Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Big Brother Canada - Episode 7 - Power of Veto #3

Welcome to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave, and this is episode #7 for Big Brother Canada

Tonight sees the third Veto competition and if the Veto is used by whoever wins to save either Jesse or Olivia


  • Hamza and Victoria won the HoH competition, but Veronica passed the reins of HoH to Hamza
  • Hamza wanted to wreak havoc, and targeted Olivia
  • Feeling uncertain, Olivia tried to shift the target to the gatecrashers, unaware one of the said gatecrashers was listening in from another room
  • Hamza nominated Olivia and Jesse, immediately causing Jesse to question Hamza's decision
We start at the aftermath of the nominations ceremony, Hamza is explaining his reasons for his nominations

Olivia - No talked much game and Hamza doesn't know where her allegances lie
Jesse - Physical and social player, and Hamza doesn't know where his (Jesse) head is at

Hamza says that Olivia was wanted on the block by the house, and its time to break up the popular kids and that summer camp is over

Jesse is not taking being on the block particularly well, we see a little flashback of just before the nominations ceremony with Derek telling Jesse that Jesse is certain to go up, to which Jesse says it makes no sense. Back to the present, Jesse is calling Hamza's decision 'rash'.

Another flashback shows Hamza and Derek making a pact to them two and Will and Jesse teaming up

Back to the present again, and Jesse saying he is freaking out on the inside. In the HoH room, Jesse says he is not gunning for Hamza. The conversation then turns to the already mentioned four to which Hamza says for it to work nobody must suspect it. Hamza says if he wins Veto, he will pull Jesse down and put Alejandra up on the block or if he and Jesse are neck and neck, Hamza will step aside and let Jesse win and Jesse agrees with this idea.

Hamza says he is telling Jesse what he wants to hear, as he still doesn't know who he wants to keep safe. He wants to see if Jesse handles the pressure of being on the block.

Jesse says Hamza's plan sounds super sketchy but Hamza has to be trusted

Olivia goes to talk to Hamza, and he tells her he has a plan for the Veto comp

In the kitchen,Paras tells Jesse that Hamza told Olivia she's not the target, and then says she is afraid he will take Olivia off and put Derek next to him on the block. Jesse calls Hamza an idiot, to which Paras agrees with and says Hamza said he came to play big moves and that pretty boy aka Derek needs to go.

Paras said she is freaking out Jesse is on the block and tells him to wake up as he is a target. She tells Jesse he has to gun for Veto as even if he looks like a threat, it's better than if he goes home.

Jesse tells Paras about the proposed alliance between himself, Hamza, Derek and Will, and says about Hamza possibly throwing the Veto if it's close.

Derek now steps into the HoH room and tells Hamza that Jesse is choked. Hamza says he had to do it, and it wasn't intended as a shot at Derek and the whole thing is working like a charm and people are buying this. Hamza makes Derek promise he will take Jesse down if he wins Veto. Hamza then says in the Diary Room that no-one is safe and he intends to cause as much confusion as possible.

Derek leaves the HoH room, and tells Will the nominations will stay the same as its the best case scenario as they have until Eviction day to decide who goes home.

Jesse, Derek and Olivia are in the kitchen....Jesse is telling the other two that Hamza told him that Olivia is not the target. Olivia says Hamza wants to backdoor or put one of Olivia or Derek against Jesse. Jesse says this Veto is essential, and if Liv gets pulled off the block then he or Derek will be going home. Enter Alejandra, and she says her mind is a bit messed up right now and that her name has been bandied about lately. Jesse says he doesn't understand these nominations at all and that he is missing something. Alejandra says Hamza is a pretty closed book.


Time to pick players for the Veto competition

Hamza as HoH, Jesse and Olivia as nominees, and picked to play are Derek, Ryan and Erica. Host for the competition is Maddy.

In the Have Not room Hamza, Jesse and Derek make the pact that if one of them win the Veto Jesse is coming off the block, and Hamza says even if one of them doesn't win Veto Olivia still goes home.


Rules: The competition is called Fresh off the Block. The goal is to knock all the vegetables down, but the balls that are needed are frozen in ice. Once the klaxon sounds,houseguests have to walk on their fence and the vegetable patch to their respective freezer. If they fall off their fence or on the vegetable patch they will have to start again. Once they get to their freezers they will use their tools to break the ice and get their ball, and then go back over the patch and fence and try to knock down a target with their ball. After 4 targets are down, they can search through the soil underneath their targets to find a key for a bigger ice block. The first houseguest to knock down all their targets will win Veto, and also $5,000 courtesy of Wendy's.

Hamza insists it's over and he is winning that Veto and $5,000

And we are underway for the next Veto competition

After much ice breaking, Hamza and Jesse have one target down and Derek follows suit shortly afterward.

Hamza and Jesse are four targets down, and can go and get their key for their bigger ice breaker. Jesse says Hamza is running away with this and that he needs to get a move on.


