Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 28 - Zingbot and Power of Veto

When we last left our remaining houseguests:
Holly had won HoH, and before that Christie had cut a few deals to make sure she stayed in over Analyse, even suggesting she could go up as a pawn. Well, after Analyse's departure that very thought crossed Holly's mind when she mulled over putting up Christie as a pawn against her main target Nick. This did not go down well with Christie, and she went into her usual 'how dare you nominate me/suggest me as a pawn' mood.

Meanwhile, Nick won America's vote to become the Prankster, which means he will nominate one houseguest for the block, while Holly nominates the other one. If Nick's nominee comes off the block via Veto, then he gets to pick the replacement.

Nick (Holly's nomination) and Christie (Nick's nomination) went on the block

Tonight sees Zingbot return to the house, and it's a Zingbot based Veto competition as Christie and Nick look to save themselves, or will nominations stay the same as we move a step closer to seeing who will be the fourth houseguest to jury.

We kick off proceedings straight after the nomination ceremony....

Nick is feeling a little more confident he will stay, but it does look set in stone he will go. Christie is sure Nick is the Prankster, she doesn't know how right she is. Holly is really happy that it's Nick and Christie on the block, and is hoping that it's Nick that goes. Jackson says that if he himself plays in and wins the Veto, he will not use it.

Tommy speculates to Holly that he thought Christie was the prankster, and tells us he has to win this Veto just to be protected. If only the houseguests knew what big secret he is still hiding.

In the camper, Nick tells Christie he's sorry she is next to him on the block. He tells us he doesn't want her to win Veto, and that he hopes he wins and takes himself down and she goes to jury like she's supposed to. Christie doesn't think Nick is being genuine in his best wishes, as he put her on the block. For once she's not being paranoid, but she's being very loose with her accusation and drawing conclusion without any fact. He is the Prankster, we know that but she doesn't.

Prank time

As continued punishment, Jessica, Cliff and Nicole must make more pies and put them in everyone's faces. Nick rushes off to the Diary Room thinking he will be safe, but obviously he is not as Big Brother let Nicole in and he gets a pie right in his face.

Nicole is enjoying this and who can blame her, after the torrid few weeks she has had when the house was a bit fuller. This feels more like a reward for her I would say, and good on her for getting into the spirit of things. Can't say this enough, but god she is so adorable just like Kat.

Veto picks

As always, the HoH and nominees play automatically so this week it will be Holly, Christie and Nick playing automatically. But there's a little twist with picking players as the draw box is filled with slime. Holly draws the houseguests choice token which means she can pick who she wants, so no surprise she picks Jackson. Nick draws Cliff, and Christie draws Jessica.

Christie tells Holly and Jackson she is really gunning for this Veto, and so is Jackson. Christie calls Nick a swindler, and says he is good with his words and the others won't see through his BS. Holly is wondering if Christie is cashing on an earlier deal, but she didn't put Christie up, and doesn't think it would be the worst thing if Christie actually. I know that a lot of people out here are really fed up of Christie now, especially with how many times she is bursting into tears. She really has to go and soon.


The stage of the show where someone comes in dressed as a robot, and roasts them in the best possible way.

"I've visited the house a few times and this is the biggest bunch of losers I've ever seen"
"Tommy, with all your constant singing and dancing, you remind me of my favourite musical, Little Shop of Attention Whores"
"Nicole, you say you are afraid of birds, but you have been living with an old buzzard all season....Holly"
"Christie, you sure got loud on Taco Tuesday! I don't mean your fighting, I mean your.....chewing"
"Open up your present from Zingbot, Nick. Time for a new.....haircut"
"Nicole, it must be tough for you in the Big Brother house with no friends, no boyfriend, and no contact with the outside world. Actually you must feel quite at home"
"There is one houseguest who is very voloptuous, and if you don't mind him saying quite busty...pleased to finally meet you, Cliff"
"Jessica, with the game you're playing this summer, fans are already planning a convention in your honour. It's called Snoozefest"
"Hello we haven't met yet. His name is Zingbot. What should I call you? Michie, Jackson or how about douchebag? Chess not checkers"

Veto competition

The 6 playing have to help Zingbot escape from the Zingatentiary, and we see Zingbot behind bars after being escorted out to the jail in the backyard by a a security guard. On go they have maneuver their respective balls through the penitentiary, and knock out the cameras. The first player to knock out all 27 cameras and hit their button will free Zingbot and win the Veto.

After a short while, Jackson manages to complete the task to free Zingbot and wins the Veto. Another good week for the power couple. These two need to be broken up before they steamroll everyone else, hopefully a double eviction is not too far off.

Nick is understandably disappointed as he talks to Jackson, while Jackson says out loud he knows Nick was The Prankster. Nick tells us he wants to plant a seed so that he is saved with the Veto, or better still plant a seed that he can be loyal and he had his back all the time. Nick warns Jackson that Christie hasn't always had his back.

Celebration time with the golden couple, and Jackson reveals to Holly the prankster wasn't who they thought it was. Soon after Christie joins them and also celebrates. Jackson insists he won't use the Veto, as he can't risk Nick being in the house much longer and possibly going after Holly. Christie is naturally delighted this deal is working out to keep her safe. She doesn't want to be on the block for the third week in a row, but Nick is the best shot right now. She goes on to say Jackson can be very pompous and does like to be the man in charge, so she has to make sure she is grateful.

Nick confesses to Tommy that he himself is the Prankster, but will have Tommy's back going forward. He says he needs to let Tommy know he can be trusted, and to vote to keep him in. He says he needs Cliff and Nicole on board as well, as getting kicked out over Christie would be crazy.

Veto ceremony

But first, time for the pies again as Cliff, Nicole and Jessica are told to make a pie each to congratulate the Veto winner, and into Jackson's face they go.

Back to business, and Jackson to no surprise has chosen NOT to use the Veto

Nick says he put Christie on the block for a reason, and that he has already started campaigning. Holly reiterates that Nick is her main target, and still feels confident she'll be able to get him out this week. Tommy is not happy to be evicting either Nick or Christie, and he says it hurts both in game and personal terms.....

To be continued in Episode 29, when Nick or Christie will be saying goodbye and head off to the jury house.....Who goes, THEY decide.

Some pods to shout out if you missed them, as in BB on Blast and Julie Girl which can be found here and here

Don't forget Rob has a Podcast, with the relevant and up to date information for this season and every episode covered along with roundtables, daily updates, live feed information....The list is endless. Link as always is that a way >>>>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 27 - Nominations

Last week we saw:
Jackson win HoH
Pre-Veto, he nominated Christie and Analyse
Jackson won all the power when he won Veto
He did not use the Veto
Analyse evicted 5-1

And we saw the beginning of Prank Week, where the houseguests thought they were studying for a bird singing memory comp, but instead it was a game of luck with Holly securing her 2nd HoH.

Tonight sees Holly's nominations, and Prank Week continues as we find out who America picked as the Prankster, who will share the power with the HoH. As in the Prankster and the HoH will make one nomination each in the noms ceremony, and also if the Prankster's nominee comes off the block in the Veto ceremony, they have the power to name the replacement.

