Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday 16 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 17 - Eviction #7

Not so live from the Big Brother house, citizens of Big Brother world, this is episode #17 of Big Brother Canada and it's an eviction night

"This week, Big Brother gave you the power to save someone. Here's what I can tell you right now, the vote is now closed and you have pulled one of the nominees off the block. The full results are coming up and you now it's going to turn the house upside down. We've got so much to get through, this is Big Brother Canada"


  • Kaela outlasted everyone to win her first HoH of this season
  • Her playing spread paranoia and dissension around the house
  • She nominated Will and Ryan
  • Johnny won yet another Veto, and also a trip for two to London
  • Kaela laid a trap for Johnny, and plotted to backdoor Erica if Johnny used the Veto
  • Johnny did not use the Veto
Tonight see Canada's use of the latest power. In case you missed it, Canada can either save Ryan or Will or save this power until the week after...But as Arisa has already mentioned it has been used tonight, it will be Ryan, Will or whoever Kaela chooses as the replacement nominee who will be leaving tonight....Find out presently on Big Brother Canada.

Arisa welcomes us in, and reminds us that the power has been used this week

We pick up the house action after the Veto ceremony, in which Johnny did not use the Veto so the nominations stay the same, until of course they find out about this vote from Canada later in the show.

Johnny says he recognises the opportunity to reach out and take either Will or Ryan off the block, but the benefits of pulling outweigh the benefits of pushing. He says he loves Will and Ryan, and wishes them the best of luck in terms of staying in.

Will says he is not worried about being on the block, and still trusts Johnny and all the houseguests. He thinks Ryan will go home. Kaela says she is going to be so satisfied if Ryan is the one evicted, and that it will be joy watching him walk out the door. Olivia says she is indifferent on who goes home, but would not prefer to send home Will as he is the only good looking guy in there. Ryan says it is not a good feeling to be on the block, and feels he doesn't have enough time to do the work he needs to do to stay in.

Ryan warns Johnny that Kaela has to go next week or she will go on to win, while Will is telling Paras how upset Ryan is, to which she replies that he knows its over.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Will is now with Johnny and asks him if Ryan was pitching. Will says it's hard not to be paranoid when you are on the block and it doesn't take much at the last minute to flip the house. Ryan says that everybody has a time to leave this house, and it's not his time yet.

Maddy says to Paras, that she, Kaela and Derek had a conversation today and Maddy had told her that Kaela said Maddy was never going on the block. Maddy then says she warned Kaela about Johnny being too far in Will's ear. Paras says Will asked her about it again that day, and Will said Johnny was his number one and he's like "I don't want to do anything that he doesn't want me to do". Paras claims that Will runs the power, and he likes to have someone he thinks is a powerful player to be his number one, and that Johnny has Will around his little finger. Paras also claims that Will said he wanted to work with Derek and Kaela, but Johnny wants them out but he will put Derek and Kaela up next week anyway.

Olivia and Alejandra are in the Red Rose bedroom talking about Kaela. Olivia says Kaela wants to fall back, but Alejandra says her competitiveness won't let her. Olivia says it bothers her that Kaela just sits there in her pylon hat and Derek is throwing a ball to her and she didn't even blink. Olivia says she herself is not that competitive, but does say she knows she is fantastic and doesn't need to prove it.

In the White Rose bedroom, Ryan is telling Paras that it's going to be lonely for him for a little while, and has only one shot to take next week and says to Paras what he said to Johnny earlier in that Kaela has to go next week or she will go on to win. He asks Paras if he has a better shot than Will does in the next HoH and that Derek has never beaten him in anything.


Wendy's Challenge

Houseguests will be divided into two teams of four, and each team will need to chop and prepare lettuce and tomatoes for 100 salads. Paras has been chosen to be the judge and will oversee proceedings. The first to complete all their salads will be the winner, and will win a Wendy's dinner and also with videos from their loved ones.

And off we go....

Olivia has been given a secret mission by Big Brother to have a shower, take a nap and eat a salad during this challenge, if she passes then EVERYONE will get a video message and she mustn't tell anybody about this mission

A lot of slicing and dicing ensues and Olivia begins her secret mission

A short while later, Olivia reveals her secret mission and she has passed so everyone gets a message from home.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Ryan is saying a prayer for his Big Brother future and some sentimental music is playing.


