Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 7 - Power of Veto

And so we carry on with Douchebag Jack's reign of terror

So far he himself has won the Chaos Whacktivity, which basically means he has the secret power to activate a retake of the Veto player draw should he be unhappy with it. Like with most of the powers in this show, it's a one time only use.

He nominated Jessica and Kemi solely on the reason they would be after him. Who wouldn't be, given what a *bleep* foul mouthed horrible person you've been behind peoples backs. There are stronger words, but they will not be used.

David could be one to keep an eye on as he seems very sharp on house happenings, fingers crossed he goes back in.

Another former houseguest comes through the door in this episode, as in Tyler from last year, and he will be hosting the Veto comp. 

We pick up this episode's action straight after nominations, and now the ultimate douchebag is saying he nominated who he did because they aren't part of H8ful (I know it's called Gr8ful, but given the circumstances....) and HE needs to get rid of that side of the house.

Bella confesses to Nicole that she snitched on the new alliance to Jack, which somewhat puzzles Nicole. Bella certainly can't keep her mouth shut, and I personally can't wait until this all catches up with her and she gets caught up in her little web.

In a conversation with Kemi, Jack admits he is scared of her. He tells us that Kemi is indeed his target, but didn't want to blindside her in case she went to Camp Comeback, and only has herself to blame if she doesn't win Veto.

Nicole swears blind to Jessica it wasn't her who snitched, and points her in the direction of Bella. Nicole warns Jessica to keep her cool. Needlessly to say Jessica is fuming, and tells us she thinks Bella is a snake. She is determined to win this Veto to not give Bella the satisfaction.

David says he has this place figured out, and I am inclined to believe him. He is onto the h8ful alliance, and namedrops Jack, Jackson, Holly, Christie, Tommy, Bella and Nick amongst others. This guy is sharp, will be fun to see what he can do to dismantle this lot if he manages to get his houseguest status back.

The houseguests have a surprise visitor now, and it's Mother Nature with a strong earthquake that sends them all running for cover.

Shortly afterwards, David and Ovi are given their official Camp Comeback uniforms, oh boy do they look stupid in a funny sort of way, naturally. 

Jessica is now talking to Jackson about Jack calling her new alliance out, and he tells her to be strong. He tells her he doesn't want her to go, but the live feeders know that is a bunch of bull. He then tells her he is looking out for her, but can't take her off the block without a Veto. Jackson says he likes to think of Jessica as his mom in the house and doesn't want to cross any lines with Jack. Think that bridge has been crossed already, pal.

Veto picks

Reminder, Jack has the Chaos Power should he choose to use it for a Veto draw. Jack as HoH, and Jessica and Kemi as the nominees play automatically

Jack draws Bella, Jessica pulls out the Houseguests choice token and she picks Jackson, which does surprise Nicole as she assumed she would be picked, and finally Kemi draws Sam.

David tells Ovi, Jessica picking Jackson was a bad move, and questions why Jessica made that choice.

Veto competition

Ding dong, and in walks Tyler from last year's show. Analyse goes absolutely nuts, as she LOVES Tyler. This competition is called Froggy Style and here is how it works. In the backyard, a makeshift lake has been built and Tyler explains that poisonous frogs have taken over this lake. Each player has an aqua clock, and stack on their respective platform, however they can only stack frogs while there is water in their aqua clock. If their water runs out, they are out of the competition. The player who stacks most frogs after 30 minutes wins, and there is a bonus prize as explained in the previous post that the winner not only wins Veto, but also a trip for 2 to Fiji.

Top 3:

Sam - 18
Jessica - 13
Kemi - 4

Sam wins another Veto, and also the trip for 2 to Fiji

Now for some unfortunate news, in which Sam finds out his grandfather has passed away to which most of them gather and hug him when he tells them the bad news. 

Veto ceremony

Reminder, David and Ovi have to watch from Camp Comeback and can't participate.

Sam has decided NOT to use the Power of Veto, stating he doesn't want to cause ripples in the house and wants to keep nominations the same.

Jack is feeling mighty proud about his HoH reign of terror, saying everything is going as planned. Jessica says she is going to keep campaigning right up to voting time. Kemi, meanwhile, says she will NOT wear the Camp Comeback outfit as that's not her style.

To be continued in Episode 8, and we will find out if Kemi or Jessica will join Camp Comeback. For all intents and purposes it probably will be Kemi. 

Hopefully someone outside of the h8ful alliance will win the next HoH, and immediately put Jack on the block where he belongs. This h8ful alliance need to be broken up pronto.

And that is that for another episode, and thank you everyone coming in and reading these posts 

New pod alert from BB on Blast, their third episode for this series has just dropped and you can get it right here

Rob has a Podcast always on the air with a podcast every day, whether it be roundtables, episode analysis, live feed updates, etc. There's always something happening on that site, link >>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, come and follow if you wish. I don't bite, honest ;)

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

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