. Personally she's not the only one, and now she's guaranteed jury. Don't think she will win the whole thing but it's going to be fun watching her lighting up the house with her unintentional comedy.

And now one of the moments in this episode which has been promoted so heavily, in the Shit Shooters fallout.

It all starts off with Trapjaw telling Aquaman that he's certain Tommy and Christie are going to turn on them, and then says Holly and Kat know each other from the outside. If only he knew about Tommy and Christie.....

Aquaman then tells us that Trapjaw is saying don't trust Tommy and Christie, but he actually trusts them more than Trapjaw. He then reports to Tommy with what Trapjaw told him, including Holly and Kat knowing each other, to which Tommy claims he knew it.....Sure you did, Tommy. Seen this so many times on UK Big Brother when housemates claim to have rumbled a twist when they really haven't. 

Tommy claims he was suspicious when Kat told him about a concert, and we are shown a flashback to that particular moment. He then puts two and two together, and decides he must take it upon himself to try and get a flipped vote to get Kat out.

Now, enter Christie into the room with Jack and Tommy, and they fill her in, their version of events, on Trapjaw trying to get them not to trust Aquaman and then flipping the vote. Aquaman then suggests reeling in Nick and Sam so as to further their game. Tommy has now moved onto Analyse, pitching the plan to flip the vote and Aquaman and Christie are doing the same with Nick and Nicole.

Pretty premature of Aquaman to be saying goodbye to Kat, he seems pretty confident Kat will go. But as we know, that won't be the case and I have to say it's quite fun watching all this planning knowing how the vote is going to go eventually.

Analayse, though, is somewhat reluctant to be in on this plan. Shit Shooters falling apart at the seams, and it's wonderful. Little do they know Holly has got her ear to the door, and she promptly runs off to tell Trapjaw. He promptly storms up to the room.

To say it was really awkward at this point would be a MASSIVE understatement, and Tommy confirms to Trapjaw there is a flip planned. Holly is strongly opposed to this saying there would be no benefit to that. Who needs someone to take the shot when all these clashing egos would turn on each other anyway.

Trapjaw and Aquaman don't seem to be getting along, as Aquaman basically tells Trapjaw to mind his own business when Trapjaw asks about the flip. Aquaman says there is no reason to flip. Next up is Holly telling Tommy she heard him talking, and Tommy says he is scared of the way Trapjaw is acting. Holly then fuels the fire by saying let's have a blowup if we are going to have one. Seconds out, ding ding....

Holly says Kat is for sure on Shit Shooters side. Tommy then blurts out that Trapjaw told Aquaman about Holly and Kat knowing each other. Needless to say, Holly is not happy with this.

Holly now saying she doesn't feel respected as an alliance member, and also that she's been left out of her own HoH. The same HoH she has let Trapjaw run for her?

Aquaman relays to Trapjaw about Holly feeling left out of the loop. And here we go, Christie gets in Trapjaw's face asking him what his problem is with her, and then claims he has been making suggestions that he wants her out and that she is the enemy. Well you are, Christie. She thinks the Shit Shooters may be over after this meeting. Trapjaw in his usual charming manner then tells her, are we going to have a discussion or are you going to yell at me.

Outside the door, everyone else can hear what's going on and they are obviously enjoying it, as are we all. Suddenly this game doesn't look like it's going to be a steam roll after all.

Cliff told us give them enough time and they would break up, and look what's happening now. This coming from the guy who completely f'd up his HoH. Seems I was wrong in thinking he would not make it to jury, but he has. Just a matter of WHEN not IF.

Christie brings up the point about Kat and Holly being at a concert together, to which Holly denies knowing Kat. Christie then queries why Trapjaw would cast a rogue vote without telling them, and he replies with to keep their rear ends off the block. Christie is really getting paranoid now, and I dread to think what she would be like if she was voted on to the field trip twist or found herself on the block. Think her head would explode with all the pent up paranoia.

Tommy is trying to defuse the situation, and just before he storms out tells Christie who it is who makes her coffee in the morning when she's mad. Speaking of Tommy, he's still certain there is a trio in there who know each other. Holly asks Kat straight out if they went to Stagecoach together, to which Kat denies. Aquaman is not buying it, as he still accuses Holly and Kat of lying. Christie then says Trapjaw can't be trusted and he's a snake. Pot kettle black, Christie. Christie then storms out of the conversation, claiming she doesn't know who to trust.

We then see the elusive Jessica, who thinks its pretty disheartening not to be included in many house conversations. She feels pretty close to Kat, and feels there is no way to save her. Little does she know what's happening with the vote. I assure you, Jessica, don't worry.

Now Trapjaw is saying he can't trust Aquaman. The feeling is more than mutual, pal. Christie is trying her best to convince Tommy not to get rid of Kat. Now Tommy is calling Kat a mole who moled her way into the alliance. Five of the Shit Shooters are trying to iron things out, Trapjaw is saying how he had Kat in his back pocket, and interrupts Tommy in mid sentence saying he volunteered to go on the block for them. He claims he told Aquaman on day 2 that he thought Holly and Kat knew each other. Aquaman chimes in with the way Trapjaw told him, he only found out today. Trapjaw and Aquaman keep going back and forth, until eventually Trapjaw walks out. 

Christie now pitches to Aquaman about keeping Kat in, saying she didn't think Kat and Holly were friends, only that they knew each other. Jack and Christie hug it out. As of now Shit Shooters are dead, or so Aquaman tells us.

Everyone clear now? Good. Let's move on to the.....

HoH competition

In case you missed it, it's a True or False competition. Houseguests have to look around the Expo set in front of them and memorise quite a lot and will answer True or False questions on said Expo. Straight elimination and whoever is last houseguest standing will be the new HoH.

Julie will not be asking the questions, and that duty falls on outgoing HoH, Holly as she won't be playing as she is outgoing HoH, so therefore not allowed to compete.

Order of elimination

1. Trapjaw
2. Cliff and Analyse
3. Nick and Tommy
4. Christie
5. Aquaman

So it's an outsider guaranteed for HoH......

6. Nicole
7. Kat

Staggeringly and astonishingly, Jessica is the new HoH

Tommy shouts about a plot twist with Jessica winning, and that he doesn't know where Jessica's head is at and hopes it is not him.

Understandable celebrations from the outsiders, and the final nails going into the Shit Shooters coffin as Christie walks out on them, followed by Analyse. 

Holly says she will continue working with Kat, but doing that brings in Trapjaw. Why not just kick him into touch, I know I would at this point. He's done nothing but control Holly, and she deserves a lot better than having him hang off her.

Jessica is feeling very empowered, and she's going to enjoy watching the enemy scatter like cockroaches. Go get them, girl. No more than they deserve for the way they have treated everyone else in the house.

Nominations ceremony

And just when the now defunct Shit Shooters week can't get any worse, Trapjaw and Aquaman are nominated by Jessica.

While Trapjaw wants to fight for his place, Aquaman cries us a river. Wash those gallons of tears away, pal. You have brought this on yourself, and we are all looking forward out here to wave you or Trapjaw off to jury should you still be on the block after Veto.

To be continued in Episode 19, when we see who will win the Veto. One of the outsiders to win, please, to continue the week of misery for the scumbags. They should know what it's like to be on the receiving end.....

New pod alert as BB on Blast have just dropped a new pod, which can be listened to right here

As always, be sure to click on Rob has a Podcast link to the right, to catch all the latest roundtables, live feed updates, episode analysis and so forth.....

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......Oh and GO JESSICA!!!!!!!

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