Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 9 - Final App Store result and Nominations 3

When we last left our brave housemates....

  • The Level 6 alliance continued to flourish and dominate the house, while the FOUTTE alliance was floundering
  • Chris was sent packing by a vote of 8-4
  • Fruitloop Kaitlyn continued to flood the house with her crocodile tears
  • In a tie breaker, Scottie gained the HoH power for the coming week
Apps still in play

  • Sam has 1 more eviction to use her Bonus Life App, but if she doesn't then it automatically activate at the following eviction giving the 4th evictee the chance to come back
  • Tyler has his Cloud App, where he can use it if he thinks he is in danger of going on the block or on the block as a replacement nominee via Veto


We pick up the action straight after Scottie was crowned the new HoH. Scottie shows us the key to the HoH room and says it's his version of happiness. He goes on to say he flipped the vote and got Chris evicted, which could cause potential paranoia. He wants to work with Bayleigh, Faysal, Haleigh and Angie

Winston tells us he feels good about staying, and says Scottie's week may be a wildcard week as he doesn't know where Scottie's head is at

Rachel, meanwhile, is disappointed as she didn't win for her Level 6 alliance and like Winston she doesn't know where Scottie's head is at

In the pantry, Haleigh takes Angie to one side to voice her suspicions about Scottie being the rogue vote. Angie tells us that there should have been at least 5 votes to keep Chris in the house, and she is just as suspicious about where that other vote could have come from.

Bayleigh tells us about her brief showmance with Chris, and it's time to get her head back in the game now he is gone

Faysal is none too pleased that someone cast a rogue vote and lied to his face, Angie has her suspicions but Faysal refuses to believe Scottie would do such a thing and thinks it may have been Haleigh. Haleigh swears she voted to keep Chris.

Faysal is getting frustrated and accuses Kaitlyn of knowing Scottie would flip, to which she denies. He tells us if Scottie flipped, his alliance could be in big trouble

A small segment of the bromance between Winston and Brett ensues, and we see several clips of them being inseparable 

Scottie tells us the bro's are the biggest threat in the house, and has to take a shot at them to level out the playing field

Final App results

As announced by Julie, this is the last week of the App Store...Time to find out who get the last two apps

The final bad app goes to Haleigh and here is what her punishment will be. She picks the Read It app in which she has to put on a Shakespeare costume whenever 'TO READ' is played into the house she has to read Hamlet. She can stop when 'NOT TO READ' plays in, but she has to finish the whole of Hamlet and then the punishment is over.

As for the final good app, it goes to Bayleigh and it's called Identity Theft and here is how it works

"At any point in the first part of the game, you can steal the Head of Household's identity at the Nominations Ceremony. This means you will secretly make their nominations. The reigning HoH cannot be nominated and will still control the replacement nominee at the Veto ceremony. When only 8 houseguests remain, the Identity Theft app is no longer in play."

Nomination ceremony

As expected, Scottie nominated the bro's aka Brett and Winston due to the threat they could be to Scottie's game both physically and mentally and also charm wise

Final thoughts

A good episode, and at least we were spared fruitloop Kaitlyn's episode. Shame the App Store has finished, as it would be nice to have seen what the remaining two powers would entailed.

Anyways and as always, many thanks for reading this recap if you have made it this far and all the likes, RT's and shares are very much appreciated

Going slightly off topic, UK fans finally got some information about the theme and the eye for the next Celebrity Big Brother which will be covered on this blog when that starts

If you missed the eye - 

And as an added bonus, one of the UK hosts Rylan Clark Neal called Big Brother Radio, and if you want to listen, click here .... Rylan calls in around the 42 minute mark 

BB on Blast also have a new podcast out which can be listened to here

Next up we have the Power of Veto competition and then the next eviction after that

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time someone is always watching.....

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