Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 13 - Power of Veto

 Another week, and another Veto is upon us

A strange week so far with this invisible HoH, but quite a unique concept which I have to say is playing out nicely at the moment, especially with Victoria at the helm as the invisible HoH

Can see why she settled on Austin and Breydon for the nominations, neither took it too well and were all too willing to throw her under the bus, but she beat them to the punch. Breydon's reaction though, in that all familiar phrase I like to use in "How dare he/she nominate me". The guy has done nothing, much like Tina and Tera, and he has the gall to spit his dummy out when he ends up on the block. As the famous gif says "Welcome to Big Brother"


Picking up from the nominations, Austin and Breydon express their displeasure in no uncertain terms about being nominated. Seriously? Have they forgotten what show they are on?

Most saying how 'savage' it is those two are on the block, oh please..... understandably the trio of Ty, Jed and Beth are really happy to be off the hook so far. Some would say those noms could hurt Victoria down the line, if she's there to the end of course.

Breydon is still sulking about being nominated, get over it. You're on the block, fight for your place in the Veto if it bothers you so much.

Pointless segment next, where the houseguests get questions from Canada and probably further afield as well.

Moving swiftly on with.....

Veto picks

Playing this week will be Austin, Breydon, Rohan, Ty and Victoria with Kiefer hosting.

Reminder that the invisible HoH can play Veto this week, and also in the next HoH comp

Veto comp

Players have to build a path with the beams present, and then take puzzle pieces to the other side of the course and build a 3d condominium. First player to complete their puzzle wins the Veto

And for the second week in a row, Rohan wins the Veto....But will he use it on Austin, Breydon or neither. Stay tuned.....

Back to house action, and Austin is pitching that Tera be the replacement nominee should Rohan use the Veto. Something that doesn't go down well with that particular floater, I may add. Wish she would just play instead of just sitting on the sofas and gossiping with Tina.

Sick buckets at the ready, Beth and her showmances now move into the spotlight. She says she is more settled with Jed than Ty. Less said the better, but to be fair she is doing SOMETHING in there. Highly doubtful though neither of them will get a look in once this season is done.

Veto ceremony

No shock, Rohan does not use the Veto and it will be Austin or Breydon missing out on jury

To be continued in Episode 14, which this year falls on April Fool's Day. Will they pull a twist out of the hat, or will things stay as they are? We'll have to wait and see what the team rustle up, maybe a few jokes on the houseguests during the day perhaps on the feeds?

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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 29 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 12 - Invisible HoH and Nominations

Fresh week, fresh start, and we await to see the Invisible HoH crowned

When we last left the remaining houseguests, the Invisible HoH comp was underway and it's basically who can get close to the exact amount of rocks that come down the conveyor belt. Oh and Kyle had been evicted 7-1 just before that.

As outgoing HoH, Kiefer was not allowed to play in the next comp...

In case you missed the rules about the Invisible HoH:

  • No HoH room
  • Invisible HoH allowed to play in Veto and next HoH comp
  • Nominations will be done behind closed doors
  • Houseguests won't know who won HoH
Quite simple really isn't it.... No doubt though their minds will be going into overdrive to guess who the mystery person of the week is.

On to the festivities we go, and we pick up the action with the HoH comp just starting.....

Those rocks are coming down thick and fast and in different numbers, don't think I would have done well in this one to be honest.

Temptation 1 - Feast for the house
Temptation 2 - Slop pass for one houseguest
Temptation 3 - Tina, with the lowest amount, can get a letter from home if she resets her counter to zero

Tina accepts and is out of the competition

There is a tie between Tera and Victoria, so onto the tiebreaker question which Victoria is closer to

Your winner and new HoH, albeit the invisible one this week is VICTORIA

And let the real games begin now amongst the rest who will speculate for days, and as always when Victoria wins a comp out comes the ball of energy.

So much for keeping things secret, as she all but tells Kiefer.....or does she? Yes and no would be the most discreet answer.

Wendy's is a solo venture this week for obvious reasons, and now Victoria gets a video message from her best friend. Meanwhile the suspicions are rife as they all try to work out who the Invisible HoH is, and Victoria is trying to throw them off the scent.

She first tells Austin she is not the HoH, and likewise with Ty and Jed.

Have Nots have been selected as Breydon, Austin, Victoria and Kiefer. Subtle way of throwing them off the scent there from Victoria, as she wants to divert the target to Ty, Jed or Beth.

Candidates for the block are whittled down to Jed, Ty, Beth, Austin and Breydon

Secret nominations

Victoria nominates Austin and Breydon, and to say Austin is not happy would be a bit of an understatement. Breydon meanwhile adds a 'how dare you nominate me' reactions to his CV. Dude you've done nothing, people have to be nominated and this time it was your turn. 

