Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 23 - Double Eviction

The Double Eviction has arrived, ladies and gentlemen, and it will be every houseguest for themselves once the first evictee has gone out of the door. In case you missed it, Double Eviction night is HoH, Nominations, Veto and Eviction all in one night once the first evictee of the night is gone 

Outgoing HoH - Adam
Nominated pre Veto - Estefania and Damien

Damien won the Veto and used it on himself, and Adam named Mark as the replacement

And before we start the proceedings, a big congratulations to the show on 200 episodes. How time has flown eh? I really hope it can go 200 more and beyond.

Back to proceedings at hand, and picking up after the Veto ceremony where Estefania is feeling confident she can stay in if she can secure Kyra's vote to go alongside Dane and Damien's.

Speaking of useless players, we move onto Kyra who is sure Estefania is going to go instead of Mark, and makes the not so Pretty Boys hand signal. Adam says he wants to stay loyal to the not so Pretty Boys, and would love to go to the final 2 with Dane, and he plots with the man of the moment to see if they can pitch to Damien to get vote out Estefania. Dane is reluctant to be one of the votes that could possibly see Estefania out the door.

Adam is missing Samantha so much, that he has made a tin foil doll called Angela complete with some accessories 

Estefania is pitching to Kyra about getting their vote insisting she has Kyra's back in this game. Not much of a pitch to stay in, I will admit.

Adam and Dane are with Damien, and they ask him who he wants out, and then Adam says the boys need protecting and try to come up with an idea to save Mark but Damien is reluctant saying he doesn't trust Mark, as Mark legit tried to get him out of the house. Talk then turns to pitching for an all guys final. In wanders Este, and she asks if the conversation was about her and it's a resoung hell yeah, or words to that effect, to which Damien warns her to start campaigning.

Back to the studio and soon to be mum for a third time, Arisa, and she introduces a Damien segment which involves his family and them talking about how he is doing in there. Hopefully this is in no way a hint to how the double is going to go in this episode.

Back to house action after this segment, and Big Brother has laid on a party for the houseguests including those who have been on slop. Damien then hears his favourite tune played into the house, and says it's fun watching the houseguests dance to it. The secondary showmance, as in Dane and Estefania moves up a notch as they make out in the HoH room, only to be interrupted by Adam.

Some final plotting from the not so Pretty Boys as Mark calls Anthony over, and refers to Adam and Mark as snakes. Anthony tells Mark not to worry as if there is a sniff of vote changing happening, Anthony will turn the house upside down. Anthony rants about four being in on the plan, but two are going to cause trouble. Anthony repeats his promise to turn the house upside down, but if Mark has to go Mark HAS to go.

A new day dawns on the house, and Estefania is already saying she will be mad if she gets voted out, as Dane assures her she will not and it will be Mark. Dane, the hopeless romantic, says he knew this day would come and it won't be nice to see Estefania go.

Eviction #1

As always the nominees are not allowed to vote and as it's even numbers this time, Adam as outgoing HoH will not vote either

Anthony, Damien and Kyra vote to evict ESTEFANIA, while Dane is the sole vote to evict Mark

Estefania the first to leave tonight by a vote of 3-1. In her interview with Arisa, Estefania admits she was blindsided, and explains to Arisa that she didn't campaign harder because she was worried and paranoid. I would say couldn't be bothered myself. She then closes out the interview saying she was maybe too dependent on Dane.

She is still really confused even when the not so Pretty Boys admit the alliance, I swear if you told her the world was round she would probably believe it. 

And that is that for Estefania, and she becomes the next member of the jury.....

Arisa informs the remaining not rights that this is a double eviction, and informs them to gather in the backyard.

Interim HoH competition

Whoever gets this HoH power, it will only be temporary. So, a giant pool table is set up in the backyard along with a giant cue and the houseguests must take it in turns to hit the ball down the table towards the slots with various points on them. Whoever gets the highest score will be the interim HoH for tonight.

Mark scores 2
Damien scores 6
Dane scores 13
Kyra scores 3
Anthony scores 9

Winner and interim HoH - Dane

Dane must make his nominations straight away, and he chooses DAMIEN and KYRA pre Veto

Veto competition

Simply put, this one is called Balls Out, and here is how it works. As HoH, Dane is not allowed to play. The houseguests must push all the rubber balls inside their respective gumball machines to the outside and then push their button when they are done. First houseguest to do all this will win the Veto

To cut a long story short, ANTHONY wins this competition

Veto winner - ANTHONY

Veto ceremony

Anthony decides NOT to use the Veto, so it will be between Damien and Kyra to who will be the next jury member

Eviction #2

Adam, Anthony and Mark all vote to evict Damien, which is a surprise. Hope that decision doesn't bite them on the you know where as we head into final 5. Damien is next to head to the jury.

Damien does get a very warm welcome from the audience in attendance. Damien admits at his surprise at sitting there, and feels betrayed by the boys. Arisa informs him about the two advantages Canada gave him, and he feels choked up and finds it difficult to speak. When asked what he will remember from this experience, he says that his heritage as in being a First Nations kid enables him to dream big and those dreams will come true, and closes out the interview saying Dane will win.

That is that for the Double Eviction, and now we head into the penultimate week and the last regular one before the finale week. I think there will be an instant eviction in the finale week, not entirely sure on that yet but I'm sure we will find out closer to finale week.

Anyways, thanks for reading these posts as always and please keep the likes, comments, shares and RT's coming

If you missed BB on Blast or Big Brother Radio's latest pods, click here and here, and also if you want to listen or watch Rob has a Podcast's take on the DE episode click right here

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio......

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 22 - Power of Veto

Another step closer we go to the Double Eviction, and at the moment it's Damien and Estefania on the block as decided by current HoH Adam, as we head into another Veto episode, but bear in mind there is a plan in motion to backdoor Mark.

No more than that stupid idiot deserves after his total and utter capitulation as last week's HoH

Damien is naturally disappointed at being on the block yet again, and seems fairly confident he can win the Veto saying he will make space for Mark on the couch. Would be nice to see someone outside of the not so Pretty Boys win a competition, even if it's only a consolation win. Adam though says the backdoor plan won't happen, and if Damien or Estefania win Veto he won't know what to do. You could always put Kyra on the block, I don't think Samantha would mind.

The not so Pretty Boys are talking strategy about the upcoming Veto comp, and Mark pitches that should Adam draw the houseguest choice token when choosing players, Mark should be the choice. Dane is swinging towards using the Veto on Estefania, should he play and win, and has to think about jury votes.

Kyra is very proud they have made it this far, as in 49 days. Most can't believe you are still there, should have gone in the last double and done nothing except hang on to whoever is in power, and not to sound like a broken record, but no courage to use the Blood Veto and really change the game for the better.

Veto picks

As usual the HoH CANNOT play until at least final 5, so Adam is ruled out while Damien and Estefania will play automatically. Good news and bad for Mark, as in Adam does indeed draw the houseguests choice token, but the bad news is that Adam chooses Dane. Damien draws Kyra and Estefania draws Mark. So not all bad for Mark, and only Anthony misses out on playing, but will host the competition

Anthony queries whether Anthony would save him, and also Mark wants to get Kyra onside. He pitches to Kyra that Adam can't play in the next HoH, and Adam will be looking to Kyra to try and win. Mark then tries to plant the seed that he is loyal. Kyra does admit Mark is making some good points, and tells Mark he is a smart guy.

