Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 14 - Eviction 4

When we last left the houseguests, Faysal won Power of Veto and had to choose between two ladies he promised to take off the block, and in the end he opted to use the Veto on Haleigh, leaving Kaitlyn in the lurch and on the block against replacement nominee Angie

Reminder that whoever goes, automatically gets to take part in a challenge to get back in the house, as Sam did not use her Bonus Life App voluntarily in the first 3 evictions so it activates automatically for the the 4th evictee whoever that will be 

Julie recaps the events leading up to the eviction after welcoming us in for another live eviction


We pick up the action straight after the Veto competition, and yes Kaitlyn is crying and wondering why Faysal has lied to her face about saving her. So basically "how dare he not pick me", and you know what they say about women scorned. She accuses him of breaking her heart. Hey Kaitlyn, welcome to Big Brother, the show where promises are made to be broken if you want to win. Kaitlyn holds a pity party with Faysal, but he is having none of it and tells her she could still get back in

Angie is also whining about being the replacement nominee, that's the game Angie or have you never seen this show before

Rachel wonders who to evict now Sam has told all of them about her Bonus Life app, and how it will activate automatically when the 4th evictee is revealed

In the pantry, Haleigh is thanking Faysal for using the Veto on her, while Tyler is comforting Kaitlyn and telling her how she could come back if she is evicted and wins the challenge to get back in and vengeance will be hers towards Faysal

Back from commercials, Level 5 and JC really wanted to evict Angie, and Tyler insists he can control Kaitlyn. However, JC seems to want to switch his vote to Kaitlyn now and sticks with that decision. Tyler is slightly concerned his alliance is not on the same page.

Meanwhile back to the Kaitlyn drama/histronics, and like a broken record she goes on and on and on about how Faysal saved Haleigh over her. It's a game, you stupid idiot, don't you realise what show you are on. Just do some campaigning like Angie is doing, and just give our ears a rest and stop whining.

So much to-ing and fro-ing in regards to the vote, not very confident this is going to be a close vote though as Kaitlyn is hot favourite to get to play the challenge to get back in and the votes should show this.

Sam tells Tyler if it comes down to a tie, then she will put two dots in a cup. Tyler warns Sam about Kaitlyn possibly coming back, and Sam replies by saying she will beat her back out again.


Julie goes live to the house and reminds them that the outgoing HoH only votes in the event of a tie and the nominees are not allowed to vote

JC votes to evict Angie
Bayleigh votes to evict Kaitlyn
Haleigh votes to evict Kaitlyn
Faysal votes to evict Kaitlyn

Julie calls a break with the vote at 3-1 to evict Kaitlyn

Brett votes to evict Kaitlyn
Tyler votes to evict Kaitlyn
Angela votes to evict Kaitlyn
Kaycee votes to evict Kaitlyn
Rachel votes to evict Kaitlyn
Scottie votes to evict Kaitlyn

Evicted (but only temporarily?) - Kaitlyn (9-1)

Kaitlyn's challenge

The BB power app sounds and Julie tells Kaitlyn about the Bonus Life app. The challenge is a 7 piece puzzle to which she has 150 seconds to complete. If she doesn't complete it, then the eviction still stands. She has to disassemble the puzzle and move the pieces to the other side of the room and reassemble it.

Kaitlyn is shooting through the puzzle, but with 1 minute left she starts to struggle and wastes 30 seconds sobbing, and henceforth she runs out of time and her eviction stands and she is officially the 4th evictee

Kaitlyn's interview

Hardly any time left for Kaitlyn's interview as it is widely rumoured Kaitlyn should have cleared up this puzzle and gone back in, and them backstage weren't counting on her failing and having an interview. Julie tells Kaitlyn that JC was the only vote to keep her in, and that's about it as time is up for the show, and Julie promotes the next few shows and Kaitlyn's extended interview on Facebook

No HoH competition in this episode due to aforementioned time constraints, so that will roll over into the next episode, to broadcast alongside the pre-Veto nominations

Final thoughts

What is there to be said apart from, even a 5 year old could have done that puzzle. Production and particularly a certain executive producer must have been absolutely furious with Kaitlyn for absolutely messing that up. Anyways, glad Kaitlyn has gone but to be fair she did bring some entertainment even if it wasn't for the right reasons and she will be missed in that way.

And that's it for another episode, and thank you for reading to those who have got this far into this post. Keep those retweets, likes and shares coming as they are very much appreciated.

Momentum for CBB UK is gathering pace, and keep clicking the links to the right for all your information for UK, USA and Canada as we hurtle towards the UK version's launch night.

Don't forget, if you haven't listened to BB on Blast's newest podcast then do so here

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching......

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 13 - Power of Veto 4

In our previous Big Brother adventure:

  • Sam won HoH in a grueling endurance competition
  • Bayleigh and JC had it out over some racial issues, both initially stood their ground but in the end the peace pipe did the rounds
  • Sam nominated Haleigh and Kaitlyn, and the reasons being about them not treating the men in the house with respect. Her words or near enough, so please don't swing out at me. 
Apps still in play:

Sam's Bonus Life App, which now activates automatically for the 4th evictee, as Sam didn't use it in the 3 evictions she was able to voluntarily.

Bayleigh's Identity Theft, which runs up to final 8. She can use it to hijack an HoH's nominations and make her own, which can only be used once. She is not able to nominate that HoH nor can she use it to replace someone if a Veto is used.

Tyler's Cloud App, which can be used only once when he thinks he is in trouble of going on the block pre-Veto or if he is going on the block as a replacement nominee in a Veto ceremony. This power runs until before the start of the jury.

So without further ado....


The opening credits are back, which were conspicuous by their absence in the last episode due to the JC and Bayleigh business and CBS's disclaimer

We pick up the action after Sam has made her nominations, and needless to say Haleigh and Kaitlyn are not in the best of moods after Sam's reasoning for putting them on the block. Sam tells us she feels if it is Kaitlyn or Haleigh going out, they haven't got the grit to get back in and if they did return they can be easily sent back out.

As expected, Kaitlyn is crying her eyes out, and Haleigh says she is really hurt by Sam's reasoning. Faysal tells us he is in a dilemma of sorts as both Haleigh and Kaitlyn are vital to his game, and wouldn't know what to do if he won Veto. The plot thickens.

Angie tells us Sam's speech was off putting, and is a bit disappointed as in her eyes Brett is the one causing the trouble and he is not even on the block

Kaycee is also down on Sam for the nomination reasons, and doesn't feel Kaitlyn and Haleigh are disrespecting the guys in any way.