Excellent graphic of a hologram making nominations by the way

And so we move on to Episode 13, part 2 in this unique week and it's Power of Veto up next

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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 11 - Eviction (Austin v Kyle) and Invisible HoH

The end of Kiefer's reign as HoH is near, with Austin or Kyle being shown the door

And in case you missed it, a new twist will be unveiled tonight or, knowing our luck, in the next episode in the Invisible HoH. Whatever that entails, will be revealed in due course.

Anyway, first things first as we head into Eviction night as the last minute pitching begins, and a new showmance being teased in Austin and Kyle, which will be very shortlived as one of them is out tonight. No doubt Franzel wannabe Beth will be gunning for Austin to go, as in 'how dare she try and steal my showmance spotlight'


Breaking, it's a hidden power to decide who will be invisible HoH. Wonder if Kiefer will be able to play in this one, as being ineligible would only raise suspicions

Austin not too happy about being on the block, saying how close she has become to Kyle

Look out another volcano about to blow, with some confronting Kiefer. Like that it's fitting that some are eating popcorn, much like you see in those popular gifs on social media.

Kiefer making out he is this great player, when he is really not. This has been a crappy HoH week, just in my opinion of course, hopefully whoever is the invisible HoH will be a lot stronger.

Tina and Tera's strategy so transparent, lay low, wait and then start playing only when they get to the business end. Classic. floater. strategy.

The two floaters are summoned to the Diary Room, and given a secret mission to organise a party. Evidently not so secret as Rohan is listening at the pantry door, as the floaters were suppose to go in there undetected. Anyway, the next step was then to drink a beer and then begin the party with the others.

To say Victoria was loud in this party would be a massive understatement, as we see the usual party games associated with Big Brother as in Spin the Bottle amongst other things. Very BBUK type of mission, not to mention the games.

Curious the two floaters getting a lot of airtime tonight.... Surely not one of those two as the invisible HoH?

Eviction vote

Kiefer only votes in the event of a tie

Everyone, except of course Kiefer and the nominees, votes to evict Kyle. Rohan is the rogue vote who votes to evict Austin.

Kyle evicted 7-1,,not even close

As for the invisible HoH, they will be allowed to play in the Veto, there's no HoH room, noms will be made in secret, and they can play in the next HoH comp

Tonight's comp:

Kiefer not eligible to play as outgoing HoH

Houseguests will stand in booths and have to count number of rocks that come down from the conveyor belt and whoever is closest when the comp end will be the invisible HoH.

As expected we, that is the TV only viewers, will find out in Episode 12, no doubt somehow the live feeders will find out long before then

And speaking of Episode 12, see you back here then for that episode

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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 10 - Power of Veto

Not the best episode last time out, as the HoH had already been decided in the eviction episode with Kiefer taking the honours

To say it has been a bit of a crappy HoH so far would be an understatement. Meanwhile in other news, Beth's search for a showmance continues, who will be the lucky (or unlucky) guy? SHE decides or more WHO CARES. No to showmances. 'nuff said

However, as I said in the last episode we have to expect a few bumps along the way in this season and hopefully tonight will retake this season's reins and regain momentum as we head towards the next eviction

As usual, it's the noms recap to start the show and Rohan says he is used to being on the block, but is disappointed in Kiefer for not showing much respect. Feels more like 'how dare you nominate me' personally.


Who does Beth remind people of? A certain person who disliked the women of the house and wanted them out, and hell bent on a showmance.... Ding Dong, correct answer. Nicole Franzel....

Meanwhile elsewhere in the house, Tina and Tera, IMO the floaters gossiping like Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets, and Austin and Kyle seem to be getting closer which gets on Breydon's showmance radar.

Talk then turns to floaters, and credit to these people this season, they are sharp. Victoria, Tina and Tera are named as the floaters

Veto picks

As HoH, Kiefer is ineligible to play. The picks are Austin, Beth, Jed, Kyle and Rohan. Ty is hosting.

Veto comp

Mountain out of a Molehill my name for this one. Blowing balls is the name of this one, steady you lot. Players have to blow balls round a course, and avoid the holes and get the balls into their molehill. First houseguest to get 10 balls wins the Veto. Any balls that fall into the holes on the course will mean the player has to start again.

Rohan wins the Veto, and will most likely save himself

Onto the latest Skip the Slop vote, and the Canadian punteroonies have picked ROHAN. Sure is his week, first the Veto win and now off slop.

Veto ceremony

No shock there, Rohan does indeed save himself. As HoH, Kiefer must now pick a replacement, and he chooses Austin. Reason being, she chose him as a pawn so he is returning the favour.

And there we have it.....