We pick up proceedings after Analyse's departure, and Nick is certain he will go on the block as he is a big target this week, however with it being Prank Week and it affects nominations it could be good as well. Freaky Christie is back, and feels somewhat guilty at ruining Analyse's game, but sacrifices had to be made to further her game.

We then see several clips of Christie cutting deals, got to give it to her. At least she tried to stay in unlike Analyse who could barely be bothered to campaign. Seriously doubting Cliff's game ever since he bungled his HoH when he listened to Christie, when he should have put her on the block instead that week. Now he trying to make her promise he won't be a target if she stays in, you would think he would learn his lesson after last time. 

Next up it's Christie talking to Jackson, and says she is willing to be a pawn and take fourth or fifth place. I personally would be glad to see her go long before then, but she's got more lives than a cat in that house. She is really desperate to take a shot at Nick, and Jackson says if the target is not really on himself, then he may go along with it.

Back with Cliff and Christie, and he is telling her he and Nicole are pretty tight. Nicole says Cliff is her guy and her number 1 in this game and doesn't mind working with Holly and Jackson, and if that means voting out Christie then so be it.

Christie is now very confident these deals will keep her in, and as we found out they did and Analyse went to jury.

Back to the present, and Jackson is celebrating with Holly in the bedroom saying how proud he is of her for winning HoH. She tells him she is scared of what the pranks will be this week, but he reassures her. Oh how touching. Still think she would be better off playing her own game, without him constantly in her ear. Right on cue, he is already suggesting block candidates in Nick, Christie and Jessica. She is in two minds about Nick, as in she wants him to stay, but doesn't want to miss out on a chance to get him out


As a punishment for finishing in the bottom three of the HoH comp, Cliff, Nicole and Jessica have to make pies and smash them in the faces of whoever Big Brother tells them to, including themselves.

Then it's themselves again, this time in slow motion. Next up it's the middle of the night and they are woken from their slumber to make pies and smash them in 3 other people's faces, in this case Nick, Tommy and Christie. Couldn't have happened to nicer people I would say.

Back to house business and Cliff and Nicole are talking to Jackson and Holly regarding the incoming nominations. Jackson asks if they are ok going up as pawns due to the pranks, but this is a prank. Cliff is confident they can control the vote now, and Holly says she is comfortable with Cliff and Nicole.

Christie is next in and she says that Holly and Jackson were a big part in her staying and is going to step in and make sure things are ok. Holly says she really wants Nick out, and suggests Christie go on the block as the pawn. Bizarrely, Christie is not ok with this and has one of her now usual freak outs. In the Diary Room she questions this move, thinking this is too early. More like 'how dare you suggest nominating me/me being the pawn. She was perfectly ok with it earlier, so why is she spitting her dummy out now. Is she going to be like this every time she's on the block or suggested to be going on the block? It's getting very tiresome, someone just punch her eviction card and get her to jury.

Jackson and his watermelon obsession segment up next, and Cliff is wondering where Jackson is getting all of these watermelons from. Jackson is then seen in the Diary Room requesting watermelons. Less said about this segment the better.

Prank week continued

A weird voice comes over the loudspeaker saying the houseguests have to convene in the bathroom, which is said to be a prank. Off to the real location of the living room.

Holly reads out a card from Big Brother explaining the rules of The Prankster which are explained further up this page.

Holly is now very cautious and says she will handle Christie with care, as not to scare her off. Seriously? Wish they weren't so scared of her, but then again she has survived a few evictions so it would seem a wise precaution.

Nick still seems to be the primary target for this week, and he is hopeful that if Jackson gets put up then he himself can win Veto to take Jackson down. Nick then queries to Holly why he is the main target, and says he would take either of them down if he ever won Veto. She then thinks whoever the Prankster is that he or she would put up Jackson to mess with her HoH.

Another pointless segment ensues this time concerning Christie's eating.....Moving swiftly on

The Prankster is......

NICK, as we see him celebrating in the Diary Room. Poor Nicole, she cannot literally win anything in this game can she.

Christie is then summoned to the Diary Room, and Nick tries to throw people off the scent by suggesting Christie enjoys the new power. Nick thinks putting Christie up would be better than putting Jackson up, as he wants her gone. So do we all, but she somehow keeps escaping. Nicole is already on the trail of Nick when he suggests she would be going home against Christie. Not very subtle this guy is he.....

Jackson denies to Holly that he is the Prankster, and they don't realise how close they are when they suggest Nick or Christie as the guilty party.

Nick still certain he is going up and says he is not ready to leave, and wants to do what is right for his game.

Nominations ceremony

To no great shock, NICK is nominated by Nicole. With Prank Week in play, Nick has the other nomination, due to being The Prankster. He has nominated CHRISTIE

Nick tells us being on the block is not fun, but with Christie there as well he has a slightly better chance. Jackson is nervous about who the Prankster is, and doesn't want to be the replacement. Christie thinks the joke is on her as America wants her to go to jury. Holy Understatement from me there at least. 

To be continued in Episode 28 when Zingbot pays a visit to the house and the Power of Veto is up for grabs.....

Some shoutout for pods as in BB on Blast and Julie Girl, which can be found here and here

Usual shoutout to Rob has a Podcast as well, which is covering this season 24/7, link over that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 26 - Eviction and HoH

Another week comes to a close, and it will be Christie or Analyse next off to the jury house. Hazard a guess to who most want to see go to jury.

I don't really mind, as the house will be one nasty less

Stopgap hero Jackson is the outgoing HoH as he looks to seal Christie's exit, and he won all the power after winning the Veto as well. He chose not to use the Veto as you may have read.

This coming week will also see the start of Prank Week, which will be explained in due course but let's just say America will be having a say in who the Prankster will be. Take that for now.

Anyways, back to this episode's festivities and we kick off proceedings straight after the Veto ceremony and Jackson has just announced the Veto will NOT be used......

Christie is frustrated (what else is new) that she's on the block next to Analyse, and says she needs to shift power and fast. She claims Nick is just floating through after making a deal with Jackson and Holly. Analyse says she is not campaigning as she feels she has the votes to stay. More proof Analyse is not even taking this show seriously, and is cruising along for her 15 minutes when she gets out.

Tommy tells us it's not looking good for Christie, but this girl has got more lives than a cat. I mean, she practically made Cliff bungle his HoH without too much effort, and the second time she managed to escape due to her outside connection winning Veto and taking her off the block. Will it be third time's the charm, or will we be stuck with this crybaby for another week.

Tommy is comforting Christie, and she is determined to campaign and save herself. She goes on to say she could be a valuable asset, and in another shot at Nick she says he is going to be right in the middle watching her and Analyse and also Cliff and Tommy. In a last ditch effort she wants to blow things up for Nick, and seal his fate if she ends up leaving

Staying with Christie, she now wants to team up with Jackson, telling him she is going after Nick, and pitches the idea of working together further down the line. Boy, is this girl delusional. She tells Jackson Nick is playing both sides, and sees him going to the end. He suggests she blow up his game in front of everyone. Jackson is happy with this, as he knows it will get the target off him.