Haleigh breaks down while trying to tell us that she feels it was a personal attack from Sam in regards to going on the block

Sam tells Tyler that she has already picked Angie as replacement nominee if the Veto is used. She then goes on to say she will tell Haleigh and Kaitlyn about the power app.

Kaitlyn is still in tears, no shock there. She reveals to Sam in the HoH room that she was hurt by Sam's comments and thought she and Sam were really close. Sam is quick to shut down this particular line of conversation.

Next in the HoH room is Faysal, and he tells Sam he has been stressing about possibly winning Veto and then using it on either Haleigh or Kaitlyn. Sam tells him not to, and if he gets picked to play then play hard to make people proud, and to follow his heart if he plays Veto and wins.

A short segment ensues where Faysal does his promises to Kaitlyn and Haleigh, and gets himself into a really big pickle.

Veto player picks

As always the HoH and nominees compete automatically, and competing with Sam, Kaitlyn and Haleigh are JC, Faysal and Angie

Veto competition

This week's special guest host of the competition is revealed as series 13 winner, Rachel Reilly. The name of this competition is called Chop, Bonk and Spank. Seriously. To cut a long story short the houseguests have to answer various questions about the sequence of hits they have received from this machine. Houseguest with most points wins Power of Veto, and there is no bonus prize this week.

Winner and Veto holder - FAYSAL

Oh the agony of choice, as he has promised both Kaitlyn and Haleigh that he would take both of them off the block, but as per the golden rule only one can come off the block, so a tough decision ahead for Faysal. God help him whoever he doesn't take off the block if he uses the Veto, that's for sure.

Faysal confesses to Kaitlyn that he has promised her and Haleigh he will use Veto on them if he won it. As you may expect this does not go down too well with the resident fruitloop, and to top things off Faysal got Kaitlyn's name wrong. What a maroon the guy is.

Veto ceremony

Faysal does decide to use the Veto on.......HALEIGH

Now as HoH, Sam has to put someone else on the block and she picks ANGIE

Reminder, whoever does go automatically gets the chance to go back in as Sam did not use her Bonus Life App voluntarily so it's now out of her hands in this 4th eviction

To be continued in Episode 14: Eviction 4, and there is the added bonus of the competition where whoever is evicted gets the chance to return via a competition

Final thoughts

Mixed thoughts on this week's events, as there was no point to Sam being HoH as her App will be used on the 4th evictee. Wasted week this week which Sam well knew, and this does not benefit Sam at all. Think she made a mistake as she won't play in the HoH competition, so she is wide open and she needs to hope Kaitlyn or Angie don't win their place back. Don't get me wrong, she is as cute as a button and very adorable, but those comments she made in her nominations reasons may come back to bite her. So she may be in a whole world of trouble. As for Faysal, he made his bed and now he has to lie in it, and incur the wrath of Kaitlyn if she is evicted and then comes back as she is all sorts of crazy.

That being said, my thanks once again to everyone who has got this far into the post and keep any RT's, likes or shares coming

New podcast alert, Lynsey and Gaz have just released a new podcast which can be found here

Be sure to keep up with all the news on the imminent CBB launch, and click on the links to the right for all your BB USA, Canada and UK needs.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, thanks for reading and someone is always watching.....

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 12 - HoH and Nominations 4

Brand new week and a brand new HoH to be crowned 

When we last saw the houseguests:

  • Winston was evicted by a vote of 6-5
  • Angie went for Brett's throat when he said she had allegedly told him that she was voting to flip the vote and let fruitloop Kaitlyn take the blame
  • And the next battle for power begun when the HoH competition commenced, and it is endurance
No opening credits for this episode, and a word of warning this episode will contain discussion of cultural sensitivity and please bear in mind I'm only writing what I hear, and the opinions are those of the houseguests and not me

The show starts with a disclaimer: "Big Brother is a reality show about a group of people who have no privacy 24/7. At times the Houseguests will reveal prejudices and other beliefs that CBS do not condone. Views or opinions expressed by a Houseguest are those of the individuals speaking and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS. Viewer discretion is advised."


We pick up the action at the start of the HoH competition. In case you missed it, Scottie is ineligible to play as he is the outgoing HoH. Out on A Limb is the name of the competition, and it's endurance. To cut a long story short, the last houseguest left on their platform is the new HoH.

During the competition, we see more flashbacks to Angie v Brett after the eviction, where Brett basically admits he spoke up about Angie. Kaitlyn says she needs to get to the bottom of this situation, and her and Tyler discuss whether or not Tyler flipped the vote and he denies doing so.

Back to the competition we go, and everyone is still on their platforms while BB drop honey and feathers and water on the houseguests

First to fall is Angie, and she starts crying as she dries herself off. Next off is Faysal and Brett is not too far behind which pleases Angie.

Bayleigh goes at 32 minutes, Angela and Rachel go at 41 minutes, and then Haleigh is down at 49 minutes

JC is down at 52 minutes, leaving a final four of Kaitlyn, Tyler, Sam and Kaycee

Kaitlyn falls at 61 minutes, and Kaycee is not far behind leaving Tyler and Sam as the final two

Sam is promising Tyler she will not put him up, resulting in Tyler falling

Winner and new HoH - SAM

She tells us she couldn't be happier, while Angie says she wanted to make her family proud. Back to Sam and she says she has already decided who she wants to put on the block and nobody will change her mind.

In the bedroom, Angie is STILL crying about not winning, and Bayleigh tells her to calm down. Angie considers self evicting, which Bayleigh talks her out of doing. 

In the pantry, Faysal tells JC he (Faysal) has no loyalty to anyone, to which JC tells him he has his back and that Faysal needs people on his block in case he makes it on the chopping and needs defending. JC tells us about his plan with Tyler to flip the votes and blame Kaitlyn, and we see a clip where they are discussing said plan.

Faysal is told that it was Kaitlyn who flipped the vote, but he is unsure who to believe. Shortly afterwards he and Kaitlyn have a discussion and she strongly denies it was her who flipped the vote, and yes she does burst into tears, before Sam screams the words "WHO WANTS TO SEE MY HOH ROOM"

In said room, we see pics of Sam's family and her dog. Sam tells everyone she knows who she is nominating and won't change her mind on that score. She goes on to say that she will entertain discussions AFTER the nominations ceremony, and forbids entry to her HoH room unless accompanied by her or by invitation

Meanwhile, Kaitlyn gets it into her head that Sam has used a power app to flip 2 votes and suggests it to anyone who will listen. Tyler of course knows all about Sam's power, so has to play along that he doesn't so Kaitlyn doesn't catch on that he knows what the power is.

