Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 10 - Power of Veto #4

Greetings, citizens, and welcome to episode #10 of Big Brother Canada 6 and tonight it's the Power of Veto


  • Jesse was sent packing after a 9-2 vote
  • Everyone pondered who cast the second vote for Jesse, which the audience knew to be Veronica
  • Nobody was safe from suspicion 
  • At the HoH competition, Erica gained her first victory
  • Erica put Merron on notice that he had made the shortlist
  • Erica became suspicious of Veronica in regards to the rogue vote
  • Alejandra made a pitch to backdoor Veronica
  • Maddy and Merron were put on the block
Who will win the Power of Veto and will they use it on Merron or Maddy...Find out presently

We pick up the action at the end of the nominations ceremony where Erica nominated Merron and Maddy

Merron - No game relationship with Erica 
Maddy - Social player but no game chats with Erica, leaving Erica to wonder where Maddy's head is at

Merron says it's ok and all good as he hugs Erica

Erica says Merron is not the target this week, but Maddy is. She says Maddy is just 'not her people' and is an easy out for Erica. Veronica says things got a little crazy last week, and thought she was going on the block but she didn't get nominated and has stirred the pot. Merron says it sucks to be on the block, but is super excited to play Veto. His plan is to stay positive and fight to get off the block. Maddy says she is finally playing Big Brother now she is on the block, and also plans to fight to get off the block

In the Red Rose bedroom, Maddy hugs Johnny and then starts crying. She says when she is passionate about something, it's difficult to control her emotions. But then she says when people see her crying as a weakness, that works for her too

Olivia walks into the bedroom, and says if she or Johnny play Veto and win they will use it on her causing Maddy to cry again. Maddy says she is probably going to be crying a lot this week. As Maddy walks out of the bedroom, Merron passes by and asks her if she is ok. Maddy replies with yes, and that she gives herself a 12 hour window then she's fine.

In the HoH bathroom, Maddy says to Alejandra she didn't think she would be emotional and Alejandra says it's fine. Maddy says she hopes it hasn't been too little too late with her, for a lot of people. Alejandra reminds her she still has the Power of Veto. Paras walks in, with Maddy saying she has a lot of work to do in the house and that is what she has to figure out.

Back in the Red Rose bedroom, Johnny tells Merron the game is hard. They share a hug, and Merron tells him that they all appreciate the love Johnny gives out. Merron says he feels like this is an opportunity to prove himself now he is on the block. Merron says he wants to win the Veto competition, and scream and cheer and regardless of the outcome can't keep his head low.

Johnny says Merron is like Mr Sunshine, spouting positivity while on the other side of the coin Maddy is staining Johnny's clothes with tears. He says he can't take anymore of it and it's driving him nuts

Player picks for the Veto competition

Erica summons everyone to the sofas ready to pick the other 3 players for the Veto competition to play alongside herself as she is HoH, and Maddy and Merron as the two nominees

The other 3 players picked are OLIVIA, ALEJANDRA and RYAN

The host as chosen by Erica is WILL

Big Brother will inform them as to when the competition will begin

Alejandra says she would use the Veto if she wins. She would consult Erica because she doesn't want to burn that bridge, but with the right facts and the right numbers tell her

Alejandra would like to get out a much bigger target than Maddy or Merron if she wins Veto

Olivia pitches to Alejandra that if Merron comes off the block and they put up Hamza or Veronica. She feels like Will is a little attached, but not totally, but one of them has to go. She says she wants Veronica gone so bad.

Olivia says that Veronica is a wild card, and can go after anyone she wants and is a super threat to all of them. Alejandra says she has noticed in the last 48 hours how dangerous and manipulating and how much of a liar Veronica is


Power of Veto competition

Rules for part 1: The name of this competition is called Fisherman's Barf. It is split into 2 rounds, with the winners of the first advancing to the second and final stage. Stage 1 involves untangling fishing line from a series of posts in the houseguests respective lanes. While attached to another fishing line, houseguests have to circle, spin and crawl through a maze to untangle the fishing line around their respective posts. The first three to complete this task will advance to the final stage

After much circling, spinning and crawling Olivia is first to ring her bell and she will advance to the final stage

And she will be joined by Erica, who is second to ring in and advance to the final stage

Maddy is the third and final houseguest to advance to the final stage

Eliminated - Alejandra, Ryan and Merron

Part 2: Catch a Fish. The three finalists must jump on and over a big reel to reel in their fish. The first to succeed will win Power of Veto


The boys notice how exhausted the girls are, but Erica gets a second wind and quickly winds up the competition

Power of Veto winner - ERICA

Erica is divided about winning the Veto, as she has total control, a lot of thinking to do and so many people to talk to.

Maddy says she is not happy Erica won the Veto, but is happy for her. She also says she may frustrated on the inside, but she has to get Erica to use the Veto on her.

