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Monday 9 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 14 - Eviction #6

Greetings, citizens, and welcome to episode #14 of Big Brother Canada 2018, and it's eviction #6

"Coming up in the next hour, we'll find out if Ryan or Merron will be saved, and we have another bombshell to get to, and Canada, it involves YOU. So let's do this, Big Brother Canada starts right NOW"


  • At a messy HoH competition, the houseguests paid the price for their previous nights drinking
  • Erica once again found herself in power, prompting the vultures to circle the HoH room
  • Erica decided to put Ryan and Merron on the block
  • In the Veto competition, Merron tried to give it his all but ultimately failed to deliver
  • Johnny was the houseguest to ultimately prevail, but after much deliberation decided NOT to use the Power of Veto
Will the ladies continue to dominate, and who will leave the house...Ryan or Merron, the houseguests will decide presently

Arisa welcomes us into the show, and says that Merron has gone from pawn to target and plugs tonights eviction, and the twist which will see Canada get the power later in  the week. More to come on that later...

On to tonight's highlights, and we pick up the action during the Veto ceremony and Johnny deciding NOT to use the Veto. He says he would love to be the hero, but wants to keep the nominations the same as it would not benefit his own game.

Ryan says it's been a death sentence (not literally) for anyone sitting on the block next to Merron in recent weeks. He says his strategy is keep his head down and not do anything that may blow up his game
Merron says Ryan is a bit too smart for his own good, and he (Merron) has to secure some key votes this week

Paras has noticed the house has been voting pretty much unanimously, but things are about to change and there is no more hiding.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Merron starts pitching to Kaela about keeping him in. He says about how Ryan is telling him how much he loves him, but also that Merron is going home this week. Kaela tells Merron that Ryan wants him to freak out and do something. Merron says he doesn't freak out, and then questions how they could trust someone who blurts out stuff like that. Kaela calls Ryan untrustworthy, and says she is voting to keep Merron and wants Merron in the game. She goes on to say that she doesn't like Ryan as a person, and after a short scene with Ryan contemplating eating an apple, Kaela tells Merron that people think he is not playing too much game and advises him to be a bit more aggressive.

In the Have Not catacombs, Alejandra, Oliva and Paras discuss getting rid of Ryan. Alejandra says she wants to call him out so bad. Olivia says the smarter mover is to get Ryan out right now, and Alejandra says he is not good for any of their games

Ryan is waiting to talk to Erica, and says she could be a potentially deciding vote should the vote go to a tie, and is certain she is on his side even if it means throwing Merron under the bus by associating him with Daela. He thinks Erica wants Daela to go, which means if she thinks Merron is working with them, she may vote to keep Ryan.

Erica says she considers Ryan a friend in this game, and asks him to consider her a friend in this game. She thinks she is not a target of Ryan's, which Ryan confirms. Ryan believes he has Will, Paras, Maddy and Johnny as well.as Erica if needed for votes to stay in. Erica says its not so cut and dry, as Ryan is an open book and the target is not aimed at her, as for Merron she says he is not proving to be very good at comps, and would be very confident she could beat him if he stuck around.

In the bathroom, Will hints that Merron is working with Derek and Kaela. Erica says Kaela is highly competitive, doesn't like to lose, has an ego that needs stroking and there is no way she would recruit someone like Merron. 


Back to the house, Alejandra talks to Kaela and Olivia about what they would do if they could leave the house for one day. Kaela says she would snuggle her kitties and watch a movie on the  with her friends. Olivia says she would hang out with her family, go to a restaurant and go see a movie

To the White Rose room, and Paras is talking about her childhood. She says her parents wanted a better future and knew Canada was the place. Her dad came to Canada on his own, and basically set up everything for a year while. They were away from him for a year, and she says the rest of the family moved to Canada when Paras was about 10 and she started in grade five in school. She and her family became residents within 3 years, and then became Canadian citizens after another 3 years.