Next up, Angie decides to have a little celebration by bashing pots and pans in Brett's direction. Brett's unfazed by this as he knows it will only succeed in cheesing off the houseguests and does Angie more harm than good in the long term

And now for the debate of the night....

In a nutshell, it was the M word for small people against the N word in which (and I'm only quoting this so please don't swing out at me) Bayleigh said that, as someone who has experienced racism, is considered highly offensive and degrading against African Americans. They then have a discussion about the use of both words, and they both thought they were right in the situation. However they did make a peace pact and reached an understanding and more appreciative of each others culture and each others journey.

Nominations ceremony

Sam decided to nominate HALEIGH and KAITLYN. Her reasons being that the men deserved more respect, which caused the nominees to burst into tears. Don't forget Sam's power app activates automatically, so whoever is the 4th evictee will get a chance to get back in the game

End credits, and to be continued in Episode 13: Power of Veto 4

Final thoughts

A very educational and interesting episode, however it will be a wasted eviction whoever goes as if they do get back in, Sam will be a huge target and you know what they say about revenge....

Thanks for reading if you have got this far, and remember every RT, LIKE or share is much appreciated

For all the up to date news on this series, BB Canada and news on potential housemates on CBB, be sure to click on the links to the right as we move closer to the next installment of BB UK.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching......

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 11 - Eviction 3

Current state of play as we head into Eviction #3

Outgoing HoH - Scottie
Nominated - Winston and Brett
Veto winner - Scottie
Veto used - No

Nominations stayed the same

Note, along with winning the Veto, Scottie also won a trip for 2 to the Greek islands

Apps still in play:

Sam's Bonus Life App - If she doesn't use it on Winston or Brett in this episode, it automatically gets used on the 4th evictee and they will have a chance to get back into the game

Cloud App - Tyler's App can only be used once on himself when he suspects he is in danger of being on the block or a replacement nominee via the Veto competition

Identity theft App - Bayleigh can hijack that week's HoH's nominations and make her own nominations. She cannot nominate the HoH for that week she uses the App nor can she pick a replacement nominee as that responsibility. This app will expire when there are only 8 houseguests left, and like the rest of the power apps can only be used once.

Like the eviction episodes so far in this season, there won't be many highlights and the vote will happen early

Off we go....


2 mentions already of Sam's power app from Julie. Think this could be a running theme tonight

We pick up the action straight after the Veto ceremony, and Scottie tells us how happy he is with himself that one from Brett or Winston WILL be going tonight, and that the only thing that could screw things up is a power app

App mentions: 3

Winston has a little tirade about Scottie calling him an idiot, while Brett calls Scottie a spineless person and does not want to campaign against Winston. Brett is confident he will stay.

Fruitloop Kaitlyn says Brett's Veto speech was the worst she had heard in her life, and buried himself.

In the bathroom, Winston tells Brett his speech was hilarious about fruitloop Kaitlyn, while the rest of Level 6 agree it is best to keep Brett and will vote accordingly when it comes to the eviction vote

Meanwhile, Angie, Haleigh and Bayleigh would like to get rid of Brett, but convincing FOUTTE is another matter. 

Angie is literally climbing one of the walls inside the house and gets stuck. Fruitloop Kaitlyn goes into energies mode, while Haleigh helps Angie gets down.

Tyler starts to think his association with Kaitlyn is bad for his game, and feels stuck in the middle as he wants Winston gone and Kaitlyn wants Brett gone. If he goes for Winston, Kaitlyn will basically go for his throat


Julie goes live to the house to start proceedings. If you don't know the rules by now, the HoH only votes in the event of a tie and there is an even number of houseguests, but won't if there are an odd number of houseguests and the nominees are not eligible to vote

Kaitlyn votes to evict Brett
Rachel votes to evict Winston
Kaycee votes to evict Winston
Angie votes to evict Brett
Faysal votes to evict Brett
Bayleigh votes to evict Brett

Julie calls a break with the vote at 4-2, and again mentions the Bonus Life App

Angela votes to evict Winston
Haleigh votes to evict Brett
JC votes to evict Winston
Tyler votes to evict Winston
Sam votes to evict Winston

3rd evictee - Winston by a vote of 6-5

Interestingly, after Winston leaves, Angie starts screaming at Brett. Brett had told people in his Save Me speech, Angie was scheming to flip the vote and would let fruitloop Kaitlyn take the fall. Angie really goes off at Brett calling him a liar, and saying these things on her daughter's birthday. She also vowed to keep voting to evict him until he goes, and Brett just kept repeating what she allegedly told him.

As for Winston, well he is absolutely shellshocked when Julie tells him some of his own alliance voted him out. 'nuff said really. To say he is really mad would be a massive understatement. He didn't really help his own cause by acting like a sore loser and a douche during his interview with Julie.

As it stands, Sam has not used her Bonus Life power so it will automatically go to the 4th evictee next week and they will have a chance to go back in

Start of HoH competition 4

This competition will start tonight but will not finish on the show as it's endurance. As always the outgoing HoH is not eligible to play so Scottie is automatically ruled out. It is called 'Out on a Limb' and here is how it works. All houseguests, bar Scottie, will stand on small ledges and at random times the trees will move forward and backward, and there will be a number of elements thrown in also at random times. Last houseguest standing will be the new HoH

We see the competition start, and then it's back to Julie as she plugs the upcoming shows in HoH/Nominations, Veto and of course the 4th eviction. She also mentions that during the HoH/Nominations episode that conversations that JC and Bayleigh had about cultural sensitivity will also be shown, so expect intense conversations.

To be continued in Episode 12, when we will know who is HoH and who they will nominate....

Final thoughts

Could have gone either way tonight, but the right person went. Have to feel sorry for the person who gets HoH as it will be a wasted eviction when the power app activates automatically, and the 4th evictee could go back in

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and keep the likes, RT's and shares coming as they are very much appreciated :)

With CBB UK just around the corner, check out the links on the right to keep up to date with the latest news about who may be going into the house, and also to keep up to date with all the USA and Canada news as well with podcasts and news as far as the eye can see

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time,someone is always watching.....

