Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 10 - Power of Veto

H8ful rule the roost with 2 out of 3 of the secret powers, and Nick holds the HoH. Add to the unpleasantness in the house which the TV viewers don't see, which I won't repeat in this post

Current HoH - Nick
Nominated pre Veto - Cliff and Jessica

Nightmare power - Ovi*
Chaos power - He who looks like Aquaman
Panic power - Christie

* - currently suspended due to Ovi being in Camp Comeback but can be re-activated if Ovi makes it back into the house after the next eviction

It should noted for this episode, the voiceover is now starting to say h8ful as well, so something is being cooked up to see those scumbags in their real light....Let's wait and see

It's the moments after Nick has made his nominations, and Jessica tells us she feels at the bottom of a totem pole, but is determined to win Veto and start her way back up. Cliff claims he has a few more tricks up his sleeve, while Nicole is still wary as she could find her way onto the block should the Veto be used.

H8ful start to gather in the HoH room with Nick and Bella first in followed by Tommy. Bella's big mouth strikes again, as she continues to stir the pot for her own benefit. She tells Tommy about the plan to put her and Nick on the block, and then David walks by and is told not to go in. By now Trapjaw Jackson makes his way in, and Bella continues to run her mouth. This time that Nicole said that Analyse and Trapjaw said that Bella and Nick were bullying her, enraging Analyse. Flashback of Analyse telling Nicole who was with Kat that Bella is a bully. Hard to write this, but Bella is absolutely loving this.

Cliff tries to get in the HoH room next, and Nick refuses him entry. Nicole, meanwhile, is getting some water and when Cliff tells her about what's going on upstairs, she makes her way up there. But she is also refused entry, while he who looks like Aquaman is let in. Analyse is really getting mad by now. Bella continues to stir that Nicole was the rogue vote. Back downstairs, Nicole is telling Kemi and Jessica about the raised voices from the HoH room.

Ovi now makes his way to the HoH room, and for lack of a better term is told to go away. Ovi takes it to heart, and Bella, who else, says it's none of his business. Cliff tells Ovi not to let h8ful get under his skin.

Back to Nick, and he has said that if he can name a replacement nominee he knows exactly who is in the frame. Christie says she does not like nasty, when the 8 become 9 and Nick suggested Nasty 9. So what was all that just about with the outsiders, THAT was nasty and Christie is saying she doesn't like nasty? They are eventually rechristened unde9able, and Kat is then refused entry into the HoH room, by the now 9 scumbags.

David now confronts Aquaman and Christie about the Ovi incident, which Christie denies. This 9 are really something else. She goes on to say they were talking game and he went up there at a bad time. Feeble excuse. Jack then gets in David's face saying David hasn't been there long but he is doing perfect. Christie says Ovi shouldn't have said anything, and she walks out the moment Ovi walks in the room. Aquaman grins when Ovi asks if everything is alright, and says while Ovi is in Camp Comeback Aquaman can't touch him. Ovi tells us Jack is really disrespectful to the game, and thinks he can intimidate people. Enter Nicole and Aquaman tips her off about hearing about this conversation.

Now back to Nicole and Bella, and Nicole is not making much headway as Bella keeps interrupting, and eventually Bella accuses Nicole of being a liar with the bully accusation when most of us know it's actually true. Nicole heads off to bed, and who can blame her as this is totally out of order from Bella.

Tommy, meanwhile, begins to think the accusation is true after seeing Bella bulldoze Nicole, and tells Nicole to relax and breathe.

Nicole is now crying her eyes out at Bella's pathetic behaviour. Nicole says she would never attack anyone on a personal level, and wonders how Bella could sleep at night with the way she is playing this game.

Oh no, here we go again in the camper van with Nicole and Bella, and Bella yet again having a go at Nicole, and nearly square up before Nick walks in, and he also starts to have a go at Nicole asking when he bullied Nicole, and then accuses her of playing both sides and got caught in a lot of lies.

Nicole taking this really badly and is really hurt that they are not listening or believing her. Nicole then comes out and says straight out Bella is the one playing both sides ending up in Nick saying it's a good strategy and leaves the camper, and Tommy hugs Nicole.

Veto picks and competition

Nicole tells us she needs to play to avoid going on the block as the replacement should the Veto be used.

Joining Nick, Cliff and Jessica in the competition will be Trapjaw, Kat and Christie.

Straight into the competition we go, and who should be there but fruitloop Kaitlyn from last year and she basically retells the story of how she was unable to complete an easy puzzle and calls this comp her Nightmare.

She says the players have to find the 17 coloured pieces hidden in the forest set and put her back together. First player to do so will win the Veto. No penalties or bonus prizes in this one

And by some good fortune a little while later, KAT wins the Veto, and hurrah some more power for the outsiders at last.

We are then shown Christie having a major meltdown and paranoia attack as she is terrified she will be the backdoor option. Quite unbelievable freak out if you actually saw it.

Kat hints she will take Jessica off the block, but after seeing Christie's meltdown things could change. Her game comes first though, and she has to do what is best for it.

Veto ceremony

For the final time, the people in Camp Comeback are not allowed to be in the same room and they are watching from a monitor.

Kat has decided to use the Veto on Jessica after all, and now it's down to Nick to pick a replacement and to no surprise he has opted for NICOLE.

This had made Bella very happy, and she says Nicole had it coming. Can't wait to see Bella's reaction when she's on the block. Her downfall is going to be delicious when it happens.

In fact,here's a secret, on today's live feeds there may just be a flip and Cliff could be the 4th and final member of Camp Comeback. Watch this space in the next post.....

Think I may stop there, as that was a very uncomfortable first part of the episode watching those 9 scumbags throw their weight around and basically behave like morons in regards to the outsiders. You know the old saying, what goes around comes around and let's hope it comes in spades for the 9 scumbags.

Listen to BB on Blast's latest pod here, and also don't forget Rob has a Podcast's round the clock coverage. Link is thataway >>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking and god bless those Outsiders, let's hope things start looking up for them soon

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