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Wednesday 28 March 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 9 - HoH and Nominations #4

Welcome to a new week, citizens, as we pick up where we left off in the previous episode as in the beginning of the next HoH competition

Who will be crowned HoH and who will be nominated as we start a fresh week in Big Brother Canada


  • Hamza nominated Olivia and Jesse pre-Veto
  • Hamza won Veto, and kept the power to himself as in not using the Veto
  • Jesse called out Hamza for being untrustworthy
  • Derek was certain Jesse would stay, but his showmance partner Kaela warned him not to ruin his game
  • Olivia was supremely confident Jesse had dug his own grave after his tirade at Hamza
  • Jesse played every card possible to stay in the house, and even named and shamed the 'enemy'
  • Derek and Veronica laid out some hicky votes for Jesse, but Jesse went as expected in a 9-2 vote
Tonight sees the resumption of the HoH competition, will Veronica get found out about her rogue vote for Jesse, find out presently

Olivia says she is grateful to still be in there, and now she is getting ready to get her hands dirty and make a big move

Kaela says the vote was supposed to be 10-1, and nobody knows where that second vote came from, while Veronica says she voted for Jesse on purpose, as everyone is way too comfortable in the house and not willing to step up and play the game.

In the bathroom, Will tells Hamza Veronica voted for Jesse, as Jesse gave Kaela a hug and she said it wasn't her, Will says "so it must have been Veronica". Hamza says they will find out who it is.

Veronica is talking about a potential pity vote to Kaela, and again Kaela says it wasn't her who put in that second vote. Paras thought someone had ulterior motives and wanted to pin it on somebody else. Veronica speculates someone is trying to pin a target on somebody. Speculation is rife that is was either Kaela and Derek or Ryan. Will outright asks Veronica, and Veronica denies everything.

Houseguests are now gathered around the table trying to figure out who cast that second vote. 

Veronica says a lot of them decided to go with each other, and it's making one of them looks shady. She then says she took a big risk casting that second vote and it's worked as it's shaken up the house

HoH Competition

Ex houseguests Ika, Kevin and Sabrina make brief return as part of this next HoH competition, as its a memory competition...

Maddy says she is pretty confident, and as a superfan it is hers to lose. Meanwhile, Derek says he is going to win this for Jesse

Off we go for the questions...

1. What was the name of the person on the envelope Ika was holding

Answer: JOHN

Everybody correct

Erica says the house is sketchy right now, as there was a rogue vote cast and everyone is freaking out and she doesn't know who to trust

2. In Sabrina's display, which hand did she have pointing up in the air

Answer: Right

Will and Merron eliminated

3. Kevin had the Veto necklace around his neck

Answer: False

Everybody remaining is correct

Alejandra says she really wants to win this HoH, as her closest ally Olivia just came off the block and doesn't want to risk it again this week and doesn't want to go on the block herself

4. Sabrina's block read 'Sabrina delivers good TV'

Answer: False

Kaela, Ryan, Johnny, Veronica and Olivia eliminated

Maddy, Derek, Paras, Erica and Alejandra remain in the competition

Paras says she doesn't want to look like a threat, so has decided to throw this particular competition

5. On the table behind Ika, how many envelopes did not have stamps on them

Answer: Two

Paras is eliminated

6. How times was Sabrina heard saying 'You want good TV'

Answer: FOUR

Nobody correct

7. How many times did the word TRIPLE appear on Kevin's plaque

Answer: Three

Maddy eliminated

Erica, Derek and Alejandra remain in the competition and it's tie breaker time to decide the new HoH

Tie breaker question: At the end of the last HoH competition, how many pieces of fruit were successfully transported across the backyard in total

The winner will be closest without going over the total

Erica guesses 150
Derek guesses 420
Alejandra guesses 243


The answer is revealed by Arisa to be 206

Winner and new HoH - ERICA

Erica says its time to get down to business, as there are some major trust issues in the house and she needs to work out who she can trust and what kind of moves she will make

Alejandra makes her way to the bedroom saying she sucks, while Erica says she never thought she would be in this position in the house. Alejandra tells Olivia she cannot win a competition to save her life, to which Olivia says it will come. Derek says Erica has good relationships with everyone in the house so he has no clue. Derek thinks everyone wants Ryan to go.

Merron tells Will he has no idea who Erica will nominate. Merron says he has a good relationship with Erica and that they get along, but from a game perspective does not know where her head is.