Anthony tells Mark that Adam and Dane are sneaky and they promised not to put up Estefania and Samantha respectively. Mark queries about winning the Veto and takes Damien down, Dane could go up. Fat chance of that, pal. Adam, meanwhile, says he should never have won this HoH and admits if he, Damien, Este or Dane win Veto and he doesn't put up Mark then Damien, Este and Dane will be mad at him

Veto competition

No name for this competition, but here's how it works. The players will have to build the rail tracks and then take the cart to get some gold to stack up, however the gold will only stack up a certain way. If it doesn't fit then, then they have to take their cart and go and get another piece of gold that will fit. Veto winner will be the one who stacks all their gold up first.

Mark, Damien and Kyra are the first to complete their tracks, and now they can get on with stacking their gold properly. 

Kyra's the early leader, yes that self confessed 'comp beast', but makes a mistake which takes Damien into the lead. A short while later Kyra and Damien are neck and neck with 8 pieces complete, but another mistake from Kyra, and Damien again takes the lead. This time he does not lose the lead and he goes on to complete his stack, and he is the winner and takes the Veto

Hallejuah, someone not associated with the not so Pretty Boys wins a competition, although as stated earlier it could be only a consolation win.

Mark is now very worried, as he should be, about going on the block alongside Estefania. Speaking of Estefania, she is very confident she will be staying again. Adam says he has to now put Mark up and take out Estefania, to make the Pretty Boys solid.

Anthony and Adam next up and they agree they need to convince Kyra that Mark should be saved. Anthony tells them Este has been running to power. Kyra wants to be seen as a valuable player, that's a laugh in itself as getting dragged is not very interesting in the slightest. Quite rightly Adam and Anthony laugh it all off as Kyra leaves the room. Kyra has been played and not for the first time in this season.

Another meeting is held by the not so Pretty Boys, and Anthony says that he had a word with Kyra and that Kyra wanted to win to keep Mark safe. Mark asks if it still him going up as the replacement, and Adam says they have to stick to the plan. Mark pitches that Dane should go up so as not to vote out Estefania, and could get her jury vote. Adam wonders if this is a good plan and wants to get Kyra in to which Dane agrees. In they come and apparently Kyra is sworn into the final five.

In comes Damien next and cue a lot of scrambling from Mark and Dane as they go to hide. Adam and Kyra assure Damien the plan is the same, as in backdooring Mark.

Dane and Kyra are now outside discussing how comfortable Estefania is about not being evicted, as she is not doing much campaigning. Meanwhile, Estefania and Damien are talking about Mark, and how both he and Estefania have to keep winning comps to keep their destiny alive in the house. Back with Dane and Kyra. Kyra wonders how the plan to put up Dane as the replacement came about. Dane then goes on to say he can't risk Estefania going out mad at him, and he can't have three jurors mad at him.

And before the Veto ceremony, Dane pitches a splinter alliance of himself, Adam and Kyra to go against Anthony and Mark. More of that possibly in the next episode but now it's time for Damien to make his choice.

Veto ceremony

And to no great shock, Damien uses the Veto on himself. Adam now has to choose a replacement nominee and he plumps for....MARK

Mark thinks he will have to take one for the not so Pretty Boys, but hopes they will keep him safe. Adam admits he didn't feel good about putting Dane on the block after all, while Estefania still fancies her chances of staying against someone who has very few allies in the house

Don't forget, it's a DOUBLE eviction in Episode 23 so double the chance of the Pretty Boys wiping out any remaining competition, not that it's been that difficult anyway.

Thank you for reading, and please keep the comments, likes, shares and RT's coming

Catch up with BB on Blast and Big Brother Radio right here and here, and don't forget to tune into Rob has a Podcast for daily dissection of everything that's happening in the house as we get close to the end

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 21 - HoH and Nominations

Cory sent to Jury House by a vote of 3-1-0 against Damien and Estefania, and Anthony's ego gets even more out of control as we start a fresh week to see who the third and fourth jury members will be as it is a DOUBLE eviction this week.

Pretty Boys well in control, and looking pretty much unstoppable unless Estefania, Damien or Kyra the Useless can pull a rabbit out of the hat to whittle down the numbers

When we last left the remaining houseguests, an endurance competition has begun to decide who will be in power this week and it was called Ship till you Drop. Mark, as outgoing HoH is ineligible to play. 

What happens is that boxes will come along the respective conveyor belts and the houseguests will have to balance them horizontally. There will be treats along the way like food, maybe the odd bonus cash prize or a letter from home. If a houseguest drops their boxes then they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing will be the new HoH.

A little flashback first to the eviction where everyone is happy apart from Anthony, who's ego has taken a bit of a bruising due to Cory going, and he says to us everyone needs to stay away from him. Kyra, of course, goes to HQ to report to Adam. Meanwhile, Anthony who is still smarting, requests or should that be demands conversations with Kyra and Estefania. He warns if he becomes HoH, the house will be flipped upside down

And now onto the HoH comp....

HoH competition

All so comfortable so far, but then the next delivery is announced as letters from home. Estefania is very tempted by this particular offer as she feels she needs a letter from home. In the end she decides against the letter and lets it go as does everyone else.

30 minutes later and it's another delivery, this time if they take it they are guaranteed to be Haves for the week. Dane grabs the box to add to his line but then lets it go. Estefania grabs her box and guarantees she is a Have this week.

Next up it's a pizza treat, met with a no thanks from Anthony and Kyra. At this point Estefania is narrowly in the lead as in one box ahead of everyone else. Mystery box up next, as in if they take the box they can add it to their long line, or if they let it go and risking 0 boxes or 2 boxes. Some of them don't take the chance and Mark reveals the number is 0.

Shortly afterwards Estefania can't take the heat anymore and drops her line of boxes and is eliminated, and Dane is barely managing to keep his line of boxes afloat and is barely hanging on.

Scores on the doors as we move on is Anthony and Dane neck and neck on 9 boxes, while Anthony, Kyra and Damien are on 10.

Next out is alleged comp beast Kyra, who is not happy about dropping out and hope Adam wins this comp.

Down to three now with Damien and Adam on 11 boxes, with Anthony on 10. Unfortunately Damien drops his boxes just as the next delivery arrives, and it's down to Adam and Mr. Ego Anthony.

Anthony is now demanding Adam drop and makes several pitches about safety. Adam is refusing to drop and wants to beat Anthony to this HoH. Eventually Anthony does drops and ADAM is the new HoH. Kyra the Useless Floater is absolutely delighted no doubt.

You can cut the tension with a knife as they all head in, and Anthony is fuming inside. Kyra and Estefania are in the storeroom saying how happy they are about Adam winning. Kyra then says about Anthony sailing through this game so far, and he has made friends everywhere in the house. At least Anthony is actually playing this game, Kyra, and he would have had the guts to use the Blood Veto. The man of the moment says Adam has made some horrendous decisions in this game, and this competition was not Adam's to win.

Estefania and Damien are hoping Mark goes home, and Estefania warns Damien to be careful of Anthony. She says Anthony wants to talk to Kyra about disrespecting Cory.

