Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 18 - HoH and nominations #7

Good day, citizens of Big Brother world, and welcome to episode #18 of Big Brother Canada, and it's another HoH and nominations episode


  • Johnny decided not to use the Veto, and keeping Kaela's nominations of Ryan and Will intact
  • Big Brother dropped a bombshell on the housemates, that Canada had been voting to save either Ryan or Will or reserve the power for the following week
  • Arisa revealed the power had been used this week, and the lucky houseguest turned out to be Ryan
  • Kaela picked Erica to be replacement nominee
  • Erica was evicted, and Johnny was not happy and neither was Erica
Who will be crowned the new Head of Household, and who will they nominate....Find out presently on Big Brother Canada

We pick up the action at the moment of Erica's eviction, and she tells Derek and Kaela where to go before she leaves. Johnny is in tears and very upset at Kaela. Kaela tells Johnny this is the only way Will would have stayed, and who would Johnny want to stay more. 

Kaela says when Ryan was saved, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. We see a flashback of Kaela cutting deals with some of the houseguests that she will put Erica on the block, and they would vote Erica out. Meanwhile Johnny says, he voted to evict Will as he thought there would be four of them to keep Erica (himself, Liv, Alejandra and Ryan) and now feels super exposed. Will says he feels relieved not to have gone home.

Ryan now thinks he is popular because Canada saved him, and he and Paras share a hug in the pantry. He does a victory dance in the Diary Room, and thanks Canada.

Ryan and Will head to the White Rose bedroom, with Ryan saying Erica always had his back and now he has been saved he now has to deal with the consequences. Ryan admits to Will he was one of the votes to get Will out, and Will says Ryan gave his word to save him.

Speculation now turns to who the other voter was, Johnny denies to Kaela and Derek it was him although he said it was him in the Diary Room. 

HoH competition

As per the usual rules, the outgoing HoH, in this case Kaela, is not eligible to play. This competition is called Before and After and it's quite simple. Arisa will read out two events, and the houseguests have to decide if the first event happened before or after the second. If a houseguest is wrong, they are eliminated from the competition. If they are correct, they stay in and so on. The competition will move into a tie breaker if there is more than one houseguest left at the end of the questions, and the eventual winner will be the new HoH

Ryan says winning this HoH is essential to him

1. Did houseguests chip their way to a frozen ball, before or after a golden ball froze houseguests

Answer - AFTER

Will is eliminated

2. Did houseguests untangle themselves in a Veto competition, before or after the boys tangled the girls hair in a task

Answer - BEFORE

Nobody eliminated

3. Did houseguests raid a tomb in a challenge before or after the have nots raided the pantry with the tin foil

Answer - BEFORE

Ryan is eliminated

Ryan says Derek will only follow suit and do what Kaela tells him, so anyone else but Derek to win this competition for Ryan

4. Did Paras pour a drink on herself in the Right in the Kisser competition before or after Maddy poured a drink on herself

Derek says its his turn to step up to the plate and get the win for Kaela, or it him and Kaela on the block this week

Answer - AFTER

Nobody eliminated

5. In the one, two, three competition, was Hamza eliminated before or after Merron was eliminated

Answer - AFTER

Maddy, Paras and Alejandra eliminated

Alejandra says she doesn't care she is eliminated, and wants Derek or Olivia to win but not Johnny

6. Did a houseguest become the first to be nominated two times before or after a houseguest became the first to win two Veto's 

Answer - AFTER

Nobody eliminated

Tie break time between Derek, Johnny and Olivia

Johnny says he needs to win this HoH to take the shot at Derek and Kaela, and payback is a serious *bleep*


Tie break question - Combined, how many times did Olivia, Erica and Maddy jump over their reels in the second part of the Fisherman's Barf competition

Derek - 100
Olivia - 50
Johnny - 63

Answer - 117

Winner and new HoH - DEREK

Kaela says she is relieved as she and Derek are safe for another week. She also says she couldn't work with a better person in this game and she trusts him 100 million percent.

Johnny says he is really upset at losing this competition, and this is the worst place he has been in this game and doesn't know how to get out. He says he is in big trouble and needs to do some damage control immediately. Meanwhile Kaela hugs Will saying she told him, and that she made a promise and doesn't go back on them. Will asks Johnny if he was the second vote, to which Johnny denies. Johnny explains to Will that Kaela said everyone promised they would vote Erica out and think she talked to everyone about that too.