Nick cottons on very quickly though as he overhears Christie's pitch to Nicole, Tommy and Jess. Nick then storms off to Jackson, and Jackson plants the seed that Christie thinks he is running the game and that she is good with her words. Jackson is absolutely relishing Nick v Christie and tells us Taco Tuesday as Nick is seen storming off to Christie.

Nick v Christie

Seconds out, here we go....

First flurry from Christie as she lays out Nick's game and tells him he's very manipulative, and then starts to drag Cliff and Nicole into it by saying she was sure Cliff and Nicole feel like he wouldn't put them up, and Tommy and Analyse feel secure

She then accuses him of throwing HoH's, which of course he denies. Even more heat now as she accuses him of throwing slip and slide which leads to another denial. She then goes on to ask him, what would he do if he won HoH, and then accuses him of playing all sides as she has her back to the wall, and it would be wise to keep her as she is the biggest target. She's crazy. She then says Nick is her target as he is nobody else's. Okaaaaaay. 

In closing she says about hoping the blinders about Nick are off, and they can see what he's really like, and that if she stays she will take a shot at him.

Meanwhile, Holly is pondering what would be best for her game, but Nick is not a part of it. He is a good game player and is a huge mental threat along with having Tommy, Analyse and Nicole in his corner. If Analyse goes, one less person on his side, but if she survives the eviction she will float through a few more weeks with no target, which is a bit dangerous for Holly as the target will be bigger on her.

Jackson then tells Holly that Christie made some good points, surely they are not thinking of keeping crybaby in? But a few lightbulbs pop up as in Nick possibly being a bigger threat, and do they stick to the plan of getting Christie out, or keep her in and go after Nick?...... Answer coming up right now


Nominees and HoH will not vote this week

Jess votes to evict Analyse
Nick votes to evict Christie
Tommy votes to evict Analyse
Holly votes to evict Analyse
Nicole votes to evict Analyse
Cliff votes to evict Analyse

Analyse is evicted by a vote of 5-1

Disappointed we are stuck with crybaby for another week. She's got more lives than a cat in that house, but at least they are getting rid of someone who was not really taking the game seriously at all.

Analyse tells Julie it may have been the blow up between Nick and Christie that sealed her fate, as she wasn't on many peoples radars

She wanted to stay loyal to Nick had she stayed in there, and feels most betrayed by Jackson. She really believed she wasn't a target and disappointed when she was put on the block

She says she wants Tommy to be the next HoH, and that she's grateful for everything

Prank Week begins

We see some clips of the houseguests memorising birdsong for what they believed will be the next HoH comp. Back in real time they are gathered ready to start this competition, but Julie reveals it is Prank Week to them, and the doors behind them slide away to reveal the real comp.which will be a skill game

Basically whoever wins HoH will have their week affected by whoever America chooses as the Prankster. Whoever is HoH CANNOT be picked as the Prankster.

This comp is called Prank Shot, and what it entails is that, the houseguests will take it in turns to roll a ball down the plank. To each side of the plank are the numbers 0-50, and whoever rolls the highest score will be the new HoH. The two who score the lowest will receive a themed Prank Week punishment.


Holly - 50
Cliff - 18
Nick - 34
Nicole - 18
Christie - 21
Jessica - 3
Tommy - 41

Winner and new HoH is HOLLY, while Jessica, Cliff and Nicole will get the not so nice punishment whatever that will be.

The rules for Prank Week are that whoever gets Prankster will get to put someone on the block along with Holly's nomination, and the Prankster will also be able to choose a replacement should their nominee get taken down via Veto

Episode 27 - Vote result and Nominations, Episode 28 - Zingbot and Veto, Episode 29 - Single eviction

And that wraps things up for this episode....

Hoping for Nicole to be the Prankster, she deserves to win SOMETHING this season and deserves to have some fun.

Mixed emotions about that episode given the result, but Christie's time in there must surely be coming to an end. Surely she can't survive another vote.

Anyways, be sure to catch up with BB on Blast if you missed their latest pod right here as they watch and commentate on the final part of the Jade Goody documentary

And as always Rob has a Podcast will be on air every day with their take on the episodes, with some live feed discussion and roundtables thrown in as well. Link is that a way >>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking........

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 25 - Power of Veto

So off we go again for another Veto episode, and it's another crucial one. In case you missed it, Jackson won HoH, and nominated Christie and Analyse

Can he win all the power this week, and consolidate his intention to send Christie to jury? Will there be some sort of manifestation for Christie or Analyse to get off the block?

We pick up the action after nominations, and Christie is not surprised she is on the block as she has figured out she is the main target and claims it is not her time to go yet.

Jackson thinks Christie is the biggest threat as she is playing a good social game, likewise with being mentally and physically good. He says he needs to win Veto to make sure Christie is gone.

An awkward silence ensues in the camper between Holly, Christie, Analyse and Tommy and leading Christie to say the house is a joke, and everyone is fake. Pot meet kettle, Christie. Analyse reckons the best scenario is that Christie wins and takes herself off the block, as Christie has the best chance to stay. If you say so, Analyse.

Analyse has got it into her head she is well liked in the house, and reckons she is likely not to go. Christie tells Analyse the universe has her back.

In a conversation with Jackson, Tommy says Jackson may have nominated his allies he still has good standing with Jackson and Holly. Jackson tells Tommy he has no reason to target him, at least not yet I reckon. If I had my way, I would have taken the punt on putting up Christie and Tommy straight away. Yes I know they have kept their outside connection quiet, but it would have been fun to watch them both sweat.

Tommy thinks he has proved his loyalty to Jackson and Holly, and tells Jackson he will gun for the Veto if picked to play. Jackson tells us if Analyse were to come down, he WOULD put Tommy up as the replacement to make sure Christie went home.

Jackson explains that his conversation with Tommy went really well to Holly. Holly says Analyse and Christie won't talk to her, and Analyse won't even look at her. Jessica would prefer Christie to win the Veto and get the votes for Analyse to stay, and claims she has a really strong ally who will help if she stays, and then goes on to claim Jackson has a final 2 deal with Nick. Christie claims Kat told her Nick is the puppet master, and says he is good at this game.

Christie is now wondering about Nick's loyalty after said conversation with Kat. Meanwhile, Analyse is certain Christie is the target, and wants to make sure she comes off as Analyse needs her as an ally. Nick refuses to throw the Veto to make sure Christie, and gets somewhat defensive when asked about his final 2 deal with Jackson. He has no clue who he would put up next to Analyse should Christie win the Veto.

Veto player picks

Jackson as HoH, and Christie and Analyse as nominees will play automatically. 

Jackson draws Cliff
Christie draws Nick
Analyse draws Holly

Jackson gets his wish of not having Tommy in this competition, as he doesn't want to risk a repeat of last week when Tommy won Veto, and took Christie off the block. 

Analyse is disappointed she drew Holly, and tells Christie and Tommy. Christie of course says Nick is a snake, and of course she says she knows. She is also certain he is working with Jackson. Tommy takes it upon himself to talk to Nick, to see what Christie is going on about.

Nick asks why nobody trusts him in this game, and wants to confront Christie to which Tommy advises him not to. But he goes anyway, which accomplishes nothing in particular apart from Christie saying it's odd he was not put up on the block. I just wish Christie would accept she is on the block, and stop acting like a petulant child.

