Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday 12 March 2018

Big Brother Canada 6, Episode 2: Noms, Veto, and eviction

Greetings citizens and welcome to the next installment of Big Brother from the Batcave

"Last night the houseguests entered our (BB Canada) version of Heaven or Hell, and right away they were rocked by the massive impact of a Big Brother bombshell. Tonight not only will our first houseguest be evicted, we will also find out which gatecrashers you voted in."

When we last left our new houseguests:

  • 14 hopeful houseguests entered the house, and immediately thought they had found heaven
  • Andrew became the recipient of the power goblet, to which he could send half the house to hell
  • He sent Johnny, Rozina, Paras, Will, Alejandra, Kaela and Maddy to Hell
  • Only the Hell houseguests could compete in the HoH competition, with Johnny coming out on top
Who will Johnny nominate, who will win Veto, and who will be the first houseguest to take the Walk of Shame

Plus tonight, two gatecrashers from Kirsten, Mikey, Merron and Veronica will take their places in the house...Who goes in, Canada has decided

And we are off for another episode as we start with the aftermath of Johnny winning the first HoH of this season

Johnny says its great winning the first HoH of the season and has to make the first strike, but he doesn't know the people in there with him

Paras says she is disappointed Johnny didn't accept her deal in the HoH competition, which leaves her very afraid as there is only six people Johnny can choose from in terms of nominations, as the Heaven houseguests are immune from the first vote off.

Hamza says he doesn't care that Johnny is the HoH, and he (Johnny) will nominate two people Hamza doesn't really care about

Johnny is in the bedroom talking with Alejandra, saying how Andrew was laughing after he (Andrew) had made his choices for Heaven and Hell. Alejandra noticed how Andrew's choices were 'pretty blondes' and 'pretty jocks' and thought Andrew thought the people in Hell were threatening

Alejandra says she is an easy target and has to keep Johnny sweet and keep a target off her back. She then says that Paras is an easy little puppet and suggests some ways he could nominate.

Johnny is wondering around on the balcony mulling over who he will nominate, while the others are asleep

Onto the first full day in the house, and talk has turned to pets before Johnny's HoH is opened and to a load of screaming from everyone else.

Johnny says he is playing a sad puppy strategy, which entails him making the others think he is out of his depth in the game. In his conversation with Rozina, he straight out tells her he will nominate her. 

Arisa plugs the nominations ceremony and the gatecrashers, before calling a break

Back to the house, and it's nominations ceremony time

"As Head of Household,it is my duty to nominate two houseguests for eviction"

We then see the room in which Johnny decides from the six who are not immune from the first eviction as to who will go on the chopping block before the Veto competition

The six being Will, Alejandra, Rozina, Kaela, Paras and Maddy

As for the room, it is a castle type set up complete with a drawbridge, steel gates and a throne composed of feathers

Johnny says its tough to choose from only six, but he'll get over it

Johnny has chosen ROZINA and ALEJANDRA for the chopping block

Rozina - "I have chosen you because I felt you were cheering against me in the HoH competition"
Alejandra - "Basically because you were the first to fall in the HoH competition"

Johnny also explains it is difficult to find reasons to nominate someone so early in the competition, and wishes the nominees luck in the Veto competition

Rozina is dismayed she has been nominated all because she cheered for a girl in the HoH competion, and what he did was not right. Didn't take that awfully well did she.

Meanwhile, Alejandra says this has not been the best start in the house for her as she is on slop, has no clothes for a week, none of her own makeup and has now been nominated.

Hamza now saying its unfair that Rozina has been nominated for eviction, and wants to let Rozina know he has her back. He tells her to fight and win the Veto. Hamza gives 3 reasons to why Rozina should stay as in:

  • He's beautiful for her
  • She's a good cook
  • She's not very good in competitions, so why not keep her around

He then asks Rozina what her favourite recipe is to which she says buttered chicken

Kaela, Derek, Paras and Jesse are in the Ares bedroom. Kaela remarks that Derek is cute and she clicked with him right away, and then the four of them come up with the idea of a secret alliance called The Real Deal.