To cut a long story short, the discussion between Anthony and Kyra does get very heated, and both make valid points but ultimately it does end with Kyra crying as per usual.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Adam's latest stint in there and he has pictures of his family, and picks Dane to take for a Wendy's meal this week

Marsha the Moose's secret mission

Welcome return from Marsha, but to say this particular mission is disgusting is a bit of an understatement. Basically Dane has to pretend he has lost some of his teeth and they have to find their way into someone's drink, has to get someone to put one of his teeth in their mouth, and then make a cookie recipe provided by Marsha which will contain his tooth. In reality, the teeth are actually Marsha's and nobody is in danger. 

He does pass eventually, although this mission was a bit gross, and the house will eat and drink well that evening

Wendy's meal

This week's guest server is Olivia from Season 6.....That's about it really.

Back to proper house action, and Adam is with the not so Pretty Boys and pitches he wants to put Damien on the block as he was supposed to go last week, and isn't really doing much. Anthony warns him he could lose a jury vote and suggests putting Kyra and Estefania up instead. Anthony tells Adam to tell Kyra to trust him.

Adam is reluctant to put Kyra on the block as apparently it wouldn't be a good game move. He goes to talk to Mark and Mark thinks he wants to put him and Damien up instead. He doesn't want Kyra to go as he doesn't want Kyra going on his watch as HoH. Adam feels very conflicted.

Adam decides to tell Kyra he will backdoor Mark. Music to Kyra's ears I would say, and they ask what if Mark wins Veto. Adam goes to fetch Anthony who can explain things a lot better. They guy is still very conflicted.

Adam summons everyone except Mark to the HoH room and he pitches that he needs volunteers to help the backdoor Mark plan work. Distinct lack of volunteers and things are no clearer as we head towards the nominations ceremony. 

Nominations ceremony

Adam nominates ESTEFANIA and DAMIEN. He says time is running out in the game and has made a deal with Anthony, and also promised Samantha he would stay close to Kyra.

We are aware of the backdoor Mark plan, and we will probably find out who the actual volunteers for the plan are in Episode 22

Same BB time, Same BB recap blog

Thank you for reading as always, and keep the likes, comments, shares and RT's coming in

New pod alert, both BB on Blast and Big Brother Radio have dropped new pods, and they can be listened to here and here

If you missed Rob has a Podcast's take on this particular episode, click here

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....


Sunday, 21 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 20 - Secret Assassin twist and Eviction

Greetings ladies and gentlemen as we close out another week in the Big Brother Canada house, and they get ready to send the second jury member to the jury house to join Sam

Outgoing HoH - Mark
Nominated pre Veto - Damien and Adam
Veto winner - Adam

Adam used the Veto on himself, and Estefania was named as the replacement nominee

Tonight sees a new power come into play which will be explained as we go along and Estefania or Damien will head to the jury house.....or will they? All to be explained in this post to the best of my abilities

So without further ado, let's get this show on the road....

We pick it all up from the end of the Veto ceremony, and needless to say the houseguests are as baffled as us by Mark's decision to put Estefania on the block as a replacement, when he could have easily made that big move he oh so proclaimed he was going to do in putting the not so Pretty Boys in jeopardy, or even Cory. 

Kyra tells us that Mark made the whole house mad, and in other news, Kyra, water is wet.

Dane guarantees to Cory she will get his vote should she make Final 2. A long shot I would say, her HoH was just as bad as Mark's. Mark says they will have to win if they want to take out a big player. Is this guy for real, he had the chance himself to just do that and he blew it. He shouldn't be lecturing others for bad gameplay, although I will say the gameplay this year has been pretty rotten all round.

Adam has noted that Mark has listened to Anthony for most of the week, and he has Cory's back. Dane is now piping up about Mark's blunder, and thinks getting out Sam last week was better for his particular group and Anthony agrees with this.

All daggers now pointing at Mark, and Damien is first in burning his bridges which Mark shrugs off. Estefania is next in and says he only has Anthony and Cory now as Dane, Adam and Damien are really mad at him. Again Mark shrugs it off, and whispers that Estefania may be bitter.

Secret Assassin

Now we move into the Secret Assassin twist, and it entails finding numbered boxes with a blue flashlight. Adam happens to be in the Archive Room and finds the flashlight in question. Boxes with 2, 4, 7, 9 and * are found which will unlock the safe, which appears when Adam notices a bit of the wall out of place. He then keys in several combinations before he hits the right one which reveals a cassette which can go in the tape recorder which was found in a previous episode.

The recorded message tells him that he has found the Secret Assassin power which gives him the sole power of putting a third person on the block. The fact that he has this power will NOT be revealed to the other houseguests, and the HoH is immune from being chosen. "Take your shot and make it count". You hear the message, Adam, make it count.

After a commercial break, and back with Adam in HQ as he mulls over who to put up as the third nominee. He says Dane has put in the shifts for the Pretty Boys, while he himself has gotten closer to Kyra. Anthony could be a contender to go up as he is the only Pretty Boy not to be on the block so far, but his loyalty has shifted to Cory. Finally to Cory, and Adam says he was pushing for to go when Samantha was HoH, and pushed for her to go this week as well. He considers the risk whoever he puts up, and decides that CORY will be the third nominee. 

On the block post twist - DAMIEN, ESTEFANIA and CORY

Next up, Big Brother summons the houseguests to the living room and reveals the twist to everyone, but as per the stipulations doesn't reveal it was Adam, and reveals Cory is now on the block as well. Cue gobsmacked faces all round.

Damien is really happy as he knows he won't be the target now, and Estefania is equally happy. Not that either of them are going to win anyway, but stranger things have happened. Lots of speculation that Damien is the mystery nominator, while Kyra is certain Damien is staying. Anthony, meanwhile, threatens whoever is the mystery nominator that their days are numbered in the house. As threatening as a wet lettuce, threatening bag of hot air.

Adam is now wearing a necklace in memory of his late friend Taylor who unfortunately passed away last September, who knew Adam loved the show and they were very close.

Damien tells Adam that everyone loves Cory, and she could potentially beat them all. Debatable, Damien, seeing how she is so easily influenced.

Cory starts her campaigning to stay in and her first port of call is Dane, and she tells him his vote is crucial. She then tells him Adam and Kyra can't be trusted due to their closeness with Samantha. She wants to force a tie in the vote, and try to get Mark on board as well. She claims she will be loyal to Dane until the end, and leaves to prepare her eviction speech.

Adam and Kyra are on board to get Cory out. Kyra says that Adam could be their number one, and they finally feel part of the game now they have some influence. Adam thinks Dane could screw everything up, to which Kyra disagrees saying Dane is smart. A darn sight smarter than you, Kyra, and at least he is somewhat playing.

Before the vote, we see some of the Pretty Boys and Kyra in some last minute strategy talks. Anthony thinks Adam will be in very soon. Dane shows some cold feet into actually getting rid of Cory. Anthony takes the reins of the conversation and says it was all agreed that Damien would go, and if Cory stays, how do they know she won't put them up. Adam says Cory is quite smart, athletic and knows her days causing ANthony to leap to Cory's defence. After calming down, Anthony asks Adam straight out if he thinks he could beat all of them in final four, and Adam says yes. Anthony doesn't take this too well, and tells us HE is beating all of them.

