Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 12 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 7 - Power of Veto 2

Hello and welcome, citizens, to another installment of Big Brother from the Batcave and in this post it's time for another Veto competition

In case you missed it, Kaitlyn is the current HoH and she has nominated Scottie and Winston for eviction and has assured them they are pawns as the real target is Chris

Sam still has her Bonus Life app, meanwhile Rachel chose the Yell app for her bad app which basically means someone will be coming in at any time day or night and shouting at her. As for this week's good app Tyler chose The Cloud, which means if he thinks he will be in danger of going on the block he can activate the app and be immune. He can only use it once

House action

Tonight's action starts immediately after the nominations ceremony, and Kaitlyn tells us she doesn't want either to go home this week and that her main target is Chris as he has apparently been saying hurtful and untrue things about her. Scottie, meanwhile, is very aware that pawns can go home so has to win the Veto to get himself off the block.

Worth noting during this segment that the picture of Kaitlyn and her boyfriend Joe has been blurred out, so I would assume he has dumped her due to her earlier antics with Faysal

Veto picks

As you know by now, in the Veto competition it's the HoH and two nominees playing plus 3 others by random draw and a host as announced by the HoH

Veto players this week - Kaitlyn (HoH), Scottie (Nominee), Winston (nominee), Faysal, Rachel and Tyler

Kaitlyn directly asks Faysal to throw the competition, which naturally makes Faysal suspicious. She is really digging her own grave right now and that target just keeps getting bigger.

Veto competition

Special guests and former houseguests Cody and Jessica, who are engaged, arrive in the house to much adulation. This competition is called "Big Brother Houseguests only.com". The aim of the competition is to get the cardboard cutouts of the former houseguests to their ideal date location, using the clues provided. The fastest houseguest wins the Power of Veto

After much huffing and puffing, the times were as follows

Rachel - 5:49
Scottie - 18:20
Winston - 20:00
Tyler - 5:29
Faysal - 6:22
Kaitlyn - 13:12

Winner - TYLER

Kaitlyn is starting to get paranoid that nobody will trust her again in the game, as she is still considering Chris as a replacement nomination should Tyler use the Veto. This causes her to lie to Faysal, but for the moment he buys into it when Kaitlyn tells him Angela will be the replacement. 

Her grave gets deeper and deeper

Next up we are treated to a sample of Rachel's bad app. A very angry reviewer charges through the door and we see several clips of him when he is screaming at Rachel. Humourous segment which serves it's purpose as the guy is all over the house and even at bedtime Rachel is not safe

As expected, Kaitlyn reveals a little too much information in regards to the incoming backdoor to Haleigh, and Haleigh goes to Kaitlyn's alliance to reveal the info. As Kaitlyn previously promised to Faysal that she was evicting Winston, the fact she is now confessing to him that Chris is the target, Faysal is really mad and abruptly halts proceedings with Kaitlyn

Veto ceremony

By now Kaitlyn is in absolute 'floods of tears', or she would have people believe and after Tyler indeed uses the Veto on Scottie she 'tearfully' puts Chris up as the replacement while the rest of her alliance look boiling mad

And that is end credits for this episode....

Final thoughts

Just a matter of time now for Kaitlyn, and not a very good episode for her. Damage limitation as she has painted a VERY big target on her back, and hard to see how she is going to get out of this one whoever is the next HoH. Well done everyone who said her HoH reign would be a great big mess.

As for this current eviction, Winston v Chris, for evictee number 2

Myself personally, would love Chris to go, but at the same time Winston really hasn't brought much to the table. Either way, Kaitlyn is just about screwed. Really hard to call this one, so this eviction should be very interesting.

Anyways, thanks for reading if you have made it this far and any RT's, likes and shares are much appreciated

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Until next time, someone is always watching.....

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