To be continued in Episode 11, when Kyle or Austin will take the walk of shame to Arisa, and there is a tease of an 'INVISIBLE' HoH.... Count me in.

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Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 22 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 9 - Nominations

Yes you read that right, ladies and gentlemen
The HoH was concluded in Episode 8 with Kiefer winning a sudden death crapshoot with Austin to claim the power in this fresh week

Latoya is no more as she was the latest to be shown the door by a vote of 6-3,a huge threat which Victoria made look relatively simple to get rid of

So into a fresh week we go, with Kiefer at the helm which should prove very interesting as we take a step closer to this year's jury opening its doors

And here. we. go.

Kiefer-mania is running wild or so he thinks, let's hope this is not a wasted week and one of the meatheads is sent packing.

Victoria insinuating that Beth wanted Latoya out, which is somewhat true as Beth wants to be closer to Ty and Jed. She is so hell bent on that showmance with one of them.

During the HoH recap we see Kiefer tell, or should that be lie, to Austin that Ty and Jed could be coming after her and somehow they cut a deal to keep each other safe. Hence Kiefer winning HoH

Tera, Victoria, Tina and Rohan are this week's Have-Nots as selected by Kiefer, and of course there is a Skip the Slop vote to take one of them down. Looks pretty cut and dry this is going to be Victoria, but we'll see soon enough.


Amongst the contents of his room is a letter from his sister saying there is a new member of the family, no not a baby but a golden retriever. I liked that as a dog lover, and I am so looking forward to the day when we can all mix indoors and see my dog, Lenny. Hell I know I've posted about him and shared his picture so many times whether it be in forums or social media, but dam he's adorable and so many people agree which is so nice.

Anyway back to the show.....

Kiefer has already seemingly settled on Kyle and Rohan for the nominees, but plenty of time left in this episode for minds to change.

Kiefer has chosen Tina for the Wendy's date, and at the delivery desk he gets a video message from his partner, Jericho, and also his kids.

The very next day, the Expedia room has opened, and Kiefer is in there like a shot looking for secret prizes or some sort of clue, and he's off again like a shot to tell everyone.

Austin says she is feeling a little stressed, so has decided to veer off to the ball pit to decompress. She has heard her name being mentioned as a possible nomination. Meanwhile back in the HoH room, Kiefer is telling Rohan he still hasn't got a clue what to do. Bet Kiefer thought this HoH lark was going to be a breeze.

Nominations ceremony

Kiefer nominated Kyle and Rohan. No great surprises there, hopefully one of the meatheads out this week. Refreshing no one alliance is running this house, that's about it really.

Not the best episode this time, but guess we must have some bumps along the way

To be continued in Episode 10, with the Power of Veto up for grabs

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Good news on Nikki, as of writing this she has checked into a private clinicto get treatment for her anorexia. All those donations helped, and thank you to each and every one of you who donated. I'm sure I speak for most of us in saying good luck to her.

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 8 - Veto decision and Eviction

So a cliffhanger they left us with then, Jed still to decide whether he will use the Veto

Thumbs up to Victoria as she is playing a blinding week while she is HoH, building on the sticks of dynamite that Josh left when he departed.

This is going to be a fun end to her reign, no matter who goes. I only hope the HoH is kept within the oddballs as some of the others are smelling blood, especially whoever is in the Sunsetters alliance as they will want vengeance on Victoria if Latoya is not saved tonight and ends up going

Jed has a big decision to make tonight, but Victoria is playing this so well. 

And to think we are only on episode 8.....


And straight up we have the Veto decision, this is it....

Jed does NOT use the Veto, and it's guaranteed Latoya or Kiefer will be taking the walk of shame to Arisa.

Latoya STILL very confident she is staying, oh boy. The looks on some of their faces later if she does end up going. 

Victoria on Ty and Jed - "Just because they look good, doesn't mean play good" Another exocet from Victoria there..... Possible contender for quote of the season, but it's still early days yet and a shedload of time left in this season

Task time

Eyes down for some bingo courtesy of the show's sponsors

Bingo Dare to be exact, winners get pizza delivered while one of the other team has to don a bingo ball costume for the rest of the week

Not entirely clear who the teams are for sure, oh I am watching of course it's just the teams haven't been made clear

Amongst other things:

Beth - Has to recite the alphabet backwards
Breydon - Has to get in the hot tub fully clothed
Kiefer - Has to sit in ice cream

Other dares include cracking eggs on their heads, ice water in pants, 

When the dust has settled, Breydon is chosen to wear the bingo ball costume


A short segment follows where we see Breydon in his costume, then it's Tina questioning people's loyalties to her while saying she is only loyal to Tera. Tera says she can't trust Rohan and Kyle, but doesn't trust Beth.

