Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Big Brother Canada - Episode 12 - HoH and nominations #5

Welcome, citizens, to episode #12 for Big Brother Canada 2018

Tonight sees a new HoH crowned, and see who they put on the block pre-Veto

Outgoing HoH - Olivia

Evicted - Veronica and Hamza


  • After Erica reeled in the Veto, she shocked the house when she chose to use the Veto and save Maddy from the chopping block
  • She then put Veronica on the block as the replacement nominee
  • To no surprise, Veronica was evicted
  • Arisa surprised the houseguests when she told them it was a double eviction and someone else would be leaving
  • Olivia sealed her first HoH of the season
  • She then proceeded to put Ryan and Merron on the block
  • Ryan took himself out of the firing line after winning Power of Veto, and Olivia named Hamza as the replacement nominee
  • Hamza was sent packing
We join the action as Olivia was crowned the new HoH, during the commercial break she says to Alejandra she is going to put up Maddy and Merron, and that she's going to tell Hamza that she doesn't want Merron out. Erica says Maddy is best to get out. Alejandra says Johnny is going to be p'd, but they can do damage control later. 

Johnny talks with Olivia, and asks what is happening and she tells him not to get mad. He says she's not going to *bleep* with him and says she lied to him. She insists it's going to be either Maddy and Merron, or Ryan and Merron. Johnny says Maddy is not touching that block. Johnny says he is not allowing Maddy to go on the block, as she is a number for him and someone he can rely on in this game. 

Olivia then says she may backdoor Hamza, and that she doesn't want to ruin what she has going with Johnny in the game.

Back to Olivia's nominations, and she puts up MERRON and RYAN. After the Veto competition is done, Olivia goes around asking about backdooring Hamza. Olivia then puts Hamza on the block as the replacement and he is voted out.

Olivia says the mood has changed in the house to super depressing, and nobody is celebrating as Hamza just left. She then says he didn't die and just left the house. Erica is seen hugging Ryan as she bursts into tears, and Ryan says Hamza deserved a shot. Meanwhile, Merron says Hamza was the only person to completely have his back, and there's nobody else in the house that makes him feel that comfortable.

Erica says Hamza meant the world to her, and was a huge rock emotionally and always knew where she stood with him.In the Red Rose bedroom, she says to Alejandra she is really agitated and wonders how Hamza's eviction benefited anyone. She then says Hamza and Veronica were 2 big targets and asks who is left now and threw away their only shield

Alejandra says she gets why Erica is mad, and understands Olivia's game move, but feels stuck in the middle. She then says to Olivia in the bathroom, that is was a lot of pressure on her to which Olivia agrees but Alejandra says she wished they had thought it through more. Johnny now walks in and says how rough it was. Alejandra says there are still a lot of floaters, and then that things are a little all over the place and everyone seems to be working their own agenda.

Paras says there are a lot of conversations happening all over the house, and so much drama going on, but you can count on Big Brother to surprise them and show them a good time

Pre-HoH competition

More outside contact as there is a frat party going on in the living area, this by the way was why the feeds were off for so long the other week. Ryan observes that a frat party would have no further implications, but also knows Big Brother is up to something and what it may be. Maddy thinks this frat party may have something to with the HoH competition.

Once the intruders leave the house, there are HoH t-shirts and more booze in the pantry for the houseguests. Several shots of the houseguests enjoying the frat party ensue. Houseguests are now totally drunk. 

If this were BB UK, it wouldn't be at all surprising if TPTB threw in a s**t-stirring task about now while the houseguests were in this state


Morning has broken for the next day in the house, and Big Brother plays a loud rooster into the house. Fond memory of BBUK civilian series 7 when Glyn got so drunk and was puking everywhere, and Big Brother played an audible of Glyn puking the next morning to wake them up.

Merron says he knows exactly what's going to go down, and that is they are going to play the HoH competition that very minute while everyone is suitably hung over.

HoH competition

Alejandra says everyone looks haggard, and don't smell too good either. Olivia, as the outgoing HoH, is not eligible to play in this competition, but she is a little worse for wear and makes a beeline for the kitchen sink and pukes. She then takes a bite out of the pizza from the night before, and brings the buckets out for anyone who needs them.

Will staggers to his podium saying this is crazy

This competition is called About Last Night and it's a true or false game. Pretty straightforward really. Questions will be asked about last nights frat party, houseguests must step up for true and step down for false. Houseguests who answer incorrectly will be eliminated, and the last houseguest standing will be crowned the new HoH. The first four out of the competition will be have nots for the week

And off we go....

