Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 30 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 23 - Triple Eviction

Let the games commence, as it's a triple whammy

Probably not too many highlights to write up about as it's only an hour show and three have to go, basically tonight whoever wins HoH after the first eviction has to put THREE on the block and then it's the usual Veto competition. After that whether or not the Veto is used, it is Vote to Save and the two with the lowest votes are evicted go to jury.

"In the Big Brother house, all the houseguests have is time. But time is almost up, as 3 houseguests will run out of time. It's time for the Triple Eviction"

Arisa welcomes us in, and promises fireworks as three are shown the door. She confirms that Alejandra or Kaela will leave first, and then says anything could happen

We pick up the action with Derek using the Veto on himself, and Johnny naming Alejandra as the replacement nominee. Johnny explains to Alejandra why she was picked as the replacement, and it's because Johnny sees a lot of strategic value in her, and is a social assassin. Alejandra scoffs and tells Johnny to spare her the dramatics, but Johnny thinks she is the best chance of breaking up Derek and Kaela.

Alejandra says she feels so stupid, as she claims she put a lot of effort into saving Johnny last week and he is still only there because of her and Olivia and she and Johnny are done. Paras is whispering that this is going to be such a good week. Paras says she doesn't know who she wants to see go home and that only three votes are needed to stay and whatever she says Will and Maddy will do.

Maddy says she can't wait to see Alejandra freak out, and the petty side of her is going to love it, and Paras says she is going to single handedly decide who will stay this week

Alejandra tells Olivia that she is p'd off and says she 100% knows she has Olivia's vote and Olivia would never go against her, and also she believes she has Will's vote and says Kaela has done Will dirty in this game

In the Red Rose bedroom, Alejandra tells Maddy that it is really hard to convince people that she and Olivia are not working with Derek and Kaela. But it's that kind of notion that has kind of trapped her in position. She tells Maddy that they haven't always been on the same page. Maddy says there is kind of an irony in the idea of Alejandra being on the block, and potentially needing to grovel to someone like her to get a vote. 

Olivia is in bed saying she ate a lot of bad food today, and wishes she had her own private room away from Alejandra. She says about not wanting to go to final 2 with Alejandra, as she will only get discredited for all the work she's done

To the have not's room we go, where Kaela is telling Derek she is not going say save me, and feels like its more logical to give Derek situations about it. She thinks Will's vote will be the hardest one to get, and has to convince him that if Alejandra sticks around she will team up with Johnny and Olivia and go after him, Paras and Maddy. Speaking to Will, she says she can guarantee that she wants Johnny and Olivia gone in the triple. Will queries about who to trust, as he can't trust Kaela after she put him on the block. He reminds her of the deal, and was so close to going home. Kaela says she wasn't setting him up, and tells him that Johnny, Alejandra and Olivia want Will, Paras and Maddy out. Kaela pitches that she won't break up the trio, and if she is there Will's trio is not walking out the door.

Will goes to the White Rose bedroom to tell Paras and Maddy about Kaela's pitch, and says he believes she wouldn't put his trio up and Alejandra would be gone and questions what good Olivia would be to her. Paras is uncertain as she thinks Kaela lies too much and that her back is against the wall so much that she would save the people who saved her, at least for a week. Will says he has to think about things, and then get Paras and Maddy on board, and is pretty sure they'll do what he wants.

Kaela tells Derek she thinks he could win this game


Back to house action, Johnny says he expects Derek and Kaela to go around the house whispering shady things to every person, and that even though he doesn't have a vote as he is HoH this week he still has some power.

Johnny makes his way to the have not room, where he sees Derek and Paras in conversation and he says to Derek that Derek is campaigning to Paras to get her back on his side. Derek accuses Johnny of trying throw him under the bus, to which Johnny replies he is trying to keep Kaela from going Derek asks Johnny to leave, and Johnny refuses. Johnny says Derek has been sitting back while Kaela has been doing all the talking.

Johnny says that if Kaela stays, his Hoh will have been a waste and will do everything he can to blow up Derek and Kaela's game

Kaela is pitching to the trio that she won't go after them if she stays, and the best thing to do is get rid of Johnny and Olivia. Meanwhile, Johnny is listening to the conversation outside the door, as Kaela tells the trio they will go up if Johnny and Olivia stay. She tells them they are a benefit to her game and doesn't want them to go. Johnny accuses Derek and Kaela of not having this conversation in front of everyone, so they would not get called out for lying. Johnny calls Alejandra and Olivia into the bedroom for a group conversation. The conversation turns a little heated as Johnny accuses Kaela of calling the trio sheep, to which she denies. Alejandra says she is going to play dirty from now on. Kaela insists that Johnny and Olivia will be gone soon.

Eviction #1 vote

In case you missed it, Johnny can't vote as HoH and neither can the nominees

And off we go....

Derek votes to evict Ali
Olivia votes to evict Kaela
Maddy votes to evict Alejandra
Paras votes to evict Alejandra
Will votes to evict Alejandra

Evicted and 2nd member of the jury - ALEJANDRA

Alejandra tells Derek and Kaela she will not be voting for them to win, to which Kaela laughs

In her interview with Arisa, Alejandra says Johnny tore apart her and Olivia and is really sad, too sad to be mad. Alejandra says her strategy was to find one person who would be loyal the entire time, and that Olivia was her rock in there and will miss her the most.

Arisa plugs the official Facebook page for the Q and A with Alejandra, then she goes back to the house and officially announces the triple eviction and tells the houseguests to go the backyard


HoH competition

It's a memory competition, as outgoing HoH Johnny is not eligible to play

Name that Speech is the name of the game. Basically Arisa will read a speech, and houseguests have a cube each in front of them with a picture of five houseguests on them, and they have to guess who made the speech Arisa is describing. Answer incorrectly and they are eliminated, correct answer and they stay in the competition. Last houseguest standing is the new HoH and they have to nominate 3 houseguests

1. I've lost 28 pounds but gained 15 new friends

Answer - RYAN

Everyone correct

2. I have given you meals filled with love, held you in my arms with big bear hugs

Answer - ANDREW

Everyone correct

3. I want to assure you we could be blood brothers

Answer - MERRON

Everyone eliminated, except Derek

Winner and new HoH - DEREK

Arisa reminds Derek he has a big decision to make, and tells everyone to go back inside


Derek nominates Johnny, Olivia and Maddy


Veto competition

As HoH, Derek will not play

Housemates have to put the Veto winners in order from earliest to most recent, that's it

Close between Johnny and Kaela at the end

Winner and Veto holder - Kaela


Kaela does not use the Veto, and it's Vote to Save to see which other two will go to jury

Eviction vote #2

Kudos to Olivia, she says to the trio that they are going to get steamrollered by Derek and Kaela. More about that in the closing thought shortly

Arisa announces it is Vote to Save, and there is to be no talking or communicating in any way during the vote

Off we go again....

Same rules as vote to evict as in the HoH and nominees don't vote

Kaela votes to save Maddy
Paras votes to save Maddy
Will votes to save Maddy

Evicted and jury members 3 and 4 - Johnny and Olivia

Final 5 - Kaela, Derek, Will, Paras and Maddy

Johnny and Olivia say their goodbyes and go out to Arisa, while the final 5 celebrate

Arisa asks them both if they expected to be sitting opposite her now, to which Johnny says yes and Olivia says she should have won the HoH. Johnny says he warned them that Derek or Kaela will win if they stay, and that everyone saw him as a threat. Arisa asks Olivia about her and Alejandra helping to save Johnny and does she regret it. She says yes, but is there with him now. Johnny is asked about using Alejandra as a pawn and not one of the trio. Arisa brings up the showmance of Derek and Kaela, and Johnny says it won't work out of the house. He also says Kaela is doing much more than Derek is.

