Let the games commence, as it's a triple whammy
Probably not too many highlights to write up about as it's only an hour show and three have to go, basically tonight whoever wins HoH after the first eviction has to put THREE on the block and then it's the usual Veto competition. After that whether or not the Veto is used, it is Vote to Save and the two with the lowest votes are evicted go to jury.
"In the Big Brother house, all the houseguests have is time. But time is almost up, as 3 houseguests will run out of time. It's time for the Triple Eviction"
Arisa welcomes us in, and promises fireworks as three are shown the door. She confirms that Alejandra or Kaela will leave first, and then says anything could happen
We pick up the action with Derek using the Veto on himself, and Johnny naming Alejandra as the replacement nominee. Johnny explains to Alejandra why she was picked as the replacement, and it's because Johnny sees a lot of strategic value in her, and is a social assassin. Alejandra scoffs and tells Johnny to spare her the dramatics, but Johnny thinks she is the best chance of breaking up Derek and Kaela.
Alejandra says she feels so stupid, as she claims she put a lot of effort into saving Johnny last week and he is still only there because of her and Olivia and she and Johnny are done. Paras is whispering that this is going to be such a good week. Paras says she doesn't know who she wants to see go home and that only three votes are needed to stay and whatever she says Will and Maddy will do.
Maddy says she can't wait to see Alejandra freak out, and the petty side of her is going to love it, and Paras says she is going to single handedly decide who will stay this week
Alejandra tells Olivia that she is p'd off and says she 100% knows she has Olivia's vote and Olivia would never go against her, and also she believes she has Will's vote and says Kaela has done Will dirty in this game
In the Red Rose bedroom, Alejandra tells Maddy that it is really hard to convince people that she and Olivia are not working with Derek and Kaela. But it's that kind of notion that has kind of trapped her in position. She tells Maddy that they haven't always been on the same page. Maddy says there is kind of an irony in the idea of Alejandra being on the block, and potentially needing to grovel to someone like her to get a vote.
Olivia is in bed saying she ate a lot of bad food today, and wishes she had her own private room away from Alejandra. She says about not wanting to go to final 2 with Alejandra, as she will only get discredited for all the work she's done
To the have not's room we go, where Kaela is telling Derek she is not going say save me, and feels like its more logical to give Derek situations about it. She thinks Will's vote will be the hardest one to get, and has to convince him that if Alejandra sticks around she will team up with Johnny and Olivia and go after him, Paras and Maddy. Speaking to Will, she says she can guarantee that she wants Johnny and Olivia gone in the triple. Will queries about who to trust, as he can't trust Kaela after she put him on the block. He reminds her of the deal, and was so close to going home. Kaela says she wasn't setting him up, and tells him that Johnny, Alejandra and Olivia want Will, Paras and Maddy out. Kaela pitches that she won't break up the trio, and if she is there Will's trio is not walking out the door.
Will goes to the White Rose bedroom to tell Paras and Maddy about Kaela's pitch, and says he believes she wouldn't put his trio up and Alejandra would be gone and questions what good Olivia would be to her. Paras is uncertain as she thinks Kaela lies too much and that her back is against the wall so much that she would save the people who saved her, at least for a week. Will says he has to think about things, and then get Paras and Maddy on board, and is pretty sure they'll do what he wants.
Kaela tells Derek she thinks he could win this game
Back to house action, Johnny says he expects Derek and Kaela to go around the house whispering shady things to every person, and that even though he doesn't have a vote as he is HoH this week he still has some power.
Johnny makes his way to the have not room, where he sees Derek and Paras in conversation and he says to Derek that Derek is campaigning to Paras to get her back on his side. Derek accuses Johnny of trying throw him under the bus, to which Johnny replies he is trying to keep Kaela from going Derek asks Johnny to leave, and Johnny refuses. Johnny says Derek has been sitting back while Kaela has been doing all the talking.
Johnny says that if Kaela stays, his Hoh will have been a waste and will do everything he can to blow up Derek and Kaela's game
Kaela is pitching to the trio that she won't go after them if she stays, and the best thing to do is get rid of Johnny and Olivia. Meanwhile, Johnny is listening to the conversation outside the door, as Kaela tells the trio they will go up if Johnny and Olivia stay. She tells them they are a benefit to her game and doesn't want them to go. Johnny accuses Derek and Kaela of not having this conversation in front of everyone, so they would not get called out for lying. Johnny calls Alejandra and Olivia into the bedroom for a group conversation. The conversation turns a little heated as Johnny accuses Kaela of calling the trio sheep, to which she denies. Alejandra says she is going to play dirty from now on. Kaela insists that Johnny and Olivia will be gone soon.