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 10 - Power of Veto 3

When last we left the houseguests:

  • Scottie decided to nominate the bromance of Brett and Winston
  • In the final App Store results, Haleigh got the Bad App in which she has to complete reading the whole of Hamlet. When 'TO READ' plays into the house she has to don a Shakespeare type costume and read Hamlet, and can only stop when 'NOT TO READ plays into the house. When she has completed reading, the punishment is then over.
  • Bayleigh got the good app, in which she can hijack one HoH's nominations and make her own. The HoH cannot be nominated, and only the HoH has the power in the Veto ceremony should a replacement have to be decided upon. This power runs until the houseguests are whittled down to 8. This power can only be used once, and will expire if she doesn't use by the time the houseguests are whittled down to 8.
Other Apps still in play:

  • Sam's Bonus Life App in which this week she has a last chance to use it voluntarily on whoever goes in the 3rd eviction and they get the chance to come back in, if she doesn't then the 4th evictee automatically gets the chance next week to come back into the game
  • Tyler's Cloud App, where he gets the chance to be immune from nominations or being a replacement nominee if he thinks he is in trouble of being on the block. This runs for another 7 weeks and can only be used once.


We pick up the action immediately after Scottie's nominations, and needless to say Brett and Winston are NOT happy. It is what is called "How dare you nominate me". Brett is running his mouth, telling us Scottie is an idiot. Winston is absolutely fuming in the bedroom, and then tells us Scottie better hope he doesn't win the Veto

Bayleigh tells us what a good week it has been for her, especially after last week's events when her showmance meal ticket went out of the door. In case you missed it, she has avoided the chopping block thus far and also has the aforementioned Identity Theft App in her possession

In the pantry Angie, Haleigh and Faysal are celebrating not being nominated, Angie whispers that Scottie has cajones for making the nominations he did. Angie tells us she hopes some of her alliance get picked to play Veto as they will keep the nominations the same.

Tyler tells us it sucks that two members of the Level 6 alliance are on the block, but he's glad it's not him and has to move forward with his own game

Fruitloop Kaitlyn is telling Winston to separate from Brett and to start campaigning, but he has already made up his mind about not listening to her. Wise choice, I would take anything she says with a massive pinch of salt. Unsurprisingly Kaitlyn is being considered for a replacement nominee should Brett or Winston win Veto

Veto competition picks

Usual rules as in HoH and nominees are automatically in the competition, and playing alongside Scottie, Brett and Winston will be Tyler, Rachel and Angie. Bayleigh will be hosting this week's competition.

Veto competition

This week's competition is called Mamma Mia Madness as it is tying in with the new Mamma Mia movie about to be released, and we see a few clips of the movie. Here is how it works. Houseguests must spin around 15 times via a disco ball in their respective pods and then they must make their way back to their respective station and build a large champagne tower. They have 30 seconds after their spins to build their tower, if they run low on time then they have to go back to their pod and spin 15 more times to reset the 30 seconds. If their timer hits zero, then they have to start their tower again. Whoever gets their tower up first wins the Veto and also the bonus prize of a trip for 2 to Greece.

After much huffing and puffing and general dizziness all round, Scottie emerges as the winner and has all the power, as in HoH AND Veto, and also gets to go to Greece after the show.

Next we get a short segment regarding the Read It bad app which was bestowed on Haleigh, see near the top of the post for the description

A short while later, Winston and Brett pitch an idea to Scottie which involved the 3 of them being in a secret alliance and also a deal for final 3, but only if Scottie uses the Veto on one of them and puts up fruitloop Kaitlyn as the replacement. Scottie tells them he will take it under consideration, but somehow I doubt he will even consider it seriously.

But unfortunately the fruitloop has a 'vision' of the bro's going to see Scottie about possibly getting rid of her, and she pays a visit to Scottie and he confirms it. This results in her storming to the bro's and she proceeds to scream at them in a sort of "How dare you consider me as a replacement". Get back in your box, you crazy fruitloop

Veto ceremony

Scottie decided NOT to use the Veto, so it will be Brett or Winston leaving, but if Sam uses her App power whoever goes will get the chance to come back.

Next up, it's Eviction number #3 and as of writing the start of HoH competition #4, as its endurance this week so it will play out live on the feeds straight after the eviction show, and the result will be revealed in the HoH/Nominations #4 post 

Final thoughts

A season I am really enjoying thus far, and not a bad week from Scottie and definitely better than when the fruitloop was HoH. Can't see Sam using the Bonus Life app, and remember if she doesn't then it automatically activates next week whoever the 4th evictee is. 

Please keep those likes, retweets and shares coming as they are very much appreciated, and don't forget to click on the links to the right for all your BB USA, Canada and UK needs, and the latest news on when the UK version starts and any news on housemates who may be going in this summer, whether it be celebrity or civilian version

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching....

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 9 - Final App Store result and Nominations 3

When we last left our brave housemates....

  • The Level 6 alliance continued to flourish and dominate the house, while the FOUTTE alliance was floundering
  • Chris was sent packing by a vote of 8-4
  • Fruitloop Kaitlyn continued to flood the house with her crocodile tears
  • In a tie breaker, Scottie gained the HoH power for the coming week
Apps still in play

  • Sam has 1 more eviction to use her Bonus Life App, but if she doesn't then it automatically activate at the following eviction giving the 4th evictee the chance to come back
  • Tyler has his Cloud App, where he can use it if he thinks he is in danger of going on the block or on the block as a replacement nominee via Veto


We pick up the action straight after Scottie was crowned the new HoH. Scottie shows us the key to the HoH room and says it's his version of happiness. He goes on to say he flipped the vote and got Chris evicted, which could cause potential paranoia. He wants to work with Bayleigh, Faysal, Haleigh and Angie

Winston tells us he feels good about staying, and says Scottie's week may be a wildcard week as he doesn't know where Scottie's head is at

Rachel, meanwhile, is disappointed as she didn't win for her Level 6 alliance and like Winston she doesn't know where Scottie's head is at

In the pantry, Haleigh takes Angie to one side to voice her suspicions about Scottie being the rogue vote. Angie tells us that there should have been at least 5 votes to keep Chris in the house, and she is just as suspicious about where that other vote could have come from.

Bayleigh tells us about her brief showmance with Chris, and it's time to get her head back in the game now he is gone

Faysal is none too pleased that someone cast a rogue vote and lied to his face, Angie has her suspicions but Faysal refuses to believe Scottie would do such a thing and thinks it may have been Haleigh. Haleigh swears she voted to keep Chris.

