Greetings, citizens, and welcome to episode #10 of Big Brother Canada 6 and tonight it's the Power of Veto
- Jesse was sent packing after a 9-2 vote
- Everyone pondered who cast the second vote for Jesse, which the audience knew to be Veronica
- Nobody was safe from suspicion
- At the HoH competition, Erica gained her first victory
- Erica put Merron on notice that he had made the shortlist
- Erica became suspicious of Veronica in regards to the rogue vote
- Alejandra made a pitch to backdoor Veronica
- Maddy and Merron were put on the block
Who will win the Power of Veto and will they use it on Merron or Maddy...Find out presently
We pick up the action at the end of the nominations ceremony where Erica nominated Merron and Maddy
Merron - No game relationship with Erica
Maddy - Social player but no game chats with Erica, leaving Erica to wonder where Maddy's head is at
Merron says it's ok and all good as he hugs Erica
Erica says Merron is not the target this week, but Maddy is. She says Maddy is just 'not her people' and is an easy out for Erica. Veronica says things got a little crazy last week, and thought she was going on the block but she didn't get nominated and has stirred the pot. Merron says it sucks to be on the block, but is super excited to play Veto. His plan is to stay positive and fight to get off the block. Maddy says she is finally playing Big Brother now she is on the block, and also plans to fight to get off the block
In the Red Rose bedroom, Maddy hugs Johnny and then starts crying. She says when she is passionate about something, it's difficult to control her emotions. But then she says when people see her crying as a weakness, that works for her too
Olivia walks into the bedroom, and says if she or Johnny play Veto and win they will use it on her causing Maddy to cry again. Maddy says she is probably going to be crying a lot this week. As Maddy walks out of the bedroom, Merron passes by and asks her if she is ok. Maddy replies with yes, and that she gives herself a 12 hour window then she's fine.
In the HoH bathroom, Maddy says to Alejandra she didn't think she would be emotional and Alejandra says it's fine. Maddy says she hopes it hasn't been too little too late with her, for a lot of people. Alejandra reminds her she still has the Power of Veto. Paras walks in, with Maddy saying she has a lot of work to do in the house and that is what she has to figure out.
Back in the Red Rose bedroom, Johnny tells Merron the game is hard. They share a hug, and Merron tells him that they all appreciate the love Johnny gives out. Merron says he feels like this is an opportunity to prove himself now he is on the block. Merron says he wants to win the Veto competition, and scream and cheer and regardless of the outcome can't keep his head low.
Johnny says Merron is like Mr Sunshine, spouting positivity while on the other side of the coin Maddy is staining Johnny's clothes with tears. He says he can't take anymore of it and it's driving him nuts
Player picks for the Veto competition
Erica summons everyone to the sofas ready to pick the other 3 players for the Veto competition to play alongside herself as she is HoH, and Maddy and Merron as the two nominees
The other 3 players picked are OLIVIA, ALEJANDRA and RYAN
The host as chosen by Erica is WILL
Big Brother will inform them as to when the competition will begin
Alejandra says she would use the Veto if she wins. She would consult Erica because she doesn't want to burn that bridge, but with the right facts and the right numbers tell her
Alejandra would like to get out a much bigger target than Maddy or Merron if she wins Veto
Olivia pitches to Alejandra that if Merron comes off the block and they put up Hamza or Veronica. She feels like Will is a little attached, but not totally, but one of them has to go. She says she wants Veronica gone so bad.
Olivia says that Veronica is a wild card, and can go after anyone she wants and is a super threat to all of them. Alejandra says she has noticed in the last 48 hours how dangerous and manipulating and how much of a liar Veronica is
Power of Veto competition
Rules for part 1: The name of this competition is called Fisherman's Barf. It is split into 2 rounds, with the winners of the first advancing to the second and final stage. Stage 1 involves untangling fishing line from a series of posts in the houseguests respective lanes. While attached to another fishing line, houseguests have to circle, spin and crawl through a maze to untangle the fishing line around their respective posts. The first three to complete this task will advance to the final stage
After much circling, spinning and crawling Olivia is first to ring her bell and she will advance to the final stage
And she will be joined by Erica, who is second to ring in and advance to the final stage
Maddy is the third and final houseguest to advance to the final stage
Eliminated - Alejandra, Ryan and Merron
Part 2: Catch a Fish. The three finalists must jump on and over a big reel to reel in their fish. The first to succeed will win Power of Veto
The boys notice how exhausted the girls are, but Erica gets a second wind and quickly winds up the competition
Power of Veto winner - ERICA
Erica is divided about winning the Veto, as she has total control, a lot of thinking to do and so many people to talk to.
Maddy says she is not happy Erica won the Veto, but is happy for her. She also says she may frustrated on the inside, but she has to get Erica to use the Veto on her.
In the White Rose bedroom, Merron thinks Erica will not use the Veto but Ryan disagrees. Hamza says if she uses it, she has to put up a big target and thinks it may be himself or Veronica. Ryan thinks it will be Veronica
Erica says Derek loved the tunes on her Ipod. Veronica says she is a fan of the rap songs Erica listens to. Veronica leaves the room, and talk turns to Alejandra and Olivia pitching to Erica about backdooring Veronica. Alejandra says she is not spitballing or telling Erica what to do, and says if Maddy is saved Maddy will be eternally loyal. Alejandra hints it may be a unanimous vote if Veronica is up on the block
In the White Rose bedroom, Johnny says to Alejandra he is worried about Maddy. He feels as if people think she is going home and it's bothering him.
Erica has invited Will for this weeks Wendy's Meal special, and she says he is missing his son. Will says to people at home that they don't know how hard it is to be in there
Erica says it's really good to connect with Will on a friendship level
Olivia requests to talk to Veronica, Alejandra says they don't want Veronica getting suspicious so will talk some game with her. Alejandra says Veronica is buying everything she and Olivia are selling, and hopefully they will be saying goodbye to Veronica at eviction time.
Various shots of the houseguests ensue, advising Erica what to do with the Veto
Power of Veto ceremony
Erica says she still doesn't know what to do in regards to the Veto. She says if she uses it she could make a big move, but could get more blood on her hands.
Erica asks Merron and Maddy to make their final pleas to why she should use the Veto on them
After some deliberation, Erica DOES use the Power of Veto on MADDY
The replacement nominee is revealed to be VERONICA
So now it's guaranteed one of the gatecrashers is going home on eviction night
Reason - Veronica is playing a shady game Erica can't respect, and Erica reminds Veronica she is NOT running the game
Veronica says it's now war between her and Erica
Who will leave, Veronica or Merron, find out in episode #11, and don't forget someone else will be leaving soon after as its a DOUBLE eviction
And that's a wrap for another Veto episode, Erica made the right choice there in my opinion. Will be interesting to see which way the votes go when the vote comes around in the next episode.
Thanks for reading this post, and to remind everyone to check out the new BB on Blast podcast which is available via the link on the right.
Rob has a Podcast will also be on the air after the double eviction episode, but if you missed the Veto recap it's readily available there too along with the season episodes as well
Follow me at richiew4ever on Twitter if you wish :)
Until next time, someone is always watching