Eviction #1 vote
In case you missed it, Johnny can't vote as HoH and neither can the nominees
And off we go....
Derek votes to evict Ali
Olivia votes to evict Kaela
Maddy votes to evict Alejandra
Paras votes to evict Alejandra
Will votes to evict Alejandra
Evicted and 2nd member of the jury - ALEJANDRA
Alejandra tells Derek and Kaela she will not be voting for them to win, to which Kaela laughs
In her interview with Arisa, Alejandra says Johnny tore apart her and Olivia and is really sad, too sad to be mad. Alejandra says her strategy was to find one person who would be loyal the entire time, and that Olivia was her rock in there and will miss her the most.
Arisa plugs the official Facebook page for the Q and A with Alejandra, then she goes back to the house and officially announces the triple eviction and tells the houseguests to go the backyard
HoH competition
It's a memory competition, as outgoing HoH Johnny is not eligible to play
Name that Speech is the name of the game. Basically Arisa will read a speech, and houseguests have a cube each in front of them with a picture of five houseguests on them, and they have to guess who made the speech Arisa is describing. Answer incorrectly and they are eliminated, correct answer and they stay in the competition. Last houseguest standing is the new HoH and they have to nominate 3 houseguests
1. I've lost 28 pounds but gained 15 new friends
Answer - RYAN
Everyone correct
2. I have given you meals filled with love, held you in my arms with big bear hugs
Answer - ANDREW
Everyone correct
3. I want to assure you we could be blood brothers
Answer - MERRON
Everyone eliminated, except Derek
Winner and new HoH - DEREK
Arisa reminds Derek he has a big decision to make, and tells everyone to go back inside
Derek nominates Johnny, Olivia and Maddy
Veto competition
As HoH, Derek will not play
Housemates have to put the Veto winners in order from earliest to most recent, that's it
Close between Johnny and Kaela at the end
Winner and Veto holder - Kaela
Kaela does not use the Veto, and it's Vote to Save to see which other two will go to jury
Eviction vote #2
Kudos to Olivia, she says to the trio that they are going to get steamrollered by Derek and Kaela. More about that in the closing thought shortly
Arisa announces it is Vote to Save, and there is to be no talking or communicating in any way during the vote
Off we go again....
Same rules as vote to evict as in the HoH and nominees don't vote
Kaela votes to save Maddy
Paras votes to save Maddy
Will votes to save Maddy
Evicted and jury members 3 and 4 - Johnny and Olivia
Final 5 - Kaela, Derek, Will, Paras and Maddy
Johnny and Olivia say their goodbyes and go out to Arisa, while the final 5 celebrate
Arisa asks them both if they expected to be sitting opposite her now, to which Johnny says yes and Olivia says she should have won the HoH. Johnny says he warned them that Derek or Kaela will win if they stay, and that everyone saw him as a threat. Arisa asks Olivia about her and Alejandra helping to save Johnny and does she regret it. She says yes, but is there with him now. Johnny is asked about using Alejandra as a pawn and not one of the trio. Arisa brings up the showmance of Derek and Kaela, and Johnny says it won't work out of the house. He also says Kaela is doing much more than Derek is.
Another plug for the Facebook Q and A's
Arisa goes back to the house and teases a quadruple eviction, and congratulates them on getting to final five. She asks Maddy what it was like on the block, and Maddy says it was nerve wracking but she is there to play Big Brother. Paras says it is a dream come true that she is still there. Derek and Kaela are asked how hard it was to win tonight, and Derek says it was very difficult.
Arisa plugs the next three episodes, and votes for the BB Canada awards will open after the next HoH/Noms episode
And that is a wrap for another episode
Closing thought - If you want a lesson in first class stupidity just think of the names Will, Paras and Maddy from this series. One and only chance to split up the nomance, and they blew it, and as Olivia said ENJOY BEING STEAMROLLERED and the three of you deserve it. They handed the game to Kaela or Derek and only have themselves to blame.
Be sure to click on the links on the right to hear or read more reactions to the triple and previous episodes as and when they come in, and also give BB on Blast a listen as they discuss events up to the Veto episode.
As always Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the televised episodes and also for some live feed recaps during the week
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, and remember someone is always watching.....