And again she is having a tantrum talking to Tommy while she is showering, she tries to squeeze out the tears and yet again here goes Tommy doing the very same thing.

Veto competition

Tommy is hosting in his usual over the top manner. No name for this game, and the rules are:

Houseguests have to bring balance to the beach, as they have to hang their respective ten sea creatures of different weights on some bars, and evenly balance them out without none of them falling on the ground. The first houseguest to hang all ten without any of them falling and then hitting their button will win Power of Veto.

A very short competition which JACKSON eventually wins, and with it all the power this week

Naturally, Jackson is very happy and has no intention of changing his mind, but then again things could change in the next episode. Jessica suggests doing a slow motion Baywatch run to Tommy and Holly. Don't encourage that guy, Jessica, as he loves every bit of airtime. Christie and Analyse are trying really hard to bring the mood down in the camper, grow up girls. It is called fun, you should try it sometime.

Christie starts blubbing again as it dawns on her she is most likely going, and says she wouldn't act this way if the situations were reversed. Tommy makes his way to her and apologises. Christie goes into freak out territory yet again, thinking Tommy is siding with Holly. Think Tommy's aunt had a lucky escape with Christie, seeing how she is acting. Tommy is almost done with her I reckon. Could one of them spill that one well kept secret sooner rather than later, I wonder.

Christie now feeling she has nobody left in the house, and didn't think Tommy would turn his back on her. She says unless she can think of something really fast to stay in, she is off to jury. Poor Tommy and Kat I say, stuck with her delusions for a few weeks in the house if/when she gets there.

She then goes goes to Holly and Jackson, and promises protection to them and would do anything to prove to them she would be loyal. If I were them, I would tell her where to stick that pitch.

As expected, Holly and Michie are not believing her as yet again more tears are flowing. To be frank, Christie is getting desperate now and it's showing.

Veto ceremony

As expected, Jackson does not use the Veto. He says he picked the girls for a reason, and he is sticking with it. Myself personally, good decision. Tommy can wait a little longer, but in some circles there are rumblings Tommy could go all the way to the end and win. 

Christie is still defiant, and doesn't want the satisfaction of Jackson getting her out. She says she would love to stay and get a new army built up. Think that ship has sailed myself, and she's gone barring a major flip.

Who will go to jury, Christie or Analyse? To be continued in Episode 26 when Christie or Analyse's fate will be sealed....

In case you missed it, BB on Blast have dropped a new pod right here, and as always Rob has a Podcast can be found via the links on the right, and is on air every day with roundtables, live feed discussions and everything else to do with this season

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 24 - HoH and Nominations

Another fresh week. and no more of the adorable and witty Kat in the house

But never mind, there is still Nicole and she is just as adorable. However I don't rate her chances of winning too much.

As for what happened in the last few days, new six is forming consisting of Christie, Nick, Tommy, Cliff, Analyse and Nicole.

Tommy is just coming out of his HoH reign, and in case you missed it he won all the power as he won the Veto as well resulting in him taking his secret outside connection Christie off the chopping block.

Speaking of Christie, she didn't actually get nominated in the conventional sense, but through a competition in which herself, Jackson and Analyse were picked by America.

Jackson won immunity, Analyse got a punishment of wearing a chicken costume for a week, while Christie was the third person on the block due to finishing last in said competition. You could say it was an 'egg-cruciating experience.

Nicole, perhaps foolishly, told Jessica about Cliff's new alliance and Jessica then passed that onto Kat, who confronted Cliff. The same Cliff who bungled his HoH.

Eviction night came, and Kat was unfortunately evicted 6-1, with Jessica the only vote to keep her in.

Tonight sees slipping and sliding aplenty as the slip and slide makes a return, only this time NO bonus prizes on offer. Just the first to fill up their stein and collect the ball will win the HoH. Tommy doesn't play as outgoing HoH....

Who will win the next power and who will they nominate....Let us all find out together, as this is very crucial for most of them now as the numbers keep on getting reduced as we take another step closer to the end.

We pick up the action where the HoH competition had started, and Nicole tells us that she didn't want too many people mad at her, hence why she ultimately went to vote out Kat. Holly is feeling really bad she couldn't save Kat, and she says she or Jackson have to win this HoH to be absolutely safe this week. Christie knows she has to win to prevent herself going on the block. The target on her back at this point must be enormous. If she's up this week, she is most definitely gone providing she or who's left of her allies don't win Veto.

Cliff and Jessica also put forward their cases to winning this HoH, although I don't think either have much of a chance with this one.

We rewind some 18 hours before eviction, and Jessica is talking to Analyse about the possibility of a new alliance, and Analyse firmly says there is no new alliance. We know that's a lie, but seriously if you told Jessica the world was flat she would probably believe it. Apparently Analyse has been flirting with Jackson, at least that's what he told Holly and Holly told Jessica.

Holy interruptions, as Holly walks in on a conversation between Analyse and Holly, which does become a little heated when Holly walks in. Some of the others are then seen listening in at the door, while Jessica goes barging in the room.

Christie and Jessica then talk about this new six, Jessica is quite determined to get to the truth. Christie also denies there is a new six, but the footage says different as we see the new six making a pact.

Back to Holly, Jackson and Nicole, and after the chat that has just transpired Holly wonders if she should start her eviction speech right now. Nicole leaves the room, while Holly and Jackson talk about what to do next. So, she goes to confront Christie and Analyse, who still deny the new six have formed. Jackson thinks now that it is him and Holly against the rest of the house, and both of them will be on the block if they don't win HoH.

HoH competition

As we saw previously, Nick was in an early lead and feeling very confident. Clips of several players slipping ensue, and then shortly afterwards Nick has run out of steam.

As expected Cliff and Jessica are really struggling, and Cliff is comparing himself to a hippo on a high wire. Couldn't be close between Nick, Christie and Analyse, however Jackson is fasting catching them up the way he is going up and down his lane. However he does have a wardrobe malfunction and he has to take his pants off. That is, his costume pants. 

A lot more slipping and sliding, and Jackson is really pulling away now and eventually gets the ball out of his stein

New HoH is Michie, but he'll only be a stopgap hero if that makes any sense, as once whoever is gone Jackson will be back to be universally loathed and despised.

He says he wants to target Christie and Analyse, failing that anybody who gets in his way could go up with Christie. Holly is also suggesting Christie and Analyse for the block. Analyse is apparently a good option.

Christie, as usual, is scared and thinks Jackson would do a backdoor and hopes he puts anyone but her up. What makes her so special, others have had a taste of the block. Tommy doesn't want get involved in Christie's paranoia.

As expected, Cliff is trying to get in the HoH's ear. He confesses to the new six and Jackson is not too happy that Christie, Tommy and Analyse have got Cliff to do their dirty work.

We then see clips of Jackson's various sayings during his stay in the house, less said the better and moving swiftly on.....

Michie does not want to risk putting Tommy on the block, and he feels he can take the risk.

Dawn of a new day, and Christie is straight off to Jackson to explain about the deal struck with Cliff saying there was no official handshake. Jackson admits he has respect for big game moves, but he's looking out for his own game. He says Christie is the biggest obstacle between him and the grand prize, and everyone else is afraid to take a shot at her. So leave it to him, he more or less says.