Tina - "Let the snakes fight the snakes"

And may I just say, another 100% chic for Arisa. Absolutely rocking that purple dress.

Eviction vote

Breydon votes to evict Latoya
Ty votes to evict Kiefer
Kyle votes to evict Latoya
Beth votes to evict Kiefer
Austin votes to evict Latoya
Rohan votes to evict Latoya
Tina votes to evict Latoya
Tera votes to evict Latoya

Genuinely thought Latoya was going to be so difficult to shift, but Victoria made that look so simple. As I said many times, her overconfidence would be her downfall and there we have it. Credit to Victoria, she had the guts to take the shot against such a huge threat, and it was a bullseye right between the eyes.

HoH challenge

And we will have a winner in this episode, so says Arisa

As outgoing HoH, Victoria is not eligible to play

Skill game this week, so no advantage to anyone. Shuffleboard competition to be precise. Basically highest score wins and with it the HoH power.

Tera - 7
Kiefer - 10
Kyle - 8
Breydon - 1
Jedson - 9
Beth - 4
Austin - 10
Tina - 0
Ty - 9
Rohan - 4

Shootout between Austin and Kiefer

Kiefer - 9

Winner and new HoH - KIEFER

Guess it can't be all sunshine and roses every week with this format, Victoria in big trouble. But hey ANOTHER power shift, this is what most have been screaming for in the last few North American series. Really encouraging that one sole alliance hasn't got a complete strangehold on the game from the start.


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Continued best wishes to Nikki, and please if you can spare a few bucks which would go a long way to helping her in her ongoing battle with anorexia.... Link right here, and please be aware it will contain distressing images

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 7 - Power of Veto

Good day, citizens, as we roll into another episode with Victoria firmly in charge, and Latoya and Kiefer taking up residence so far on the block with another Veto looming.

As we found out in the last episode, this fireball of energy persona from Victoria is just that and that she is here to play and WIN. You go, girl. The Sunsetters are in some pretty deep shit, while the new alliance of the Oddballs (Austin, Victoria and Breydon) are flourishing.

Only 6 episodes in, and this is already shaping up to be better than recent series from North America....Let the games continue, this is indeed last houseguest standing with the teams now no more.


It's getting extra spicy in the house with conflict aplenty, with Latoya and Kiefer making their pitches to stay. This really is a mad scramble, way to go Josh. Think they are going to regret evicting you. Victoria continues to bob, duck and weave her way through her HoH reign. Will be sad when it comes to an end tomorrow

Latoya in full 'how dare you nominate me' mode, and you can just feel this house is going to past extra spicy to lava inducing.

Speaking of which, another house meeting.....And here we go, they are off again and it's exploding. And this only Episode 7. I really hope they don't burn each other out as we get further into this season.

Veto picks

Just a reminder, the HoH is ineligible to play in the Veto comp in the Canada version.

Participants: Latoya, Kiefer, Jed, Austin and Ty. Beth will be hosting

Veto comp

Crossword puzzle this week, and they have to scratch their respective scratch cards for the clues to terms used in this format of the show, and then find the right letters to slide into their respective puzzles to make the respective words. If there is an incorrect answer all letters will drop from the person's puzzle who gave the wrong answer.

Think that's about it.....

And the Veto winner for this week is JED, Latoya is so very happy thinking she is possibly safe. We'll soon find out. mwahahaha. Always said her overconfidence would be her downfall, and this could be that moment.

Skip the Slop

And Canada has picked Breydon to skip the slop and he can now allowed to get a takeaway as his prize. Moving swiftly on.....

May I just say, Victoria is playing this game very well. Making all the right moves to get Latoya out of there, as Latoya is a huge threat. I always thought Latoya would be tough to get out, but if she ends up going in the next episode, Victoria has made it look relatively simple.

And we have a cliffhanger to end tonight's show.....

Will Jed use the Veto, or will there be a twist in the tale as we head into the next eviction? Find out in Episode 8, coming soon to a blogspot near you.

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Continued best wishes to Nikki, and please if you can spare a few bucks which would go a long way to helping her in her ongoing battle with anorexia.... Link right here, and please be aware it will contain distressing images

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 15 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 6 - HoH conclusion and Nominations

A brand new fresh week is upon us, and the fallout begins from Josh's eviction after all the landmines he left, and from now should get a lot messier

We may not have had a flip, and a unanimous vote may have sealed his exit, but boy oh boy did he shake things up

A house on edge and with the teams twist now over, it's time to rumble. It's every houseguest for themselves, it's time for the Royal Big Brother Canada Rumble. Last houseguest standing at all costs.

Right to the last minute to decide on Josh, all that dynamite just waiting to go off when he goes.....He's really got them rattled.