Back to the studio we go, where Arisa reveals messages from the evictees so far. We see Laura, Maki, Kailyn, Eddie and then Sam reports in from the jury house. 

Eviction vote

Only four voting tonight, and Mark will only vote in the event of a tie. The nominees as always do not vote.

Adam, Kyra and Dane all vote to evict Cory
Anthony is the sole vote to evict Estefania

No votes for Damien, and it's adios to Cory by a vote of 3-1-0 and she becomes the second member of the jury. Something a lot of people have been looking forward to, as Samantha did warn her about being turned on. A big fat TOLD YOU SO coming Cory's way very soon.

Arisa starts the interview with Cory's speech before she left in which Cory apparently 'was swinging'. She then brings up Sam's warning to Cory about being next, and Cory responds by saying sorry to the people who voted her into the house. She says she wouldn't change anything about her experience, and that Anthony would win. In her dreams.....

Usual goodbye messages and then off we go for the start of the next HoH competition, which Mark is ineligible to play as outgoing HoH.

Ship Till you Drop, and it's a sort of endurance competition. Packages will come through the respective chutes and they will have to stack their boxes horizontally. If they drop a box, they are out of the competition. Last houseguest standing is new HoH. More on this competition in episode 21.

A double eviction is announced for next week.....

Thank you for reading as always, and please keep the RT's, likes, comments and shares coming in

Click here and here for the latest from BB on Blast and Garry and Erica 

Be sure to tune is also to Rob has a Podcast which is usually on shortly after the televised episodes, dissecting the episode just aired. Click on the link to the right for the site's pretty nifty archive.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 19 - Power of Veto

Welcome everyone as we take another step towards finding out who the second jury member will be for this season, as Mark took the bizarre step of nominating Adam and Damien pre Veto and chickening out, for lack of a better term, of making the big move he was promising

We pick things up after Adam's so called outburst, which is now thought to be a ruse so everyone else thinks the Pretty Boys are falling apart.

Adam says to Mark behind closed doors that they are good, and Mark is bragging that at the end of the day they came together to fool the rest of the house

Damien is the exact opposite and is positively fumigating at being on the block yet again, and has to win Veto to see what Mark is made of, before it's too late Estefania admits to being intimidated after Adam's nomination speech in which he said he was going after Mark. She then says there is more than one way to win Big Brother, and you don't have to be a comp beast. Seriously what does she know, she's not even remotely close to playing Big Brother and she's only hanging on in there by her fingernails.

Anthony and his lapdog Cory are saying if Adam wins Veto, then Damien is going home and if Dane wins there could be a good chance to get rid of Adam. Anthony assumes Cody is loyal to him and he has been with the not so Pretty Boys since the start and some major decisions have to be made soon.

Kyra is with Adam and Dane in the have not room saying Adam will come off the block if they win Veto. Kyra then goes on to say that Cory has to go as she is obsessed with Anthony. Pot meet kettle, Kyra, as you couldn't take no for an answer when Chelsea turned you down, and you have followed Sam and Kiera around like a little lost puppy as well. Can't you play your own game?

Dane tells Mark that Adam is a 'game destroyer' and if Adam wins Veto and Dane immediately think 'backdoor Cory' but have to be careful when suggesting it to Anthony as he may not take it too well.

Veto picks

As you know by now, the HoH does not play in these competitions until final 5. Joining Damien and Adam in the competition will be KYRA, ESTEFANIA and CORY.

Next up, Adam is talking to Damien to see who he is close to in the house, and also tells him he is working on keeping both of them in there. Now he's lost Samantha, he is dipping his toe in the non Pretty Boy pool. Damien thinks he could get to top 5 with Dane and Adam and himself.

Back to Mark and Anthony, and the talk is of backdooring Cory, which Mark basically says to Anthony if you don't like it, you know where you can go.

Dane thinks there are four winners left in the house in Cory, Adam, himself and Mark and suggests to Mark that Cory may be a better option to take Cory out this week instead of Damien. Dane and Adam compare Anthony to Adam in that he will cry if Cory is put on the block, much like when Adam cried when Samantha was on the block. Anthony does not like this comparison. He is also aggrieved that when people start making 2 people alliances that is a sign that things will crumble.

Anthony says he just found out Cory is being suggested, and he is out of the loop and nothing in there happens without him knowing about it. He goes to talk to Cory about the plan, but does not reveal everything, but needs her to fight for the Veto. He mutters to himself "Snakes....nothing but snakes".

Veto competition

This is a Wendy's themed competition. Quite complicated, so try to keep up. On the klaxon the spice in each person's container will start to run down, and on the klaxon the players will slide down a pole to their sandwich and search for puzzle pieces, but they have to be wary of their spice as if it runs out then that player is eliminated. If the spice is running low they will have to refill their containers. There is an extra bonus prize of a bigger scoop and $5,000 if one of them decides to answer their telephone. Once they have assembled their puzzle, they have to maneuver their board to get 6 balls into holes. The first to do so will Veto and the extra prize if they chose to answer their phone.

To cut a long story short, Adam won the Veto and the $5,000 and no prizes for guessing what he will do and Operation Backdoor Cory is officially in motion

Naturally Dane is very happy with this outcome, and he and Adam both agree Cody is out of there. They observed that Damien is useless and wasn't even close to finishing his puzzle, and Cory could have easily beaten him. Meanwhile Anthony knows deep down Cory is going to the alternate option.

Anthony claims Adam is dumb as a stump, and Dane is trying to get on Estefania and Damien's good side. He also wants Cory to stay as he cares about her apparently, something which I find difficult to believe. He then goes on to say Dane is letting his association with Estefania is clouding his judgement and that Adam and Dane need to stop acting like b*tches. Mark admits Cory going would only be better for Adam and Dane, while Anthony stood up for him, so he stands with Anthony.

Before the commercials, Arisa teases that the Archive Room's secret will be revealed in the next episode.

Mark is with Estefania, and she twigs straight away she could be in trouble, and makes the pitch to Mark that Cory should go on the block. She warns Mark that if she goes on the block, then she will be mad and says to us she thinks the house will want bigger targets out. First bit of sense she has spoken all season, and starts yelling what we are all saying to Mark as in MAKE A BIG MOVE AND DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR HOH.

Mark is getting cold feet about the backdoor plan, which causes Adam to storm up and then summons Anthony. Damien, under his breath of course, calls the not so Pretty Boys dummies. Mark goes back to a previous week when he was on the block, and why they didn't take him off and put Cory up. Who else but Kyra pokes their head around the door, and all goes quiet.

Adam and Mark continue to go at it, with points being brought up like the jury won't respect taking out a weak player, and Cory going won't help his game and thinks Damien could still prove to be strong. You can almost see Mark's HoH reign collapsing around him.

Veto ceremony

Unsurprisingly, Adam uses the Veto on himself. Mark bizarrely says he didn't know Adam was going to use the Veto. Is this guy for real? Seriously.....

And in an even more bizarre move, Mark chooses Estefania as the replacement nominee. Estefania sums it all up from the rest of the viewers, saying Mark is a coward and the most pathetic HoH of the season. Adam closes the show by saying Cory is the biggest threat. No she's really not, Adam.