Christie nearly blows her and Tommy's secret as in their outside connection by revealing they live very close to each other. Just wish this particular secret could come out soon.

Analyse is next into Jackson, and he asks her about this deal Cliff spoke about earlier. She says her and Nick discussed it in bed with Christie, and the only way they'd keep Cliff is if he made a deal. Jackson's thoughts then turn to Nick, and tells Analyse he doesn't blame anyone, but have to do what's best for his game, and that is Analyse not going out the door. Analyse seems happy she is safe for the week.

Short segment of Analyse's chicken punishment at long last where we see her having lay eggs in the coop outside and talk chicken for the week. She also has to make eggs of Big Brother's choosing and then serve them to the housemates. We then see her being woken up at all hours, before Big Brother telling her the punishment. Boy, she really wanted to hear that.

After several talks, Jackson knows he would have been a target had he not won HoH, which Nick confirms. Nick has joined the hit list of people to go. Jackson says Nick is really good at manipulation and socially, high risk high reward he says.

Nomination ceremony

To no great shock CHRISTIE and ANALYSE are on the block. Main reason being if he hadn't of won HoH, his face would have appeared on the board, and they are two adults and two threats

Christie is Jackson's biggest target, while Analyse is a pawn. Analyse is upset to be on the block, while Christie thinks Jackson wants her out. She vows to win Veto this week, and going up against him and beating him at his own game will be really satisfying.

To be continued in Episode 25, when the Veto is again up for grabs. Will it be another week of the HoH getting all the power? Find out next time

Thanks for reading, and remember to click on the links to the right to keep with all the information for this season

BB on Blast will be dropping a new pod soon, and as soon as it's released this particular post will be updated with the link, and also don't forget Rob has a Podcast as well

And as promised, here is BB on Blast's latest pod

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 23 - Eviction

Greetings, chums, as we head into another eviction episode. The ever so adorable and funny Kat or the bungling former HoH, Cliff, will be second to the jury house to join Jack.

Tale of the week that was:

  • Tommy won HoH, and pre-Veto decided to nominate Kat and Cliff
  • In the Field Trip challenge, Jackson won immunity, Analyse got the punishment, and brief celebrations in the outside world as Christie ended up on the block as she finished last
  • Unfortunately, the celebrations were short lived as Tommy won Veto and to no shock used it on his outside world connection, Christie.
  • As a replacement nominee could not be selected due to Christie being on the block through this twist, Kat or Cliff will be guaranteed to be joining Jack in the jury house.
Disappointing week all round really, despite that small victory in the Field Trip twist and I think this latest twist can be put in the less said the better files.

Anyways onto tonight's action, as we gear towards Kat or Cliff's departure....

And as if he hasn't said it enough, Kat is Tommy's main target and Cliff also wants to focus to make sure Kat goes to jury and not him. Kat is rating her chances of winning this game pretty highly. Needless to say, Nicole is not happy about this scenario, as she has to send one of her friends to jury and that there is also the small problem of a chicken in the house

This chicken of course is Analyse dressed up as part of her Field Trip, although I don't know why they bothered. She barely does anything at the best of times, and they've barely shown her punishment or anything to do with it.

Cliff is assuring Kat they will be friends outside of the game, but the priority at the moment is making sure he stays in the house, and Kat is asking him not to throw her under the bus. Shortly afterwards, Jackson is telling Kat that Cliff is the bigger threat. She knows by now that Jackson and Holly have her back, along with Jessica, and needs one more vote to stay. But who.....? 

Outgoing HoH Tommy has gathered Nick and Christie, and is making sure the right person is going home. Nick has been trying to build relationships, and wants to start a new faction which would be good for him getting to the end, and more importantly getting rid of Jackson and Holly. He suggests to Tommy and Christie that Kat is working with Jackson and Holly, and that Nicole is leaning on getting rid of Kat. Tommy admits Cliff would be a good person to work with, and Christie suggests a new group of six, consisting of Tommy, herself, Nick, Cliff, Analyse and Nicole.

Christie admits to trusting Cliff, I would say only because he was foolish enough to listen to her BS a few weeks ago. Nick has gone straight to Cliff and pitched this new six to him, to which Cliff is quite interested in. Cliff says if Kat goes, he will only have Nicole, Jessica and himself. Hardly enough to get him to the end, his words not mine. Yes, he seems to be leaning towards this new six as he thinks they will take him to the end

Nick then goes back to Christie, and Christie is delighted with the outcome. She tells us she didn't want to go to the end with couples. She does know she is in a sort of couple herself with Tommy doesn't she?  An unfair advantage if I do say so myself.

Nicole is currently pondering on who to vote for, and it doesn't help matters that Nick is getting in her ear telling her who to take out. Nick says he can't work with Kat going forward, while Nicole barely trusts Nick. Nick's talk then turns to saying Cliff will owe the group one if Kat ends up going.

Holly tells us her and Jackson have basically been doing their own thing, but has to play her cards close as she doesn't want any nasty conspiracy theories coming out about her. She says Kat is probably the only one she trusts, and wants to keep in. Again she has to be careful due to her outside connection with Kat, so Kat has to fight this battle herself.

Kat is hoping that if she goes that Nicole, Cliff and Jessica can carry on some pre-arranged plan. She tells Nicole that should she stay, that Nicole will NOT go up if Kat wins HoH. Poor Nicole is so stressed out with the heavy burden knowing it's an expensive decision she will soon have to make as in which of her friends to evict. She knows she's not been accepted as much as she would like in the house, but Cliff and Kat are two of those people who have.

Staying with Nicole, and now Cliff is pitching to her about keeping him in. She is so stressed by this and wants them both to stay. He then starts to fill her in on the plan for the new six, to which Nicole is concerned about as Nick is very close to Tommy and Analyse. She is also disappointed Jessica has been left out. I can understand why Jessica has been left out, as apart from her HoH reign in which she got rid of Jack, she is pretty dumb and clueless about this game.

Nicole, perhaps unwisely, goes and tells Jessica the whole story about this incoming new alliance. Of course, we all know Jessica will NOT keep her mouth shut about this. Sure enough, Jessica is already running her mouth to Kat a short while later, and Kat now wants to shut down Cliff's Angels.

Kat is very hurt and disappointed with Cliff, and tells him so. Cliff, wonders what else he was supposed to do to keep Nicole and Jess safe, and he then sees how upset Kat is. He tells Kat he has to do what he can do to survive.

Jessica now running her mouth to Holly, who manages to put two and two together to figure out who this new six will be, and goes to Jackson with what she has just been told. He suggests getting in Nicole's ear about getting Cliff out or the plan to get him, Holly and Kat out will succeed.

Christie and the new six are in the camper and she is having one of her daily theories in that Kat, Holly and Jackson are indeed working together. Nicole still mulling over who to get rid of, by the way as we head into the eviction vote


Time for the speeches

Kat: Sad that her and Cliff are on the block, proud of Cliff for surviving banishment, Camp Comeback and then winning HoH. Managed to convince everyone she is the bigger threat, and will make more deals with Nick over time.

