Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 16 - Power of Veto

The first juror is in sight as we head into another Veto episode, with Dane and Estefania on the block and fighting for their survival in the Veto competition

May I just say before we get underway, a very big congratulations to host Arisa, who has today announced she is expecting her third child :)

HoH - Cory
Nominated pre Veto - Dane and Estefania

We pick up the action straight after the nominations ceremony, and Cory seems very pleased with herself saying she's not afraid to make big moves. When in reality, she has let Anthony get into her head and run her HoH, and don't be too shocked when she is making her way to the jury house right behind whoever goes this week.

To the man of the moment, as in Anthony, and he is fairly confident Dane will be safe this week, whilst Dane says he will fight to the end for this Veto.

Plotting behind Adam's back saying Sam should go next, and he is still in Cory's ear about getting Sam out. She is making this so easy for Anthony, haven't these not rights got no voice of their own without someone getting in their ear this much.

Samantha and Adam are saying they don't trust Cory at all. Sam says to Adam that Cory has been questioning her all week to get some idea of this backdoor plan, and said she was in these conversations but it wasn't her idea. Adam tries to calm her down and tells her to stick to the same story so Cory doesn't get suspicious.

Dane says the not so Pretty Boys have wanted Sam out since the 2nd week, and here we go to finally get her out. He then goes on to say that he has laid the foundations, and now it's time to sell the plan to Cory to get her hands a bit more bloodier.

Dane then is very confident that Anthony has Cory signed and sealed and in his pocket, and also that Samantha will be out of there and on her way to jury very soon.

Veto picks and competition

The HoH cannot play in these competitions until the final 5, but they can still pick players via random draw

Cory picks Kyra, Dane draws Samantha and Estefania draws Mark and Damien will be hosting. Obviously Dane is disappointed Samantha is participating, while Anthony is relieved Adam is not playing as he would screw up the proposed backdoor

Once the draw is made, Mark makes a beeline for Anthony and Anthony assures Mark that Cory in his pocket. Samantha winning would be bad for their game, and while Adam is a small percentage of an alliance, Sam is zero percent and she can go.

Dane says Kyra is so dumb, so not a chance they are winning. Kyra is saying to Samantha there is a chance they or Samantha could go up should Dane win this Veto.

Veto competition

This competition is called Breaking Records, and here is how it works. The participants will have to spin a ball 300 times around their respective records. If a houseguests ball drops on the floor, their spin counter will reset to zero and they have to start over. First to 300 wins the Veto.

Several close calls as the competition ticks on, but eventually Dane reaches the magic number much to Sam and Kyra's chagrin, and wins Power of Veto

Dane tells Estefania she is going nowhere, and is now VERY confident the backdoor scheme can be pulled off. They then look at the camera and wave goodbye to Samantha.

Dane then goes to celebrate with Cory and Anthony, and bear in mind Cory has no idea she will probably be next to go. She better be ready to be told I told you so when she heads off to jury sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile, Samantha is with Dane telling him he did great in the competition.. She knows deep down she is gone, it's just a matter of by how many votes when the eviction comes around.

Estefania is telling Anthony about how Kiera and Chelsea were certain about a guys alliance and how Kyra noticed the sign, and Estefania made the same sign to Dane to see his reaction. Anthony admits Estefania was closer to the truth than she was/ Anthony goes on to say it was supposed to be boys against girls and that he's really humble.

Sam goes to pick Cory's brain to see who the replacement, although I suspect she knows the answer to that already.Cory says it will be someone who she knows will be best for her game. Samantha is getting really nervous by this point not knowing. Cory says her gut will tell her at the ceremony.

All but over this one really, as we know the backdoor of Sam will come into play here. She and Adam once again grill Cory, and Cory says she really doesn't know. But we all know she does already, and tells them both again her gut will decide when the time comes. Cory still doesn't know who to believe in this previous backdoor plot, but she has let Anthony get into her head and there is only one way this is heading.

Out at the pool table Kyra and Anthony are having a little game, before Adam comes out looking really stressed saying things are being pinned on Sam. All the while Anthony is looking Adam up and down, as he knows Adam's head is not in the game ahead, and more on saving Samantha. Anthony says that Adam is screwed up because of Samantha and is too blinded to see her going will actually be better for Adam's game.

Just before the Veto meeting is called, Samantha and Dane have a little disagreement about the previous backdoor, which is abruptly called to a halt for the Veto meeting

Veto ceremony

To no great shock Dane uses the Veto on himself, and again to no great shock Cory names Samantha as the replacement. The girls are getting decimated in this series, and it will be Estefania or Samantha who will be the first member of the jury.

An interesting minute or so when Samantha utters that it wasn't a smart move and Cory has sealed her own fate, while Adam looks to Cory saying she's been played. Cory is not happy with this and warns Adam not to come at her in front of everyone

In closing, Samantha has blamed Dane for this saying he controls everything, and it was a bad move for Cory. Anthony is in fits of laughter, saying it is what he does as the credits roll

To be continued in Episode 17, as we head towards welcoming the first houseguest to jury. Think this is a foregone conclusion with Sam going, and probably next week as well if Cory goes up and then Sam can say 'told you so'

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and please keep the RT's, comments, shares and likes incoming

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Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

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