Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 13 - Power of Veto #5

Welcome, citizens, as we head into episode #13 for Big Brother Canada 2018, and tonight sees another Power of Veto competition

New HoH - Erica
Nominated - Ryan and Merron

Can Ryan or Merron fight their way off the block and win Veto, find out presently


  • On the night of the double eviction, Olivia won HoH, and she considered putting Maddy up beside Merron
  • But when Johnny blew a fuse, Olivia kept her cool and put up Ryan instead
  • Ryan won Power of Veto and saved himself
  • Olivia put Hamza on the block in Ryan's place, and Hamza was promptly sent packing
  • Big Brother swapped the tears of Hamza's exit, for cheers as in a frat party
  • The hungover housemates got an early HoH competition, and Erica once again stood supreme
  • She put Ryan and Merron on the block
Tonight sees the next Veto competition, and off we go 

We pick up the action during the nominations ceremony when Erica put Ryan and Merron on the block

Erica says she chose to nominate Ryan as he's popular with a lot of the other houseguests, and she's trying to change from aggressive moves to popular moves in order to maintain her social game.

She chose to nominate Merron as he's the perpetual pawn, and says those people can get carried to the end but she doesn't want that.

Merron says this is his third consecutive time on the block and feels nothing but frustration about that, and has nobody to blame but himself.

Ryan says he is feeling a lot comfortable being on the block this time, and feels that Erica has his back and she wants Merron to go home. Erica tells Ryan he is not the target this week, and wants to see strong players duking it out at the end. Ryan says if Merron wins Veto and takes himself off the block, it could be a substantial move.

Olivia and Alejandra discuss the possibility of pulling Merron in. She speaks about her and Alejandra's partnership where they indirectly contributed to Veronica and Hamza's downfall and she says they will stop at nothing to get further in this game. Alejandra notes that Merron doesn't talk game with anybody, and she and Olivia could be the ones he will talk to as he is looking to talk game.

Alejandra is unsure how deep the relationship goes between Ryan and Erica, but could see him being a number for her further into the game, whereas Merron could be a number for Alejandra and Olivia. Olivia tells Alejandra they will have to concoct something to make sure Ryan goes home.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Merron is telling himself that Erica is having the best Big Brother experience, and he is having the worst. He says he is not confident he will be pulled off the block if anyone else wins Veto. In walks Paras, and she hugs Merron and tells him he has to win the Veto. He tells Paras the idea of having Erica deciding what happens to him p's him off.

Paras says Merron is a really nice guy, and doesn't have anybody in this house and if she gives him some attention, he could be a number for her further into the game.

Veto Player picks

Erica summons everyone to the sofas...If you remember and have been following, the HoH and two nominees are automatically in the competition, and three more houseguests are picked along with a host for the competition in a random draw

Three houseguests picked are Alejandra, Maddy and Johnny and Paras is picked by Erica to be the host

Big Brother will inform them when it is competition time

In the White Rose bedroom, Ryan tells Merron he doesn't want it to be nasty or awkward, but there is still an element of one of them has to beat the other. Ryan says if it's something other than physical, he has a pretty good shot. He says he wants to poke away at Merron's self doubt and try to make it worse.


Veto Competition

This competition is called Skip the Dishes. The houseguests will go one at a time in this competition. Houseguests must look at the 10 orders on the tablet provided. The houseguests must deliver the orders in the fastest time, if the order is delivered correctly someone will answer the door of the right address. If nobody answers, then try again. Key bits of detail will be missing on the addresses making the delivery a little more difficult. The fastest houseguest will win Power of Veto and also $5.000 from Skip the Dishes

And off we go...

Several shots of the players going through the competition ensue, everyone seems to cruise through but Merron really struggles

In reverse order:

Last - Maddy
Fifth - Merron
Fourth - Ryan

And winning $5,000 gift voucher and more importantly Power of Veto is JOHNNY

Merron says at least he wasn't last, but is done beating himself over not winning another competition

In the Red Rose bedroom, Olivia says she is glad Johnny won, and will talk to Erica later about why 
she wants Merron out before Ryan.She says she wants to convince Johnny to use the Veto on Merron so Ryan goes home, but she has to be subtle about it.


Hasbro House Party

This week's chosen game is Speak Out. The object of the game is to correctly guess what phrases are being spoken, but there is a catch as the person saying the phrase has to wear an object in their mouth. Alejandra, Merron, Erica and Kaela are attending this week's house party.

Will, Ryan and Maddy head outside, and Will confirms it's been 30 days they have been in there and they toast the 30 day point. Will and Alejandra discuss what they would do with the prize money should they win.

Merron pitches to Johnny about using the Veto on him, and tells Johnny he is not gunning for him and would love to work with him should he stay in


Johnny says he is dying to use the Veto, and wants to be the evil genius he can be. He wonders if it will jeopardise his own game if he uses the Veto. He says he wants to get Alejandra and Olivia on board if he wants to use the Veto, and that will be two votes. Olivia says at least Johnny is thinking about using the Veto, as now they are on the same page.

Derek and Kaela seem to be the main targets for a backdoor should Johnny use the Veto


Veto Ceremony

Johnny gives Merron and Ryan a few seconds to explain why they should have the Veto used on them

Johnny decides NOT to use the Power of Veto, so Erica's nominations stay the same and it will be Ryan or Merron leaving the house in the next episode

Merron says he has to dig deep to stay in the house, and Ryan says for him it's scramble mode to make sure he doesn't go

Johnny says it was too much risk for him right now to use the Veto

Who will leave, Ryan or Merron, the houseguests decide in the next episode

And that is a wrap for another episode

Closing thought - Reasonable episode, but it's been said many times already this house needs a shake up badly before it's too late...Too many getting comfortable in there

Reminder, BB on Blast have a new podcast out, and can be located via their link on the right, and also Rob has a Podcast with their views will be on air after the televised episodes

Sistah Speak have also published a new podcast, so be sure to check them out along with the rest of the links on the right as there is pretty good material on all of them.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, and every view, like and retweet on these posts is very much appreciated

Until next time, thanks for reading and someone is always watching

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