Cliff: Proud to have signed up for Big Brother, and age doesn't have to be an obstacle. Wants to stay, and hopes the votes go his way. Sorry to Kat for paths going in different directions.

As usual, the two nominees will not be allowed to vote and this week neither will the HoH as it's even numbers.

Nick votes to evict Kat
Christie votes to evict Kat
Analyse votes to evict Kat
Nicole votes to evict Kat
Jessica votes to evict Cliff
Holly votes to evict Kat
Jackson votes to evict Kat

By a vote of 6-1, Kat will be the second member of this year's hug. In a pre-arranged promise, she only hugs Jessica and then leaves the house.

In her interview with Julie, Kat is disappointed she couldn't dress up properly, as the HoH comp is endurance, a comp Kat won't be playing in obviously.

She is asked what she hoped to accomplish by confronting Cliff, and she says she had nothing to lose and is loyal to a fault, much like Jessica is.

Kat is then asked to what she believes, to which the answer is that she would have targeted Jackson straight away, teamed up with Nicole and Jess and then targeted Holly. She says she knew Jackson was using her as a pawn and wanted to flip the script. About her final 2 deal with Holly, Kat says she knew Holly had Jackson's back and that affected her game.

She says she would have said no to safety had SHE been approached by the new six, and says Jessica has been a true friend to her, and when she campaigned she kept Jessica and Nicole in mind.

HoH competition

We close tonight's festivities with the start of the new HoH competition, which this week is the infamous slip and slide. Augtoberfest to use it's game title. Quite simply, they have to go up and down their respective slippery slopes with a small mug of apple cider and fill up their respective stein. The first houseguest to fill their stein up, and remove their ping pong ball will be the new HoH

As outgoing HoH, Tommy is not eligible to play

As the show closes, Nick is narrowly in the lead and Analyse not far behind...But of course that can all change in an instant, and that's it for the episode

To be continued in Episode 24, when we do find out who actually wins HoH and who the nominations will be, as we get on the road to finding out who will be the third jury member.

Kat will be missed as she was so unintentionally funny, but ever so adorable as well. Who will bring the humour to the house now amongst this lot, there is nobody quite like Kat.

Anyways, if you missed BB on Blast or Julie Girl's latest pods, catch them here and here and don't forget Rob has a Podcast discussing all aspects of this season from live feed updates, roundtables and episode discussions to name but a few. Link that a way >>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 22 - Power of Veto

When last we left the houseguests, Tommy had won HoH

He nominated Cliff and Kat, while the Field Trip was egg-cruciating for Christie as she finished up in last place and ended up on the block as the third nominee for this week

Meanwhile, her nemesis Jackson won immunity for winning the Field Trip, while Analyse ended up in a chicken suit for a week. Hardly a punishment, but then again Analyse has been pretty invisible this season.

So, anyways, we move into another Veto episode as the nominees look to win Veto and take themself off the block and potentially away from a trip to the jury house for at least another week, and Tommy has said that Kat is his target this week.

A lot of crying ahead, as Christie gets emotional as she thinks America hates her. Oh she has no idea, as she will hang out with the wrong crowd won't she. Jackson would love to be picked for Veto, and it would make his day if Christie was sent packing.

Kat has gone from 60 to zero in terms of happiness, as she is crying as well about being nominated. She is telling Nick he has to get picked for the Veto comp, and he promises he will do all he can to take her off the block. A little hug from Jessica follows, and she admits she does not want to be on the block next to Cliff.

Kat getting hugs all round now as Jackson and Cliff come in to comfort her as well. Jessica advises Kat not to pick Jackson for the Veto, as he said he would fight for her as well. Cliff reminds Kat there are two chances to win Veto, and to send Christie packing.

Christie now saying how unfair it is to be on the block. Does she know what show she's on? Lot of F words coming out as she goes into another panic. More tears in the Diary Room. Nick is telling her that she didn't do anything to be put up. Myself personally I would call it sour grapes on her part, and she should just suck it up and get the hell off her butt and start campaigning.

Pointless segment now with Tommy and Nick. Nick apparently has a crush on Tommy, and we are shown clips of said flirting. Tommy says if only Nick played for the same team he did. Moving swiftly on.....

Tommy as part of his BB Explorer punishment, now has to initiate the Speed of Light. Shortly afterward the punishment is done and Tommy is delighted.

Veto picks

Tommy, Christie, Cliff and Kat are automatically playing as HoH and nominees respectively. This week the picks are a little different, as Tommy will make the two random draws. If he draws out his name or one of the nominees, then that person makes the pick to who will be playing. Sort of a variation of Houseguests choice if you will.

He draws CHRISTIE, and she picks NICK. Second token is CLIFF and he picks JACKSON.

Jackson is obviously delighted with this, and he is confident he can win this comp and get Christie out of there and to jury.

Cliff tells us how focused he is on this Veto. He chased Jack out, and he sure as hell won't be chased out as well. He wants Christie out, and really wants this Veto. He then subjects us to a Cliff dance.

Jackson and Analyse are talking are talking about forming a five player alliance with Jack gone. She reminds Jackson they all have to trust each other. Jackson thinks Christie will put him and Holly up without hesitation, he then goes to say something but hesitates in case it gets reported back to Christie.

Analyse promises she won't say anything, and Jackson tells her he wants Christie out and they wouldn't even have to get blood on their hands. A short time later, Jackson says he would rather play in traffic than work with Christie. Safe to say those two won't be exchanging Christmas cards. Analyse pitches that working with Christie could be good for his game, but Jackson is still reluctant.and says he would be stupid not to take this chance to get Christie out the door.

Veto (OTEV) competition

Waiting for them in the backyard is the paranoid pigeon, and he says, amongst all the ribbing he gives the houseguests, that he'll give a clue about a competition from this summer he'd like to visit and the answer will be hidden in the swamp before them. Simply, the name of the competition is on a tag which they must find amongst the muck in the swamp. The last player to present the answer in each round will be eliminated. The last player standing will win the Veto.

Eliminations in order:

1. Jackson
2. Cliff
3. Christie
4. Kat
5. Nick

Tommy has won Veto and all the power this week, somewhat unfortunately. Don't think we need a Veto ceremony for this one....

Christie is her usual smug self again, knowing she will be safe while everyone else apart from Tommy is kicking themselves. A good chance to get Christie out gone. Just wish they could somehow be tipped off about Tommy and Christie's outside connection, as it is a somewhat unfair advantage.

Now we can only hope Christie doesn't win the next HoH as that would be a total and complete nightmare.

Veto ceremony

Straight down to business, and to absolutely no shock Tommy uses the Veto on Christie. As it was used on Christie, there will be no replacement nominee.

Chalk this twist down as another failure, they should have said the third nominee could not have the Veto used on them. But them is the breaks, and we have a smug Tommy and Christie heading into the next week. Lucky us, I don't think.

It does seem likely we will lose the ever so adorable Kat, as Tommy has named her as his main target. Hopefully she can start the ball rolling to get some people onside for a possible vote flip, we'll have to wait and see. Good luck to her, would rather her stay in the house. 

To be continued in Episode 23......

