Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 3 - BB App Store result

Good evening, citizens, and welcome to another installment of Big Brother from the Batcave

Tonight sees the first BB App Store result, in which the public have been voting for who gets a good app, and also who gets a bad app

But first....

In case you missed the 2 part premiere, due to finishing last in one challenge Kaycee has to wear the pinwheel of doom and also for finishing last in the other competition Sam has been 'transformed' into a robot

To cut a long story short, whenever the pinwheel starts spinning Kaycee has to stay in the room she is in until the pinwheel stops

As for Sam, when she is Sammy 5 (my name for her in robot form) she can only return to human form when "Robot Offline", and when "Robot Online" sounds she has to be Sammy 5

These punishments run up to the first not so live eviction

Chris (Swaggy C) won the overall competition and he got to choose which 8 would be immune from the first not so live eviction

He chose himself, Angie, Brett, Faysal, Haleigh, Kaycee, Rachel and Scottie

As for HoH and nominations, Tyler won the first HoH of the season and he chose to nominate Sam(my 5) and Steve, solely on them being first out of said competition

 Onto tonight's show....

We kick off after the nominations ceremony and Tyler repeats his reasons for putting up Sam(my 5) and Steve, and says it's still week 1 and has to play it cool

Steve says he is not a wallflower, and says he will not sit there looking for sympathy and will show his fellow houseguests this does not faze him at all. Chris (Swaggy) says Tyler had the chance to get a big threat out this week and queries what kind of threat Sam and Steve are to Tyler.

Sammy 5 says she is the first ever robot to be put on the block, and in the living area she receives some comfort from Tyler. Steve tells Kaycee he is mentally ready to rock, and the pinwheel starts spinning so as per the punishment she has to stay where she is

Tyler makes his way into the garden and pretends to cry, to which he admits to doing to make the others think he is a soft touch

In the pantry, Angie and Sammy 5 have a little conversation in which Sammy 5 says she wants people to come in one at a time to talk to her. Kaitlyn tells Sammy 5 the nominations make sense.

Tyler says if Sam is going to make waves, it may screw up her game and possibly his as well. Kaitlyn is slightly upset at Sam cursing at her and makes it known in the kitchen.

Must say, Kaitlyn is a looney tune, and I do hope she doesn't start channeling Raven from last season as Raven was a nut. There's only so much one can take before you want them to leave.


Scottie tells Steve he is doing a good job of not turning sour. Steve tells us that he and Scottie understand each other, but Scottie is lacking a social game. The beginnings of a bromance here I reckon, unless Steve gets the first boot of this season. Several segments are shown of Steve and Scottie, and Steve says Scottie is loyal. He admits to Scottie he is nervous, and that he needs Scottie's back. Scottie says he has Steve's back.

In one of the bedrooms, Chris and Bayleigh are getting closer. Chris says Bayleigh is one of the dopest girls he has ever met. He tells her laying in bed and reading the Bible with her was one of the highlights of his day. There's always fishing of course, but to each their own I suppose. Bayleigh queries why Chris calls himself Swaggy, and has everyone else call him that nickname as nobody really gave him that name

On to the next day we go and it's all go in the garden with exercises, weightlifting and running. Meanwhile Kaycee makes her way into the pantry, and yes the pinwheel starts spinning. Safe to say she is not enjoying this punishment, and we see several instances where the wheel has started spinning including several meal times and a birthday celebration where she is in another room.

Brett tells us he feels rock solid in his relationship with Angela, Rachel, Winston, Tyler, Kaycee, and he feels confident that the names mentioned and himself can get to final 6. The group is christened as "LEVEL 6". Tyler tells his alliance members that Winston and Angela's names were put forward by the other houseguests, to which Angela is not happy about as she tells us but she is certain this new alliance has her back.

Chris is telling Kaitlyn he is getting too close to Bayleigh, as he is under the impression she (Bayleigh) likes him. A few hours later, Chris has obviously changed his mind as he is under the covers kissing Bayleigh. He tells us showmances never work and he is there to win the overall prize.


Scottie points out a bird which has landed on the fence, and looney toon Kaitlyn says it's a sign from her grandpa. She then tells us it's possibly validation telling her it's ok, and that her grandpa Lou is with her and she's so happy

Sammy 5 tells us that life in the Big Brother house is pretty tough, and we see several shots of the robot trying to traverse the house. 'Robot Offline' plays into the house, and a short time later real Sam emerges. Sam is downbeat as she feels is being treated like a ghost, and she does have a point as barely anybody is acknowledging her and she does start crying.

Have nots decided

As HoH, Tyler has to choose the first four houseguests to be have nots, which basically means slop, cold showers and sleeping in uncomfortable beds amongst other things. 

Have nots as chosen by Tyler - Kaitlyn, Scottie, Brett and Winston

Chris, Brett and Faysal go over their game plan as part of the Level 6 alliance to cut the floaters and then eventually move down the line. Chris thinks this deal with Brett and Winston could take him all the way to the end. Brett's whispering to the alliance in the HoH room, and he tells us Chris thinks he (Chris) is running the house, but how little he knows or words to that effect.

FOUTTE is suggested by Kaitlyn for another alliance, trust her to come up with a name like that.

BB App Store

And now for the main event of the evening, to which Tyler reads out the instructions

Houseguest who is most trending that week gets the good punishment, while least trending gets bad punishment. Once one houseguest gets an app, good or bad, then they cannot be chosen anymore

Each houseguest will get summoned to the App Store, that is the USA version of the task room, and they will find out in turn if it is them who get the app

Brett - Access denied
Kaitlyn - Access denied
Scottie - Access denied
Steve - Access denied
Faysal - Access granted

Faysal gets the bad app, and he chooses Hamazon which basically means he will get random ham deliveries all week long which he MUST eat

Angela - Access denied
Angie - Access denied
Winston - Access denied
Kaycee - Access denied
Tyler - Access denied
JC - Access denied
Chris - Access denied
Sam - Access granted

Good app for Sam, and she chooses Bonus life. This means she can give one of the first 3 evictees to return to the game, at the 4th eviction if it remains unused that 4th evictee automatically returns.

All the rest are obvious Access Denied

Next episode is the Veto competition, and in case you missed it from BB Canada it's HoH and the two nominees and 3 others selected from random draw

That being said, that's a wrap for this episode

Final thoughts - A good episode, and it does increasingly look like Chris will be taking an early bath once this immunity is done. I do hope Sam stays in and gets to play some game without that punishment weighing her down, and very pleased she got the good app. I'll keep saying this though, NO VETERANS SO FAR, WOOHOO!!!!

Thanks for reading this post if you have got this far, and keep those RT's, likes and shares coming wherever you read this post. They are all very much appreciated.

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the televised episodes and be sure to check them out, and if you haven't heard the latest podcasts from Big Brother Radio and BB on Blast, be sure to do so as you will not be disappointed.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

And remember someone is always watching, until next time.....

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