Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 4 - Power of Veto 1

Hello, greetings, and welcome one and all to the next installment of Big Brother from the Batcave

First Power of Veto competition up first for the class of 2018, but first a quick recap of previous events 


Tyler is the first HoH of the summer, and he nominated Sam(my 5) and Steve for eviction. Meanwhile the houseguests were introduced to the BB App Store, which is essentially whoever is trending most gets the good app, and least trending gets the bad app. Faysal got the bad app and he chose Hamazon, which means he gets a ham delivery whenever the doorbell sounds and he must eat it all

Sam, meanwhile, got the good app and she chose Bonus Life which means she can save any evictee including herself if they go between eviction 1 and 3, but the app will automatically activate on eviction 4 if it not used by then and saves evictee 4

Update - Julie has revealed that if Sam uses the Bonus Life, she will have to complete a challenge to win her way back into the house. Think that applies to anyone who is brought back should Sam use it on someone else

Hold on to your hats, folks....

Into the house

We pick up straight after the App Store stating it's in play for this week. Tyler tells us his time as HoH is going smooth and hopes whoever get the apps doesn't screw his game. Sam tells us about the power she received and she will keep it to herself

In the bedroom, Haleigh says she hates the person who has the app for keeping it secretive, and hopes the other side of the house didn't get it. Steve tells us it sucks he didn't get the app and now has to win the Veto be safe

Faysal and JC pretend to get into a showmance, and Faysal says JC is the size of his dog

In the HoH, Tyler tells Sam that he wants her to stay in, and she tells us she is considering telling Tyler about her App power as she feels her and Tyler could work together further down the line.

So obviously she tells him anyway about the power she has this week, so much for keeping that to herself then. Her power, in case you missed it, is described above and in the previous post

Chris says he wants Tyler to think of the best move possible for a replacement nominee. Chris pitches to Tyler about maybe putting Angela up as the replacement. Tyler doesn't think it would feel right, but Chris keeps pushing the idea. I cannot wait for Chris to go, as he is getting too big for his boots already.

Chris tells us he has someone else in mind just in case someone wins Veto and uses it, and it's Chris's squeeze Bayleigh

Time for a Hamazon delivery for Faysal, and he has to eat it all in case you missed. So far so easy for him....but here comes another delivery and another and another and......well you get the picture

Chris tells Bayleigh about the little plan to put her up as a replacement nominee, safe to say she didn't take it particularly well and we are treated to a little 'how dare Tyler do this to me' or something similar. She's not even on the block and the Veto hasn't been used. God help everyone when she is nominated, hide all the breakable objects I'd say

And so it continues as Bayleigh talks to Tyler, and she just bursts into tears just like that. Grow up, Bayleigh, it's part of the game in case you hadn't noticed if you do go up.

Veto competition selection

In case you missed BB Canada, the HoH and 2 nominees are automatically in the competition and in this instance, Tyler as HoH and Sam(my 5) and Steve as the nominees.

Playing alongside them will be Chris (via Tyler's Houseguest Choice), Scottie and Faysal (via Steve's Houseguest Choice)

JC was selected as host

Tyler says the worst scenario is Sam winning, and assures Steve that if he and Sam are still on the block then Steve is going nowhere. Some speculation that Angela has the good app power.

Veto competition

This competition is called Going Viral and here is how it works. Five stages of competition and houseguests have to collect an increasing set number of Like discs and complete some challenges and last in each round will be eliminated.

Round 1 - First target was 3 discs and all of the discs were hidden in a snake pit filled with real snakes. A first for Big Brother USA if I am not mistaken as in live snakes. 

Winner - Sam
Eliminated - Scottie

Round 2 - 10 disks required this time, and houseguests have to go underwater in an ice pool to retrieve the discs. Last to finish is eliminated

Winner - Steve
Eliminated - Chris

Round 3 - No target in this one, but the housemates are the target as they have to move around on their respective pedestals while getting fired at by paintballs. First to fall off is eliminated while last standing wins

Eliminated - Steve

Round 4 - Houseguests will be wearing shock collars and have to balance balls and bring them back to their respective tubes. Last houseguest to finish is eliminated

Eliminated - Sam

Final round - Faysal and Tyler must do some juice tasting and match up the flavours. Faysal did this very quickly

Winner and holder of Power of Veto - FAYSAL

Veto Ceremony

While Faysal was doing the usual spiel for the Veto competition, the doorbell sounded and there was Hamazon waiting for him which he quickly ate. After that slight interruption, Faysal did NOT use the Veto

So the nominations will stay the same as in Steve and Sam(my 5), but Sam can still save herself if she is evicted via the Bonus App power she has, but will have to complete an extra challenge to make absolutely sure of going back in

(End credits)

Final thoughts - As stated, would love Chris to go early, and less said about Bayleigh acting like a diva the better. A good episode which flowed along nicely, and guess what NO VETERANS ;) Hopefully Steve out first, so Sam can hold onto that power a little longer and we can see her play a little as herself and not that contraption. No firm favourites yet but I am finding myself fluctuating to Sam's cause as she deserves a break.

Thank you as always for reading this post if you got this far, and a thousand thanks for any likes, retweets or shares wherever you read this. Every single one is very much appreciated.

As far as podcasts go, click on the links on the right if you have not heard the latest from Big Brother Radio, BB on Blast and Rob has a Podcast. In fact check out the archives of these guys for all your USA, Canada and UK needs. Usual reminder that Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episodes

Speaking of BB on Blast their new podcast is officially out, right here

Steve or Sam(my5) will be leaving the BB house, although Sam could be back, who goes (temporarily?)....The houseguests will decide

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, and if you missed any recaps or want to look back at some posts for BB Canada, USA or UK check out my archive 

Until next time, thanks for reading and someone is always watching......

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