To be continued in Episode 20, when the Archive Room twist is revealed and there will be more info on that in the next post. As it stands, Damien or Estefania will be the second jury member but that could all change in the next episode, depending on what the twist is all about

Thank you for reading as always, and please keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in.

New pod alert from BB on Blast, and that can be listened to right here and if you haven't heard Garry and Erica from Big Brother Radio, they can be heard right here

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after each televised episode, and click on the link to the right if you want to go and listen back to everything ranging from Live Feed discussion, round table discussion, the runners and riders and so on....

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 18 - HoH and Nominations

Less said about Cory's HoH reign, or should that be Anthony's HoH, the better. Influenced from start to finish, culminating in one of ANTHONY's targets in Samantha going out. Adam, bless him, tried to save his storyline showmance but it was all in vain as everyone's mind was made up. Surprisingly Kyra also voted Samantha out, which could come back to bite them later. 

Anyways, enough about the past and onto the future and we start the road to seeing who the next jury member will be, and we pick it all up just after Samantha's exit and Adam is heartbroken, but on the other side of the coin, could this light a fire under his rear end and help him get his game head back on

Anthony, of course, is taking credit for Samantha's exit and rightfully so as he basically ran Cory's HoH from start to finish. He announces his next target is final 4 with the not so pretty boys. Bold claim, but as far as I'm concerned not going to be that difficult and this is where this format gets boring when there's no competition for one alliance and they are running through everyone in front of them. 

The way I see it, it will probably be Cory, Este, Kyra and then Damien going in that order. 

Cue mass celebrations from the not so Pretty Boys, and Adam is a bit reluctant and doesn't want to be disrespectful to Samantha...

HoH competition

In case you missed it this one is called Drunken Speeches, and Mark was already pulling away when we left the last episode. He says he has made a poem up to the present day, and recites it in his head and it is quite a unique method. He also says he wants to take out some big targets. Kyra, meanwhile, says they are sick with being a pawn. Well perhaps if you tried harder in the competitions, that wouldn't be the case. It's bad enough you are floating your way to the end, hanging on to anybody who will have you instead of playing your own game.

The aim of this competition is to correctly name each day the aired speech was on, should be a piece of cake for Mark really with his method. The houseguest with most points will be the new HoH

Point scorers in each round

1. Mark
2. Mark, Damien, Kyra and Adam
3. Mark and Estefania
4. Nobody
5. Everybody except Anthony and Dane
6. Mark
7. Mark

Winner and new HoH is MARK. His tactics paid off and now let us see if he can walk the talk along with all his big talk. As far as Have Not's go, he chooses Dane, Damien and Estefania.

More celebrations from those boys, and says to us he has to pick with caution as there could be no going back if he makes a wrong move. Cory speculates that Adam will go on the block, while Dane thinks it will Damien and Estefania. Adam still mooning over Samantha. Man up, you'll be seeing her in a few weeks time, she's only been evicted.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Usual nonsense with video messages from home, and Mark's is from his friend Itay and they pass on his parents best wishes.

Este is thinking (probably a first in this game for her) that Mark will not put Anthony, Cory or Dane on the block. She reckons everyone wants Adam out and Damien reckons he himself isn't on Mark's radar. Why should he be, he's not done much except blend into the wallpaper since week 1.

Anthony trying to influence the HoH again by agreeing Mark should put Adam on the block as it covers the boys alliance, and then that it also takes a shot at the Pretty Boys.

Dane is happy that again the alliance is taking over the HoH room. Think it will be like that to the end, yawn o rama city. Can't production subtley spell it out to the non alliance members about this alliance.....

Anthony is saying to Kyra how wonderful his mum has been, as she has brought him up single handedly. Kyra then asks Estefania about her potential showmance with Dane. Estefania says she is aware of the perception and doesn't wish to be seen and the target of gossip. She claims he is her protection in this game and doesn't want to get too far away from him....As if he cares about you in this game.

Adam suggests not putting Kyra on the block this week, and suggests Estefania and Damien as Damien is very weak in competitions. A light bulb then appears over Mark's head and he pitches a Pretty Boy go up in particular Adam or Dane. Adam is uncomfortable with this and really wants it to be Damien and Estefania, and says if a Pretty Boy goes up and Damien wins Veto then Estefania goes on the block.

Adam now thinking the power is going to Mark's head as he is in danger of going on the block. He makes a beeline to Kyra of all people to tell them of Mark's plan. He is getting really worked up and Kyra thinks it may be intimidating.

In the Archive room, Damien and Estefania find a tape recorder that wasn't there before. As usual nothing stays secret in this house and Dane finds out very quickly and hides the tape recorder in amongst the boxes.

Wendy's meal

Mark invites Damien, and serving the meal this week is Will from Season 5. Damien tells Mark that the hardest people to beat would be Cory, Adam and Dane. Mark reveals Damien or Estefania will be on the block. Very little else is revealed and Mark is a bit disappointed calling it a 'red flag'. Damien is none too happy either by the way.

Up next, and Cory asks Mark who has her best interest in the game amongst other things. Mark is frustrated that he is getting a lesson from her on how to play. He admits Cory is a strong player, which is really debatable given how her HoH went.

Dane finally agrees that Adam should go on the block, and that Adam is going up as part of the storyline. Mark is warned that Adam will freak out, and that maybe Mark should think about Dane and Estefania. Mark chooses to ignore this, and then starts wondering if taking the shot he said he would will be the right move. Don't like the sound of this, he's chickening out.

Adam still thinking that himself going on the block would be a bad idea. Signs of the alliance fracturing some more are indicated as Adam, Dane and Mark have a disagreement on alliance tactics in that they should talk things over together, instead of thinking things through on their own. Adam queries about Dame going on slop, and then thinks Mark is going it alone due to being bitter about last week. Adam threatens Mark's HoH WILL crash down around him, as Dane now tries to calm him down.

Nominations ceremony

Shouldn't be any great shocks here from Mark and he doesn't disappoint, the worst possible decision he could make and already he's wasted his HoH. Instead of the big move he promised, he has nominated DAMIEN and ADAM. Safe to say, Adam doesn't take this at all well and promises to come after Mark. Not literally of course, just in a game sense.

So Mark has blundered and it's on to the Veto competition in Episode 19

Will Adam or Damien win Veto and take themselves off the block? To be continued......

Thank you for reading as always, and please keep the comments, likes, shares or RT's coming. All very much appreciated

New pod alert, Garry and Erica from Big Brother Radio have released their new episode for this season and that is available right here

BB on Blast will be bringing out a new episode of their podcast very soon, and meanwhile in case you missed it, here is their last episode 

As always, Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the show episodes have aired, dissecting everything so be sure to join them if you wish

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio.....

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 17 - Eviction

Time to get those jury members sorted out, as we find out who the first jury member of this season will be

Outgoing HoH - Cory
Nominated pre Veto - Dane and Estefania
Veto Winner - Dane

Dane used the Veto on himself to no surprise, and Samantha was named as the replacement. Doubt she's going to even bother campaigning as she knows she has been a not so Pretty Boys target, well apart from Adam, but on the bright side if she goes then we don't get Sadam shoved in our faces. Will that showmance survive on the outside, only time will tell

We pick up the action after the Veto ceremony, and Samantha is already in tears and has a lot of regret for trying to backdoor Dane during her HoH reign. Anthony is absolutely drinking in the tears, and he is looking forward to seeing Adam's head screwed on right if Samantha goes.