HoH conclusion


True or False comp, called Dream to the Max

The houseguests will face questions in pairs, person to answer correctly gets to pick the next pair. Incorrect or neither answer means elimination.

Kiefer and Ty up first, Ty eliminated. Kiefer picks Tera and Breydon
Breydon eliminated, Tera picks Jed and Beth
Beth eliminated, Jed picks Tera and Victoria
Tera eliminated, Victoria picks Kiefer and Rohan


Rohan eliminated, Kiefer picks Tina and Victoria
Tina eliminated, Victoria picks Kyle and Kiefer
Kyle eliminated, Kiefer picks Victoria and Jed
Jed eliminated, Victoria picks Kiefer and Latoya
Latoya eliminated, Kiefer and Victoria final two

Your winner and new HoH, VICTORIA!!!! She also wins a Lotto gift card

And now she has another task in naming the first Have Nots of the season

Rohan, Kyle, Breydon and Austin take the dishonours this week, and in the next scene all that energy we do associate with Victoria explodes as she does a happy dance around the bedroom. Love her positive look on life, something we could all do with with things the way they are in the world right now.

New alliance alert with Austin, Breydon and Victoria coming up with "Bossy Glossies"

Kiefer's lies catching up with him. Harking back to earlier he tried to railroad the flip and tried to throw Victoria under the bus and told her he mentioned her name. Unsurprisingly I think this could bite him on his you know where when nominations come round.

The scrambling continues with some Latoya and Victoria back and forth, Victoria has all but revealed the ball of energy Victoria is somewhat of a facade, and she is here to PLAY. Go for it, girl, this is what some of us fans have been screaming for for the last few series.

Wendy's date time, and Victoria has picked Breydon for her Wendy's date. Her boyfriend Matt delivers her video message along with her best friend Pat.


Victoria nominates Latoya and Kiefer. No surprises there, going to be an interesting Veto ahead if I do say so myself. Sunsetters alliance in big trouble. Victoria not messing around here, very strong nominations

To be continued in Episode 7, when the Power of Veto will be up for grabs. Can Latoya or Kiefer save themselves? Tune in next time

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Before I wrap this up, if you can spare a few bucks for ex UK housemate and Canada houseguest Nikki Grahame who is not in the best of health as her anorexia is really bad, please give generously right here (warning that link will contain images of Nikki which some will find distressing)

Good luck Nikki

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 5 - Eviction (Josh v Rohan)

Another week, another eviction upon us and it's not going terribly well for Team Defender with another of their number heading for the door tonight, as in Josh or Rohan

However, it really is difficult to call right now with the vote flipping back and forth on the live feeds

Outgoing HoH - Austin
Nominations pre Veto - Kiefer and Josh
Veto winner - Kiefer
Veto used - Yes
Nominations post Veto - Rohan and Josh

Teams as they stand at the moment

Defender: Kiefer (c), Latoya, Josh, Jedson, Rohan, Breydon

Destiny: Tina (c), Tychon, Tera, Kyle, Victoria, Austin, Beth


We kick off straight after the Veto ceremony, where Kiefer used the Veto on himself forcing Austin to pick a replacement in Rohan.

If it were up to me, Rohan would be the one going. Latoya is again overconfident, this will be her downfall eventually. Seriously though, what has Rohan done to deserve staying. At least Josh is actually playing the game if you watch the live feeds, and definitely not a fan of the way some of them are treating him

Victoria has lost her slipper, and finds it in the Have Not ball pit. Meanwhile in the hot tub, Beth is STILL teasing her possible showmance with Jed or Ty. However she does seem to be leaning towards Jed. Poor Jed, his game is about to go up in smoke.

Next up, everyone's 'favourite' app in Tik Tok produces some messages from former houseguests including Mitch, Sarah, Sindy, Anthony and many others. They are handing out advice about playing the game. That's it. That's the segment. Oh and there is a hint about a power in the ball pit or at least it's insinuated.

Josh is getting a roasting from everyone in a meeting, and basically he's only the playing the game. But this could work to his advantage as a potential flip is teased in Rohan going.

Never a dull moment, at least in this season so far. If Josh stays here, it will be some pretty fancy footwork.

Eviction vote

Austin will only vote in the event of a tie

Pointless though, as it's a unanimous vote to get rid of Josh. And he was just starting to show potential as well, hopefully he's left some landmines behind now the so called easiest vote is gone.

So that's two for two out in terms of interesting houseguests, deprived of Julie v Latoya and also Josh playing the game it should be played. Please don't let this season fizzle out....

Arisa then announces to the house that the teams are done, finito, kaput, no more. Every houseguest for themselves.

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Austin is not eligible to play

True or False comp, called Dream to the Max

The houseguests will face questions in pairs, person to answer correctly gets to pick the next pair. Incorrect or neither answer means elimination.