In the White Rose bedroom, Merron thinks Erica will not use the Veto but Ryan disagrees. Hamza says if she uses it, she has to put up a big target and thinks it may be himself or Veronica. Ryan thinks it will be Veronica

Erica says Derek loved the tunes on her Ipod. Veronica says she is a fan of the rap songs Erica listens to. Veronica leaves the room, and talk turns to Alejandra and Olivia pitching to Erica about backdooring Veronica. Alejandra says she is not spitballing or telling Erica what to do, and says if Maddy is saved Maddy will be eternally loyal. Alejandra hints it may be a unanimous vote if Veronica is up on the block


In the White Rose bedroom, Johnny says to Alejandra he is worried about Maddy. He feels as if people think she is going home and it's bothering him.

Erica has invited Will for this weeks Wendy's Meal special, and she says he is missing his son. Will says to people at home that they don't know how hard it is to be in there

Erica says it's really good to connect with Will on a friendship level

Olivia requests to talk to Veronica, Alejandra says they don't want Veronica getting suspicious so will talk some game with her. Alejandra says Veronica is buying everything she and Olivia are selling, and hopefully they will be saying goodbye to Veronica at eviction time.


Various shots of the houseguests ensue, advising Erica what to do with the Veto

Power of Veto ceremony

Erica says she still doesn't know what to do in regards to the Veto. She says if she uses it she could make a big move, but could get more blood on her hands. 

Erica asks Merron and Maddy to make their final pleas to why she should use the Veto on them

After some deliberation, Erica DOES use the Power of Veto on MADDY

The replacement nominee is revealed to be VERONICA

So now it's guaranteed one of the gatecrashers is going home on eviction night

Reason - Veronica is playing a shady game Erica can't respect, and Erica reminds Veronica she is NOT running the game

Veronica says it's now war between her and Erica

Who will leave, Veronica or Merron, find out in episode #11, and don't forget someone else will be leaving soon after as its a DOUBLE eviction

And that's a wrap for another Veto episode, Erica made the right choice there in my opinion. Will be interesting to see which way the votes go when the vote comes around in the next episode.

Thanks for reading this post, and to remind everyone to check out the new BB on Blast podcast which is available via the link on the right.

Rob has a Podcast will also be on the air after the double eviction episode, but if you missed the Veto recap it's readily available there too along with the season episodes as well

Follow me at richiew4ever on Twitter if you wish :)

Until next time, someone is always watching 

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 9 - HoH and Nominations #4

Welcome to a new week, citizens, as we pick up where we left off in the previous episode as in the beginning of the next HoH competition

Who will be crowned HoH and who will be nominated as we start a fresh week in Big Brother Canada


  • Hamza nominated Olivia and Jesse pre-Veto
  • Hamza won Veto, and kept the power to himself as in not using the Veto
  • Jesse called out Hamza for being untrustworthy
  • Derek was certain Jesse would stay, but his showmance partner Kaela warned him not to ruin his game
  • Olivia was supremely confident Jesse had dug his own grave after his tirade at Hamza
  • Jesse played every card possible to stay in the house, and even named and shamed the 'enemy'
  • Derek and Veronica laid out some hicky votes for Jesse, but Jesse went as expected in a 9-2 vote
Tonight sees the resumption of the HoH competition, will Veronica get found out about her rogue vote for Jesse, find out presently

Olivia says she is grateful to still be in there, and now she is getting ready to get her hands dirty and make a big move

Kaela says the vote was supposed to be 10-1, and nobody knows where that second vote came from, while Veronica says she voted for Jesse on purpose, as everyone is way too comfortable in the house and not willing to step up and play the game.

In the bathroom, Will tells Hamza Veronica voted for Jesse, as Jesse gave Kaela a hug and she said it wasn't her, Will says "so it must have been Veronica". Hamza says they will find out who it is.

Veronica is talking about a potential pity vote to Kaela, and again Kaela says it wasn't her who put in that second vote. Paras thought someone had ulterior motives and wanted to pin it on somebody else. Veronica speculates someone is trying to pin a target on somebody. Speculation is rife that is was either Kaela and Derek or Ryan. Will outright asks Veronica, and Veronica denies everything.

Houseguests are now gathered around the table trying to figure out who cast that second vote. 

Veronica says a lot of them decided to go with each other, and it's making one of them looks shady. She then says she took a big risk casting that second vote and it's worked as it's shaken up the house

HoH Competition

Ex houseguests Ika, Kevin and Sabrina make brief return as part of this next HoH competition, as its a memory competition...

Maddy says she is pretty confident, and as a superfan it is hers to lose. Meanwhile, Derek says he is going to win this for Jesse

Off we go for the questions...