Samantha tells Cory that she's had her back and wants her to know that. *sigh* This is going to be just a formality isn't it. Cory tells us her gut (aka Anthony) is telling her that Samantha was gunning for her, and she had to strike first. Meanwhile, Dane is saying he has wanted Sam out of there since about the second week, and then says Adam may be heart broken but it's Pretty Boys to the end.

Back with the showmance, and Adam is being consoled by Samantha. No, she's not campaigning. He tells her how hard he has worked to try and keep her in every week and is surprised she has got this far. She lays all the blame at Dane's door about the backdoor plan, but didn't give all the details to Cory just to protect him.

Cory is feeling pretty good right now, as she think her so called plan aka the one Anthony planted in her head. She asks Anthony if she was too hard on Samantha, but Anthony says he would have been a lot harder on Samantha

Adam continues to wallow about Samantha possibly going and blames himself, but confirms his loyalty to his not so Pretty Boys alliance. Oh boy, this alliance's implosion is going to be wonderful to watch. Kyra pitches to Samantha about trying for a tied vote, but this is quickly vetoed

Adam talks to Anthony and Mark, saying he does feel bad as Samantha is trying to secure a vote with Mark. Mark then tells us that Adam is too infatuated with Samantha, and can't see the game in front of him. When Adam suggests Estefania going, Anthony says she is too weak. Back to a previous grudge with Mark, and he tells us Adam had the best chance to convince Sam to not put Mark on the block. He says he can't trust her and she's a liar.Mark is not budging on his vote, he will be voting Samantha out.

Estefania tells Dane that Cory told her, there will only be two girls left when Samantha exits the house. Dane tells her that Samantha and Kyra on Samantha's behalf have been campaigning for votes for Samantha. Dane's not budging either.

Estefania is trying to appeal to Mark now, but he is not biting if he still holds certain grudges. Mark says that people are noticing how close Dane and Estefania are getting close, and Adam and Samantha will never go against each other.

Adam is still trying to stand up for Sam and now he goes to see Cory, who basically says it was her HoH, while most of us would say it was actually Anthony's, and she could what she wanted. So deluded, and I can't wait for her to get to jury and whoever is there to say to her TOLD YOU SO. Adam tries to appeal to Cory with some tears, and she seems to fall for it. Although deep down she doesn't really care about Samantha.

Samantha is convinced she has Kyra and Adam's vote, and is slightly hopeful of a third which could take the eviction vote to a tie break. She makes her way to Cory, this is I assume just covering her bases in case there is a slim chance of a tie break, and buries Adam saying he was involved in the backdoor conversation. She then warns Cory that she will still be the target if she stays. Sam is convinced she has got to Cory, and now onto Mark and whatever she has to do, she will do. Mark asks why he would be considered the pawn and is told that it would ruffle the fewest feathers.

Adam makes his last moves to try and save one of his storylines, I mean Samantha. Anthony is none too pleased at Adam running his mouth, and could compromise the Pretty Boys. Anthony talks to Adam about Samantha, and Adam brings up that Anthony has spent so much time with Cory as well. Anthony then says Samantha is a big problem as she's gunning for Dane, and it's time for her to go.


POINTLESS SEGMENT ALERT, as we are shown footage of the showmance. Back to the houseguests and Adam says it would break his heart if Samantha went. Arisa then asks who the most underestimated houseguest is, and everyone gives a different name. Arisa then announces whoever goes will be the first member of this season's jury

Estefania and Samantha cannot vote, and Cory will only vote in the event of a tie. Has Samantha done enough to stay in? The answer is HELL NO, and it is indeed a formality

Dane, Anthony, Damien, Kyra and Mark vote to evict Samantha

Adam to no great shock is the only vote to keep Samantha in, and he and Samantha share a not to discreet tete a tete before the door closes

In her interview, she said she wasn't expecting a showmance and goes into detail about said showmance. She admits her trust with Cory, but says she paid the price.

Bet Sam can't wait to say TOLD YOU SO when/if Cory makes jury

Anyways, we get to see the start of the next HoH comp, and Cory cannot play as outgoing HoH. Drunk Speeches is the name of this competition, and quite simply a distorted speech will play from former or current houseguests, and they have to guess which day this particular speech was made.

When we leave for the night, Mark had taken the early lead after getting the first two speeches correct.

BREAKING NEWS, Arisa reveals she is expecting her 3rd child to much cheers. Congratulations to Arisa on her happy news.

HoH comp will continue in Episode 18, and we will also see who gets the power and who they nominate

Thank you for reading, and keep those shares, likes, comments and RT's coming in 

As always Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the televised episodes, and please check out BB on Blast's and Big Brother Radio's new pods on Spreaker if you haven't listened yet.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 16 - Power of Veto

The first juror is in sight as we head into another Veto episode, with Dane and Estefania on the block and fighting for their survival in the Veto competition

May I just say before we get underway, a very big congratulations to host Arisa, who has today announced she is expecting her third child :)

HoH - Cory
Nominated pre Veto - Dane and Estefania

We pick up the action straight after the nominations ceremony, and Cory seems very pleased with herself saying she's not afraid to make big moves. When in reality, she has let Anthony get into her head and run her HoH, and don't be too shocked when she is making her way to the jury house right behind whoever goes this week.

To the man of the moment, as in Anthony, and he is fairly confident Dane will be safe this week, whilst Dane says he will fight to the end for this Veto.

Plotting behind Adam's back saying Sam should go next, and he is still in Cory's ear about getting Sam out. She is making this so easy for Anthony, haven't these not rights got no voice of their own without someone getting in their ear this much.

Samantha and Adam are saying they don't trust Cory at all. Sam says to Adam that Cory has been questioning her all week to get some idea of this backdoor plan, and said she was in these conversations but it wasn't her idea. Adam tries to calm her down and tells her to stick to the same story so Cory doesn't get suspicious.

Dane says the not so Pretty Boys have wanted Sam out since the 2nd week, and here we go to finally get her out. He then goes on to say that he has laid the foundations, and now it's time to sell the plan to Cory to get her hands a bit more bloodier.

Dane then is very confident that Anthony has Cory signed and sealed and in his pocket, and also that Samantha will be out of there and on her way to jury very soon.

Veto picks and competition

The HoH cannot play in these competitions until the final 5, but they can still pick players via random draw

Cory picks Kyra, Dane draws Samantha and Estefania draws Mark and Damien will be hosting. Obviously Dane is disappointed Samantha is participating, while Anthony is relieved Adam is not playing as he would screw up the proposed backdoor

Once the draw is made, Mark makes a beeline for Anthony and Anthony assures Mark that Cory in his pocket. Samantha winning would be bad for their game, and while Adam is a small percentage of an alliance, Sam is zero percent and she can go.

Dane says Kyra is so dumb, so not a chance they are winning. Kyra is saying to Samantha there is a chance they or Samantha could go up should Dane win this Veto.

Veto competition

This competition is called Breaking Records, and here is how it works. The participants will have to spin a ball 300 times around their respective records. If a houseguests ball drops on the floor, their spin counter will reset to zero and they have to start over. First to 300 wins the Veto.

