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Sunday 15 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 8 - Eviction 2 and HoH competition 3

Eviction 2 is upon us, citizens, and in case you missed it, it will be Chris v Winston

Outgoing HoH - Kaitlyn
Veto winner - Tyler
Veto used - Yes, on Scottie
Replacement - Chris

Apps still in use:

  • Sam and her Bonus Life App
  • Tyler and his Cloud App
  • Rachel and her Yell App

"The showmance or the bromance, one will survive and the other will be torn apart"

Julie welcomes us to the show and describes the situation above to us, and remember highlights will be short tonight as there is an eviction AND HoH competition

"Day 23, and Tyler is pulling the strings and also the wool over everyone's eyes, orchestrating Kaitlyn to commit another blindslide, resulting in her putting her ally Chris on the chopping block. Can Swaggy find the numbers to keep his game alive, or will Winston remain in the game...."


We join the action shortly after Chris was named as the replacement nominee....

Kaitlyn still squeezing out the crocodile tears, as Scottie tells us how relieved he is to be off the block. Chris is confident he can find the votes to stay in there and send Winston packing

In the HoH room, those tears keep flowing from the fruitloop of an HoH. Who does she think she is fooling, the sooner she is out of there the better.

Bayleigh tells Kaitlyn she did what she had to do, but behind closed doors she is planning to campaign hard for her showmance meal ticket

Shortly afterwards, Tyler is shown getting in Kaitlyn's ear about getting Chris out of there, as Julie said he is pulling the strings and she is making it so easy for him. She is THAT stupid. Think it is safe to say Chris's chances are getting smaller by the minute.

Sam tells us about her Bonus Life App, and wonders if she should use it on Chris. Who are we kidding, she won't. After this eviction, she can only use it one more time by herself, 4th eviction it will activate automatically and the 4th evictee will get the chance to go back into the house and keep playing



Usual rules, if there is a tie the HoH (in this case fruitloop Kaitlyn) has the casting vote and the two nominees are not allowed to vote

Off we go....

Bayleigh votes to evict Winston
Brett votes to evict Chris
Kaycee votes to evict Chris
Tyler votes to evict Chris

Julie calls a break with the vote at 3-1

Angie votes to evict Winston
Haleigh votes to evict Winston
Faysal votes to evict Winston
Scottie votes to evict Chris
JC votes to evict Chris
Angela votes to evict Chris
Rachel votes to evict Chris
Sam votes to evict Chris

Swaggy is evicted by a vote of 8-4

In his interview, it's safe to say Chris and Tyler will not be sending each other Christmas cards, but Chris and Bayleigh will keep in touch when she eventually comes out. He thought Haleigh was the flip vote, but Julie told him Tyler was the flip vote hence his frustration with Tyler

Julie announces the App Store will be open one last time, and the result will be revealed in the next episode

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Kaitlyn is not eligible to play

True or False competition this time and it's called 'Product Launch' and here is how it works

A video is played on the plasma of a mock Pineapple Inc. launching various products, and the houseguests must answer questions as seen in the video they just viewed

Round 1 
Eliminated - Kaycee

Round 2 
Eliminated - Tyler, Bayleigh, Haleigh, Winston, Brett, JC and Angela

Round 3 
Eliminated - Sam

Round 4 
Eliminated - Nobody

Round 5
Eliminated - Angie

Round 6 
Eliminated - Faysal

Round 7 
Eliminated - Nobody

Tie breaker - In seconds, how long was the competition Microchip Mayhem from start to finish

The winner has to be closest without going over, but if both go over the closest to the answer will be the winner

Answer - 475 seconds

Scottie - 1199 seconds
Rachel - 12500 seconds

Winner and new HoH - Scottie

Coming up in the next post - Final App Store result and Scottie's nominations (nominations #3)

Final thoughts

Early bath as expected for Chris, played too hard and too fast when he should have paced things out and got too big for his boots. Thank god this particular HoH reign of Kaitlyn's is over, as she was so easy to manipulate. Looking forward to see what Scottie brings to the table, and hopefully he will use it responsibly. Remember the saying, with great power comes great responsibility and he will use it more responsibly unlike the fruitloop he is succeeding.

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and keep those RT's, Likes or shares, every one of them is very much appreciated

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Follow me at richiew4ever on Twitter

Until next time, someone is always watching.....

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