Faysal is getting frustrated and accuses Kaitlyn of knowing Scottie would flip, to which she denies. He tells us if Scottie flipped, his alliance could be in big trouble

A small segment of the bromance between Winston and Brett ensues, and we see several clips of them being inseparable 

Scottie tells us the bro's are the biggest threat in the house, and has to take a shot at them to level out the playing field

Final App results

As announced by Julie, this is the last week of the App Store...Time to find out who get the last two apps

The final bad app goes to Haleigh and here is what her punishment will be. She picks the Read It app in which she has to put on a Shakespeare costume whenever 'TO READ' is played into the house she has to read Hamlet. She can stop when 'NOT TO READ' plays in, but she has to finish the whole of Hamlet and then the punishment is over.

As for the final good app, it goes to Bayleigh and it's called Identity Theft and here is how it works

"At any point in the first part of the game, you can steal the Head of Household's identity at the Nominations Ceremony. This means you will secretly make their nominations. The reigning HoH cannot be nominated and will still control the replacement nominee at the Veto ceremony. When only 8 houseguests remain, the Identity Theft app is no longer in play."

Nomination ceremony

As expected, Scottie nominated the bro's aka Brett and Winston due to the threat they could be to Scottie's game both physically and mentally and also charm wise

Final thoughts

A good episode, and at least we were spared fruitloop Kaitlyn's episode. Shame the App Store has finished, as it would be nice to have seen what the remaining two powers would entailed.

Anyways and as always, many thanks for reading this recap if you have made it this far and all the likes, RT's and shares are very much appreciated

Going slightly off topic, UK fans finally got some information about the theme and the eye for the next Celebrity Big Brother which will be covered on this blog when that starts

If you missed the eye - 

And as an added bonus, one of the UK hosts Rylan Clark Neal called Big Brother Radio, and if you want to listen, click here .... Rylan calls in around the 42 minute mark 

BB on Blast also have a new podcast out which can be listened to here

Next up we have the Power of Veto competition and then the next eviction after that

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time someone is always watching.....

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 8 - Eviction 2 and HoH competition 3

Eviction 2 is upon us, citizens, and in case you missed it, it will be Chris v Winston

Outgoing HoH - Kaitlyn
Veto winner - Tyler
Veto used - Yes, on Scottie
Replacement - Chris

Apps still in use:

  • Sam and her Bonus Life App
  • Tyler and his Cloud App
  • Rachel and her Yell App

"The showmance or the bromance, one will survive and the other will be torn apart"

Julie welcomes us to the show and describes the situation above to us, and remember highlights will be short tonight as there is an eviction AND HoH competition

"Day 23, and Tyler is pulling the strings and also the wool over everyone's eyes, orchestrating Kaitlyn to commit another blindslide, resulting in her putting her ally Chris on the chopping block. Can Swaggy find the numbers to keep his game alive, or will Winston remain in the game...."


We join the action shortly after Chris was named as the replacement nominee....

Kaitlyn still squeezing out the crocodile tears, as Scottie tells us how relieved he is to be off the block. Chris is confident he can find the votes to stay in there and send Winston packing

In the HoH room, those tears keep flowing from the fruitloop of an HoH. Who does she think she is fooling, the sooner she is out of there the better.

Bayleigh tells Kaitlyn she did what she had to do, but behind closed doors she is planning to campaign hard for her showmance meal ticket

Shortly afterwards, Tyler is shown getting in Kaitlyn's ear about getting Chris out of there, as Julie said he is pulling the strings and she is making it so easy for him. She is THAT stupid. Think it is safe to say Chris's chances are getting smaller by the minute.

Sam tells us about her Bonus Life App, and wonders if she should use it on Chris. Who are we kidding, she won't. After this eviction, she can only use it one more time by herself, 4th eviction it will activate automatically and the 4th evictee will get the chance to go back into the house and keep playing



Usual rules, if there is a tie the HoH (in this case fruitloop Kaitlyn) has the casting vote and the two nominees are not allowed to vote

Off we go....

Bayleigh votes to evict Winston
Brett votes to evict Chris
Kaycee votes to evict Chris
Tyler votes to evict Chris

Julie calls a break with the vote at 3-1

Angie votes to evict Winston
Haleigh votes to evict Winston
Faysal votes to evict Winston
Scottie votes to evict Chris
JC votes to evict Chris
Angela votes to evict Chris
Rachel votes to evict Chris
Sam votes to evict Chris

Swaggy is evicted by a vote of 8-4

In his interview, it's safe to say Chris and Tyler will not be sending each other Christmas cards, but Chris and Bayleigh will keep in touch when she eventually comes out. He thought Haleigh was the flip vote, but Julie told him Tyler was the flip vote hence his frustration with Tyler

Julie announces the App Store will be open one last time, and the result will be revealed in the next episode

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Kaitlyn is not eligible to play

True or False competition this time and it's called 'Product Launch' and here is how it works

A video is played on the plasma of a mock Pineapple Inc. launching various products, and the houseguests must answer questions as seen in the video they just viewed

Round 1 
Eliminated - Kaycee

Round 2 
Eliminated - Tyler, Bayleigh, Haleigh, Winston, Brett, JC and Angela

Round 3 
Eliminated - Sam

Round 4 
Eliminated - Nobody

Round 5
Eliminated - Angie

Round 6 
Eliminated - Faysal

Round 7 
Eliminated - Nobody

Tie breaker - In seconds, how long was the competition Microchip Mayhem from start to finish

The winner has to be closest without going over, but if both go over the closest to the answer will be the winner

Answer - 475 seconds

Scottie - 1199 seconds
Rachel - 12500 seconds

Winner and new HoH - Scottie

Coming up in the next post - Final App Store result and Scottie's nominations (nominations #3)

Final thoughts

Early bath as expected for Chris, played too hard and too fast when he should have paced things out and got too big for his boots. Thank god this particular HoH reign of Kaitlyn's is over, as she was so easy to manipulate. Looking forward to see what Scottie brings to the table, and hopefully he will use it responsibly. Remember the saying, with great power comes great responsibility and he will use it more responsibly unlike the fruitloop he is succeeding.

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and keep those RT's, Likes or shares, every one of them is very much appreciated

As always, click on the links on the right for all your latest BB USA, Canada and UK needs

Follow me at richiew4ever on Twitter

Until next time, someone is always watching.....

