When we last left the houseguests, Faysal won Power of Veto and had to choose between two ladies he promised to take off the block, and in the end he opted to use the Veto on Haleigh, leaving Kaitlyn in the lurch and on the block against replacement nominee Angie
Reminder that whoever goes, automatically gets to take part in a challenge to get back in the house, as Sam did not use her Bonus Life App voluntarily in the first 3 evictions so it activates automatically for the the 4th evictee whoever that will be
Julie recaps the events leading up to the eviction after welcoming us in for another live eviction
We pick up the action straight after the Veto competition, and yes Kaitlyn is crying and wondering why Faysal has lied to her face about saving her. So basically "how dare he not pick me", and you know what they say about women scorned. She accuses him of breaking her heart. Hey Kaitlyn, welcome to Big Brother, the show where promises are made to be broken if you want to win. Kaitlyn holds a pity party with Faysal, but he is having none of it and tells her she could still get back in
Angie is also whining about being the replacement nominee, that's the game Angie or have you never seen this show before
Rachel wonders who to evict now Sam has told all of them about her Bonus Life app, and how it will activate automatically when the 4th evictee is revealed
In the pantry, Haleigh is thanking Faysal for using the Veto on her, while Tyler is comforting Kaitlyn and telling her how she could come back if she is evicted and wins the challenge to get back in and vengeance will be hers towards Faysal
Back from commercials, Level 5 and JC really wanted to evict Angie, and Tyler insists he can control Kaitlyn. However, JC seems to want to switch his vote to Kaitlyn now and sticks with that decision. Tyler is slightly concerned his alliance is not on the same page.
Meanwhile back to the Kaitlyn drama/histronics, and like a broken record she goes on and on and on about how Faysal saved Haleigh over her. It's a game, you stupid idiot, don't you realise what show you are on. Just do some campaigning like Angie is doing, and just give our ears a rest and stop whining.
So much to-ing and fro-ing in regards to the vote, not very confident this is going to be a close vote though as Kaitlyn is hot favourite to get to play the challenge to get back in and the votes should show this.
Sam tells Tyler if it comes down to a tie, then she will put two dots in a cup. Tyler warns Sam about Kaitlyn possibly coming back, and Sam replies by saying she will beat her back out again.
Julie goes live to the house and reminds them that the outgoing HoH only votes in the event of a tie and the nominees are not allowed to vote
JC votes to evict Angie
Bayleigh votes to evict Kaitlyn
Haleigh votes to evict Kaitlyn
Faysal votes to evict Kaitlyn
Julie calls a break with the vote at 3-1 to evict Kaitlyn
Brett votes to evict Kaitlyn
Tyler votes to evict Kaitlyn
Angela votes to evict Kaitlyn
Kaycee votes to evict Kaitlyn
Rachel votes to evict Kaitlyn
Scottie votes to evict Kaitlyn
Evicted (but only temporarily?) - Kaitlyn (9-1)
Kaitlyn's challenge
The BB power app sounds and Julie tells Kaitlyn about the Bonus Life app. The challenge is a 7 piece puzzle to which she has 150 seconds to complete. If she doesn't complete it, then the eviction still stands. She has to disassemble the puzzle and move the pieces to the other side of the room and reassemble it.
Kaitlyn is shooting through the puzzle, but with 1 minute left she starts to struggle and wastes 30 seconds sobbing, and henceforth she runs out of time and her eviction stands and she is officially the 4th evictee
Kaitlyn's interview
Hardly any time left for Kaitlyn's interview as it is widely rumoured Kaitlyn should have cleared up this puzzle and gone back in, and them backstage weren't counting on her failing and having an interview. Julie tells Kaitlyn that JC was the only vote to keep her in, and that's about it as time is up for the show, and Julie promotes the next few shows and Kaitlyn's extended interview on Facebook
No HoH competition in this episode due to aforementioned time constraints, so that will roll over into the next episode, to broadcast alongside the pre-Veto nominations
Final thoughts
What is there to be said apart from, even a 5 year old could have done that puzzle. Production and particularly a certain executive producer must have been absolutely furious with Kaitlyn for absolutely messing that up. Anyways, glad Kaitlyn has gone but to be fair she did bring some entertainment even if it wasn't for the right reasons and she will be missed in that way.
And that's it for another episode, and thank you for reading to those who have got this far into this post. Keep those retweets, likes and shares coming as they are very much appreciated.
Momentum for CBB UK is gathering pace, and keep clicking the links to the right for all your information for UK, USA and Canada as we hurtle towards the UK version's launch night.
Don't forget, if you haven't listened to BB on Blast's newest podcast then do so here
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Until next time, someone is always watching......