In the HoH room, Derek says he hasn't talked to Erica too much. Kaela says Erica was in there but wasn't talking game, and more about next week. Alejandra claims Johnny has gotten onto Erica's head about longevity in the game. Kaela says it's really clear Johnny is never with the two duos in there. Derek says Erica and Johnny are 100% working together and are targeting Derek and Kaela.

Will has decided to vacate the White Rose bedroom and move into the Red Rose bedroom. Paras says she knows Will is willing to do whatever he has to, but loyalty speaks volumes in this house and will have no problem sending Will home now he is aligning with Johnny.

Ryan asks Olivia what his odds are right now, and she thinks 70-30. Ryan says there is still some game for him to play, and feels like he can convince most people to do most things most time and now has to convince them to keep him in the game. We then see a few shots of Ryan going to work, to try and keep himself in the game.

Arisa reminds us that someone is getting saved, and goes live to the house to reveal the result of Canada's vote

Canada have decided to save RYAN, so Kaela will have to pick a replacement nominee and we will find out who that is after the break


During the commercial break, Kaela said she had no idea on who to put up. Erica asks her if she wants to take the shot, or go for Maddy. Kaela then asks if Erica wants Will to stay or not, and Erica wants him to stay. Lots of scrambling as Kaela asks Alejandra if Erica should go up, and asks Alejandra how many votes there are to get Erica out. Kaela says they can't beat her, but Alejandra says they need her in there right now and Kaela says Erica and Johnny are coming after her. 

Back to the action, and Kaela chooses ERICA as the replacement nominee, and Arisa gives her and Will 30 seconds each to plead their cases to why they should stay.

Eviction vote

7 voting tonight, so it's 4 or more and that's curtains. Arisa reminds them there is to be no talking or communicating in any way during the vote. Kaela as now outgoing HoH will not have a deciding vote this week as there won't be a tie, and of course the 2 nominees are not allowed to vote.

  • Johnny votes to evict Will
  • Alejandra votes to evict Erica
  • Olivia votes to evict Erica
  • Ryan votes to evict Will
  • Paras votes to evict Erica
  • Derek votes to evict Erica
  • Maddy votes to evict Erica
Evicted - ERICA
Score - 5 votes to 2

Johnny starts swearing and says it sucks, while Erica points a finger at Kaela and Derek saying *bleep* both of them, literally *bleep* both of them.

Kaela says to Erica she was told she was Erica's number one target, and respects Erica a lot, and Erica replies with she doesn't give a *bleep*

Johnny keeps saying it sucks, and Kaela tells him this was the only way Will would have stayed and asks Johnny if he really wanted Will or Erica. Johnny tells Kaela how Erica was telling him that Kaela had her back

The conversation is cut short as Arisa introduces Erica as she makes her way out, and calls a break before she talks to Erica


Erica says she understands why Kaela had to do what she did, and can't play as well as she (Erica) can. Erica goes on to say Kaela can't play socially, can't win a competition and won pushing a button. Arisa calls Erica a comp beast, and won comps she didn't even want to win. Arisa plugs the Facebook page to ask Erica questions


Back to the show, and it's the start of the HoH comp which will be described in more detail in the next HoH/Nominations post

As outgoing HoH, Kaela is not eligible to play

Before or After is the name of the competition, pretty self explanatory. Housemates must guess if certain events happened before or after the event Arisa reads out

To be continued in episode #18.....

In closing, Arisa announces that jury will officially be starting this coming week when the next evictee comes out, and it will be a 7 person jury this season

And that's a wrap for this episode

Closing thought - Gutted that Erica is gone, as that's another person who is actually playing the game that has gone out of the door, leaving the ones floating through treating the place like summer camp to get another step closer to the prize. Wasted vote this week, as there is was just no logic saving Ryan, but that's the power of the edit for you as it was pretty much let's pity Ryan.

Anyways, what's done is done and on to the next week of festivities as we start the path to the end

Remember, click on the links to the right for pretty good Big Brother Canada, Big Brother USA and Big Brother UK content

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after each televised episode with their discussion and views on the episode events and any other things going on during the episodes, so be sure to click and listen

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Thanks for reading, and any likes, retweets or shares on social media are greatly appreciated

Until next time, someone is always watching

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