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 7 - Power of Veto 2

Hello and welcome, citizens, to another installment of Big Brother from the Batcave and in this post it's time for another Veto competition

In case you missed it, Kaitlyn is the current HoH and she has nominated Scottie and Winston for eviction and has assured them they are pawns as the real target is Chris

Sam still has her Bonus Life app, meanwhile Rachel chose the Yell app for her bad app which basically means someone will be coming in at any time day or night and shouting at her. As for this week's good app Tyler chose The Cloud, which means if he thinks he will be in danger of going on the block he can activate the app and be immune. He can only use it once

House action

Tonight's action starts immediately after the nominations ceremony, and Kaitlyn tells us she doesn't want either to go home this week and that her main target is Chris as he has apparently been saying hurtful and untrue things about her. Scottie, meanwhile, is very aware that pawns can go home so has to win the Veto to get himself off the block.

Worth noting during this segment that the picture of Kaitlyn and her boyfriend Joe has been blurred out, so I would assume he has dumped her due to her earlier antics with Faysal

Veto picks

As you know by now, in the Veto competition it's the HoH and two nominees playing plus 3 others by random draw and a host as announced by the HoH

Veto players this week - Kaitlyn (HoH), Scottie (Nominee), Winston (nominee), Faysal, Rachel and Tyler

Kaitlyn directly asks Faysal to throw the competition, which naturally makes Faysal suspicious. She is really digging her own grave right now and that target just keeps getting bigger.

Veto competition

Special guests and former houseguests Cody and Jessica, who are engaged, arrive in the house to much adulation. This competition is called "Big Brother Houseguests only.com". The aim of the competition is to get the cardboard cutouts of the former houseguests to their ideal date location, using the clues provided. The fastest houseguest wins the Power of Veto

After much huffing and puffing, the times were as follows

Rachel - 5:49
Scottie - 18:20
Winston - 20:00
Tyler - 5:29
Faysal - 6:22
Kaitlyn - 13:12

Winner - TYLER

Kaitlyn is starting to get paranoid that nobody will trust her again in the game, as she is still considering Chris as a replacement nomination should Tyler use the Veto. This causes her to lie to Faysal, but for the moment he buys into it when Kaitlyn tells him Angela will be the replacement. 

Her grave gets deeper and deeper

Next up we are treated to a sample of Rachel's bad app. A very angry reviewer charges through the door and we see several clips of him when he is screaming at Rachel. Humourous segment which serves it's purpose as the guy is all over the house and even at bedtime Rachel is not safe

As expected, Kaitlyn reveals a little too much information in regards to the incoming backdoor to Haleigh, and Haleigh goes to Kaitlyn's alliance to reveal the info. As Kaitlyn previously promised to Faysal that she was evicting Winston, the fact she is now confessing to him that Chris is the target, Faysal is really mad and abruptly halts proceedings with Kaitlyn

Veto ceremony

By now Kaitlyn is in absolute 'floods of tears', or she would have people believe and after Tyler indeed uses the Veto on Scottie she 'tearfully' puts Chris up as the replacement while the rest of her alliance look boiling mad

And that is end credits for this episode....

Final thoughts

Just a matter of time now for Kaitlyn, and not a very good episode for her. Damage limitation as she has painted a VERY big target on her back, and hard to see how she is going to get out of this one whoever is the next HoH. Well done everyone who said her HoH reign would be a great big mess.

As for this current eviction, Winston v Chris, for evictee number 2

Myself personally, would love Chris to go, but at the same time Winston really hasn't brought much to the table. Either way, Kaitlyn is just about screwed. Really hard to call this one, so this eviction should be very interesting.

Anyways, thanks for reading if you have made it this far and any RT's, likes and shares are much appreciated

Click on the usual links to the right to keep up to date for all your USA, Canada and UK needs, and as always Rob has a Podcast is on the air straight after the televised episodes and if you miss the shows there will be links available on aforementioned site to listen back at your convenience

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching.....

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 6 - 2nd BB App Result and Nominations 2

Greetings to citizens of Big Brother World as we head into another App Store Result and the 2nd nominations.

But First...

In case you missed it:

Outgoing HoH - Tyler
Nominated - Steve and Sam
Veto winner - Faysal (Veto not used)

Evicted - Steve (7-6)

New HoH - Kaitlyn

Sam still to use her Bonus Life app, she has two more evictions to use it but in the 4th if she still hasn't used it then it automatically activates and that week's evictee gets to do the challenge to get back in

And now we see the aftermath of Steve's eviction and the hunt begins for that vote that was Steve's downfall

Meanwhile Kaitlyn's reign as HoH gets underway, will it be as messy as people like....More than likely would be my opinion

Who will she put on the block pre-Veto....Let us all find out on the 20th series of Big Brother USA

House action

We pick up the action with Kaitlyn telling us how things have worked with her winning HoH...You haven't got Faysal though have you, despite that you DO have a boyfriend on the outside. 

Chris tells us how annoyed he is that Steve got evicted....But your face was a picture, so it was all worthwhile in the end

Tyler tells us how it is perfect that his target left the house and he didn't get any blood on his hands, and vows to get Kaitlyn to take some more shots at some on Chris's side of the house. Sam of course is delighted she is still there and didn't have to use her Bonus Life app

Brett and Winston are revelling at the look on Chris's face when Steve went, and strongly suspect Kaitlyn was the rogue vote to get Steve out

In the pantry, Tyler, Faysal and Chris wonder who flipped the vote and wonder if the app was used to send Steve home. Tyler queries whether Faysal and Chris have seen this show before, as it's apparently a bad idea to hold a meeting 5 minutes after eviction

Scottie is disappointed that Steve is gone, and he is talking to himself in the pantry

Meanwhile, the investigation by Chris and Faysal into who flipped the vote goes on, and they are dismissing the most obvious suspect in Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn thinks nobody is onto her about the flipped vote, suspect that will change as not much stays secret in the house for long....Brett and Winston are onto you, you will be rumbled

She goes onto say she has no idea what she is going to do this week in terms of the nominations, quite frankly she doesn't have any idea about anything this game entails

In the garden hammock, Chris and Bayleigh are getting cosy and he names this showmance, and that's all this is, as Swayleigh.....Answers on a postcard please

Pointless segment alert, as we see Rachel shaving JC's back...Less said the better, and moving swiftly on

In the kitchen, Tyler reveals to Sam who kept her in as in JC, Angela, Winston, Brett, Kaycee and Kaitlyn. He tells her how he got Kaitlyn to flip, and Sam is so thankful....Got to say Tyler is playing darn good at the moment, hopefully he won't overplay

All of a sudden, Tyler tells Kaitlyn Sam has the Bonus Life app and how it works, so how long before she spreads it to the rest of the house?