In case you missed them, BB on Blast's new pod with continuing coverage of the Jade Goody documentary thrown in with some of this season's episodes right here, and also Episode 8 of Julie Girl can be listened to right here

Usual shoutout for Rob has a Podcast, and this week's eviction episode analysis has a special guest host in the form of Kaitlyn Herman from last year's season. Plenty of content with Rob's site such as live feed updates and roundtables. The list is endless, and can be found via the link >>>>>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 21 - Field Trip and Nominations

It's finally arrived, it's time to take 3 houseguests of America's choosing and place them into the Field Trip twist where the winner gets immunity, 2nd gets a punishment and last place gets the third spot on this week's chopping block.

But first, the tale so far.....

The Shit Shooters absolutely imploded. Jessica won HoH, and put Jack and Jackson on the chopping block. But it wasn't to be the nasties week as Jessica also won the Veto, giving her all the power for the week and also cancelling out Christie's secret power.

Jack was evicted to no great surprise, and it was to be a great celebration as we potentially started chipping away at the nasties in the house. Then along came party pooper Tommy, fastest in the new HoH competition and thereby winning power back to the nasties.

But never fear with this Field Trip, anything could and probably will happen....Stay tuned as we head into Episode 21 where we find out just who is going on the field trip aka the backyard competition, and who will Tommy nominate for eviction pre-Veto

We kick off this week's festivities with Christie, Tommy and 'done nothing' Analyse celebrating. Christie is claiming all credit saying its just the same as her winning, she just wanted the Universe to reward loyalty.

Cliff is with Nicole and Jess, and he thinking he and Jackson will go up and is hopeful of getting the girls votes. This coming from the guy who could have made this move weeks ago and he blew it. He's not winning this season, but then again I thought he wouldn't even make it to jury. So what do I know?

Kat thinks Tommy winning was her worst case scenario considering he tried to flip the house against her.

The last showmance standing continues in Jackson and Holly, and he is wondering where Analyse will sleep now Jack is gone. Meanwhile, Holly is thinking who Tommy will nominate. Jackson thinks it won't be him as he could win Veto. Holly says she has been trying to mend fences, while Jackson says he has too, but not with Christie.

Tommy is still clinging on for a Shit Shooters reunion. He assures Jackson that he will not target the former members, and Jackson tells Tommy that he needs to play what's the best game for him. Jackson obviously doesn't want to get the band back together so to speak, so has to pretend to agree for now while Tommy's in power.

Christie is very happy she won't be targeted this week given her close association with Tommy, as in she knows him from outside as she used to date his aunt. Tommy is already thinking about nominating Kat and Cliff, to which Christie agrees. He tells Christie that the Shit Shooters must be seen with still having dissension in the ranks, in order to weaken the outsiders. He wants to make sure Kat goes to jury, as he feels she is a strong player and if it comes down to it will replace Cliff with Nicole to make sure Kat leaves.

Staying with Tommy, he assures Cliff that he will go up as a pawn, and makes promises that Cliff is not the target. 

In a conversation with Jackson, Kat gets quite emotional and knows Tommy wants to get the band back together. She feels pretty low after a great week in terms of Jessica's HoH.

She admits to Tommy that she knows she is going on the block due to the potential flip from last week, and then tells us she would target Tommy straight away if she was HoH. She tells Tommy, if there's anything she can do to avoid going on the block, and Tommy says he is keeping quiet for now. Word has been linked via the grapevine that the band are getting back together, claims Kat, to which Tommy denies. Kat gets upset with Tommy at this point calling him a terrible liar and told her many lies to her face. Tommy claims that Kat is playing both sides of the house, and is a threat.

Field Trip

Reminder: Winner gets immunity, 2nd gets a punishment, and last place goes on the block as the third nomination

And the three taking part will be, drumroll maestro if you please, JACKSON, ANALYSE and CHRISTIE

Perhaps the 3 most expected, as they are the most disliked since Jack packed his bags and went to the jury house. As HoH, Tommy was ineligible to be picked.

Christie is not happy to be picked, and says she would have picked people she didn't like. Why do you think you were picked, stupid?

Holly tells Jackson Christie is needed as the third nominee. Jackson is excited at the thought of this as she gets evicted and there is no blood on his hands.

Tommy's at a loss to know what to do, and just tells Analyse to sit tight and see how this week goes. She seriously suggests throwing it, so they can keep Christie safe. Tommy wisely tells her not to throw it.

I often wonder what is the point of Analyse in there, is she actually taking this game seriously or is she just in there to be famous for 15 minutes?

Anyways, in comes Christie knowing if she's on the block, Jackson and Holly will vote her out. She then says she will not be sitting on the block during Tommy's HoH. If only the others knew of her outside connection, she wouldn't last 5 minutes in there. Analyse still going on about throwing the competition. Christie by this time is having another of her paranoia attacks.

Field Trip competition

Cluck Cluck Island, and it's the tried and tested maneuver the egg to the other side of the coup competition. Basically the three players are in separate chicken coups and have get their eggs to their respective little ramps on the right of the coup, keep the egg on the ramp and roll it down to knock down the letters S A F E

Lots of cracked eggs ensue before Jackson emerges victorious and gains immunity, now it's down to Analyse and Christie, and Analyse STILL wants to throw the competition. Jackson whispers to Analyse to shake the egg to give herself a better chance. The advice pays off as Analyse is second to finish and will get the punishment. That will be revealed in due course. Of course that means Christie is the third nominee. Yippee!!!!!!! Not so cocky now is she

And right on cue Christie is crying her eyes out, saying this week should have been a breeze. Oh she didn't see that in the stars did she, tsk tsk. Kat thinks all her Christmases have come at once, but I would say steady girl, the Veto still has to be played yet and anything could happen there.

Analyse is confused to why America hates her, and I have two words for that. Shit Shooters. If Tommy hadn't won HoH, you wouldn't have even been in that competition. Jackson is obviously happy with the outcome, gloating about his immunity and his nemesis being the third nominee.

Cliff is delighted with this outcome, as long as Christie stays on the block he thinks the votes will be there to get rid of her.

Analyse apologises for her performance in the competition, as she claims everyone was watching and Christie just wasn't knocking anything down. Christie continues on her voyage to freak out city, saying she's scared and upset. At this point, middle man Nick who claims is he is playing both sides tells Christie if he wins the Veto, she is coming off. He then says he wants to work with what is left of the Shit Shooters as they are the better side. Yeah right, stab them in the back first chance he gets would be more appropriate.

Analyse is called to the Diary Room for her punishment, and she must wear a chicken suit until further notice. The other adorable in the house, aka Nicole, says she has a fear of birds.

Kat and Tommy now having a conversation about Christie. Kat tells him that she loves Christie and will not vote her out, and then tells us she is telling Tommy what he wants to hear.to keep her safe. Tommy says this week is about building relationships he can work with, and ponders his next move in regards to nominations. Does he change his plans now Christie is on the block? We are about to find out

Nomination ceremony

Reminder, Jackson is immune and Christie is already on the block as the third nominee.

CLIFF and KAT are nominated by Tommy as he feels that both have good working relationships in the house, and tells them to win Veto to make his job harder.

