Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 13 - Power of Veto

Into Episode 13 we go, citizens and it's Power of Veto time again

In case you missed it, Sam won HoH and nominated Kiera and Mark. Meanwhile, the Blood Veto finally came into play, and after a unanimous vote the houseguests nominated Kyra to hold the new power.

So secret room not so secret anymore, and quite frankly I can think of better houseguests to have this new power as Kyra has proven time and again they cannot play this game and the other dummies STILL hand this power to them.

Basically, the Blood Veto means Kyra is immune from eviction as in can't be nominated and can't play in this week's Veto competition. That's about all we know so far in terms of the Blood Veto

On to this episodes festivities, and we pick up the action after the nominations ceremony.....

Sam tells us she wanted to test the water in terms of finding out more about the guys alliance, and also that Kiera is getting too dangerous to be kept in.

Kyra as usual is in the HoH's ear, saying that Dane, Mark, Anthony and Adam all had the same reaction when Mark was nominated. Doesn't prove anything, how about getting some solid proof Kyra. Kyra also suggests taking down Kiera from the block, have they actually forgotten they nor Sam can play in the Veto?

Kyra now with Estefania and Kiera, telling them about Dane's closeness to Adam. Kyra thinks about using the Blood Veto if it's best for their game, despite the fact they promised they wouldn't use it. Dane suspects Kyra of being sketchy about the Blood Veto, and Kyra thinks Dane is being super sketchy and says one of the guys definitely has to go this week.

Anthony tells Mark that he is very smart and pays attention to even the slightest details. Mark then freaks out a little when Anthony says he should not have been on the block this week, to which Anthony calms him down a little

Adam is with Kiera and Estefania now and tells them he doesn't know why Sam would go after somebody else. He then admits that a lot of people are worried about him and Sam. Estefania says she needs to make Adam see they could be good allies, and then says everyone is a sheep and she doesn't associate with sheep. Funny, hasn't stopped her unanimously voting to get rid of Chelsea and Eddie has it.

Adam is seriously pondering taking Kiera off the block instead of Mark. Kiera, meanwhile, is frustrated about how some of the houseguests are just cruising through. Dane has caught wind of Adam thinking about saving Kiera, and is going into panic mode. He thinks that the last person in Adam's ear will be most influential, and Adam should be thinking with his head and not his heart.

Mark and Kiera now teasing a showmance and he tells her despite the last 24 hours, he still cares about her....Isn't that sweet, not!!!!!! 

Speaking of showmances, Samantha and Adam embark on their 'date' which was won when Samantha became HoH and chose him to watch a movie with her, courtesy of Adult Swim

Moving swiftly on.....

Veto picks and competition

As per the rules of this particular season, the HoH does NOT play in the Veto comp until the house is down to the final 5.

Joining Kiera and Mark in this week's Veto will be Damien, Estefania and Adam, and this competition is called Balance of Power

Quite simply, it's a 25 lap race in which each houseguest must balance the corresponding number of balls after each lap (Lap 1 = 1 ball, 2 laps = 2 balls) on their pole. If a houseguest drops a ball or falls off the beam then they have to start that lap again. First houseguest to 25 balls wins the Power of Veto

To cut a long story short, ADAM takes the honours and wins the Veto, but it's a competition he need not have won as one of his alliance is on the block and has sort of told Kiera she is going nowhere...You can almost hear the clang can't you.

Kiera feels very sorry for herself, despite Estefania's best efforts to cheer her up and tell Kiera she is going nowhere.

Back to the current showmance, Adam tells Samantha he didn't want to win that competition. Samantha is unsympathetic, as she still doesn't fully trust Adam, and tells him she overheard another conversation between Dane and Adam which doesn't get rid of her paranoia. She really needs Adam in the house for her own game, but can't trust him as little things keep happening.

Kiera's treat

She is summoned to the Have Not room where a comfortable bed is waiting for her, per the latest vote from Canada to give one houseguest a comfortable night's sleep.....Okaaaaaaay, moving swiftly on

Speculation is rife about what the Blood Veto entails, to which Dane speculates there may be a Canada's Vote to keep Mark or Kiera safe. He also shouts out to Big Brother, that there has to be a twist to all this as the least deserving person got the most powerful weapon so far in the game. Well you lot (houseguests) voted to give to Kyra, so you can't really complain.

Adam and Kiera have a disagreement when he suggests he and Samantha are alwyas going to be number one targets in the house. She pitches an alliance of Dane, herself, Adam, Estefania and Samantha alliance idea to him, thinking it's a strong group. It does make Adam think a lot, but he is cautious as he doesn't want to expose his other alliances, but on the other side of the coin keeping Kiera in will curry some favour and take some of the heat off him.

Still with Adam, and now he's with Anthony saying he is racking his brains to try and convince Sam Mark would be good to stay. Anthony suggests Kiera and Estefania would definitely go after Adam and Samantha. Adam wants Anthony to talk to Sam, but there is a certain level of awkwardness.

Back to the showmance, and Mark is being touted as definitely staying. Adam suggest Kiera and Estefania are a dangerous combination. He then tells Samantha he cares about her....Pass a clean bucket over.....

Veto ceremony

In short, Adam does NOT use the Veto and the nominations stay the same. But wait, Kyra is summoned to the Diary Room where there is a notice waiting for her about the Blood Veto....and we are kept waiting until the next episode to find out what the message is.

Tune in for Episode 14, when we find out the full details of the Blood Veto and who is leaving next out. Will it be Kiera or Mark?

Same BB time, Same BB channel

Thanks to everyone reading these posts, and for the comments, likes, shares and RT's. All very much appreciated

For those who missed it, click here and here for Big Brother Radio and BB on Blast's new podcasts for this season, and don't forget Rob has a Podcast is on the air shortly after each televised episode to dissect the episode that has just been on

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

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