Sam confesses to Kaitlyn she has the Bonus Life App, to which Kaitlyn says she sensed it anyway

Kaitlyn pitches to Scottie about going up as a pawn against Winston. Scottie tells us what a dumb idea that is, you don't say Scottie. Kaitlyn gets it into her head how much of an actress she is. No you are just dumb and haven't got a clue quite literally

Hamazon delivery for Faysal as per his bad app punishment, to which he tells us 'too much ham', however that is the last one much to his relief

App store result

Crap app for this week goes to Rachel, and it is entitled YELL. This app is all about her getting yelled at by an angry reviewer who will randomly be unleashed on her until further notice, whether that means someone goes in and yells at her or if the yelling is confined to the speakers in the house remains to be seen

Good app for this week goes to Tyler, and he picked THE CLOUD. This basically means he can use this app at any point in the next 8 weeks to be immune from being nominated or being a replacement nominee should someone choose him

Nominations ceremony

Facing the chop pre-Veto will be SCOTTIE and WINSTON. Kaitlyn tells us that her overall aim is to backdoor Chris. Masterstroke, nutcase, masterstroke. Chris will more than likely find out sooner rather than later.

Final thoughts

Bit of a mess as expected, well what did one expect with that nutcase as HoH. Sooner she is out the better. She is so easily fooled and is a fool herself, and Tyler must be thinking all his Christmases must be coming at once with that power to play with, and the ease in which he is pulling Kaitlyn's strings.

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and all RT's, likes and shares are very appreciated

Check out the links on the right for all your USA, Canada and UK needs and take a listen to Rob has a Podcast after every televised episode

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, and remember someone is always watching....

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Big Brother USA - Episode 5 - Eviction 1 and HoH competition 2

Hello and greetings, citizens of Big Brother world

The house will be one lighter tonight as Sam or Steve will be shown the door, but Sam will have the chance to use her power she got from the app store, as in she will have a chance to go back in should she be evicted, BUT she has to complete a challenge of some sort to earn her place back

When we last left the houseguests in the previous episode, Faysal won the Power of Veto but didn't use it so Tyler's nominations stayed the same

Thankfully the pinwheel and Robot punishments will be no more after this eviction, so if Sam stays she can finally get to work properly in this game.

Personally I think Sam is adorable, and got dealt a rough card to start. This will be her opportunity and hope she takes it once the punishment is officially done.

To the house action, but first.....

Julie welcomes us in to the first not so live eviction for this season, and we get the VT for previous events as described above and in the previous posts

The highlights have been shortened for this episode in case Sam is evicted and has to do the challenge to get back into the house. If it doesn't happen, then whoever is evicted will have a longer interview. Can't really accuse them of not being prepared ;)

Into the house we go for a shortened version of events before whatever is going to happen at eviction time. 

We kick off after the Veto meeting has concluded where Faysal has NOT used the Veto, and Tyler tells us he is super pumped about it not being used. Sam thanks America for letting her choose the Bonus Life. Steve admits he is disappointed, but is relying on his little group to stay

7 votes to keep Sam in, says Tyler, and the Level 6 alliance needs Sam as a number

Steve is confident he has the numbers to stay in, as Kaitlyn of all people counts the votes that will come his way to save him.

Kaitlyn strongly hints at a possible showmance between her and Faysal

ROBOT ONLINE sounds and off we go again for another appearance of Sammy 5. We get a segment where the robot is dressed up in a bra and panties and introduced as the sexy robot.

And now off to Haleigh and Faysal, and another possible showmance. Haleigh thinks Faysal is super cute....This is going to go down well with the resident nutter, Kaitlyn, isn't it

And sure enough, jealousy starts to creep in with Kaitlyn, more on that later I think

Haleigh tells us about weighing up the possibilities of a showmance, and the next thing we see is her jumping into Faysal's bed and instant slurpage ensues

Kaitlyn telling us how dumb this game is as Faysal and Haleigh are 2 of her best friends and it's all so bad. Touch of the green eyed monster I would think as Haleigh beat her to the showmance she wanted, despite the fact that Kaitlyn has apparently has a chap on the outside but that's only a rumour and will be confirmed as such if true at a later date

In the HoH room, Kaitlyn has burst into tears. Green eyed monster has been unleashed, hide the breakable objects I would say

Back to the studio, and it's a technical glitch as someone has muted the sound or Julie's mic



Julie talks to the house, and gets proceedings underway

In case you are not familiar by now with the North American format, the HoH has the deciding vote in the event of a tie or not allowed at all, and the two nominees are not allowed to vote

Short speeches from Sam and Steve before the vote starts

And we're off

Scottie votes to evict Sam
JC votes to evict Steve
Chris votes to evict Sam
Bayleigh votes to evict Sam
Rachel votes to evict Steve
Kaycee votes to evict Steve

Julie calls a break with the vote at 3-3


Faysal votes to evict Sam
Haleigh votes to evict Sam
Angela votes to evict Steve
Brett votes to evict Steve
Winston votes to evict Steve
Kaitlyn votes to evict Steve
Angie votes to evict Sam

Evicted: Steve (7-6)

Absolutely delighted with that result and Chris and Bayleigh's faces were absolute pictures as they were certain Sam would be going, how little they know about her power. In any case I really hope that has sped up Chris's downfall and departure

In his interview, Steve said he didn't campaign much. Not very bright for a former cop is he, that or he hasn't really watched this show before. He is shown a few best bits and also got his goodbye messages.

As said earlier, a longer interview than normal to compensate for the fact that Sam didn't go and the time it would have taken for her little competition

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Tyler is not eligible to compete in this competition.

This competition is called Land a Job and here is how it works. Housemates have to launch a ball into a Sim City type, well, city each with different amounts in dollars on the buildings. The houseguest who lands the highest amount is the new HoH. If the ball lands in the streets, then it equates to zero.

Scottie - $40,000
JC - $0
Brett - $0
Winston - $12,000
Sam - $50,000
Kaycee - $15,000
Faysal - $0
Kaitlyn - $80,000

Angela, Bayleigh, Chris, Angie, Haleigh and Rachel all scored $0

Winner and new HoH - Kaitlyn

Julie announced to Kaycee and Sam that their punishments were officially over

The nut will be running the nuthouse until next week, so many in agreement on social media that it will be a very messy week

Final thoughts - A few words to sum that up in "1 out of 2 isn't bad". Excellent result for the eviction, but it's going a be a mess with Kaitlyn as the new HoH. She gets a stay of execution for now, but hopefully her time will come long before the jury members start getting sorted out. Chris out soon with any luck, but his face especially was worth a thousand words when Julie called out Steve as evicted. Now there have been so many hilarious reactions over the years in USA and UK to surprise evictions, and his reaction is right up there

Said reaction for your viewing pleasure - 

And so brings to an end the first eviction recap, and thank you for everyone who has read this post if you have made it this far. All RT's, likes and shares are greatly appreciated.