Kiefer and Ty up first, Ty eliminated. Kiefer picks Tera and Brey
Breydon eliminated, Tera picks Jed and Beth
Beth eliminated, Jed picks Tera and Victoria
Tera eliminated, Victoria picks Kiefer and Rohan

To be continued in Episode 6......

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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 4 - Power of Veto

 When we last left our 13 houseguests:

  • Austin won HoH
  • Beth was intrigued to what a showmance with either Tychon or Jedson would bring
  • As a result of winning HoH, Austin chose Victoria to have a Wendy's meal with and then received a video message from home
  • Steal or Share came into play, as in milk and cookies for the week if they both shared, one steal meant luxury for the week for the stealers with a Veto advantage thrown in, while two steals meant slop all round
  • Austin nominated Kiefer and Josh
In case you missed it, the teams as they stand after Julie's eviction

Defender - Kiefer (c), Josh, Rohan, Latoya, Jedson, Breydon
Destiny - Tina (c), Tychon, Kyle, Beth, Victoria, Tera, Austin (Current HoH)


Recap of Austin's nominations, and Josh thinks he was the easiest target to put on the chopping block. He says he wants to prove himself in the house, he dam well better and fast as I have him in the Digital Spy sweepstake for this season.

We have a new alliance in town called the Sunsetters, consisting of Jed, Ty, Beth, Latoya, Tina and Kiefer. Sunsetters came about with a sort reference to sending people off into the sunset, and Latoya claiming they were formed in Week 1.

As I said already, she is certainly going to be a tough nut to crack. Definitely up there as a contender, but can see her falling short.

Veto picks

Reminder, as usual in Big Brother Canada the HoH is not eligible to play in the Veto comp until at least when the house is whittled down to just five IIRC.

This week participants will be Josh, Kiefer, Tera, Tina and Victoria, with Beth hosting

Back to house business, and it's screams as usual from Victoria when the Have Not room is revealed to be a massive ball pit. God help whoever has to sleep in that ball pit when Have Nots officially start

Should be noted, Latoya's none too pleased with this pit. I dread to think what she will be like if she's selected as a Have Not.

Veto competition

Houseguests have to stack apples on their respective barrows, after negotiating a winding path. 5 apples per trip and return to their respective stations and stack the apples they have collected. If they feel they have the largest stack they can buzz in. If they drop their apples, then their stack is reset and they have to start over. Highest stack after 30 minutes wins the Veto.

And we have a winner, KIEFER has won Veto and will most likely to remove himself from the chopping block

Veto ceremony

No shock, Kiefer uses the Veto on himself

Austin has picked Rohan as the replacement, so it will be Rohan or Josh taking the honour of meeting Arisa at the end of the next episode

To be continued in Episode 5.....

Thank you to everyone who comes in and reads these summaries, and please keep the likes, comments, shares and retweets coming. They are very much appreciated.

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking

Monday, 8 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 3 - HoH and Nominations

The Big Brother adventure so far:
  • Kiefer and Tina were named captains of Team Defender and Team Destiny respectively
  • Victoria won the first comp of the season, ensuring safety for Team Destiny and condemning Team Defender to the chopping block
  • Julie formed an alliance with Austin and Breydon calling themselves 'The Dolls'
  • After an anonymous Q and A to Team Defender, Julie was deemed the weakest player
  • Julie was evicted 11-2, leaving Team Defender down by one member

We witness the first HoH comp of the season, and find out who the HoH will put on the block as somewhat normal service resumes, as in a normal week including HoH, Veto and Eviction

Well, it certainly has been a rollercoaster few days hasn't it. First Josh was going, and then he didn't. Then Julie painting the target on herself, and stopping a potential storyline with her against Latoya which could have had some mileage.

Been a solid and topical two episodes so far, even if the eviction itself was quite disappointing

Now down to tonight's festivities as we find out who will the first HoH of the season and their nominations.....

We kick off with Julie's eviction flashbacks, and Latoya brags about getting her way in terms of getting rid of Julie. I would say Latoya is going to be a tough nut to crack in getting out, I am saying out when the jury is forming and that's based on the thought on her slipping up somewhere. To quote someone, her overconfidence could be her weakness

HoH comp

This challenge is called Arch Rivals, quite simply balance balls on a bow and arrow and adding more when Big Brother gives the signal. Dropping the balls equals eliminations. Everyone eligible to play as there was no HoH last week. 5 podiums for the teams, obviously socially distanced.

Competition comes down to Latoya and Austin, and......

Austin wins the first HoH of the season, and another setback for Team Defender with Team Destiny being safe for another week

Can't say I've missed "Who wants to see my HoH room", moving swiftly on....