Another plug for the Facebook Q and A's

Arisa goes back to the house and teases a quadruple eviction, and congratulates them on getting to final five. She asks Maddy what it was like on the block, and Maddy says it was nerve wracking but she is there to play Big Brother. Paras says it is a dream come true that she is still there. Derek and Kaela are asked how hard it was to win tonight, and Derek says it was very difficult.

Arisa plugs the next three episodes, and votes for the BB Canada awards will open after the next HoH/Noms episode

And that is a wrap for another episode

Closing thought - If you want a lesson in first class stupidity just think of the names Will, Paras and Maddy from this series. One and only chance to split up the nomance, and they blew it, and as Olivia said ENJOY BEING STEAMROLLERED and the three of you deserve it. They handed the game to Kaela or Derek and only have themselves to blame.

Be sure to click on the links on the right to hear or read more reactions to the triple and previous episodes as and when they come in, and also give BB on Blast a listen as they discuss events up to the Veto episode.

As always Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the televised episodes and also for some live feed recaps during the week

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, and remember someone is always watching.....

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 22 - Power of Veto #8


  • Ryan was the first houseguest sent to jury by a unanimous vote
  • After a gruelling endurance competition, Johnny took up the HoH reins
  • Johnny named Kaela and Derek as the Have Nots for the week
  • Johnny nominated Kaela and Derek 
Can Derek or Kaela pull out a Veto win and take themselves off the block...Find out presently on Big Brother Canada

We join the action at the end of the nominations ceremony

Johnny tells Derek that he is convinced Derek wanted him out last week, and this nomination is simply revenge. As for Kaela, Johnny tells her it's really difficult to trust her with all the deals she has made in the house

Johnny says he feels amazing for putting Derek and Kaela and been waiting so long to put them against each other. His target is Derek.

Derek says it sucks he is on the block with his 'showmance' partner, while Kaela says she will do whatever it takes to stay in the house. Paras says it's going to be a fun week for her with Derek and Kaela on the block. Alejandra tells Kaela that she better win the Veto comp.

Johnny says he is having a lot of fun watching Kaela and Derek on the block

In the Red Rose bedroom, Paras is talking to the camera that Derek and Kaela are up, and whispers not to mess with her as she runs the house, and not to throw her name out thinking she is going on the block.

Johnny and Alejandra enter the Red Rose bedroom to talk to Olivia and Paras. Olivia says it was bomb what Johnny did to Kaela and Derek, and Alejandra said thank you to Johnny for not nominating her.

Johnny says he has to check in with both sides of the house to make sure they are on board in keeping nominations if one of them wins Veto. First up is Will, and talk turns to getting Derek out.

Back in the HoH room, and Johnny says he trusts Olivia more than Alejandra. He says he wants to pick Olivia's brain and see where she is at and who out of Derek and Kaela she wants to see go.

Olivia tells Johnny that Derek and Kaela told her, if she wins the veto she can use it on one of them and that Johnny can put up a floater and they can convince people to get the floater out, so they can all stay. However, Olivia stays she will not use it if she wins, and then that will draw the line. She then brings up the worst case scenario if Derek wins, and Johnny says he doesn't want that to happen.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Kaela is telling Derek that nobody has talked to her since Johnny became HoH, except Alejandra and Olivia. They go over scenarios and agree if they are still there after the triple, then Johnny will have to win every Veto right to the end.

On to the next day we go, Kaela says she has to put a bug in Johnny's ear. She has to let hom know where she stands, and hopefully he will use the Veto on her if he does win.

Johnny tells her the worst case scenario is if Derek wins, she agrees and says to Johnny she has nobody in this game except Derek, but Derek may not be there at the end of this week. She pitches a truce and asks who wants to work with her. She tells Johnny nobody is taking her, and nobody is taking him either. He says he would rather Kaela stay than Derek, and she tells Johnny that whatever it takes, she wants to stay in the house.


Veto Competition

As per Veto rules, the HoH (Johnny) and the two nominees( Derek and Kaela) will automatically participate, and the 3 houseguests picked are Maddy, Alejandra and Paras. Olivia is the host.

In this competition, the houseguests participating have to download the most iconic moments from this season. The images will download on the screen, and based on the question asked they have to spot the correct image, find the corresponding photo and put in on their respective laptop screen, making their way around the track. The last player to assemble their images in each round will be eliminated, and the first to assemble their images in the final round will win the Veto and receive $5,000 courtesy of the sponsors of this competition.

Round 1 - Competitions that were won by females

Eliminated: Paras

Round 2 - Veto competitions that Hamza competed in

Eliminated: Kaela

Round 3 - HoH competitions that were played on odd numbered days

Eliminated: Alejandra

Round 4 - Competitions Erica did not compete in


Eliminated: Johnny

Final Round - Nominees competing in a Veto competition

Winner of Power of Veto and $5,000 - Derek

Kaela is happy for Derek, but points out she may be going home this week, but still has some plays left to make. She says she is not rolling over. Derek paces around the have not room, telling Canada "That's how you fight"

Johnny and Maddy are in the pantry eating cookies, and talking about how this is so bad that Derek won Veto. Johnny says he is p'd, and Maddy thinks she and Paras are going home next week. Johnny says he doesn't know who will go up as a replacement, and whoever he picks the other side gets all the power next week.

Kaela says with Derek winning Veto, she is effectively screwed but her last chance is that if someone from the trio gets put up (Will, Maddy and Paras). She tells Alejandra and Olivia she does not want them to go on the block and wants the floaters and Johnny gone, and that Derek is going for Johnny 100%

Alejandra says Kaela is really desperate to save herself, and there may be something Alejandra and Kaela can do as in if they help her now, she will be loyal to them later.


Alejandra says Kaela got her and Olivia thinking about saving her and keeping her and Derek in the game. She tells Olivia she would be down with Maddy, Will or Paras going. Olivia says if Will gets put up, they have the numbers to get rid of him. Alejandra says Derek and Kaela won't put her or Olivia up. She admits that is the whole reason they kept Johnny so they could take a shot at Derek and Kaela, but they maybe should have got rid of Johnny.

In the White Rose bedroom, Paras tells Maddy they have to get Liv up and Johnny has to choose a side in whoever he puts up as the replacement nominee. Maddy says she and Paras are pretty sure Johnny is on their side, but they still think he is working on the side with Olivia

Maddy and Paras ask Johnny about Olivia, and he says Olivia is in an interesting position in this house and that he feels strongly with Alejandra and Olivia but doesn't have much of a game connection with them.

