Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 19 - Power of Veto

Welcome everyone as we take another step towards finding out who the second jury member will be for this season, as Mark took the bizarre step of nominating Adam and Damien pre Veto and chickening out, for lack of a better term, of making the big move he was promising

We pick things up after Adam's so called outburst, which is now thought to be a ruse so everyone else thinks the Pretty Boys are falling apart.

Adam says to Mark behind closed doors that they are good, and Mark is bragging that at the end of the day they came together to fool the rest of the house

Damien is the exact opposite and is positively fumigating at being on the block yet again, and has to win Veto to see what Mark is made of, before it's too late Estefania admits to being intimidated after Adam's nomination speech in which he said he was going after Mark. She then says there is more than one way to win Big Brother, and you don't have to be a comp beast. Seriously what does she know, she's not even remotely close to playing Big Brother and she's only hanging on in there by her fingernails.

Anthony and his lapdog Cory are saying if Adam wins Veto, then Damien is going home and if Dane wins there could be a good chance to get rid of Adam. Anthony assumes Cody is loyal to him and he has been with the not so Pretty Boys since the start and some major decisions have to be made soon.

Kyra is with Adam and Dane in the have not room saying Adam will come off the block if they win Veto. Kyra then goes on to say that Cory has to go as she is obsessed with Anthony. Pot meet kettle, Kyra, as you couldn't take no for an answer when Chelsea turned you down, and you have followed Sam and Kiera around like a little lost puppy as well. Can't you play your own game?

Dane tells Mark that Adam is a 'game destroyer' and if Adam wins Veto and Dane immediately think 'backdoor Cory' but have to be careful when suggesting it to Anthony as he may not take it too well.

Veto picks

As you know by now, the HoH does not play in these competitions until final 5. Joining Damien and Adam in the competition will be KYRA, ESTEFANIA and CORY.

Next up, Adam is talking to Damien to see who he is close to in the house, and also tells him he is working on keeping both of them in there. Now he's lost Samantha, he is dipping his toe in the non Pretty Boy pool. Damien thinks he could get to top 5 with Dane and Adam and himself.

Back to Mark and Anthony, and the talk is of backdooring Cory, which Mark basically says to Anthony if you don't like it, you know where you can go.

Dane thinks there are four winners left in the house in Cory, Adam, himself and Mark and suggests to Mark that Cory may be a better option to take Cory out this week instead of Damien. Dane and Adam compare Anthony to Adam in that he will cry if Cory is put on the block, much like when Adam cried when Samantha was on the block. Anthony does not like this comparison. He is also aggrieved that when people start making 2 people alliances that is a sign that things will crumble.

Anthony says he just found out Cory is being suggested, and he is out of the loop and nothing in there happens without him knowing about it. He goes to talk to Cory about the plan, but does not reveal everything, but needs her to fight for the Veto. He mutters to himself "Snakes....nothing but snakes".

Veto competition

This is a Wendy's themed competition. Quite complicated, so try to keep up. On the klaxon the spice in each person's container will start to run down, and on the klaxon the players will slide down a pole to their sandwich and search for puzzle pieces, but they have to be wary of their spice as if it runs out then that player is eliminated. If the spice is running low they will have to refill their containers. There is an extra bonus prize of a bigger scoop and $5,000 if one of them decides to answer their telephone. Once they have assembled their puzzle, they have to maneuver their board to get 6 balls into holes. The first to do so will Veto and the extra prize if they chose to answer their phone.

To cut a long story short, Adam won the Veto and the $5,000 and no prizes for guessing what he will do and Operation Backdoor Cory is officially in motion

Naturally Dane is very happy with this outcome, and he and Adam both agree Cody is out of there. They observed that Damien is useless and wasn't even close to finishing his puzzle, and Cory could have easily beaten him. Meanwhile Anthony knows deep down Cory is going to the alternate option.

Anthony claims Adam is dumb as a stump, and Dane is trying to get on Estefania and Damien's good side. He also wants Cory to stay as he cares about her apparently, something which I find difficult to believe. He then goes on to say Dane is letting his association with Estefania is clouding his judgement and that Adam and Dane need to stop acting like b*tches. Mark admits Cory going would only be better for Adam and Dane, while Anthony stood up for him, so he stands with Anthony.

Before the commercials, Arisa teases that the Archive Room's secret will be revealed in the next episode.

Mark is with Estefania, and she twigs straight away she could be in trouble, and makes the pitch to Mark that Cory should go on the block. She warns Mark that if she goes on the block, then she will be mad and says to us she thinks the house will want bigger targets out. First bit of sense she has spoken all season, and starts yelling what we are all saying to Mark as in MAKE A BIG MOVE AND DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR HOH.

Mark is getting cold feet about the backdoor plan, which causes Adam to storm up and then summons Anthony. Damien, under his breath of course, calls the not so Pretty Boys dummies. Mark goes back to a previous week when he was on the block, and why they didn't take him off and put Cory up. Who else but Kyra pokes their head around the door, and all goes quiet.

Adam and Mark continue to go at it, with points being brought up like the jury won't respect taking out a weak player, and Cory going won't help his game and thinks Damien could still prove to be strong. You can almost see Mark's HoH reign collapsing around him.

Veto ceremony

Unsurprisingly, Adam uses the Veto on himself. Mark bizarrely says he didn't know Adam was going to use the Veto. Is this guy for real? Seriously.....

And in an even more bizarre move, Mark chooses Estefania as the replacement nominee. Estefania sums it all up from the rest of the viewers, saying Mark is a coward and the most pathetic HoH of the season. Adam closes the show by saying Cory is the biggest threat. No she's really not, Adam.

To be continued in Episode 20, when the Archive Room twist is revealed and there will be more info on that in the next post. As it stands, Damien or Estefania will be the second jury member but that could all change in the next episode, depending on what the twist is all about

Thank you for reading as always, and please keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in.

New pod alert from BB on Blast, and that can be listened to right here and if you haven't heard Garry and Erica from Big Brother Radio, they can be heard right here

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after each televised episode, and click on the link to the right if you want to go and listen back to everything ranging from Live Feed discussion, round table discussion, the runners and riders and so on....

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

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