Jesse says he needs to take this risk to make up time. Hamza gains another ball and it's a hit and only needs one more to win Veto. Hamza takes a few shots to get his last target, and is eventually successful to take the Veto and $5,000

WINNER - Hamza

Jesse is mad about Hamza winning Veto and says he's not sure if anyone has had a worse day but that's alright. Back in the kitchen, he says he is mad about losing both the money and the Veto. He says its brutal and says Hamza says he would be taken off the block if Hamza won veto, but doesn't trust him and it sucks that his life in this game is in Hamza's hands.


Jesse says the problem with Hamza is that he (Jesse) is not kissing his rear end 100%

Derek says Jessie has been mad since the Veto loss, and Derek has been telling Jessie to keep his cool

In the HoH room, Big Brother has laid out some pizzas and a board game called Hearing Things. Hamza says he decided to invite the Have Nots and some others to the HoH room for a house party

The rules for Hearing Things:

Read your team-mate's lips and correctly guess what they are saying from the phrase on the card. The team with the most corectly guessed phrases wins.

Veronica - Let's go to the Hot Springs
Will - Let's go to the Hockey Park

Will eventually gets it right though, and now Will to Veronica

Will - I have to get gas
Veronica - I have lots of cash

Veronica doesn't get it right, even after several attempts

Kaela - All parents love jazz
Derek - All berries love Jack

Derek - That salsa is too spicy

Kaela says Derek's lips are good for something, but not whispering

Hamza - I'm going to eat a cookie
Erica - I'm going to eat a turkey

Erica - This hill is super steep
Hamza - Something super sleepy

Paras gets 'I hope it's covered by the warranty' at her first attempt


Back to Hamza, and he says he has all the power this week and time to buckle down and figure out what the best move is for Team Hummus

Olivia has joined Hamza in the HoH room in a last ditch attempt to sway him ahead of the Veto ceremony. She says she was calm after the nominations ceremony and then heard Jesse was already rallying against her. She hasn't made any alliance, there are some people who are super strong in the house and some people who are floaters and a good mix is needed. Olivia wonders if she is really the big threat Hamza is making her out to be, and to man up and make a big move in taking her off the block and put up an actual threat.

Jesse says he heard that Hamza was disrespecting him in some way, and has to make the Veto is going to be used on him as Hamza promised.

Jesse feels as if the vibes have been off in some way, and that he apologises for coming off as sour about losing the Veto and wants to be there for the team at the end of the day.

Hamza seriously considers keeping Jesse on the block, as he is being a big baby and temperamental and people are beginning to notice.

Back in the HoH room, Hamza is explaining to Derek about Jesse. He says to Derek he knows Jesse is Derek's boy, and to not let it ruin his game. He tells Derek to keep an open mind and not to get mad. Hamza then says the last thing he wants is to annoy the rest of the house, and have himself and Derek sitting on the block next week.

Merron is next up in the HoH room, and Hamza fills him in about the conversation he just had with Derek. Merron suggests using the Veto and putting Derek on the block and taking Derek out, but also points out that Jesse hasn't won a competition yet and says that if the veto is not used Derek will hunt Hamza regardless, but is down for Derek being shown the door. Hamza then suggests taking Olivia down and putting Derek in her place



Hamza says he promised to take Jesse down, but Jesse has been annoying him so it may be better for Hamza's game if Jesse stays where he is. He also says Olivia is not a huge threat, but suggests taking her down and putting Derek on the block to light up the house some more.

Back in the living area, Hamza gives Olivia and Jesse a few seconds to potentially explain why the Veto should be used on them

Olivia says she would totally hate the Veto being used on her, it sucks being on the block but Hamza won fair and square and respects his decision.

Jesse says Hamza absolutely beasted the Veto competition, and doesn't think there is much debate and says before and after the Veto competition it would be used on him and thinks it should be used.

After some deliberation, Hamza decides NOT to use Power of Veto, so it's Jesse versus Olivia for the 3rd eviction of this season

Jesse stands up and starts to rant towards Hamza before the ceremony is closed about trust issues and basically accuses Hamza of being untrustworthy before Hamza closes the ceremony

Jesse says Hamza is all talk, he just started a war and Jesse will do everything in his power to stay this week and take Hamza down

Hamza said if Jesse hadn't of run his mouth, it wouldn't have sealed his fate and tells him to pack his bags

Who will be evicted? Jessie or Olivia?

Find out when episode #8 rolls around

And that's a wrap for tonight's post, as always a thousand thanks to anyone who shares, likes or retweets these posts

Thank you to everyone who reads these recaps, and I hope I am doing a good job with them

Reminder, check out BB on Blast's new podcast, and also Rob has a Podcast which is on the air straight after all the televised episodes. Links to them and other pages of interest can be found to the right, you won't be disappointed :)

Follow me on Twitter - twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching

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