Johnny thinks Maddy thinks she is plotting, but is coming across as annoying

HoH house party

Johnny has invited Will, and they start playing the chosen game for this week which is Operation

Johnny asks Olivia in the have not room about replacement nominees, and she says she doesn't know if he put Maddy or Paras. He says Paras is awkward and that he made that deal, and if he puts Maddy up there's the risk of Maddy being voted out and keeping Kaela. Olivia warns Johnny that Alejandra will lose her mind if she is put up as the replacement nominee. Olivia says she wants to make sure she doesn't go up as the replacement nominee

In the HoH room, Alejandra wants to talk to Johnny. She asks him if she, Olivia and Johnny are working together to which he says yes. She tells Johnny she will not vote out Maddy, and that she has a better shot at beating Maddy than Derek or Kaela. Once Alejandra leaves the room, Johnny says to himself, that he must have done a pretty good job of making her think that he is not seeing through that bulls**t

Johnny admits to Paras that he is really thinking of Alejandra being the replacement nominee, and Paras tells him Alejandra is really gunning for him. He wonders why Maddy wants Liv up.....


Veto ceremony

Straight into proceedings we go, and Derek chooses to use the Veto on himself

So Johnny has to pick a replacement nominee, and he chooses ALEJANDRA

To be continued in the triple eviction episode, episode #23

Who will leave in the triple eviction along with Kaela or Alejandra, find out in the next episode

And that is a wrap for this latest Veto episode, and thank you for reading and as always a thousand thanks if you have retweeted, liked or shared these posts elsewhere as it's very much appreciated :)

Closing thought - Not too surprising about Derek's decision, and it looks like Johnny has chosen his side. All set now for the triple, and it's tough to call who will go out with Kaela or Alejandra. Should be an exciting night in the next episode

Before I go, the usual reminder about Rob has a Podcast which is on the air shortly after the televised episodes, and also I would like to point out BB on Blast's brand new mint fresh podcast which has just been released, and can be found via the link on the right along with all your other needs for BB Canada, USA and the UK show

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 21 - HoH and nominations #8

Previously on Big Brother Canada:

  • Derek chose not to use the Power of Veto on his own nominations of Ryan and Johnny, meaning one of the two would be evicted and also the first member of the season's jury
  • Will and Paras thought Johnny should go
  • Marsha gave Will a secret mission, but the twist was for the rest of them to make Will fail so they had a party anyway
  • Alejandra and Olivia helped out to save Johnny
  • Ryan was evicted by a unanimous vote, and he became the first member of the jury
Tonight sees the next HoH decided, and let us not forget there is a TRIPLE eviction coming this week so whoever wins this competition now, will NOT be eligible to play in the more crucial HoH after the second jury member is evicted from the house

So without further ado, let's see what went on after Ryan left and more importantly who the next HoH is.....

We pick up the action just after Ryan has left, and Johnny thanks everyone who saved him. He then says in the Diary Room, he says he is not going to forget he was a big target for the past week.

The edit is STILL making out Alejandra was the mastermind to Johnny staying, she says Johnny is a number for her game and likewise does Paras

Kaela says her and Derek wanted Johnny out, but when it came down to it every single person wanted to keep him and she voted for him to stay, and the only way she can make sure she and Derek are safe is by winning the HoH

HoH competition

Endurance comp and basically houseguests have to climb their candy prop and hang on to their rope as long as possible. The last houseguest left standing will be the new HoH. Derek, as outgoing HoH, is not eligible to participate in this competition.

Johnny says he almost left last week, and that he pulled some subtle gameplay to stay in. We see a flashback to Day 43, of Johnny pitching his ideas about staying in the house

Alejandra says that normally candy is usually heaven for her, but as the candy is shooting out from the props she says it is hell

Time elapsed: 35 minutes

In case you missed it at the start of this series, Paras suffers from a condition which causes her palms to sweat a lot. She freely admits she's been throwing a lot of competitions, but is really trying to win this one, and says if she wins she will show them who is really running the house.

Maddy is first to be eliminated

Slime now runs down the props, causing Olivia and Alejandra to slip

Olivia and Alejandra eliminated

Kaela, Johnny, Will and Paras remain in the competition

Kaela is eliminated

More candy shoots out from the props

Will is eliminated

Paras and Johnny remain, and one of them will be the new HoH

Johnny tries to cut a deal with Paras, that neither will put the other on the block when they are HoH

Paras does not drop, despite this deal, and on we go....


Kaela doesn't want Johnny to win, as she is afraid Johnny will hold a grudge and put her and Derek on the block

Paras is eliminated, and so the winner and new HoH is Johnny

Johnny picks Derek and Kaela to be Have Not's

Johnny apologises to Kaela upon going into the Red Rose bedroom, and as soon as she leaves Alejandra does a victory dance with Johnny. She congratulates him, and tells him this is why they kept him.

Alejandra says Johnny winning the HoH this week is good for her and Olivia, and that they have to keep him close and on their team. Olivia joins in the celebrations in the red bedroom.

In the White Rose bedroom, Will is telling Paras and Maddy that he is glad they didn't this particular HoH as they won;t be getting blood on their hands next week. Kaela and Derek are shown in the catacombs aka the Have Not room, throwing their stuff on the floor. Paras comments that Johnny wants Derek and Kaela to be hungry and tired by sending them to the catacombs.

Kaela tells Derek one of them is going home this week, and that Johnny knows they didn't get votes for him. She comments that everyone threw them under the bus this week, and that the rest kept Johnny to go after them.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Within the HoH room, we see a pic of Johnny's other half and his parents. Operation has been selected as this week's board game. Loved that game when I was younger. Johnny's video message is from his other half and his best friend

In the HoH room with Johnny is Alejandra and Kaela. Kaela says Johnny put her and Derek on slop for this week without hesitation and they are in trouble this week. She says she needs to sit with him and see what he is thinking. Kaela asks Alejandra to vacate the room. Derek wanders in to explain his side of last week. Johnny tells them both that he feels Derek and Kaela were the driving forces in wanting him to go home, to which they deny. Johnny goes to talk to the other houseguests, while Kaela and Derek remain in the HoH room, and she laughs and says she doesn't care as one of them is going home.

Johnny summons everyone else to the HoH room, and Kaela says she and Derek are going to be the targets and if she has to throw someone under the bus to save her and Derek then she will do so.


Johnny says he knows Derek and Kaela were after him last week, but if they are willing to spill the beans then he is going to absolutely appreciate that and to let the drama begin as that is what he is there for.

Derek starts by saying everybody went into the HoH room last week, and said Johnny was a target and a good one to go home. When Derek says everyone said he was the only one who said Johnny has to go, Alejandra disagrees and says she though Johnny harboured some severe resentment toward herself and Olivia over what happened with Erica. Kaela says she is confused and this is a load of *bleep*, and who Alejandra is actually lying to. Kaela starts getting mad as Johnny still thinks Kaela was still bothered about the fact that Johnny would stay, to which she said she changed her mind. Johnny says he is still not convinced as a lot of the houseguests are staying silent.

Paras tells Johnny that when she went into the HoH room, Kaela said Ryan had thrown Maddy and Johnny's name out and she said 'is this the case, were they campaigning to get rid of me'. We see a flashback to said conversation between Kaela and Paras. Paras shouts at Kaela not to twist this around and not to sit there to try and stir something up because she is going home next.

Paras asks Maddy if Johnny believes her and Maddy says no


Alejandra says Johnny's meeting has exposed everybody's game, and thinks this wouldn't have happened if Johnny hadn't of been HoH. Olivia tells Alejandra that she doesn't want to blow up her own game

Johnny summons Olivia and Alejandra to the HoH room

Kaela says she wanted to let Johnny know that Alejandra and Olivia were throwing Johnny's name out there, and were giving Kaela a heads up about Johnny. Johnny says Alejandra and Olivia were playing people, to which Alejandra denies. Alejandra says she is mad, as she put in a lot of work (or so the edit said) and now he has her in a really vulnerable position with everybody in the house. Johnny says letting Derek and Kaela and Alejandra and Olivia know that he's aware they are working together, and if that secret gets out then there could be more room to drive a wedge between the four of them.