Erica says, up to now she has been keeping the peace in the house and be on good terms with everybody including the power couples of Alejandra and Olivia and also Derek and Kaela

Merron says he is stressing about what may happen if the vote ends in a tie and Erica has the deciding vote. He has decided to go and speak to Erica to see if she is on his side. She insinuates he and Derek and Kaela are close, to which he denies and says everyone is thinking like that. She tells Merron she thinks she knows where Ryan's target is aimed.


Arisa says how eight women started this game, and right now 6 are still standing and they are running the show. We are shown a segment of the ladies still in the house.

Back to Arisa, and she plugs the last minute campaigning of Merron and Ryan before the not so live vote. 

Kaela wants to convince Erica that Ryan is not the right one to keep in the house. She says if Ryan keeps convincing everyone to keep him in, the he is so good. She says she will vote for him if he makes it to final 2. Kaela says there are fractures in the alliances in the house, but everyone is really only after her own game. She gathers the 'troops' aka Alejandra, Olivia, and Erica. There is still talk about evicting Ryan, and it is suggested that Ryan may start some new alliances so strategically he needs to go.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Paras suggests Ryan said Alejandra said something about not trusting 'that bitch' which she denies, and Paras suggests he may have been telling lies. Alejandra says she is going to call Ryan out.

Alejandra is mad and Ryan is summoned to the White Rose room. Erica tells him there are some concerns. Alejandra asks him straight out about what he think he heard at the pool table. Ryan doesn't deny he heard something and doesn't think it was a man she was talking about, then says Erica was in her room, so there are only two other options. Alejandra denies saying what Ryan thinks he heard, and she gets even more mad with Ryan and washes her hands of him and will vote him out.


Eviction vote

Arisa goes live to the house, and reminds them what they are playing for in $100,000, a European dream vacation for two, and a $30,000 voucher from The Brick

Arisa says how stressful it must be for them in there and they and us are treated to sort of Big Brother Canada 2018 funnies video

Time for the eviction vote, and a reminder of the rules

  • Erica as HoH can only vote in the event of a tie
  • The two nominees cannot vote
  • Once a houseguest reaches, in this case, 5 votes means Ryan or Merron
  • No conferring or speaking during the process is allowed
And off we go

Derek votes to evict Ryan
Kaela votes to evict Ryan
Johnny votes to evict Merron


Maddy votes to evict Merron
Paras votes to evict Merron
Alejandra votes to evict Ryan
Will votes to evict Merron
Olivia votes to evict Merron

Evicted - Merron
Result - 5 votes to 3

On his way out, Merron tells them Canada voted him and Veronica. Arisa asks where his game talk was from the start when he went in.

His goodbye messages are played to him, and Arisa plugs the Facebook interview where Merron will have a longer interview on the official Facebook page


HoH competition

Buttoned Up is the name of the new competition, and houseguests have to reach up and keep a button pressed. Big Brother will offer them temptations, but if they unpress their button and hit the buzzer in front of them, they are eliminated. Erica, as outgoing HoH is ineligible to play in this competition

This competition will be concluded in the next episode

Arisa tells them there are no Have Nots this week, but every 5 minutes they are in the competition they will be on slop for an hour.

To close the show, Arisa tells us about the new twist which will come into play once the Veto competition is done in the coming week. Basically whoever is on the block after Veto, Canada can vote to take one of them off. If the power is not used then there is one more chance the week after.

And that's it for another episode, and before closing time can I just direct people to britishpodcastawards.com and vote for your favourite podcast if it is on the list, pretty simple and safe to use

Remember, Rob has a Podcast will be on the air soon after the televised episodes, so be sure to check them out...

If you haven't listened to BB on Blast's new podcast, it is highly recommended along with most of the links on the right if you want to join in discussions or listen to views on this current season

Follow me at richiew4ever on Twitter

Until next time, thanks for reading and see you soon for the next installment of Big Brother Canada

Someone is always watching......

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