Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 14 - Eviction and start of next HoH

And so another week in the house of horrors comes to a close, with either Bella or Aquaman facing the vote

Last time out, Jackson won Veto and Christie worked her manipulation on Cliff, who unfortunately fell for said manipulation, essentially doing the Shit Shooters work for them in putting Bella on the block who they wanted out, due to her and Nick breaking away from the bigger 8 person alliance and not being trusted.

As stated Jackson used Veto on himself and Cliff, as outgoing HoH, put Bella on the block in one of the most stupidest moves in recent history, citing he didn't want to break his word and not upset his family. Does Cliff even know what show he's on? Seriously. His life expectancy in the game has shortened considerably, I would say. Christie, meanwhile, strolls on with the remaining power in her back pocket, but time is running out to use it.

Anyways onto tonight's festivities and it's most probably a foregone conclusion now who will go. The best chance to get rid of Aquaman and Cliff, amongst others, blew it. Get ready for a Shit Shooter steam roll if it is the expected result.

Nick is none too pleased with Cliff, saying Cliff has probably lost everyone except Shit Shooters the game overall, and for me he isn't far wrong. Cliff says he didn't go against his word, for fear of Christie using the remaining power. Would that have been so bad, at least it would have been flushed and no longer a threat hanging over everyone? Cliff says Nick and Bella are a sinking ship, pot kettle black seeing he has shortened his game by a few weeks now.

Bella seems resigned to her fate as she plays checkers with Nick, and it causes an emotional response from both as they start crying. Bella thinks she deserves to be there. Given the way she acted towards Nicole, I would say yes and no. 

Aquaman and Trapjaw Jackson are with Cliff, saying he's got a really sweet deal. Jeez, Cliff really can't see this deal with Shit Shooters is worthless as they will get him out LONG before jury. Cliff then admits the move may have been a mistake, well duh. Too late now, Cliff. He thinks he can buy a few more weeks, good luck with that, pal. He seems very confident he will still be there when Shit Shooters start to fall apart. 

Holly and Kat are talking about the pageant world, and we see clips of them making a final 2 pact. Much like Nicole, Kat is adorable despite not playing with a full deck. She is so needed in this house, just bringing the lighter moments to a toxic house.

Back to Cliff and Bella, and he is explaining to Bella about why he put her up. Usual excuse, as in "afraid of Christie using the power" and whatever else. For all the good it will probably do, Bella suggests Cliff could break a tie if she could secure 5 votes, Cliff wishes her luck in this. Think she may need luck to pull this off. Cliff then ponders what to do should the unlikely tie scenario happen.

Bella uses the Aquaman is a bigger threat pitch with Kat and Christie. She admits she burnt bridges, and that may not work in her favour. Kat thinks Aquaman is a big player, and wonders two things. Firstly, would voting out Aquaman be good for her game, and secondly is it the right time to go after Aquaman.

Attention now switches to Jessica and equally adorable Nicole, however there is a downside given the way she treated Nicole recently. Jessica says she is still mad at Bella for outing the short lived Black Widows alliance, and Aquaman is basically part of a six making house decisions. Nicole seems to be impressed with Bella's campaigning, and this is the Bella she wanted to work with.

Pointless segment alert up next, as we get to see clips of Cliff's family watching him play the game so far. Think it's safe to skip over this bit.....


Eviction time already, and as per the rules the nominees will not vote and Cliff, as HoH, will only vote in the event of a tie.

Bella basically lays it all on the line saying Shit Shooters will pick everyone outside of the alliance every week.

Aquaman's speech is just full of bullshit as he claims he has been very welcoming to everyone and acted with integrity. Think the live feeds speak a different story, pal.

Anyways onto the vote

  • Christie votes to evict Bella
  • Analyse votes to evict Bella
  • Trapjaw votes to evict Bella
  • Nick votes to evict Aquaman
  • Sam votes to evict Aquaman
  • Nicole votes to evict Bella
  • Kat votes to evict Bella, but it should be noted she did have a brain fart and thought Trapjaw was still on the block and said his name first.
  • Jessica votes to evict Bella
  • Holly votes to evict Bella
  • Tommy votes to evict Bella
By a vote of 8-2, Bella has been evicted to no great surprise. Thanks a lot, Cliff.

She admits to Julie that she and Nick were blindsided when Cliff was voted into Camp Comeback, and she firmly believes Christie was behind the flip. She does feel bad when talk turns to Nicole, and she says there were apologies during campaigning, and wishes she taken a few steps back and looked at the situation more, saying it was wrong not to let Nicole in the HoH room.

Then onto the subject of her big mouth, which basically exposed some new alliances and admits it was bad gameplay on her part. Showmance with Nick the next item, and Bella thinks it is real. Julie jokes about Bella going home to meet Mom. Usual goodbye messages are then played, and final thoughts being she is grateful to have been a part of this season, and thinks Nick or Sam have the best chance of winning. I seriously doubt that, wouldn't be at all surprised now with a Shit Shooter steam roll.

HoH competition

Pose in Ivy is the name of this game, and here is how it works. Basically it's endurance, but there are a few twists and turns. Whoever holds on the longest will be the new HoH, and as outgoing HoH Cliff is not eligible to play. Once a houseguest falls off their vines, then they have to draw a chip from the punishment box and 2 of those chips will contain the poison ivy punishment which will be elaborated on in the next episode.

While the competition goes on, Julie talks about a new twist which America will influence in the next Veto episode. Three houseguests chosen by America will take a field trip and one of their games will be on the line. More coming in said episode.

We go back to the comp to close the show, and Jessica has already fallen off, and then once the credits roll Nicole drops as well. 

Can the outsiders get this or will Shit Shooters claim yet another power......Find out in Episode 15

Don't forget to tune into Rob has a Podcast if you can't wait until the next televised episode to see the result of this comp, and all the other house happenings as they happen. Link is this way >>>>>>

If you haven't listened to BB on Blast's or Julie Girl's latest pods, click here and here

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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