Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 25 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 22 - Power of Veto

Another step closer we go to the Double Eviction, and at the moment it's Damien and Estefania on the block as decided by current HoH Adam, as we head into another Veto episode, but bear in mind there is a plan in motion to backdoor Mark.

No more than that stupid idiot deserves after his total and utter capitulation as last week's HoH

Damien is naturally disappointed at being on the block yet again, and seems fairly confident he can win the Veto saying he will make space for Mark on the couch. Would be nice to see someone outside of the not so Pretty Boys win a competition, even if it's only a consolation win. Adam though says the backdoor plan won't happen, and if Damien or Estefania win Veto he won't know what to do. You could always put Kyra on the block, I don't think Samantha would mind.

The not so Pretty Boys are talking strategy about the upcoming Veto comp, and Mark pitches that should Adam draw the houseguest choice token when choosing players, Mark should be the choice. Dane is swinging towards using the Veto on Estefania, should he play and win, and has to think about jury votes.

Kyra is very proud they have made it this far, as in 49 days. Most can't believe you are still there, should have gone in the last double and done nothing except hang on to whoever is in power, and not to sound like a broken record, but no courage to use the Blood Veto and really change the game for the better.

Veto picks

As usual the HoH CANNOT play until at least final 5, so Adam is ruled out while Damien and Estefania will play automatically. Good news and bad for Mark, as in Adam does indeed draw the houseguests choice token, but the bad news is that Adam chooses Dane. Damien draws Kyra and Estefania draws Mark. So not all bad for Mark, and only Anthony misses out on playing, but will host the competition

Anthony queries whether Anthony would save him, and also Mark wants to get Kyra onside. He pitches to Kyra that Adam can't play in the next HoH, and Adam will be looking to Kyra to try and win. Mark then tries to plant the seed that he is loyal. Kyra does admit Mark is making some good points, and tells Mark he is a smart guy.

Anthony tells Mark that Adam and Dane are sneaky and they promised not to put up Estefania and Samantha respectively. Mark queries about winning the Veto and takes Damien down, Dane could go up. Fat chance of that, pal. Adam, meanwhile, says he should never have won this HoH and admits if he, Damien, Este or Dane win Veto and he doesn't put up Mark then Damien, Este and Dane will be mad at him

Veto competition

No name for this competition, but here's how it works. The players will have to build the rail tracks and then take the cart to get some gold to stack up, however the gold will only stack up a certain way. If it doesn't fit then, then they have to take their cart and go and get another piece of gold that will fit. Veto winner will be the one who stacks all their gold up first.

Mark, Damien and Kyra are the first to complete their tracks, and now they can get on with stacking their gold properly. 

Kyra's the early leader, yes that self confessed 'comp beast', but makes a mistake which takes Damien into the lead. A short while later Kyra and Damien are neck and neck with 8 pieces complete, but another mistake from Kyra, and Damien again takes the lead. This time he does not lose the lead and he goes on to complete his stack, and he is the winner and takes the Veto

Hallejuah, someone not associated with the not so Pretty Boys wins a competition, although as stated earlier it could be only a consolation win.

Mark is now very worried, as he should be, about going on the block alongside Estefania. Speaking of Estefania, she is very confident she will be staying again. Adam says he has to now put Mark up and take out Estefania, to make the Pretty Boys solid.

Anthony and Adam next up and they agree they need to convince Kyra that Mark should be saved. Anthony tells them Este has been running to power. Kyra wants to be seen as a valuable player, that's a laugh in itself as getting dragged is not very interesting in the slightest. Quite rightly Adam and Anthony laugh it all off as Kyra leaves the room. Kyra has been played and not for the first time in this season.

Another meeting is held by the not so Pretty Boys, and Anthony says that he had a word with Kyra and that Kyra wanted to win to keep Mark safe. Mark asks if it still him going up as the replacement, and Adam says they have to stick to the plan. Mark pitches that Dane should go up so as not to vote out Estefania, and could get her jury vote. Adam wonders if this is a good plan and wants to get Kyra in to which Dane agrees. In they come and apparently Kyra is sworn into the final five.

In comes Damien next and cue a lot of scrambling from Mark and Dane as they go to hide. Adam and Kyra assure Damien the plan is the same, as in backdooring Mark.

Dane and Kyra are now outside discussing how comfortable Estefania is about not being evicted, as she is not doing much campaigning. Meanwhile, Estefania and Damien are talking about Mark, and how both he and Estefania have to keep winning comps to keep their destiny alive in the house. Back with Dane and Kyra. Kyra wonders how the plan to put up Dane as the replacement came about. Dane then goes on to say he can't risk Estefania going out mad at him, and he can't have three jurors mad at him.

And before the Veto ceremony, Dane pitches a splinter alliance of himself, Adam and Kyra to go against Anthony and Mark. More of that possibly in the next episode but now it's time for Damien to make his choice.

Veto ceremony

And to no great shock, Damien uses the Veto on himself. Adam now has to choose a replacement nominee and he plumps for....MARK

Mark thinks he will have to take one for the not so Pretty Boys, but hopes they will keep him safe. Adam admits he didn't feel good about putting Dane on the block after all, while Estefania still fancies her chances of staying against someone who has very few allies in the house

Don't forget, it's a DOUBLE eviction in Episode 23 so double the chance of the Pretty Boys wiping out any remaining competition, not that it's been that difficult anyway.

Thank you for reading, and please keep the comments, likes, shares and RT's coming

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Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

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