Time for the Veto competition, Kaela is the host and is wearing a fairy costume to which Derek says she looks very cute in, and playing this competition will be:

Johnny (HoH, Hell)
Rozina (Nominee, Hell)
Alejandra (Nominee, Hell)
Jesse - (Heaven)
Olivia - (Heaven)
Hamza - (Heaven)

Reminder - Heaven housemates are immune from the first eviction so they can't be nominated whatever happens in this competition

On go, participating houseguests, who are in caterpillar suits, will slide down their leaf and grab an egg, and they must squirm on their belly pushing their egg inch by inch. When they reach five inches, hands are not allowed to be used to push their eggs, and they must land their eggs in one of the five holes on their track. They all also have one golden egg each, the first houseguest to land one of the golden eggs in a hole on their track will freeze the other players for 30 seconds. The first houseguest to score all 5 eggs in the holes will win Veto

Rozina is really struggling and falling behind the others, meanwhile we go back to the studio where Arisa plugs a new power for viewers and then calls a break

Back to the Veto competition, Johnny scores a golden egg causing the competitors to freeze for 30 seconds and scores a 4th egg. Shortly afterwards Johnny scores his fifth and final egg and therefore wins Veto.

Straight to the Veto ceremony and Johnny DOESN'T use the Veto so his nominations of Rozina and Alejandra stay the same

Hamza still campaigns for Rozina to stay in, he says he came in to play, he came in to be a lone wolf, and wants to dictate every vote in the game and if that backfires then so be it.

Back to Arisa, and she goes live to the house to explain about the incoming vote and gives Rozina and Alejandra 30 seconds each to plead to why they should stay in

Alejandra - Came to play and compete. If you see me as an ally, please keep me in. If not, then draw a line in the sand and let's giddy up

Rozina - I'm a good cook. I am weak at competitions and not a strong player, but I could be that one vote that keeps any of you in.

As HoH, Johnny is not eligible to vote this time as there won't be a tie...Rozina and Alejandra also won't vote as the nominees. 6 is the magic number, once one of the nominees reaches that number they will be confirmed as evicted. Arisa reminds the houseguests that there is to be no conferring amongst themselves and must remain absolutely silent throughout this process.

Off we go....

Will votes to evict Rozina
Erica votes to evict Rozina
Ryan votes to evict Rozina
Paras votes to evict Rozina
Jesse votes to evict Rozina

Arisa calls a break before the next round of voting

And off we go again

Hamza votes to evict Rozina 

Rozina confirmed as evicted

Maddy votes to evict Rozina
Derek votes to evict Rozina
Kaela votes to evict Rozina
Olivia votes to evict Rozina
Andrew votes to evict Rozina

Clean sweep, 11-0

Arisa goes back to the houseguests, and announces ROZINA is evicted

Arisa tells Rozina how she (Rozina) was trending all over Canada. Arisa admits it was a compelling reason Rozina gave about keeping her in. Rozina jokingly says those youngsters won't be able to cook anything without her in there, and says if she was still in there she would have made bold moves. 

Up next, the two gatecrashers as voted for by Canada will be revealed

Arisa introduces Kirsten, Mikey, Merron and Veronica onto the stage

Kirsten says she doesn't them to know she is a big fan of the game
Veronica says she is a relative newbie to the game
Merron says he wants them to know he is a trustworthy person
Mikey says he wants them to know he is a fun person, 'nuff said

Arisa announces that the current houseguests have no idea that two more will be arriving

Going in from the ladies will be VERONICA
Going in from the men will be MERRON

Arisa explains they are not allowed to tell the housemates that Canada voted them in, and also that they have to make up a believable story as to why they are there and will go in the house via the Diary Room. They will also be immune from the second eviction.

As for the story, they talk about a draw for the superfans....Anyways, guess we will find out in the next episode

Arisa goes to Merron and Veronica and reminds them of the stipulations before they went in as in not allowed to say Canada voted them in and into the house they go

Arisa announces the live feeds are now officially on and that is a wrap for this episode

Not a bad episode, and now to see what Merron and Veronica will bring to the house....Social media went a bit crazy when Kirsten didn't go in, but it seems to have calmed down a little now

I didn't mind who went in as long as they give us a good show and prove they belong in there, so the ball is now in your court, Merron and Veronica

Anyways, hope everyone who pops in to read this post has enjoyed it if you have made it this far ;)

Next episode will be the next HoH competition and nominations, and your friendly neighbourhood blogger here will do a write up as soon as possible.

In the meantime, BB on Blast have released a new podcast entitled "Hell-th and Safety"....Go give them a click and listen, you won't be disappointed. Their link can be found in the links column.

So until next time, remember someone is always watching.....

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