Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 21 - HoH and Nominations

Cory sent to Jury House by a vote of 3-1-0 against Damien and Estefania, and Anthony's ego gets even more out of control as we start a fresh week to see who the third and fourth jury members will be as it is a DOUBLE eviction this week.

Pretty Boys well in control, and looking pretty much unstoppable unless Estefania, Damien or Kyra the Useless can pull a rabbit out of the hat to whittle down the numbers

When we last left the remaining houseguests, an endurance competition has begun to decide who will be in power this week and it was called Ship till you Drop. Mark, as outgoing HoH is ineligible to play. 

What happens is that boxes will come along the respective conveyor belts and the houseguests will have to balance them horizontally. There will be treats along the way like food, maybe the odd bonus cash prize or a letter from home. If a houseguest drops their boxes then they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing will be the new HoH.

A little flashback first to the eviction where everyone is happy apart from Anthony, who's ego has taken a bit of a bruising due to Cory going, and he says to us everyone needs to stay away from him. Kyra, of course, goes to HQ to report to Adam. Meanwhile, Anthony who is still smarting, requests or should that be demands conversations with Kyra and Estefania. He warns if he becomes HoH, the house will be flipped upside down

And now onto the HoH comp....

HoH competition

All so comfortable so far, but then the next delivery is announced as letters from home. Estefania is very tempted by this particular offer as she feels she needs a letter from home. In the end she decides against the letter and lets it go as does everyone else.

30 minutes later and it's another delivery, this time if they take it they are guaranteed to be Haves for the week. Dane grabs the box to add to his line but then lets it go. Estefania grabs her box and guarantees she is a Have this week.

Next up it's a pizza treat, met with a no thanks from Anthony and Kyra. At this point Estefania is narrowly in the lead as in one box ahead of everyone else. Mystery box up next, as in if they take the box they can add it to their long line, or if they let it go and risking 0 boxes or 2 boxes. Some of them don't take the chance and Mark reveals the number is 0.

Shortly afterwards Estefania can't take the heat anymore and drops her line of boxes and is eliminated, and Dane is barely managing to keep his line of boxes afloat and is barely hanging on.

Scores on the doors as we move on is Anthony and Dane neck and neck on 9 boxes, while Anthony, Kyra and Damien are on 10.

Next out is alleged comp beast Kyra, who is not happy about dropping out and hope Adam wins this comp.

Down to three now with Damien and Adam on 11 boxes, with Anthony on 10. Unfortunately Damien drops his boxes just as the next delivery arrives, and it's down to Adam and Mr. Ego Anthony.

Anthony is now demanding Adam drop and makes several pitches about safety. Adam is refusing to drop and wants to beat Anthony to this HoH. Eventually Anthony does drops and ADAM is the new HoH. Kyra the Useless Floater is absolutely delighted no doubt.

You can cut the tension with a knife as they all head in, and Anthony is fuming inside. Kyra and Estefania are in the storeroom saying how happy they are about Adam winning. Kyra then says about Anthony sailing through this game so far, and he has made friends everywhere in the house. At least Anthony is actually playing this game, Kyra, and he would have had the guts to use the Blood Veto. The man of the moment says Adam has made some horrendous decisions in this game, and this competition was not Adam's to win.

Estefania and Damien are hoping Mark goes home, and Estefania warns Damien to be careful of Anthony. She says Anthony wants to talk to Kyra about disrespecting Cory.

To cut a long story short, the discussion between Anthony and Kyra does get very heated, and both make valid points but ultimately it does end with Kyra crying as per usual.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Adam's latest stint in there and he has pictures of his family, and picks Dane to take for a Wendy's meal this week

Marsha the Moose's secret mission

Welcome return from Marsha, but to say this particular mission is disgusting is a bit of an understatement. Basically Dane has to pretend he has lost some of his teeth and they have to find their way into someone's drink, has to get someone to put one of his teeth in their mouth, and then make a cookie recipe provided by Marsha which will contain his tooth. In reality, the teeth are actually Marsha's and nobody is in danger. 

He does pass eventually, although this mission was a bit gross, and the house will eat and drink well that evening

Wendy's meal

This week's guest server is Olivia from Season 6.....That's about it really.

Back to proper house action, and Adam is with the not so Pretty Boys and pitches he wants to put Damien on the block as he was supposed to go last week, and isn't really doing much. Anthony warns him he could lose a jury vote and suggests putting Kyra and Estefania up instead. Anthony tells Adam to tell Kyra to trust him.

Adam is reluctant to put Kyra on the block as apparently it wouldn't be a good game move. He goes to talk to Mark and Mark thinks he wants to put him and Damien up instead. He doesn't want Kyra to go as he doesn't want Kyra going on his watch as HoH. Adam feels very conflicted.

Adam decides to tell Kyra he will backdoor Mark. Music to Kyra's ears I would say, and they ask what if Mark wins Veto. Adam goes to fetch Anthony who can explain things a lot better. They guy is still very conflicted.

Adam summons everyone except Mark to the HoH room and he pitches that he needs volunteers to help the backdoor Mark plan work. Distinct lack of volunteers and things are no clearer as we head towards the nominations ceremony. 

Nominations ceremony

Adam nominates ESTEFANIA and DAMIEN. He says time is running out in the game and has made a deal with Anthony, and also promised Samantha he would stay close to Kyra.

We are aware of the backdoor Mark plan, and we will probably find out who the actual volunteers for the plan are in Episode 22

Same BB time, Same BB recap blog

Thank you for reading as always, and keep the likes, comments, shares and RT's coming in

New pod alert, both BB on Blast and Big Brother Radio have dropped new pods, and they can be listened to here and here

If you missed Rob has a Podcast's take on this particular episode, click here

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....


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