Kyle thinks Beth could be a big threat to his game, while Austin think Latoya could be the biggest threat and a comp beast. Wish we could have had that Julie v Latoya storyline we were denied a few days ago.

Beth won't certainly win any dance awards seeing her dancing

Next up, HoH Austin materialises with instructions from Big Brother, to which the two teams are separated and have to make a steal or share decision

Both share - PBJ sandwiches, milk and cookies for the week
Both steal - Everyone on slop for the week
Steal and share - Stealers will get a luxurious meal, luxurious food for the week and an advantage in the upcoming Veto comp

After much deliberating, it's a double share

In a change this year with Covid guidelines, the Wendy's delivery has been changed slightly with houseguests getting video messages when they go to get their delivery.

Buckets at the ready everyone, showmance promotion segment. No, Beth, we DON'T want to see showmances. Just play the game, that will do nicely. Thankfully the segment is only brief.


Only Team Defender can be nominated this week, as per the twist stipulations

Austin nominated Kiefer and Josh

Will Kiefer or Josh escape the block or will it be as you were for eviction night.....To be continued in Episode 4

New podcasts alert:

Thank you for the likes, shares, retweets and any comments. All are very welcome and appreciated.

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 2 - Eviction

Episode 2, and someone's time in the house is going to be cut short already
Good morning, afternoon or evening whenever you are going to be reading this, and what a solid launch episode of Big Brother Canada 2021 that was. Everything ebbed and flowed perfectly, as they all flooded in and may I say, Arisa Cox looked absolutely stunning. Eek or chic, hell to the yeah ABSOLUTELY CHIC.

Nice move by management to stem any potential alpha males teaming up from the off and decimating all who stand in their way right to the end, but on the flip side a lot of those houseguest VT's did mention the S word, and of course that means showmance.

Can always remember the obsession in the UK version, all a male and female had to do was look in each other's direction, and the two people in question would have the S word shoved on them.

Putting that to one side, twist was great although I personally am not a big fan of the opening night twist but as stated above a shrewd move by management and it will be fascinating to see what kind of relationships and indeed alliances will form within Destiny and Defender over the course of the next few weeks.

As for the housemates themselves, mighty impressive cast so far and one could say really diverse. I think with Arisa on the team, in terms of casting a bit of something for everyone. Jury still out though on favourites as it's very early days yet and not many markers have been put down.

In case you missed it, Kieran (Defender) and Tina (Destiny) were voted team captains, and after a coin toss by Arisa had to pick their team members. 

Team Defender - Jedson, LaToya, Josh, Rohan, Julie and Breydon
Team Destiny - Tychon, Tera, Kyle, Beth, Victoria and Austin

Both teams, minus their captains for now, then competed in an endurance comp to which Team Destiny won thanks to Victoria, a madcap character in a good kind of way of course. Which meant, Tina's team were immune from the first eviction and got rewarded with a slap up meal, and Kiefer's team apart from Kiefer were on the block and they only have slop to consume, taking us nicely into tonight's episode

Tina will be allowed to vote in the event of a tie, while the nominees WILL be allowed to vote. Will be interesting to see where the early votes go.


We start with the aftermath of the team challenge, and needless to say smiles all round from Team Destiny, especially from Victoria. Most of them probably only dropped because of her constant screeching, which could get quite tiresome the longer she stays in there.

Josh and Julie seem to be the early targets, being seen as 'the weakest link'. Wonder if he will be saying goodbye later, well he won't have Anne Robinson saying it to him.

Slop ahoy for Team Defender, cue lots of gagging and wretching over basically oatmeal and protein powder combined. Sounds quite delicious to me.

In terms of alliance talk, it would appear Victoria, Beth and Tina are starting to align. All of a sudden, Victoria flashes her you know whats when reaching for her mic.

Kerching, we have our possible first alliance name in regards to Julie, Breydon and Austin calling themselves 'The Dolls'.....

In the midst of a Never Have I Ever game, Julie reveals the story of how she came to know about transition after coming out as gay in high school. LaToya reveals she is bisexual.

Fighting talk from Julie, saying an alpha male winning "is not going to happen", while Latoya is claiming Julie cannot keep her mouth shut, and is definitely going after her.

Beef alert, Julie hears that her name as been dropped several times as a target by Latoya and goes to confront her. Oh boy this could get ugly if Julie survives tonight and both she and Latoya hang around for a bit. I have a sense this story has some mileage ahead.


Reminder, nominees are allowed to vote this week and Tina will only vote in the event of a tie

Here we go....