Paras tells Johnny she is not afraid of Kaela, and that Kaela thinks Paras is weak and not going to stand up for herself. She then says Kaela can't help it if her social game is so *bleep*. Paras then says Kaela wants a target on Paras's back, as she is so upset that she has a target on hers. Johnny doesn't believe Paras is a sweet little girl and there is a reason she has not been on the block yet.


Johnny has chosen Maddy for this week's Wendy's meal and most likely some game talk as well. He says if she wins next week, she may keep him safe.

Kaela says she needs to convince Johnny that putting her and Derek is not the best move, and that they are not the only threats and only couple in the house. She basically tells Johnny that if he is sitting on the block against anyone except Derek after this week is done, he is automatically going home. She tells him his best survival is her not leaving the game, and if he puts Derek and her on the block, Derek is staying. He tells her that he thinks she has had deals with every person in the house except him, and that she and Derek have made every single decision together.

Johnny tells Olivia he doesn't want to put Kaela on the block, and he knows Derek wanted him out last week. Olivia says she doesn't appreciate the fact that he sits back and lets Kaela take all of the hits. Johnny thinks Kaela is right in the fact that if she goes up, she's the one going. She says that Alejandra and herself didn't keep Johnny in the game so he could wimp out last minute and not put Derek and Kaela up


Nominations ceremony

He says it's time to do some serious damage to these people

Shortlist - Derek, Kaela, Alejandra and Paras

"As Head of Household it is my responsibility to nominate two houseguests for eviction

To no great shock, Johnny nominates DEREK and KAELA

To be continued in episode 22, Power of Veto #8

Will Derek or Kaela pull themselves off the block, find out in the next episode

Same Veto time, same Veto channel, same Veto predicament ;) 

As always, thank you for reading these posts if you come in, and always a thousand thanks if you share, retweet or like :)

Closing thought - Predictable noms from Johnny, but it's about time someone stood up to the so called power couple. Don't forget there is a triple eviction looming on the horizon, and Johnny will be ineligble to play the first HoH of the evening as he will be the outgoing HoH. Would love to see some of the floaters gone in Will and Maddy, but we'll have to see what the triple throws up

Be sure to click on the links on the right for all your BB Canada, USA and UK podcasts and discussion needs, and don't forget Rob has a Podcast shortly after the televised episodes and also be sure to listen to Lynsey and Gaz at BB on Blast

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever if you wish

That's a wrap for this post, and remember someone is always watching

Monday, 23 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 20 - Eviction #8

The die is cast, and it's Ryan or Johnny that will be the first member of the jury as we head into eviction number 8 in this season

Welcome, citizens, for the next not so live eviction episode of Big Brother Canada 2018

"Last week's blindside opened the backdoor to even more distrust and suspicion inside the house this week. Tonight, Ryan or Johnny will be evicted, but there is a silver lining as one of them will become the first member of the season 6 jury"


  • Derek won HoH, and put Ryan and Johnny on the block
  • Derek got the last laugh in the Veto competition and seized all of the power
  • Johnny was given a mission from Alejandra and Olivia to get in Derek's ear about using the Veto
  • Derek was not to be swayed, and did not use the Veto meaning Ryan or Johnny would be confirmed as the first member of the jury
Who will be the first jury member, Ryan or Johnny, find out presently on Big Brother Canada

We pick up the action during the Veto ceremony and Derek asking Ryan and Johnny why the Veto should be used on them

Ryan - He'd love to not be on the block this week, but he expected to be
Johnny - Stranded alone in the desert, and is waiting for the vultures to swoop in and pick the meat off his body

As stated, Derek does not use the veto

Ryan says he is not surprised Derek didn't use the veto, but he may not need Canada's help this time and that Johnny has a very attractive target, and the house has an appetite to evict him. Meanwhile, Johnny says he is definitely in a predicament right now and it's not a good position to be in. He says he recognises he is a bigger threat than Ryan in this game, but will not go out without a fight.

Derek thinks the housemates have underestimated him, and that Kaela has been driving the bus but it's his turn to take the wheel and Johnny will get run over.

He tells Kaela that he wants Johnny to go, and that Alejandra and Maddy want to keep Johnny.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Ryan jokes to Johnny about letting a smear campaign begin. Johnny says he is telling Ryan he is not going to play dirty, but Johnny started this game with a sad puppy dog routine but is going full bulldog on everyone to stay in.

In the smoking area, Will is telling Paras that he doesn't know what to do, but is leaning more towards sending Johnny home and Paras says she is too. Will is still upset about Johnny voting to evict him last week, so it doesn't make much sense for Will to keep him. His words not mine ;)

Will tells Paras that if Johnny stays, Derek or Kaela will go home. Paras says Johnny will be a number for Alejandra and Olivia, and that they can't be a trio. Will says they have to get rid of Johnny.

Johnny says being on the block sucks, feels like he has the plague and they don't want to be around him. Johnny tells Alejandra and Olivia that nobody is looking at him as they think he is going home, and he asks what the odds are. Alejandra tells him fifty fifty. She says keeping Johnny in the house is great for her and Olivia's game, as he is a number for them and is loyal to them and more importantly will take a shot at Derek and Kaela when the time comes. Alejandra speculates Paras is scared of Johnny, as she will never beat him in a competition and has something low key tied up with Ryan.

Ryan tells Paras about pool being like Big Brother, as in she is only in control of one ball at a time and the other 15 balls she has to get rid of and win. Sometimes she has to take a direct shot to take somebody out and sometimes you have to get somebody else to do that for her, and sometimes if she swings wildly something good will happen or equally something bad may happen.

Olivia says she thought she knew what she wanted to do, and doesn't want herself or Alejandra to be seen helping Johnny as people like Paras will shut down if the campaign is pushed too hard. So the approach has to be very subtle and honest. Olivia tells Paras that Johnny blew up his game and is literally like a lone soldier. Paras says she likes Johnny, but she says she is scared of going up against a smart player. Olivia says Johnny and Ryan want to go after Derek and Kaela, but Johnny is the one capable. She thinks Ryan will win if he stays in and gets to the end. Paras says she is not keeping Johnny out of ear-shot of Olivia


Marsha's secret mission

Will goes into the Have Not room, where a familiar voice is heard coming from the tomb inside. That voice of course being Marsha the Moose, but this time Marsha is covered in bandages.

Will's secret mission is to screech in the entire house, which includes getting them to take a shot and kiss the cod. Will is given 60 minutes to complete the mission, and lays down a few rules. If Will is successful, he wins a  fun kitchenparty for the whole house but failure will result in the whole house being in slop for however long is left in this season.

Back in the house, the houseguests receive instructions to play along with Will and make him fail the mission, and they will win the kitchen party for the whole house.

Will begins by bringing in a cod and chasing a few of the houseguests. Paras says she feels bad for pranking him, but not really. Will calls out for Ryan, and Ryan can be seen hiding in the Red Rose bedroom and he says hiding is the easiest way to go about this.