Check out the links on the right for all the up to date news and podcasts for all your BB needs whether it be USA, Canada or UK. 

Rob has a Podcast on air straight after the televised episodes, and if you can't get there after the show the show is always readily available via said link on right

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching......

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 4 - Power of Veto 1

Hello, greetings, and welcome one and all to the next installment of Big Brother from the Batcave

First Power of Veto competition up first for the class of 2018, but first a quick recap of previous events 


Tyler is the first HoH of the summer, and he nominated Sam(my 5) and Steve for eviction. Meanwhile the houseguests were introduced to the BB App Store, which is essentially whoever is trending most gets the good app, and least trending gets the bad app. Faysal got the bad app and he chose Hamazon, which means he gets a ham delivery whenever the doorbell sounds and he must eat it all

Sam, meanwhile, got the good app and she chose Bonus Life which means she can save any evictee including herself if they go between eviction 1 and 3, but the app will automatically activate on eviction 4 if it not used by then and saves evictee 4

Update - Julie has revealed that if Sam uses the Bonus Life, she will have to complete a challenge to win her way back into the house. Think that applies to anyone who is brought back should Sam use it on someone else

Hold on to your hats, folks....

Into the house

We pick up straight after the App Store stating it's in play for this week. Tyler tells us his time as HoH is going smooth and hopes whoever get the apps doesn't screw his game. Sam tells us about the power she received and she will keep it to herself

In the bedroom, Haleigh says she hates the person who has the app for keeping it secretive, and hopes the other side of the house didn't get it. Steve tells us it sucks he didn't get the app and now has to win the Veto be safe

Faysal and JC pretend to get into a showmance, and Faysal says JC is the size of his dog

In the HoH, Tyler tells Sam that he wants her to stay in, and she tells us she is considering telling Tyler about her App power as she feels her and Tyler could work together further down the line.

So obviously she tells him anyway about the power she has this week, so much for keeping that to herself then. Her power, in case you missed it, is described above and in the previous post

Chris says he wants Tyler to think of the best move possible for a replacement nominee. Chris pitches to Tyler about maybe putting Angela up as the replacement. Tyler doesn't think it would feel right, but Chris keeps pushing the idea. I cannot wait for Chris to go, as he is getting too big for his boots already.

Chris tells us he has someone else in mind just in case someone wins Veto and uses it, and it's Chris's squeeze Bayleigh

Time for a Hamazon delivery for Faysal, and he has to eat it all in case you missed. So far so easy for him....but here comes another delivery and another and another and......well you get the picture

Chris tells Bayleigh about the little plan to put her up as a replacement nominee, safe to say she didn't take it particularly well and we are treated to a little 'how dare Tyler do this to me' or something similar. She's not even on the block and the Veto hasn't been used. God help everyone when she is nominated, hide all the breakable objects I'd say

And so it continues as Bayleigh talks to Tyler, and she just bursts into tears just like that. Grow up, Bayleigh, it's part of the game in case you hadn't noticed if you do go up.

Veto competition selection

In case you missed BB Canada, the HoH and 2 nominees are automatically in the competition and in this instance, Tyler as HoH and Sam(my 5) and Steve as the nominees.

Playing alongside them will be Chris (via Tyler's Houseguest Choice), Scottie and Faysal (via Steve's Houseguest Choice)

JC was selected as host

Tyler says the worst scenario is Sam winning, and assures Steve that if he and Sam are still on the block then Steve is going nowhere. Some speculation that Angela has the good app power.

Veto competition

This competition is called Going Viral and here is how it works. Five stages of competition and houseguests have to collect an increasing set number of Like discs and complete some challenges and last in each round will be eliminated.

Round 1 - First target was 3 discs and all of the discs were hidden in a snake pit filled with real snakes. A first for Big Brother USA if I am not mistaken as in live snakes. 

Winner - Sam
Eliminated - Scottie

Round 2 - 10 disks required this time, and houseguests have to go underwater in an ice pool to retrieve the discs. Last to finish is eliminated

Winner - Steve
Eliminated - Chris

Round 3 - No target in this one, but the housemates are the target as they have to move around on their respective pedestals while getting fired at by paintballs. First to fall off is eliminated while last standing wins

Eliminated - Steve

Round 4 - Houseguests will be wearing shock collars and have to balance balls and bring them back to their respective tubes. Last houseguest to finish is eliminated

Eliminated - Sam

Final round - Faysal and Tyler must do some juice tasting and match up the flavours. Faysal did this very quickly

Winner and holder of Power of Veto - FAYSAL

Veto Ceremony

While Faysal was doing the usual spiel for the Veto competition, the doorbell sounded and there was Hamazon waiting for him which he quickly ate. After that slight interruption, Faysal did NOT use the Veto

So the nominations will stay the same as in Steve and Sam(my 5), but Sam can still save herself if she is evicted via the Bonus App power she has, but will have to complete an extra challenge to make absolutely sure of going back in

(End credits)

Final thoughts - As stated, would love Chris to go early, and less said about Bayleigh acting like a diva the better. A good episode which flowed along nicely, and guess what NO VETERANS ;) Hopefully Steve out first, so Sam can hold onto that power a little longer and we can see her play a little as herself and not that contraption. No firm favourites yet but I am finding myself fluctuating to Sam's cause as she deserves a break.

Thank you as always for reading this post if you got this far, and a thousand thanks for any likes, retweets or shares wherever you read this. Every single one is very much appreciated.

As far as podcasts go, click on the links on the right if you have not heard the latest from Big Brother Radio, BB on Blast and Rob has a Podcast. In fact check out the archives of these guys for all your USA, Canada and UK needs. Usual reminder that Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episodes

Speaking of BB on Blast their new podcast is officially out, right here

Steve or Sam(my5) will be leaving the BB house, although Sam could be back, who goes (temporarily?)....The houseguests will decide

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, and if you missed any recaps or want to look back at some posts for BB Canada, USA or UK check out my archive 

Until next time, thanks for reading and someone is always watching......