Meanwhile back in the Red Rose bedroom, who placed the second vote is once again being asked, and Veronica's name pops up again. Olivia says everything Veronica does is calculated, and that's why she said she was terrified of Veronica when she went in there. Olivia says she has a plan.

Back in the living room, Hamza wants to see Ryan's theory about who cast that second vote. Kaela says people still think it's her. Ryan says Kaela and Derek felt isolated from the house, and Kaela STILL says it is not her.

Veronica says her lie about the vote is making everyone what she wants them to do and questioning each other

Paras says the mystery second voter is making everyone freak out and making everyone crazy, while Will now thinks it was Paras. He tells her someone's done something stupid and they didn't think it would escalate like it did. Paras disagrees, thinking that person was stirring it up. She then says she, Will and Maddy have been working together since day 1 and Will is questioning her loyalty which she dislikes.

To the Red Rose bedroom, and Paras talks to Veronica about Will. She says he keeps questioning her and gets so mad at her. Veronica doing very well to keep a straight face, as Paras is oblivious that it was Veronica


Who wants to see my HoH room

We see pics of Erica with her girlfriend Chey, and of her family....This week's Hasbro game is revealed as Catchphrase

A video message from Erica's girlfriend is then shown...Chey says she is so proud of Erica winning HoH and can't wait to see Erica when she leaves the house. Erica starts crying, and some houseguests note how hot Chey is.

Maddy says it is so exciting how some get to see their friends, and it's easy to forget how hard it is that some of the others have yet to see their friends and family.

Will apologises to Paras for being a bit of a jerk earlier in the day, and Paras says he shouldn't question her loyalty. He tells Paras that Maddy's name was come up quite a lot, and advises her not to trust Maddy. Paras says Maddy is someone she needs in the house.

Erica explains to Merron that they have never talked game while he has been there, and it worries her. She says she has someone in mind to put on the block, and also a pawn to sit in the other chair.

Merron says it would be weak to put him on the block, as he is not targetting her


Still in the HoH room, and Erica has chosen Maddy, Alejandra, Johnny, Ryan and Olivia for this week's HoH party night, and for a few rounds of this week's chosen game Catchphrase

Paras says she is looking forward to having a more relaxed week this week, but has no idea who Erica may put on the block, and Will says nobody has any idea who she will put on the block

Maddy says Erica has a lot of good relationships in the house, but now Erica is in power, Maddy is feeling a little uneasy. All of a sudden, Will lets out a loud fart.

Erica tells Hamza that both of them could beast their way through the entire house, and says she has a good relationship with Hamza and can strongly trust him.

Veronica makes her way to the HoH room, thinking she and Erica can work together. Veronica starts her pitching to Erica that it wasn't her who cast that second vote. Veronica says she would be straight up with Erica if she kept her off the block, and says she is stronger and a lot faster than a few in there.

Erica is onto Veronica, and says so to Alejandra.  . She tells Alejandra she wants to see how far Veronica will go with the lie, and Alejandra says Veronica is dangerous.Erica says she is 70% certain she is considering taking a shot at Veronica. They both agree it would be sick if Erica manages to get Veronica out this week

Maddy says Erica being HoH this week makes her very nervous, and admits that she and Erica don't have a strong game connection, and it's very important pre-nominations to get in the HoH room and have a word in her ear

Erica says Maddy is probably going on the block. Maddy says she is disappointed with this conclusion, but her and Erica being on the same team would be a shock to anyone. However she does indirectly warn Erica, that if she goes on the block it would not be good for Erica either

Maddy says in the Diary Room that if Erica puts her on the block, Erica has no idea how vengeful Maddy could actually be


Nominations ceremony

Shortlist - Merron, Maddy, Hamza and Veronica

"As Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate 2 people for eviction

Nominated - Merron and Maddy

Merron - Game relationship hasn't developed
Maddy - Lack of game chats, so don't know where head is at

Merron says he is pumped for the Veto competition, and Maddy says she respects the decision but won't forget it either

Will Merron or Maddy make their way off the block, find out in episode #10

That's all for this post, and I do hope this is a good read

Find me on Twitter at richiew4ever

May I direct your attention to a brand new podcast from BB on Blast, the link to which can be found on the right....It comes highly recommended. Don't forget Rob has a podcast as well which comes on a few minutes after the televised episodes

Thanks for reading, and every like, retweet or share or merely a read is very much appreciated :)

Until next time, and someone is always watching....

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