Will says he is going to screech them all in, starting with Maddy. She refuses and says she's going to take a shower before Derek steps in. Will explains that he will ask if Derek is a screecher, and Derek will say 'Indeed I is'. This is followed and then Derek has to take a shot and kiss the cod which he does.

Johnny is trying his best not to blow this gag by not bursting into laughter. Kaela says it's fun watching Will suffer, but maybe they should give him a break. Everyone is shown doing what Derek just did, but Ryan pretends to be irritated with all this while the clock is showing only 40 seconds left of this mission. The remaining seconds tick away, so Will has failed but the rest haven't so they will get the party anyway. Alejandra pretends to be furious at not getting the kitchen party, before telling Will about their secret mission to make sure he failed. Some shots of the party are then shown.


Back to house action, and Derek tells Ryan that he doesn't think Johnny will get three votes, but if he does, Ryan knows where Derek is anyway. He then says even people are keeping Johnny, if he says that Johnny is his target, all of a sudden it goes unanimous and that people that just do what the HoH does are still in the house.

Alejandra says that at the moment, most of the house is leaning towards keeping Ryan, but she needs to keep Johnny focused and get him to talk to Will to get Will's vote. She tells Johnny to make sure he tells Will that he (Johnny) is still an asset in this game as there are still two duos. Johnny tells Will that he doesn't need to keep Ryan in the game. Will says he couldn't care less. Johnny then says that Derek and Kaela think they have every person in their pocket. Will asks if they have a deal with Alejandra and Olivia, to which Johnny says he doesn't know where Derek and Kaela's heads are at right now, but they have the power to do either. Will then asks if Alejandra is on board with keeping Johnny in the house, and then goes to get Alejandra. Alejandra says Derek and Kaela are making Alejandra and Olivia comfortable, and that they have no intention of putting Alejandra or Olivia on the block. Johnny admits to getting frustrated with the hold Derek and Kaela have on everyone, and that they willget stronger if they keep winning competitions.

Will is telling Paras that they need Johnny in the game, and that he doesn't trust Kaela and Paras agrees. In comes Alejandra, and she asks Will what his feelings are. He says keeping Johnny is best for everyone's game moving forward and after last week he is going with what his gut is telling him. Paras says she is still fifty fifty. Alejandra says the longer Johnny is in the game, he will be a bigger target than the rest of them.

In the White Rose bedroom, Will is suggesting to Ryan that if Ryan wins HoH, he is going to be on the block to which Ryan says no. Will then asks if Derek and Kaela have said to Ryan that he's staying, to which Ryan says they want Johnny to go. Ryan says he won't knife Will as Will has family, and that is has been White v Red for a long time and to get out there and win HoH so Derek and Kaela can go on the block.


Arisa goes live to the house, and she tells them about the messages from the evicted housemates in Rozina, Andrew, Jesse, Veronica, Hamza, Merron and Erica. Arisa then tells them this episode's evictee will be first on the jury for this season


Usual rules, as in Derek as HoH will only vote in the event of a tie and there is to be no conferring or talking during the process

And off we go....

Alejandra votes to evict Ryan
Olivia votes to evict Ryan
Will votes to evict Ryan


Paras votes to evict Ryan
Maddy votes to evict Ryan
Kaela votes to evict Ryan

Evicted - Ryan (6-0)

Ryan is the first member of the jury

Arisa says what a difference a week makes...Four weeks on the block, he couldn't pull it out, and where did it all fall apart this week. Ryan says it fell apart weeks ago, maybe in week two when he tried to get everyone to play the game for real. At that point, people didn't trust him or indeed be identified as a target or be told they were a threat. Arisa tells him that Canada loved him and saved him last week. He thanks Canada and says he is sorry it only lasted another seven days

Arisa plugged the Facebook page where Ryan will get his full interview, and calls a break


Endurance HoH, and as Derek is outgoing HoH he is not eligible to play. The housemates basically have to climb a rope to the top of their candy and stay there for as long as possible. Last houseguest standing is the new HoH

Arisa then goes through the shows that will be on soon, and it will be a TRIPLE eviction in the next eviction episode

To be continued in episode 21

And that is that for another episode

Closing thought - Disappointed Johnny didn't get the credit for saving himself, and the edit making Alejandra out to be some kind of mastermind. Anyway, finally glad to be rid of Ryan but it does feel hollow as he should have been gone last week if not for the twist and his sympathetic edit. Hoping now that some of the remaining floaters will get picked off in that triple eviction, as they have long outstayed their welcome. Yes I am looking at you, Will and Maddy, and hopefully at least one of the duos heads will roll before its too late.

Don't forget to click on the links on the right, especially BB on Blast as they have a new podcast out and also Rob has a Podcast which goes on the air shortly after the televised episodes, and also for live feed updates. Be sure to click on the other links as well for all your BB Canada, USA and UK needs

And speaking of the UK show, there are rumours that Bit on the Side will be axed and Little Brother may be coming back. But then again the source is the Daily Star and they are usually not very reliable, so it's best to wait for official confirmation.

Thank you so much for reading, sharing, liking and retweeting these posts. As always, it is very much appreciated :)

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching....

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 19 - Power of Veto #7

Welcome one and all, citizens of Big Brother world, and we move into episode #19 for Big Brother Canada 2018, and tonight sees the Power of Veto up for grabs
  • Canada voted to save Ryan
  • Kaela chose Erica as the replacement nominee, and she was evicted 5-2
  • Johnny initially hid the fact that he was one of the 2 votes to evict Will
  • Derek won HoH, keeping him and Kaela in power for another week
  • Johnny came clean about his vote to evict Will
  • Alejandra got in Derek's ear about taking the target off Ryan
  • But Derek stuck to his guns and put Ryan and Johnny on the block
Will Johnny or Ryan win Veto and take themselves off the block, or will someone else take the spoils and maybe keep them there....Find out presently on Big Brother Canada

We pick up the action just before the end of the nominations ceremony.....

Derek says his targets may be seen as safe choices, but as he and Kaela have alliances on both sides of the house so they were the only options. His plan now is to win Veto, keep nominations and send Johnny packing.

Johnny says he totally blew up his game this week, had to confess about not voting for Erica and is now in serious danger

Ryan is not surprised at being on the block again, but he is sitting next to Johnny who is in a bit of a pickle right now and is confident he will stay.

Back to Johnny, and he says he is burning inside about being nominated. He goes to see Derek, who basically explains it's only game and if Johnny could win Veto and take himself off, and if Johnny wins HoH next week and puts him and Kaela on the block, then that's just the game.

Johnny says he wants revenge on Derek and Kaela, but has to be there to do it and has to buckle up and get back into the game.

Ryan says to Alejandra that he is not dead yet, and she tells him he has to fight hard for the Veto. He says it is becoming clear Alejandra and Olivia want to work with him, and will grab any alliance he can get. Alejandra tells him not to say anything to anyone about her trying to do things for him. He says any conversation with Johnny has been completely innocuous, and she asks if Ryan would tell her if Johnny was bringing her name up, and Ryan says Johnny told him not to trust Alejandra.

Back to Johnny, and he says if he is to stay in this game he will need Olivia and Alejandra on his side, and needs to talk to them to see where their heads are at. He says he doesn't understand what Olivia's plan is moving forward with Alejandra. She explains that she and Alejandra trust Derek and Kaela and the fact she and Alejandra haven't been on the block proves that.