In the pantry, Kaela tells Derek she is really proud of him and that if Johnny had won that, both of them would be on the block or words to that effect.

Ryan asks Will how that was tonight, and Will says his mind was blown and that he almost went home. Ryan says so did he, but Will points out Ryan was saved and that two people went against him and tried to send him out of the door. Voices are raised as Ryan denies what Will says, to which Will says he did and that Ryan never knew Erica was going on the block. Will says Ryan doesn't know this game and didn't know what was going to happen. Ryan asks Will if Ryan was sitting next to Erica, would Will vote for him to go or stay, and thinks Will would have voted him out. Will accuses Ryan of turning his back on him, and goes upstairs to the White Rose bedroom to calm down.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Jenga is the chosen board game for this week. We see pics of Derek with his parents and family. His video message is from his parents, and they have his dogs in the message as well

In the Red Rose bedroom, Will wants to have a private chat with Johnny. Johnny immediately tells Will he was the second vote, and Will appreciates the honesty. Johnny says he felt Erica would be able to win and get him there. Johnny says he has to salvage his relationship with Will the best he can. Will admits he does feel a bit hurt as he had Johnny's back, but that's water under the bridge now. After Johnny leaves the smoking area, Will says he will get Johnny when he least expects it.

Off to the HoH room, and Johnny says he has to do damage control and has to tell Derek and Kaela the truth, and he confesses to them the moment he goes through the door that he did vote Will. Kaela says they knew already. Kaela laughs to Derek that Johnny knows his game is drowning


Have-not competition

This comp is called Buttsketball. Alejandra and Johnny were drawn out as captains, and whoever loses this game will be have nots for the week

Blue team - Alejandra, Olivia, Paras and Kaela
Red team - Johnny, Will, Ryan and Maddy

One player from each team will be seated on a chair behind the hoop, and will move left and right hoping to make players from the opposite team miss shots

Paras will be the blue team player to be seated, and Maddy will be seated for the reds

The Red team eventually win 24 points to 4

Have nots for this week - Alejandra, Olivia, Paras and Kaela


Derek tells Ryan everyone is expecting Ryan to be on the block again this week. Derek says Ryan has given Derek a lot to think about, and that he and Kaela have been at it from early in the game however Ryan may be an ace in the hole for him in the future.

Derek has invited Paras for the Wendy's meal this week. Paras says she wants to get Olivia and Alejandra on Derek's radar and not nominate Maddy and Will. Alejandra admits to Olivia that she is worried if Johnny goes, they will become targets. Alejandra says she and Olivia have to reassure Johnny they have his back, and Maddy or Will or Paras have to go this week. 


Alejandra thinks there is another side to Ryan, especially as Canada saved him. She thinks he has a strategic mind and is good in competitions, so could be an asset to her and Olivia. She pitches an idea of an alliance with her, Olivia and Ryan to take on Kaela and Derek. She then goes to talk to Derek to see if she can get the target off Ryan's back. Derek says the two biggest targets are Johnny and Ryan, and if one of them pulls themself off the block, whoever he puts up as the replacement either of them would go.

Alejandra tells Derek she would support Derek, and she is thinking of the numbers and pitches the idea of putting Johnny and Will on the block

Johnny is next up in the HoH room, and pitches to keep himself off the block. Derek tells Johnny he confessed to a lie which puts a target on his back


Nominations ceremony

Derek says he has to take out a big player for him and Kaela to get further in the game

Nominated pre-Veto are JOHNNY and RYAN

Derek feels Johnny has played an unbelievable social game, but lied to people's faces at first about his vote for Will

As for Ryan, Derek feels he cannot trust Ryan, and given his strategic mind and competitive edge that makes him a threat

To be continued in Episode #19

And that's a wrap for this episode

Closing thought - Just when you think it can't get any worse, Derek the Dumb wins HoH and makes the most painfully predictable nominations. He really can't get through this game without Kaela holding his hand. Just too cautious in there right now, as everybody seems terrified of making a big move that nobody saw coming, and this series really needs a WOW moment.

Anyways thanks for reading this post, and any retweets, likes or shares are greatly appreciated

Remember lots of BB content on the links on the right, and that includes Canada, USA and the UK show, and don't forget to join Rob has a Podcast a few minutes after the televised episodes for their thoughts and views on what's going on

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, and remember someone is always watching

Until next time.....

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