Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episodes 3+4 - Nominations and Power of Veto

When we last left our latest houseguests:

  • Jackson became Camp Director, which guaranteed him immunity from the first eviction
  • Jackson chose Cliff, Kemi, Jessica and David for potential banishment from the game
  • Cliff, Jessica and Kemi all made it back, but David is banished.....at least for now
  • Christie won the first HoH of the season
  • The beginnings of an alliance was formed with Nick, Jackson, Jack, Christie, Bella and Holly

Tonight sees a new secret power up for grabs, and Christie will make the first nominations of the series.....PLUS as this is a double helping of a post as I write this we will also find out who won the first Power of Veto of this series

We pick up the action after Christie's HoH win, and Jackson is feeling very confident about this particular win as he is part of the new alliance with Christie.

Meanwhile, Kathryn is blissfully unaware she is talking to some members of the new alliance, and as expected Bella is straight off to report in to headquarters. In turn this does put a potential target on Kathryn's back, as Christie hints at putting Kathryn on the chopping block for running her mouth too much.

The new alliance wants to put their numbers up to 8, the two being tried out are Tommy, who doesn't really need any encouragement, and also Analyse. Hmmm, can't see this alliance lasting too long, and all the splinter groups will form sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile, Christie is turning on the waterworks in front of Cliff as she discusses her possible nominations with him. Have to say I am warming to Cliff, as he can see through some of the gameplay. But then again on the live feeds he does shout out various podcasts, mostly it's Rob has a Podcast. 

New Power time

The rules are as follows:

Five houseguests per week will play
The three choices of games are Nightmare, Chaos or Panic

Nightmare - Kathryn, Isabella, Nicole, Cliff and Ovi
Chaos - Holly, Tommy, Jack, Jackson, and Sam 
Panic - Analyse, Nick, Christie, Jessica and Kemi

Nightmare up first, so step forward those who signed up for it

It's a game of smells, and they have to match up the foul smells in the 3 buckets with 3 smells in the backyard. The first person to get all 3 correct wins the Nightmare power

After much gagging and wretching, Ovi emerges the winner and gets said power.

Basically what this power will entail is that he has the power to wake up everyone and call a snap nomination ceremony and change that week's HoH's nominations. The original two on the block will be immune for that week. As with most powers, it does have a time limit and this particular one is only valid for 6 weeks or it will expire, and also it can only be used once.

Oh dear, and now Ovi is trying to set up his own alliance not knowing some of the already alliance are in the room with him

Something really unpleasant about Aquaman Jack, apparently on live feeds he and Jackson have already had a warning about intimidating behaviour towards Kemi. Thought I would point that out as it probably won't be shown on the televised episodes

Nomination ceremony

Reminder, Jackson is immune and can't be nominated. Christie nominates CLIFF and KATHRYN. She explains that neither nomination is personal, and gets a bit emotional in the process. Cliff is confident he is not going anywhere, and already Christie is having doubts about putting those two on the block.

So automatically entered into the Veto comp will be Christie, Cliff and Kathryn. Can Cliff or Kathryn work a miracle and win the Veto to save themselves? Stay tuned as we will find out in a little while when we step into the Veto episode.

Onwards and upwards we go, and straight in the Veto episode

We pick up the action in this episode straight after nominations, and already the alliance of 8 is discussing putting Kemi on the block as a backdoor option....

Buckets at the ready, showmance being teased between Jackson and Kathryn which thankfully Jackson shoots down, at least for now anyway.

Veto competition

Ding dong, and who should walk through the door as guest host for this competition but none other than last year's winner Kaycee, who only seems to know two words 'LET'S GO'. This particular competition is called Food Fight, and it entails catching Kaycee's favourite foods before the food hits the floor. The catch is that the players have to slide down a slip and slide to catch these foods. There will be points awarded for catching the various foods, and no penalties or forfeits for finishing last. The player with the most points after all 3 rounds are done will win the Power of Veto

Joining Christie, Cliff and Kathryn in the Veto comp will be Sam, Jack and Nicole

Naturally it's all very messy from the get go, but the scores are in:

Christie - 10
Jack - 20
Cliff - 0
Kathryn - 0 
Nicole - 0
Sam - 21

Winner and Veto holder - Sam

Post comp, Nick suggests to Sam to use the Veto on Cliff as Cliff has been through enough already in these last few day. Rather inclined to agree there, and the fact he is potentially so much more than deadwood makes it a lock for me.

Talk then turns back to Kemi being a backdoor target should the Veto be used, but Christie is reluctant to consider Kemi as she is considered an ally. First signs of this so called super alliance starting to fracture as Jack is really pressuring Christie to backdoor Kemi, but she then tells us if Jack doesn't watch his step, it will be him going on the block instead.

Still with the backdoor decision, Christie is really working herself up as she feels she is not being allowed her HoH the way she wants to run it, and tells Adorable Nicole that she feels like Jack is running everything. Next up Christie goes to talk to Sam, and tells him about Jack possibly strong arming everyone in the alliance to tell her to backdoor Kemi.

She tells Sam this is his Veto and he can do what he wants, and Sam tells her he is going to save Cliff. Not much reaction from Christie, as she mentions he was going to be saved anyway.

All of a sudden, Ovi walks in and a lightbulb goes up above Sam's head once Ovi has left the room in that Ovi could be the backdoor option. Christie now has it down to 3 from Ovi, Kemi or Jack.

Veto ceremony

As expected, Sam uses the Veto on Cliff. In this event, the HoH has to pick a replacement nominee. Here it comes, the moment of truth. Christie has opted for OVI as the replacement.

Reminder, Ovi can only use his power for a nomination ceremony and can't for a Veto meeting. So looks like the power could be wasted already if Ovi goes out the door in the next episode

As it stands heading into the eviction:

Outgoing HoH - Christie
Nominated post Veto - Ovi and Kathryn

In case you missed it, David not quite gone yet as he will be part of a never done before on Big Brother twist in the eviction episode.

Will this result in him going back in, Ovi or Kathryn going back in or neither.....Find out in Episode 5

And there we have it before the eviction, and thank you anyone who will be reading these posts. It's very much appreciated.

Shout outs to BB on Blast and Big Brother Radio, and you can listen to their latest take on events here and here

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

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