On to Alejandra, and Johnny pitches the same thing to Alejandra. She says Johnny's lie about his vote makes her more distrustful of Johnny. She tells him that it's come to her attention that he and Erica had their doubts about her.

Veto player picks

Only 6 players will compete in the Veto competition, the HoH, the 2 nominees in this case Ryan and Johnny, and 3 players determined by random draw

Maddy, Paras and Olivia are the players picked by random draw, and the host will be Alejandra

Will says he sort of knew Maddy was going to be the first name out of the hat. Derek says Kaela and himself are in a good spot right now as they have alliances on both sides in Alejandra and Olivia, and also Maddy and Paras. Flashback to Maddy talking to Derek in the HoH room and pitching the idea of an alliance.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Johnny is talking to himself saying how his game is falling apart, but it's not over yet and is damned if he is going out without putting out a fight.


Veto Competition

Under Fire is the name of ths latest competition

Houseguests have to fire at a target on the floor, whoever's beanbag is closest to the bullseye will be ranked first and will earn a bye to the final round of the competition. The lower the rank as it's ranked 5th to 1st, the more events they will have to compete in. Will and Kaela are dressed as jesters.

Johnny has been randomly drawn to go first, Olivia second, Maddy third, Derek fourth, Paras fifth and Ryan last

Advancing to the final round - JOHNNY

Next up it's firing cannonballs at targets to knock them down, the first houseguest to knock down all their targets goes on to the next round, and takes on the next best ranked houseguest

Olivia v Paras

Winner - Olivia

She will now face Derek

Winner - Derek

He will now face Ryan

Winner - Derek

He will now face Maddy

Winner - Derek

Derek v Johnny in the final round


Winner and Veto holder - Derek

Johnny says he is holding absolute defeat, loves the game so much, and feels the one chance he had of staying in the house has been taken away

In the Red Rose bedroom, Ryan is saying he is sorry to Johnny that Johnny lost, and says he was totally conflicted as well. He says Derek won't use the Veto on him, so that's a joke. Ryan advises Johnny that its bus chucking time.

Derek tells Kaela that it's just sunk in that he won this week, which has cemented the fact that he doesn't have to put up a replacement up this week and that their two alliances are fine.


Johnny goes to speak to Olivia and Alejandra in the Red Rose bedroom, and says he has to try and convince them to double cross Derek and Kaela so Johnny can stay in the house. He starts his pitch, Olivia is trying to sleep off some slop. Alejandra says there is so much to consider, as Derek won both powers this week and Kaela won HoH the week before, and ponders what may happen next week. Johnny points out Derek and Kaela are also working with the other side, and Alejandra asks Johnny if she and Olivia can sleep on things.

Hasbro house party

Derek has chosen Kaela, Johnny and Alejandra as his party guests and they proceed to play the chosen game for the week in Jenga.

Olivia says she is emotionally drained and hungry after being on slop for the week and can feel her emotions getting out of hand. In a conversation with Maddy, she is very emotional and says she wants to see her dad.


On to the next day we go, and Alejandra tells Johnny that Derek and Kaela could take a shot at them at any time and, getting rid of Johnny could please them, but it would also take away a number for Alejandra and Olivia, so Alejandra wants Johnny to bait Derek and Kaela by saying he had something solid with Erica, Alejandra and Olivia and if they save him he will help them get rid of Alejandra and Olivia. This is, according to Alejandra, to see where they are really at. Johnny says they probably wouldn't tell him the truth anyway, because they feel like they only lie to him.

In the kitchen, Ryan says to Kaela they are where they are and Kaela tells him not to hate it. Ryan says the best case scenario is that the Veto doesn't get used, as Johnny is a very attractive target and the house would send him home. He asks Kaela if she is able to vote for him, and that would be a hell of a turnaround.

Johnny is in the HoH room, but he doesn't pitch Alejandra's idea to Kaela and Derek. After the conversation, Derek appears to be considering Johnny's own pitch.


Veto ceremony

Ryan and Johnny give their final pitches as to why the Veto should be used on them

Derek decides NOT to use the Veto, so it WILL be Ryan or Johnny will be the first jury member

To be continued in episode #20....

And that is a wrap for another Veto episode

Closing thought - Thank god Derek's reign is nearly over, and hopefully Kaela will not win another HoH next week. As far as the eviction goes, the casual viewers can't say they weren't warned that Ryan would predictably be on the block again this week, and both he and Johnny will have to pull some major rabbits out of the hat to stay in there. Johnny did the much better pitch so far, but there's still the eviction episode highlights to come, and Ryan could still come up smelling of roses, but we'll have to see in the next episode

Prediction - Ryan to be the first member of jury

Thanks for reading this post and as always, a thousand thanks for the likes, retweets and shares. They are very much appreciated

Breaking news, BB on Blast has a new podcast out and that can be reached via the link on the right, and as always Rob has a Podcast will be on shortly after the televised episodes to discuss the episode just done.

For all your BB Canada, USA and UK needs, click on the links to the right and there are some mighty fine discussions and podcasts on them, and other assorted topics should you wish to listen

Until next time, enjoy the eviction and remember someone is always watching.....

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 18 - HoH and nominations #7

Good day, citizens of Big Brother world, and welcome to episode #18 of Big Brother Canada, and it's another HoH and nominations episode


  • Johnny decided not to use the Veto, and keeping Kaela's nominations of Ryan and Will intact
  • Big Brother dropped a bombshell on the housemates, that Canada had been voting to save either Ryan or Will or reserve the power for the following week
  • Arisa revealed the power had been used this week, and the lucky houseguest turned out to be Ryan
  • Kaela picked Erica to be replacement nominee
  • Erica was evicted, and Johnny was not happy and neither was Erica
Who will be crowned the new Head of Household, and who will they nominate....Find out presently on Big Brother Canada

We pick up the action at the moment of Erica's eviction, and she tells Derek and Kaela where to go before she leaves. Johnny is in tears and very upset at Kaela. Kaela tells Johnny this is the only way Will would have stayed, and who would Johnny want to stay more. 

Kaela says when Ryan was saved, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. We see a flashback of Kaela cutting deals with some of the houseguests that she will put Erica on the block, and they would vote Erica out. Meanwhile Johnny says, he voted to evict Will as he thought there would be four of them to keep Erica (himself, Liv, Alejandra and Ryan) and now feels super exposed. Will says he feels relieved not to have gone home.

Ryan now thinks he is popular because Canada saved him, and he and Paras share a hug in the pantry. He does a victory dance in the Diary Room, and thanks Canada.

Ryan and Will head to the White Rose bedroom, with Ryan saying Erica always had his back and now he has been saved he now has to deal with the consequences. Ryan admits to Will he was one of the votes to get Will out, and Will says Ryan gave his word to save him.

Speculation now turns to who the other voter was, Johnny denies to Kaela and Derek it was him although he said it was him in the Diary Room. 