Austin votes to evict Julie
Beth votes to evict Julie
Breydon votes to evict Julie
Josh votes to evict Julie
Julie votes to evict Josh
Jedson votes to evict Julie
Latoya votes to evict Julie
Victoria votes to evict Josh
Kyle votes to evict Julie
Kiefer votes to evict Julie
Rohan votes to evict Julie
Tera votes to evict Julie
Tychon votes to evict Julie

With 11 votes, Julie is unanimously evicted first and calls them commoners before she walks out the doors to meet Arisa

And with the announcement of the feeds, that is it for tonight

Disappointing eviction, but (and please don't swing out at me if you pop in and read this) Julie kind of dug her own grave there. Would like to have seen what Latoya v Julie could have brought to this season

Who knows, maybe a battle back further down the line.....Guess we'll have to wait and see

Anyway, just to shout out BB on Blast as they get ready to drop their first pod of the season. In the meantime, check out their content at https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast which does include an interview with the queen herself in Arisa right here

Other links to check out for this season:

So Julie has said goodbye, and we move onto Episode 3 which will probably be the HoH comp....

Until next time, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking....

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 1 - Launch

A new mint fresh and hopefully soon to be Covid free year of Big Brother is upon us, the international version that is, taking in Canada, Australia and USA along the way 

We start this long year with Big Brother Canada, some say the best Big Brother of the lot right now. In case you missed it last year, the show was pulled about a quarter of the way in due to the Covid pandemic. A very sad end I may add, and I do hope some of the series 8 people can at least have a guest slot in the house this year, or in the future if the show is still on the air

Back to the present, and we have a fresh brand new cast to cast our eyes on, and already there has been one removal before starters orders, as Ethan got pulled due to some, shall we say, allegations.

Updated cast:

Austin, 23 - Ontario
Beth, 27 - Alberta
Breydon, 23 - Alberta
Kyle, 26 - Alberta
Jedson, 25 - Ontario
Josh, 30 - British Colombia
Julie, 28 - British Colombia
Kiefer, 32 - British Colombia
Latoya, 34 - Ontario
Rohan, 26 - Ontario
Tera, 37 - Ontario
Tina, 42 - Paradise, NL
Tychon, 29 - Montreal, Quebec
Victoria, 27 - Hamilton, Ontario

Full bios can be read right here - https://www.bigbrothercanada.ca/houseguests/

But it wouldn't be Big Brother would it, without some opening night twist and this series is no different

Opening twist:

Viewers have been voting to which two houseguests will be team captains, and the  houseguests will be split into teams, but the captains will pick the opposing team members. The two captains will also be immune from the first eviction. Teams will be called "Destiny" and "Defender

More to be revealed as tonight's show goes on

And now it's down to business starting with Canada, so very exciting when you hear those various Big Brother themes, and hopefully in the future the UK version's will be heard once again

Kicking off with a recap of the abrupt ending of the showllast year, as in Covid, and then a house tour including the Have Not's room which is basically a ball pit

Kiefer and Tina confirmed as the two captains

Arisa points out the houseguests have been isolated for 2 weeks, and like the USA All Stars series will have to wear masks outside of the house bubble

Beth, Julie, Tychon and Kyle are the first four in.... And cue all the usual hello's and niceties until the treachery, backstabbing and everything else begins

Latoya, Jedson, Austin and Josh next in, followed by the last lot of Breydon, Victoria, Tera and Rohan

Time for Kiefer and Tina to pick their teams, let the games begin....

Team Destiny (Tina) - Tychon, Tera, Kyle, Beth, Victoria and Austin
Team Defender (Kiefer) - Jedson, LaToya, Josh, Rohan, Julie and Breydon

Kiefer and Tina are confirmed as immune from the first eviction, and there is no HoH or Veto this week as it's a team challenge. Losing team go on the block, apart from of course the captain and live in the same bedrooms as their team members.

Team Challenge

Captains are not eligible to compete. Endurance to get things started. The teams basically have to hold up a barrel of sludge each. Whichever team member is left standing, then that team is safe for the week. Now, we have an added twist where the captains can add sludge to an opposing team member's bucket when a klaxon sounds

It comes down to Rohan v Victoria, and would you believe it, VICTORIA emerges victorious

Team Destiny are officially safe for the week, while Team Defender exc. Kiefer will face the first vote of the season

After the last adbreak, Arisa reveals Tina will be allowed to vote in the event of a tie, but in a little change up the nominees WILL be allowed to vote. Winning team will get a big meal, while the losing team will get slop.

Eviction confirmed for the next episode....That's all for tonight, folks

Not a bad start, and a few little tweaks thrown in as well.....Without jinxing things, looks like a great season ahead.

In closing, a few links which come highly recommended

And there we have it for the first episode, to be continued in Episode 2 when one of Team Defender will be shown the door

Until then, stay frosty, stay safe and keep on rocking.....