Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 17 - Eviction

The last week before we start seeing the jury form is nearly at an end, and in case you missed it Holly is the outgoing HoH, and facing the chop will be Sam or Kat. 

Kat volunteered to be the pawn to take out Sam, but a few developments before this episode on the live feeds seem to make it less cut and dry that Sam will actually go.

After a much controversial Veto competition, not in terms of the result of course, but the insertion of live sheep which were obviously distressed with the Veto players charging and grabbing at them, Nick won Veto and used it on himself. Leading to Kat volunteering to be the pawn, probably not a wise move on her part as sometimes it does backfire.

And let's not forget, one more week for Christie to use her power as in giving the Veto holder the power to pick the replacement nominee

On with the show, and Julie does go hell for leather promoting previously mentioned coverage of a possible flip which could save Sam at the last minute. Will admit I am genuinely nervous, as Kat needs to stay. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but she is such a breath of fresh air in this toxic house. Not to mention really funny, albeit unintentionally. 

Shortly after the Veto ceremony has concluded, Nick feels sorry for Sam and Holly claims that Nick and Sam's friendship has been detrimental. Kat is feeling pretty pleased about volunteering about being the pawn, while Sam says he's not dead yet and doesn't have much ammo on Kat.

Analyse claims Sam makes her laugh, which Sam picks up on a vote to stay but knows she is not really pulling the strings in the alliance. A pang of guilt from Analyse follows, saying she knows Shit Shooters want Sam out, but can't find a way to save him.

Finally the poison ivy punishment for Tommy and Christie comes to an end, and in his usual style Tommy goes straight into overacting mode to celebrate.

Kat and Holly convene in the HoH room, with Kat claiming she could plant seeds within the alliance to break them up. Kat says Christie and Tommy don't want a final 6 with couples, and are already planning their next move. Holly claims suspicions about Christie, so will keep eyes on her.

Analyse now with Holly, and they are discussing Christie. Looks like further fractures in Shit Shooters. They claim Christie has loose lips, and then discussion turns to the manipulation with Cliff. The words control freak are more or less bandied around, and Holly claims Christie makes decisions for everyone else with talking to them.

Speaking of Christie, she is talking with Cliff about how he is doing. Cliff says there are four powerful people in there, and that Christie and Tommy have to start winning stuff, and that he himself can start proving himself. The same guy who completely bungled his own HoH.

He goes on to say that he also been planting seeds, in the slim hope he can take the credit for breaking up the couples. Christie claims she and Tommy will be picked off first if it came down to couples. She says she needs to start building an army, because war is about to begin.

Holly and Trapjaw Jackson discuss Christie, and her reluctance to go to final six with couples, and Trapjaw puts two and two together saying it would explain why Tommy and Christie would be so close. Holly says Christie is cold, and is afraid she's doing Christie's handiwork. Trapjaw then says he has been hearing things about Christie, and if he wins HoH he will work towards taking Christie out.

Going for broke, Sam makes an immediate play to start breaking up with the couples.He tells Trapjaw that Christie was on board with Cliff taking the shot at Trapjaw or Aquaman. Trapjaw says he and his squeeze, Holly, have been suspicious of Christie for a while, and Sam is confirming the doubts he's been having. Sam makes a last ditch effort to appeal to stay in, and would work with Trapjaw and Holly. Additional if Jack is on board as well, Sam could well stay.

Shit Shooters, or what it seems to be left of them soon, continue their obsession with Nicole saying she should have gone up. Trapjaw relays the intel he got from Sam to Aquaman. Aquaman is stunned that Christie would take the shot. Baton down the hatches I say, Shit Shooters about to go down in flames or a few members lighter. Trapjaw says Christie would have someone else take the shot for her. Talk then turns to Sam, who Aquaman is keen on recruiting for the alliance and is also keen on jettisoning Christie.

Almost voting time, so Julie talks to the houseguests about various things, and then we get some pointless filler which is the flash mob dance from the live feeds. Won't go into too much detail about that, so let's move swiftly on to the eviction. Will admit at this point I am genuinely nervous, as Kat NEEDS to stay in there. As if I haven't stressed that enough already.....


As per usual, the nominees can't vote

To cut a long story short, everyone who could vote voted out SAM, and it's a 9-0 vote to get rid of him so none of that drama, and am very pleased Kat has managed to stay.

Sam's interview

Julie talked about what happened in the house before this episode, and it was first Sam was out, then he wasn't, then he was, wasn't..... Sam admits he came clean about Christie telling him a load of BS, and asked her why she was withholding information if she wanted him out so badly. Sam then claims the credit for planting the seeds.

He then tells Julie that Kat may have cried more than he did..He says he missed his family so much, and when you are not around them in the house, you have to hold those feelings in. A glimmer of hope when Sam says Aquaman may go after Trapjaw if he wins HoH.

Off goes Sam, and now we finally get introduced to the next twist of the summer as in the Big Brother Field Trip. America will vote three of the houseguests to play in a competition. Winner gets immunity for the week, 2nd place gets a punishment, and 3rd place will be the 3rd person on the block with the two nominees. Can already feel some good vibes that some of Shit Shooters will get those three places. There is a but, in that this vote will NOT affect this week, but it will kick in the week after.

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Holly is not eligible to play in this one. Julie announces to them that from now whoever is evicted next will take the first seat in the jury house, signalling the start of the final straight to the end. 

Camp Expo is the name of this game, and here is how it works. Memory comp and houseguests have to study various advertisements. There is a time limit to this studying, and then once time is up they will be asked a series of True or False questions based on what they have had to observe. The last houseguest standing will be the new HoH, and we leave them to their studies as the end credits roll.

To be continued in Episode 18, where we will find out who is the new HoH and who they will nominate

And that, my friends, is it for this episode

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Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

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