HoH competition

As per the usual rules, the outgoing HoH, in this case Kaela, is not eligible to play. This competition is called Before and After and it's quite simple. Arisa will read out two events, and the houseguests have to decide if the first event happened before or after the second. If a houseguest is wrong, they are eliminated from the competition. If they are correct, they stay in and so on. The competition will move into a tie breaker if there is more than one houseguest left at the end of the questions, and the eventual winner will be the new HoH

Ryan says winning this HoH is essential to him

1. Did houseguests chip their way to a frozen ball, before or after a golden ball froze houseguests

Answer - AFTER

Will is eliminated

2. Did houseguests untangle themselves in a Veto competition, before or after the boys tangled the girls hair in a task

Answer - BEFORE

Nobody eliminated

3. Did houseguests raid a tomb in a challenge before or after the have nots raided the pantry with the tin foil

Answer - BEFORE

Ryan is eliminated

Ryan says Derek will only follow suit and do what Kaela tells him, so anyone else but Derek to win this competition for Ryan

4. Did Paras pour a drink on herself in the Right in the Kisser competition before or after Maddy poured a drink on herself

Derek says its his turn to step up to the plate and get the win for Kaela, or it him and Kaela on the block this week

Answer - AFTER

Nobody eliminated

5. In the one, two, three competition, was Hamza eliminated before or after Merron was eliminated

Answer - AFTER

Maddy, Paras and Alejandra eliminated

Alejandra says she doesn't care she is eliminated, and wants Derek or Olivia to win but not Johnny

6. Did a houseguest become the first to be nominated two times before or after a houseguest became the first to win two Veto's 

Answer - AFTER

Nobody eliminated

Tie break time between Derek, Johnny and Olivia

Johnny says he needs to win this HoH to take the shot at Derek and Kaela, and payback is a serious *bleep*


Tie break question - Combined, how many times did Olivia, Erica and Maddy jump over their reels in the second part of the Fisherman's Barf competition

Derek - 100
Olivia - 50
Johnny - 63

Answer - 117

Winner and new HoH - DEREK

Kaela says she is relieved as she and Derek are safe for another week. She also says she couldn't work with a better person in this game and she trusts him 100 million percent.

Johnny says he is really upset at losing this competition, and this is the worst place he has been in this game and doesn't know how to get out. He says he is in big trouble and needs to do some damage control immediately. Meanwhile Kaela hugs Will saying she told him, and that she made a promise and doesn't go back on them. Will asks Johnny if he was the second vote, to which Johnny denies. Johnny explains to Will that Kaela said everyone promised they would vote Erica out and think she talked to everyone about that too.

In the pantry, Kaela tells Derek she is really proud of him and that if Johnny had won that, both of them would be on the block or words to that effect.

Ryan asks Will how that was tonight, and Will says his mind was blown and that he almost went home. Ryan says so did he, but Will points out Ryan was saved and that two people went against him and tried to send him out of the door. Voices are raised as Ryan denies what Will says, to which Will says he did and that Ryan never knew Erica was going on the block. Will says Ryan doesn't know this game and didn't know what was going to happen. Ryan asks Will if Ryan was sitting next to Erica, would Will vote for him to go or stay, and thinks Will would have voted him out. Will accuses Ryan of turning his back on him, and goes upstairs to the White Rose bedroom to calm down.

Who wants to see my HoH room

Jenga is the chosen board game for this week. We see pics of Derek with his parents and family. His video message is from his parents, and they have his dogs in the message as well

In the Red Rose bedroom, Will wants to have a private chat with Johnny. Johnny immediately tells Will he was the second vote, and Will appreciates the honesty. Johnny says he felt Erica would be able to win and get him there. Johnny says he has to salvage his relationship with Will the best he can. Will admits he does feel a bit hurt as he had Johnny's back, but that's water under the bridge now. After Johnny leaves the smoking area, Will says he will get Johnny when he least expects it.

Off to the HoH room, and Johnny says he has to do damage control and has to tell Derek and Kaela the truth, and he confesses to them the moment he goes through the door that he did vote Will. Kaela says they knew already. Kaela laughs to Derek that Johnny knows his game is drowning


Have-not competition

This comp is called Buttsketball. Alejandra and Johnny were drawn out as captains, and whoever loses this game will be have nots for the week

Blue team - Alejandra, Olivia, Paras and Kaela
Red team - Johnny, Will, Ryan and Maddy

One player from each team will be seated on a chair behind the hoop, and will move left and right hoping to make players from the opposite team miss shots

Paras will be the blue team player to be seated, and Maddy will be seated for the reds

The Red team eventually win 24 points to 4

Have nots for this week - Alejandra, Olivia, Paras and Kaela


Derek tells Ryan everyone is expecting Ryan to be on the block again this week. Derek says Ryan has given Derek a lot to think about, and that he and Kaela have been at it from early in the game however Ryan may be an ace in the hole for him in the future.

Derek has invited Paras for the Wendy's meal this week. Paras says she wants to get Olivia and Alejandra on Derek's radar and not nominate Maddy and Will. Alejandra admits to Olivia that she is worried if Johnny goes, they will become targets. Alejandra says she and Olivia have to reassure Johnny they have his back, and Maddy or Will or Paras have to go this week. 


Alejandra thinks there is another side to Ryan, especially as Canada saved him. She thinks he has a strategic mind and is good in competitions, so could be an asset to her and Olivia. She pitches an idea of an alliance with her, Olivia and Ryan to take on Kaela and Derek. She then goes to talk to Derek to see if she can get the target off Ryan's back. Derek says the two biggest targets are Johnny and Ryan, and if one of them pulls themself off the block, whoever he puts up as the replacement either of them would go.

Alejandra tells Derek she would support Derek, and she is thinking of the numbers and pitches the idea of putting Johnny and Will on the block

Johnny is next up in the HoH room, and pitches to keep himself off the block. Derek tells Johnny he confessed to a lie which puts a target on his back


Nominations ceremony

Derek says he has to take out a big player for him and Kaela to get further in the game

Nominated pre-Veto are JOHNNY and RYAN

Derek feels Johnny has played an unbelievable social game, but lied to people's faces at first about his vote for Will

As for Ryan, Derek feels he cannot trust Ryan, and given his strategic mind and competitive edge that makes him a threat

To be continued in Episode #19

And that's a wrap for this episode

Closing thought - Just when you think it can't get any worse, Derek the Dumb wins HoH and makes the most painfully predictable nominations. He really can't get through this game without Kaela holding his hand. Just too cautious in there right now, as everybody seems terrified of making a big move that nobody saw coming, and this series really needs a WOW moment.

Anyways thanks for reading this post, and any retweets, likes or shares are greatly appreciated

Remember lots of BB content on the links on the right, and that includes Canada, USA and the UK show, and don't forget to join Rob has a Podcast a few minutes after the televised episodes for their thoughts and views on what's going on

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever, and remember someone is always watching

Until next time.....

Monday, 16 April 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 17 - Eviction #7

Not so live from the Big Brother house, citizens of Big Brother world, this is episode #17 of Big Brother Canada and it's an eviction night

"This week, Big Brother gave you the power to save someone. Here's what I can tell you right now, the vote is now closed and you have pulled one of the nominees off the block. The full results are coming up and you now it's going to turn the house upside down. We've got so much to get through, this is Big Brother Canada"


  • Kaela outlasted everyone to win her first HoH of this season
  • Her playing spread paranoia and dissension around the house
  • She nominated Will and Ryan
  • Johnny won yet another Veto, and also a trip for two to London
  • Kaela laid a trap for Johnny, and plotted to backdoor Erica if Johnny used the Veto
  • Johnny did not use the Veto
Tonight see Canada's use of the latest power. In case you missed it, Canada can either save Ryan or Will or save this power until the week after...But as Arisa has already mentioned it has been used tonight, it will be Ryan, Will or whoever Kaela chooses as the replacement nominee who will be leaving tonight....Find out presently on Big Brother Canada.

