In our previous Big Brother adventure, David left the game before he had really started, but he will be back as we will see in this episode. Christie won the first HoH of the season, but was it really her HoH or was Jack having just a little too much influence. Christie decided to originally nominate Kathryn and Cliff
Fast forwarding to the Veto, and a familiar face as in last year's one catchphrase Kaycee came back to guest host Food Fight which saw Sam take the honours. Seeing potential in Cliff that is where the Veto was used, and Ovi was named in Cliff's place.
Speaking of Ovi, he won the first secret power of the season when he won the Nightmare Whacktivity, which basically means he can wake up the not rights in the middle of the night and call for a snap nominations ceremony. But him being on the block could put paid to that power if he ends up going....
And so back to the present, and we find out Camp Comeback will be opening it's doors. The first 4 out will be in this particular room, so David is already there and Ovi or Kathryn will be joining him after this episode. The rules are evictees will still live in the house, but they are not in the game. No participating in comps, can't participate in nominations/veto ceremonies, no voting in the eviction. The only thing they can do is play the social game.
Only 1 from the first 4 evicted will earn their place back in the house, so looks like a comp akin to Battle of the Block when we have the other 3 in Camp Comeback.
All clear now, I hope....Shall we check in for some brief highlights as there is a lot to get through with the eviction, HoH and the Camp Comeback reveal
So into house action, and naturally Ovi is feeling quite disappointed about being named as the replacement nomination after Cliff was saved by Sam. Christie tells him that he is only a pawn, but that girl says one thing and then does another. He does take it all seriously, as his campaigning to stay in and he gets a general vote of confidence that he will be staying in the house. Oh how little they do when they find out about this incoming twist (insert evil laugh here).
As for Kathryn, we have never ending segments of her asking if they are conspiring against her which does get quite tedious after a while. I can't see her being there that long, out long before jury starts would be my best bet.
Meanwhile, back with Ovi, for some bizarre reason he has decided to reveal his power to a select few. If he stays in, won't that just put a target on his back as some of them will now it was him. And to reveal it to the naughty boys (more on that in a bit) Jack and Jackson is just asking for trouble.
As usual, the HoH will only vote in the event of a tie and the two nominees are not allowed to vote.
Would like to make a note of the number of shoutouts to family and friends in this eviction was bordering on ridiculous...
On to the vote, and I won't list who got shouted out during this vote otherwise we'll be here forever
Basically, EVERYBODY who could vote voted out Ovi, but little did they know what was about to happen....
While Ovi is saying his goodbyes, the bugle sounds and Julie tells everyone to go back to the sofas. She reveals to them about Camp Comeback, and.....Well you know the rules
Ovi and David make themselves comfortable in Camp Comeback where they will be joined by two more, then we see who goes back in via some sort of competition
But that's not the end of the show by a long shot, as now.....
HoH competition
As outgoing HoH, Christie is not eligible to compete, and in case you missed it, David and Ovi are not eligible to play either due to being in Camp Comeback. David and Ovi are also locked in, so they won't be able to see anything, but they will hear everything.
This competition is called BB Fireworks Quiztacular, and here is how it works. Straight knockout for now, and a different fireworks display will appear on the big screen, and they must use observation to answer correctly and the answer can be one of RED, WHITE or BLUE.
Order of elimination:
Unfortunately, Douchebag Jack is the new HoH much to social media's disappointment
One more shot of David and Ovi in their new surroundings....
And that's where proceedings ended....We will find out who Douchebag nominates, and we will also see the next Whacktivity to see who gets the next secret power in Episode 6
On a serious note though, how Jack and Jackson are still in the house is beyond me. Despite the warnings they got from production on the live feeds, they are still in there running their disgusting filthy racist mouths. If this were the UK version, they would have been out through the back door, no questions or explanations. Come on Grodner, you threw out Chima for constantly breaking the rules, yet you appear to be doing NOTHING about these two. Consistency is your friend, use it wisely.
Anyways back on tangent, and if you missed BB on Blast or Big Brother Radio, listen here and here, and always Rob has a Podcast has round the clock podcasts, whether it be about the latest televised episodes, live feed updates, etc. so be sure to check them out...Link over on the right >>>>>
And so, my friends, there you have your recap for the eviction. Will be interesting to see who joins David and Ovi in Camp Comeback, and remember only one can return to the game.
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......
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