1. The banner in front of the DJ booth said BB FRAT

Answer - False

Eliminated - Merron

2. The frat boy that did the worm was the last dancer in the dance off

Answer - True

Eliminated - Kaela

3. The DJ yelled Party Foul before Dance Off

Answer - True

Eliminated - Alejandra

4. The frat boy who handed out drinks was wearing a headband

Answer - False

5. A frat boy passed out on the couch before each houseguest had a shot

Answer - True

Eliminated - Derek, Paras, Ryan, Will  and Johnny eliminated

6. All of the shots delivered were on one platter

Answer - False

7. The frat boys throwing the football around were wearing the same shirt

Answer - False

Winner and new HoH - ERICA

Have nots for this week - Merron, Kaela, Alejandra and Johnny

Johnny was Erica's choice, as there were several houseguests eliminated at the same time on one question

Erica says this is her second HoH win, and really needs to think what is best for her game moving forward


Who wants to see my HoH room

Very muted response this time as some houseguests are still totally hungover, and others say thanks but no thanks in not so many words. Eventually everyone gathers outside the HoH room, including Will. Erica says she never left, and this time she gets a video message from her brother.

Maddy requests an audience with Erica, which is granted. Maddy says Erica put her on the block last week, so it makes sense that it happens again. Maddy says she has been playing to Erica's ego, and tries to pitch to Erica to keep her safe this week.

Erica wonders if she puts up Merron and Ryan, and wants Merron to go home. She says two big targets have gone, and wants to go the opposite way to balance things up. She says to Maddy that she really didn't want to be HoH this week.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Johnny is wrapping up ready for his stay in the Have Nots catacombs and is wandering around the house in his layers, saying he is a hunchback lady.


In the HoH room, Ryan is telling Erica that the assumption outside of the doors is that Erica wants to send a floater home to reduce the target on her back. Ryan tells her that is not to going to happen, as the floaters will take each other out. He advises it is easy for her to put the likes of him on the block, so sending him home is one less vote for her later.

In the bathroom, Paras and Olivia wish they could have a spa day

Back in the HoH room, Erica has picked Alejandra for the Wendy's meal treat this week, and Erica says despite Alejandra being a Have Not, it is easier for Erica to invite her along for the Wendy's treat and also to talk some game as well.

Alejandra admits she is worried about Paras getting HoH in the future, to which Erica agrees and says Paras has to go soon.


In the bathroom, Johnny asks Erica if she trusts him to which she says yes. Johnny says he feels weird, as Alejandra told Ryan he freaked out at Maddy being the potential target and that's why Ryan was put up. Johnny then tells Erica about the alliance between Olivia and Alejandra to which Erica is stunned, and then tells Erica is making deals with every single person.

Merron says he knew he wasn't the target last week, and has to be way more aggressive when he approaches her with his pitch.

He tells Erica he doesn't know what she is thinking right now, and she tells him straight out that he is 'Pawn Central' in this game. Merron points out everyone loves Will, and says he himself doesn't show much emotion, and that Will is more emotional. Erica says Will and Merron are floater material, but Will has a much better social game.

Next up to see Erica is Paras. Erica says Olivia and Alejandra are saying to Maddy that they are the reason she got pulled down from the chopping block. Paras says they are taking the credit for Erica's doing, and that's the part that scares Paras about Alejandra. She also says Alejandra will backpedal for a new HoH, and she's the one person in the group that would turn on them.


Nominations ceremony

Erica ponders whether to take out a floater or another big threat

Shortlist - Ryan, Will, Merron and Alejandra

"As Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate two houseguests for eviction"

Nominated - Ryan and Merron

Ryan - A brain like yours could be seen as a bit of a wildcard
Merron - Been on the block twice already, so the fact that anyone beside you goes home is not good for my (Erica's) game

Who will win Veto, will Ryan or Merron fight their way off the block

Find out in episode #13

And that's a wrap for another episode and post

Closing thought - Not the best nominations for Erica, despite everything she was told about Alejandra in that she went in the opposite direction

An OK episode, but please BB shake this house up so everyone starts playing and doesn't coast through

New podcast alert, check out BB on Blast's mint fresh new podcast right here

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air after the televised episodes with their recaps and views on episode just aired, and check out the other links as well for all the relevant information on BB Canada and lots of archived podcasts for your listening pleasure

Thanks for reading, and follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching ;)

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