Arisa welcomes us in, and reminds us that the power has been used this week

We pick up the house action after the Veto ceremony, in which Johnny did not use the Veto so the nominations stay the same, until of course they find out about this vote from Canada later in the show.

Johnny says he recognises the opportunity to reach out and take either Will or Ryan off the block, but the benefits of pulling outweigh the benefits of pushing. He says he loves Will and Ryan, and wishes them the best of luck in terms of staying in.

Will says he is not worried about being on the block, and still trusts Johnny and all the houseguests. He thinks Ryan will go home. Kaela says she is going to be so satisfied if Ryan is the one evicted, and that it will be joy watching him walk out the door. Olivia says she is indifferent on who goes home, but would not prefer to send home Will as he is the only good looking guy in there. Ryan says it is not a good feeling to be on the block, and feels he doesn't have enough time to do the work he needs to do to stay in.

Ryan warns Johnny that Kaela has to go next week or she will go on to win, while Will is telling Paras how upset Ryan is, to which she replies that he knows its over.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Will is now with Johnny and asks him if Ryan was pitching. Will says it's hard not to be paranoid when you are on the block and it doesn't take much at the last minute to flip the house. Ryan says that everybody has a time to leave this house, and it's not his time yet.

Maddy says to Paras, that she, Kaela and Derek had a conversation today and Maddy had told her that Kaela said Maddy was never going on the block. Maddy then says she warned Kaela about Johnny being too far in Will's ear. Paras says Will asked her about it again that day, and Will said Johnny was his number one and he's like "I don't want to do anything that he doesn't want me to do". Paras claims that Will runs the power, and he likes to have someone he thinks is a powerful player to be his number one, and that Johnny has Will around his little finger. Paras also claims that Will said he wanted to work with Derek and Kaela, but Johnny wants them out but he will put Derek and Kaela up next week anyway.

Olivia and Alejandra are in the Red Rose bedroom talking about Kaela. Olivia says Kaela wants to fall back, but Alejandra says her competitiveness won't let her. Olivia says it bothers her that Kaela just sits there in her pylon hat and Derek is throwing a ball to her and she didn't even blink. Olivia says she herself is not that competitive, but does say she knows she is fantastic and doesn't need to prove it.

In the White Rose bedroom, Ryan is telling Paras that it's going to be lonely for him for a little while, and has only one shot to take next week and says to Paras what he said to Johnny earlier in that Kaela has to go next week or she will go on to win. He asks Paras if he has a better shot than Will does in the next HoH and that Derek has never beaten him in anything.


Wendy's Challenge

Houseguests will be divided into two teams of four, and each team will need to chop and prepare lettuce and tomatoes for 100 salads. Paras has been chosen to be the judge and will oversee proceedings. The first to complete all their salads will be the winner, and will win a Wendy's dinner and also with videos from their loved ones.

And off we go....

Olivia has been given a secret mission by Big Brother to have a shower, take a nap and eat a salad during this challenge, if she passes then EVERYONE will get a video message and she mustn't tell anybody about this mission

A lot of slicing and dicing ensues and Olivia begins her secret mission

A short while later, Olivia reveals her secret mission and she has passed so everyone gets a message from home.

In the Red Rose bedroom, Ryan is saying a prayer for his Big Brother future and some sentimental music is playing.


In the HoH room, Derek says he hasn't talked to Erica too much. Kaela says Erica was in there but wasn't talking game, and more about next week. Alejandra claims Johnny has gotten onto Erica's head about longevity in the game. Kaela says it's really clear Johnny is never with the two duos in there. Derek says Erica and Johnny are 100% working together and are targeting Derek and Kaela.

Will has decided to vacate the White Rose bedroom and move into the Red Rose bedroom. Paras says she knows Will is willing to do whatever he has to, but loyalty speaks volumes in this house and will have no problem sending Will home now he is aligning with Johnny.

Ryan asks Olivia what his odds are right now, and she thinks 70-30. Ryan says there is still some game for him to play, and feels like he can convince most people to do most things most time and now has to convince them to keep him in the game. We then see a few shots of Ryan going to work, to try and keep himself in the game.

Arisa reminds us that someone is getting saved, and goes live to the house to reveal the result of Canada's vote

Canada have decided to save RYAN, so Kaela will have to pick a replacement nominee and we will find out who that is after the break


During the commercial break, Kaela said she had no idea on who to put up. Erica asks her if she wants to take the shot, or go for Maddy. Kaela then asks if Erica wants Will to stay or not, and Erica wants him to stay. Lots of scrambling as Kaela asks Alejandra if Erica should go up, and asks Alejandra how many votes there are to get Erica out. Kaela says they can't beat her, but Alejandra says they need her in there right now and Kaela says Erica and Johnny are coming after her. 

Back to the action, and Kaela chooses ERICA as the replacement nominee, and Arisa gives her and Will 30 seconds each to plead their cases to why they should stay.

Eviction vote

7 voting tonight, so it's 4 or more and that's curtains. Arisa reminds them there is to be no talking or communicating in any way during the vote. Kaela as now outgoing HoH will not have a deciding vote this week as there won't be a tie, and of course the 2 nominees are not allowed to vote.

  • Johnny votes to evict Will
  • Alejandra votes to evict Erica
  • Olivia votes to evict Erica
  • Ryan votes to evict Will
  • Paras votes to evict Erica
  • Derek votes to evict Erica
  • Maddy votes to evict Erica
Evicted - ERICA
Score - 5 votes to 2

Johnny starts swearing and says it sucks, while Erica points a finger at Kaela and Derek saying *bleep* both of them, literally *bleep* both of them.

Kaela says to Erica she was told she was Erica's number one target, and respects Erica a lot, and Erica replies with she doesn't give a *bleep*

Johnny keeps saying it sucks, and Kaela tells him this was the only way Will would have stayed and asks Johnny if he really wanted Will or Erica. Johnny tells Kaela how Erica was telling him that Kaela had her back

The conversation is cut short as Arisa introduces Erica as she makes her way out, and calls a break before she talks to Erica


Erica says she understands why Kaela had to do what she did, and can't play as well as she (Erica) can. Erica goes on to say Kaela can't play socially, can't win a competition and won pushing a button. Arisa calls Erica a comp beast, and won comps she didn't even want to win. Arisa plugs the Facebook page to ask Erica questions


Back to the show, and it's the start of the HoH comp which will be described in more detail in the next HoH/Nominations post

As outgoing HoH, Kaela is not eligible to play

Before or After is the name of the competition, pretty self explanatory. Housemates must guess if certain events happened before or after the event Arisa reads out

To be continued in episode #18.....

In closing, Arisa announces that jury will officially be starting this coming week when the next evictee comes out, and it will be a 7 person jury this season

And that's a wrap for this episode

Closing thought - Gutted that Erica is gone, as that's another person who is actually playing the game that has gone out of the door, leaving the ones floating through treating the place like summer camp to get another step closer to the prize. Wasted vote this week, as there is was just no logic saving Ryan, but that's the power of the edit for you as it was pretty much let's pity Ryan.

Anyways, what's done is done and on to the next week of festivities as we start the path to the end

Remember, click on the links to the right for pretty good Big Brother Canada, Big Brother USA and Big Brother UK content

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after each televised episode with their discussion and views on the episode events and any other things going on during the episodes, so be sure to click and listen

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Until next time, someone is always watching