Several close calls as the competition ticks on, but eventually Dane reaches the magic number much to Sam and Kyra's chagrin, and wins Power of Veto

Dane tells Estefania she is going nowhere, and is now VERY confident the backdoor scheme can be pulled off. They then look at the camera and wave goodbye to Samantha.

Dane then goes to celebrate with Cory and Anthony, and bear in mind Cory has no idea she will probably be next to go. She better be ready to be told I told you so when she heads off to jury sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile, Samantha is with Dane telling him he did great in the competition.. She knows deep down she is gone, it's just a matter of by how many votes when the eviction comes around.

Estefania is telling Anthony about how Kiera and Chelsea were certain about a guys alliance and how Kyra noticed the sign, and Estefania made the same sign to Dane to see his reaction. Anthony admits Estefania was closer to the truth than she was/ Anthony goes on to say it was supposed to be boys against girls and that he's really humble.

Sam goes to pick Cory's brain to see who the replacement, although I suspect she knows the answer to that already.Cory says it will be someone who she knows will be best for her game. Samantha is getting really nervous by this point not knowing. Cory says her gut will tell her at the ceremony.

All but over this one really, as we know the backdoor of Sam will come into play here. She and Adam once again grill Cory, and Cory says she really doesn't know. But we all know she does already, and tells them both again her gut will decide when the time comes. Cory still doesn't know who to believe in this previous backdoor plot, but she has let Anthony get into her head and there is only one way this is heading.

Out at the pool table Kyra and Anthony are having a little game, before Adam comes out looking really stressed saying things are being pinned on Sam. All the while Anthony is looking Adam up and down, as he knows Adam's head is not in the game ahead, and more on saving Samantha. Anthony says that Adam is screwed up because of Samantha and is too blinded to see her going will actually be better for Adam's game.

Just before the Veto meeting is called, Samantha and Dane have a little disagreement about the previous backdoor, which is abruptly called to a halt for the Veto meeting

Veto ceremony

To no great shock Dane uses the Veto on himself, and again to no great shock Cory names Samantha as the replacement. The girls are getting decimated in this series, and it will be Estefania or Samantha who will be the first member of the jury.

An interesting minute or so when Samantha utters that it wasn't a smart move and Cory has sealed her own fate, while Adam looks to Cory saying she's been played. Cory is not happy with this and warns Adam not to come at her in front of everyone

In closing, Samantha has blamed Dane for this saying he controls everything, and it was a bad move for Cory. Anthony is in fits of laughter, saying it is what he does as the credits roll

To be continued in Episode 17, as we head towards welcoming the first houseguest to jury. Think this is a foregone conclusion with Sam going, and probably next week as well if Cory goes up and then Sam can say 'told you so'

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and please keep the RT's, comments, shares and likes incoming

Click here and here for BB on Blast's and Big Brother Radio's latest offerings, and don't forget Rob has a Podcast after most of the televised episodes

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 15 - HoH and Nominations

Dear me, what a disaster that Blood Veto was, eh? A perfect chance to chip away at the not so Pretty Boys and Kyra blew it when they didn't use the Blood Veto. Some speculation online that they didn't use it out of spite, while others say Kyra was just a coward, stupid, an idiot, etc. which is what I am running with

In case you missed it yet another girl went out in Kiera, and this week sees the next evictee becomes the first member of this year's jury.

Outgoing HoH is Sam, therefore she can't play in the endurance HoH comp that Arisa introduced at the end of the last episode. Quite simply whichever houseguest hangs onto their pipe the longest is the new HoH, and the first three to fall first will be the Have Nots for the week.

We pick up the action after Kiera's eviction, and just before Arisa announces the competition.....

Secret celebrations between Kyra and Sam ensue, as Kiera was her target and called out Dane in her speech, while Adam and Cory make their entrance and say Dane is worried.

HoH competition

In case you missed it, this competition is called Pipe Dream. Rules above and off we go....

Order of elimination:

Kyra (Have Not 1)
Anthony (Have Not 2)
Mark (Have Not 3)


Winner and new HoH - Cory

Now can she get through this week running her own HoH or will certain people be in her ear all week. Let's find out....

Sam is feeling excited as everyone heads back indoors as she feels she is safe for another week, and Cory makes that even more certain by joining Samantha and Adam assuring they weren't the targets this week.

Meanwhile Estefania is paranoid she, Damien, Dane or Kyra are in trouble this week and Dane claims it was because of Estefania's friend, as in Kiera. Once Dane has left the room, Estefania thinks it will be Dane or Sam in trouble. Estefania is hoping another one of her friends is not taken away. She then think she is in a pickle, but Damien assures her they can get out of it.

Anthony claims he knows Cory has caught on to the backdoor plan of last week where there was talk of backdooring Cory. Anthony tries to take the heat off Dane saying it wasn't Dane, and Cory instructs Anthony to keep a close watch on Dane anyway.

Anthony runs back to Mark saying Cory isn't taking the bait and wants to put the heat on Sam as part of a bigger plan to get the not so Pretty Boys back into power.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Cory has pictures of her husband, sisters and parents waiting for her, along with a video message of her sisters saying how proud they are and how much Cory is missed by them and her parents.

Cory tells Sam afterwards how she goes with her gut to root the liars from the people telling the truth. She says Dane has been acting particularly strange this week. Sam tells Cory how the previously mentioned backdoor plan came about in that she, Dane and Adam, and we find out it was Adam who originally suggested it. Sam confesses Adam can be trusted, despite what we just saw, and Dane is just going to try and spread the blame.

Kyra tells Cory they had nothing to do with the backdoor plan, and Cory says Dane and Adam planted the idea in the first place. Anthony thinks Cory will put up Kyra and Sam, and then tells an incoming Adam Cory is unsure about a backdoor plan, but they will pin it on whoever they decide to pin it on

Dane now saying Kyra told Cory that the backdoor plan was cooked up by him and Adam. Adam starts enquiring about who to pin the whole business on to which Dane suggests Kyra or Sam because Cory will think they are incapable of it. Needless to say, Adam loses his cool and storms out

Adam is seen punching boxes and throwing loose paper around in the archive room, and refuses to talk when Anthony tries to calm him down. He questions why Samantha is being dragged into this, when she really had nothing to do with it. He has steam coming out of his ears as he goes into self pity and says why did he hand the comp to Cory. Anthony tries a different approach and says Adam and Sam are basically plotting against each other, to which Adam admits he would prefer the boys to stay instead of Samantha

Wendy's meal

Cory has invited Kyra for this week's meal, as Cory has figured Kyra likes to share information about the place. Demetres is the guest serving the meal this week. Kyra says Dane approached them and mentioned a backdoor plan involving Cory. They then mention Sam didn't think it was a good idea, and then reiterates they were never in the group talks

Anthony mentions to Dane and Mark that they have to get to work on Sam, as she is running her mouth, while trying to keep Cory's trust. Anthony is pitching Adam is weak when it comes to Sam.

Cory tells Estefania she promised to keep Samantha and Adam safe this week, but needs to get the lay of the land when it comes to Sam, as she keeps hearing different things. Estefania swears the backdoor plan didn't come from her, and when she talked to Sam it sounded like her plan. Estefania tells us the best plan is to expose Sam's game.