Cliff and Kat are determined to win Veto, just to make sure Christie is still on the block on eviction night. Kat and Christie are both crying. Meanwhile, Jackson couldn't be happier to see Christie on the block, and would love to see her gone on eviction night...

To be continued in Episode 22, when the Veto is once again up for grabs and will it be used to save one of the three nominees. All these questions and more in the next post very soon.

Thanks for reading if you have come in, and thanks to anyone who has liked, RT'd, shared or commented. It is very much appreciated

Two new pods to shout out in BB on Blast and Julie Girl which can be found here and here, and a quick note to say BB on Blast will be covering the second part of the Jade Goody documentary as well as some episodes from this season.

Not forgetting Rob has a Podcast, all the content from this season and plenty of episode discussions, roundtables and live feed updates for you to get your teeth into. Just follow the link on the right >>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 20 - Eviction and HoH

Time for the party of the series so far, when we say goodbye to either Jack or Jackson. Unfortunately one or both WILL be on this year's jury, and it's a shame we can't say goodbye to both of them in this episode

Story so far in this glorious week is that Jessica won HoH AND Veto, thereby causing Christie's secret power to expire and she has also kept Jack and Jackson on the block as she didn't use Veto.

Tonight sees the culmination of Jessica's HoH, well all good things have to come to an end eventually don't they. Hopefully the outsiders can continue the momentum after this episode, but even if they don't then there's still the Field Trip twist to look forward to as it seems pretty much set in stone to who will be participating in this twist.

Reminder about the Field Trip, 1st place is immune from nomination and replacement nomination, 2nd gets a punishment, and last place automatically goes on the block as the third nominee.

To house action, and the Shit Shooters or what is left of them are not seeing eye to eye, as in Jackson doesn't want Tommy, Christie or Analyse's votes as they don't exist. Jack reminds us of the remaining punishments from the Veto competition.

First to Jackson's punishment which is call Area 21 doctor, and he has to perform an alien autopsy. Not a real alien of course, but this alien is filled with all kinds of goo which inevitably goes all over Jackson. Sweet justice I would say after he avoided that gunging in the first week as he was Camp Director back then.

He has to do this several times, and several times he gets covered in slime

As for Jack's punishment, special effects at work as an alien beams in which basically follows him everywhere, including watching Jack cleaning the toilet, Diary Room, HoH room. The alien then starts tipping food and drink everywhere. The alien also spills some macaroni on the floor, to which he makes Jack count.

Now it turns to torture for Jack, as the alien now starts getting in his ear and pouring stuff on his head. Jack is getting a bit tetchy about this, and in comes the alien to the Diary Room. Even in the early hours he is there with Jack, and hurls some insults in Jack's direction before finally beaming out.

Holly, Analyse and Tommy are in the Have Not room, and they are joined shortly by Jack and Christie. Tommy wants to make a deal for them all to come together against everyone else, instead of being at loggerheads.

Jessica is with Jackson, and she wonders when he will start campaigning, and Jackson says he won't campaign against Jack due to a handshake deal. Music to Tommy's ears as he summons Jackson so they can all make up. Christie says it sucks they are all going. Memo, Christie, it's only Jack or Jackson. Your turn will come eventually with any luck. Jackson is a bit reluctant to make up with everyone, saying when they all watch this season back they should have given him the benefit of the doubt.

Jack insincerely apologises for breaking Jackson's trust, and Jackson tells him he betrayed someone who would have died for him in the game. Christie then pipes up saying she wishes Jackson would have told them the Shit Shooters were over before the big argument. Jackson doesn't take too kindly to this, and tells Christie not to put words in his mouth.

Another paranoia attack from Christie when she thinks Jackson has taken her words and thrown them back in her face. Jackson says this has been Christie's game from the start and he's not playing anymore.

Jack is pitching to Nick about if he gets the votes Nick would be the fifth vote, as he already has Analyse, Tommy and Christie and needs two more. Jack has ruled out Kat as he accused her of being in a trio with Jackson and Holly, and doesn't talk game with Nicole. Thoughts then turn to Cliff, and how he likes to make deals and pitches the bizarre move of 4 eviction immunities. Cliff is allowed to put him, but Jack doesn't put Cliff up. Cliff wants to mull it over, but what is there to think about? Jack is not even guaranteed to survive this vote let alone the next few votes.

Eviction vote

Pretty early in the show, so I would assume we are going to get the HoH competition live

Pretty insincere speech from Jack, and lots of shout outs in Jackson's final speech

Holly votes to evict Jack
Analyse votes to evict Jackson
Christie votes to evict Jackson
Nicole votes to evict Jack
Cliff votes to evict Jack
Nick votes to evict Jack
Tommy votes to evict Jack
Kat votes to evict Jack

By a vote of 6-2, JACK is evicted. Break out the poppers and champagne, Aquaman is finally sunk and becomes the first member of this year's jury

As I found out on social media, the USA audience are not allowed to boo or they would be ejected. So unfortunately he didn't get the boos he deserved.

In his interview with Julie, he says he put his trust in the wrong people and should have trusted Jackson instead of Tommy and Christie. He then says he doesn't like to live with regrets, Jackson was his bromance and knew there were numbers being with Christie and Tommy.

And now we move onto what has been one of the most talked subjects, and that being the way Jack conducted himself with some of the houseguests. He claimed Kemi said some bad stuff about Jackson, and Julie counters with that Jack said some REALLY bad things about Kemi. We are finally shown the footage where Jack threatened to 'stomp a mudhole in Kemi', and also called her dog poop and a b*tch. Jack explains he picked up the mudhole comment from adorable Sam from last year. Feeble excuse, pal. He claims to apologise for what he said, and says Kemi is a great person. Doubt he means that.

Talk then moves on to the rice pudding comment regarding Bella, as Bella is Asian. We are then shown said comment. Julie then asks Jack explain the connotations. Jack explains that they were all making puddings that day, and had nothing to do with Bella's ethnicity.

As far as what he will take away from this experience. Jack says it's like nothing you will do in life. He then says he needs some alone time, and Julie says he will get plenty of that in the jury house.

HoH competition

This competition is called 'Time Me a River'. Basically they have to float to the end of the slope. The person closest to 9 seconds will be the next HoH. Over or under doesn't matter, it's just who is closest. Simple as that. As outgoing HoH, Jessica is not eligible to compete

Cliff - 9.70
Christie - 9.19
Tommy - 8.90
Nicole - 10.20
Jackson - 9.39
Kat - 11.29
Analyse - 9.14
Holly - 10.07
Nick - 9.82

Sadly, Tommy is the new HoH. But we still have the Field Trip to come, so Tommy is ruled out of the Field Trip. Shame, but there's still plenty of choices from the nasties to put in this twist. Find out who Tommy nominates in Episode 21, and also who the 3 field trippers are.

Not all hope is lost just yet, and let's see how these next few episodes go in terms of the Field Trip and Veto

Anyways, in case you missed it BB on Blast have dropped a new pod right here and along with the latest episodes from this season, they also cover the first part of the late former UK housemate Jade Goody's documentary.

Episode 7 of Julie Girl can be found right here, and not forgetting Rob has a Podcast with all this season's coverage including live feed updates, roundtables, episode analysis....The list is endless. 

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......