Next up is Dane talking to Cory and he says how he respects her personally, respects Anthony and 'apologises' for not talking about this backdoor plan, to which Dane thought they knew about. Cory says she is trying to figure out who is lying and who is not, and is secretly frustrated about not finding out what she needs to know.

Anthony next in and he tells Cory that Samantha is using Adam and Kyra, and plotting for Cory until Cory has no further use for her. He pitches about arranging Samantha's departure.

Samantha says Cory is very smart and is hellbent on trying to work out the details on who targeted her, and has to think of something to deflect blame away from her and Adam. Dane and Mark's names crop up and after the conversation is over, Cory is certain Samantha is being dishonest

Nominations ceremony

Making Cory's shortlist were Estefania, Dane, Kyra and Samantha....

After some thinking, Cory nominates Estefania and Dane for pre Veto nominations. She says these two mainly because of the so often mentioned plan in this episode.

Will Dane or Estefania win Veto and take themselves off the block, find out in Episode 16 when more power is up for grabs as we take another step towards finding out who the first member of jury will be

Thank you for reading, and keep the RT's, comments, shares and likes coming. All very much appreciated

Shouts to Big Brother Radio and BB on Blast, and if you miss their latests pods they can be found here and here, and Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episodes have aired

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Big Brother Canada 2019 - Episode 14 - Eviction and Blood Veto conclusion

Another week draws to a close, and it's the week before jury starts

Either Kiera or Mark will be evicted from the house, and we finally find out tonight what the Blood Veto will entail

Outgoing HoH - Samantha
Nominated pre Veto - Kiera and Mark
Veto winner - Adam

Adam chose not to use the Veto, so nominations stay the same depending on what the Blood Veto entails.

We pick up the action from where Kyra was summoned to the Diary Room to find out the full extent of the Blood Veto details.....

What we know already is that they are immune from this eviction, and couldn't be nominated or play in the Veto. But then we find out:

The holder of the Blood Veto will have the power, should they choose to use it, to veto this eviction and send the other person who was not evicted out the door. This power can only be used for this week. This particular power cannot be revealed to the other houseguests until it is time to use it.

Kyra has already said they may not use it, I know I would if Kiera was evicted and it would chip away at the not so Pretty Boys. But I'm not Kyra and we will find out later to see if they use it or not.

Kyra says they did what they had to do to get the power, like what? Talk everyone to death and lay it on really thick. The least deserving person in the house with the worse gameplay ever. They tell Mark they can't discuss the actual power, but tells him they are good, to which Mark says everyone is freaking out.

Samantha is liking the fact that Kyra has the Blood Veto, as she reckons she and Kyra are tight. I don't think so, Samantha. Have you not noticed how Kyra leeches onto every HoH as soon as they are in power? Meanwhile, he showmance partner in crime, Adam, says he would be heartbroken if he left on Samantha's watch. This power really has them rattled doesn't it

Sam tells Kyra not to give Kiera anything, and Kyra repeats that they can't talk about this power. Meanwhile, Kiera says that she has to be careful about what she says in terms of campaigning to stay in as she doesn't know the full extent of the Blood Veto.

Kyra is in the backyard contemplating their next move in terms of the Blood Veto. Where do the votes fall, do they get blood on their hands, or just opt to keep the peace and not use it?

Pointless filler ahead, but then again we have to have something to put in between the Blood Veto talk, starting with an oh so hilarious moment where Kyra forgot a towel. Next up Cory is sitting on Anthony's back which he compares to a back massage. Yes this really happening, folks.

Anthony says he could go really far into the game with Cory. He says she is very loyal and will see just how far she and him could go.

Kiera and Damien discuss the votes and she says she has Dane and Estefania on board, Damien himself and possible Adam, Cory and Anthony. Kiera hints at her future plans and wants to get out Samantha and/or Adam if she stays in. In terms of Mark, he knows he has Adam, Anthony and Dane and hopes to get Cory on board as well.

Dane is now crawling to Kyra, desperate to find out what the Blood Veto entails. A short while later, the showmance comes to join him and they speculate that either Canada or Kyra decide who goes on the block should the Blood Veto be used. Kyra is certain Dane is running scared, and that he is not running the house. 

In another bit of filler, Kiera and Estefania are talking about some of the boys in a schoolgirl kind of way saying Damien is the cutest and Anthony is the hottest, Dane has the nicest smile and the best butt. The only thing they can't decide on is about who is the best kisser.

Mark is all but certain he has Cory's vote, and now goes to work on Damien. He pitches that he can be loyal and if he wins HoH, Damien will not go on the block. Damien's not taking the bait so Mark turns it all up a notch, to which Damien says if Mark has his back he will return the favour.

Kiera reminds Cory that every vote will count this week, and questions how someone can prove their loyalty if they haven't won anything. Cory says the competitions are the priority to her, and doesn't know if she can trust Kiera and Kiera will have to prove to Cory she can be trusted. Kiera leaves disappointed as she doesn't think she has Cory's vote.

Now it's Kiera and Kyra one to one, with Kiera telling Kyra that she only has Estefania on her side but that's about it. Talk turns to Dane, and Kiera says he closer to Mark. Secretly Kyra thinks Kiera is coming on a bit hard, but has to see how the votes go.

Arisa reveals that Kiera had a whoopsie in the garden, and Kiera has her foot bandaged. To lighten the mood, we see a montage of BB Canada funnies.


Reminder, Kiera or Mark will not go out straight away as Kyra has to decide whether to use the Blood Veto

Adam, Dane, Anthony, Cory and Damien vote to evict KIERA
Estefania is the sole vote to evict MARK

As it stands, Kiera is out but we still have the Blood Veto to come

Blood Veto

Arisa reveals to everyone else the true power of the Blood Veto and explains to them all. Kiera and Mark get 15 seconds to put their case forward on why they should stay in. Kiera says she doesn't trust Dane as he has been pitting people against each other, and if she is kept in the target goes straight on Dane. Mark relays he and Kyra had a great conversation and will make no changes to his previous speech.

Kyra decides.....NOT to use the Blood Veto. The eviction stays the same and Kiera is sent packing. Knew Kyra would chicken out, what does it have to take the other side of the house to open their eyes to the alliance under their noses.

Kyra the idiot, Kyra the stupid, Kyra the spineless.....All you had to do was get rid of Mark and this season could have been salvaged, but now the boys are more than likely to steamroll through the rest of this season

Arisa asks Kiera straight out why she didn't fight for the Blood Veto....Think a lot of people would love to know that as well. Not much fight in these housemates, and most too scared to make a big move as we have just seen. Kiera says she was afraid of Mark and didn't want an even bigger target on her back.

Talk then turns to Dane, and Kiera says she knew he was more intelligent than he gave off. She knew he was running everything and he's super strategic.

Goodbye messages follow and that wraps it up for Kiera's time on the show

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Samantha is not eligible to play. This is an endurance comp and it's called Pipe Dream. Quite simply they have to hang on to their respective pipes as long as they can. First three to fall will be Have Nots and on slop, and the last houseguest on their pipe will be the new HoH

To be continued in Episode 15, when the new HoH is crowned and we find out the next nominations

Thank you for reading, and please keep the likes, shares, comments and RT's coming in. All very much appreciated

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Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and cheerio....