1. What was the name of the person on the envelope Ika was holding

Answer: JOHN

Everybody correct

Erica says the house is sketchy right now, as there was a rogue vote cast and everyone is freaking out and she doesn't know who to trust

2. In Sabrina's display, which hand did she have pointing up in the air

Answer: Right

Will and Merron eliminated

3. Kevin had the Veto necklace around his neck

Answer: False

Everybody remaining is correct

Alejandra says she really wants to win this HoH, as her closest ally Olivia just came off the block and doesn't want to risk it again this week and doesn't want to go on the block herself

4. Sabrina's block read 'Sabrina delivers good TV'

Answer: False

Kaela, Ryan, Johnny, Veronica and Olivia eliminated

Maddy, Derek, Paras, Erica and Alejandra remain in the competition

Paras says she doesn't want to look like a threat, so has decided to throw this particular competition

5. On the table behind Ika, how many envelopes did not have stamps on them

Answer: Two

Paras is eliminated

6. How times was Sabrina heard saying 'You want good TV'

Answer: FOUR

Nobody correct

7. How many times did the word TRIPLE appear on Kevin's plaque

Answer: Three

Maddy eliminated

Erica, Derek and Alejandra remain in the competition and it's tie breaker time to decide the new HoH

Tie breaker question: At the end of the last HoH competition, how many pieces of fruit were successfully transported across the backyard in total

The winner will be closest without going over the total

Erica guesses 150
Derek guesses 420
Alejandra guesses 243


The answer is revealed by Arisa to be 206

Winner and new HoH - ERICA

Erica says its time to get down to business, as there are some major trust issues in the house and she needs to work out who she can trust and what kind of moves she will make

Alejandra makes her way to the bedroom saying she sucks, while Erica says she never thought she would be in this position in the house. Alejandra tells Olivia she cannot win a competition to save her life, to which Olivia says it will come. Derek says Erica has good relationships with everyone in the house so he has no clue. Derek thinks everyone wants Ryan to go.

Merron tells Will he has no idea who Erica will nominate. Merron says he has a good relationship with Erica and that they get along, but from a game perspective does not know where her head is.

Meanwhile back in the Red Rose bedroom, who placed the second vote is once again being asked, and Veronica's name pops up again. Olivia says everything Veronica does is calculated, and that's why she said she was terrified of Veronica when she went in there. Olivia says she has a plan.

Back in the living room, Hamza wants to see Ryan's theory about who cast that second vote. Kaela says people still think it's her. Ryan says Kaela and Derek felt isolated from the house, and Kaela STILL says it is not her.

Veronica says her lie about the vote is making everyone what she wants them to do and questioning each other

Paras says the mystery second voter is making everyone freak out and making everyone crazy, while Will now thinks it was Paras. He tells her someone's done something stupid and they didn't think it would escalate like it did. Paras disagrees, thinking that person was stirring it up. She then says she, Will and Maddy have been working together since day 1 and Will is questioning her loyalty which she dislikes.

To the Red Rose bedroom, and Paras talks to Veronica about Will. She says he keeps questioning her and gets so mad at her. Veronica doing very well to keep a straight face, as Paras is oblivious that it was Veronica


Who wants to see my HoH room

We see pics of Erica with her girlfriend Chey, and of her family....This week's Hasbro game is revealed as Catchphrase

A video message from Erica's girlfriend is then shown...Chey says she is so proud of Erica winning HoH and can't wait to see Erica when she leaves the house. Erica starts crying, and some houseguests note how hot Chey is.

Maddy says it is so exciting how some get to see their friends, and it's easy to forget how hard it is that some of the others have yet to see their friends and family.

Will apologises to Paras for being a bit of a jerk earlier in the day, and Paras says he shouldn't question her loyalty. He tells Paras that Maddy's name was come up quite a lot, and advises her not to trust Maddy. Paras says Maddy is someone she needs in the house.

Erica explains to Merron that they have never talked game while he has been there, and it worries her. She says she has someone in mind to put on the block, and also a pawn to sit in the other chair.

Merron says it would be weak to put him on the block, as he is not targetting her


Still in the HoH room, and Erica has chosen Maddy, Alejandra, Johnny, Ryan and Olivia for this week's HoH party night, and for a few rounds of this week's chosen game Catchphrase

Paras says she is looking forward to having a more relaxed week this week, but has no idea who Erica may put on the block, and Will says nobody has any idea who she will put on the block

Maddy says Erica has a lot of good relationships in the house, but now Erica is in power, Maddy is feeling a little uneasy. All of a sudden, Will lets out a loud fart.

Erica tells Hamza that both of them could beast their way through the entire house, and says she has a good relationship with Hamza and can strongly trust him.

Veronica makes her way to the HoH room, thinking she and Erica can work together. Veronica starts her pitching to Erica that it wasn't her who cast that second vote. Veronica says she would be straight up with Erica if she kept her off the block, and says she is stronger and a lot faster than a few in there.

Erica is onto Veronica, and says so to Alejandra.  . She tells Alejandra she wants to see how far Veronica will go with the lie, and Alejandra says Veronica is dangerous.Erica says she is 70% certain she is considering taking a shot at Veronica. They both agree it would be sick if Erica manages to get Veronica out this week

Maddy says Erica being HoH this week makes her very nervous, and admits that she and Erica don't have a strong game connection, and it's very important pre-nominations to get in the HoH room and have a word in her ear

Erica says Maddy is probably going on the block. Maddy says she is disappointed with this conclusion, but her and Erica being on the same team would be a shock to anyone. However she does indirectly warn Erica, that if she goes on the block it would not be good for Erica either

Maddy says in the Diary Room that if Erica puts her on the block, Erica has no idea how vengeful Maddy could actually be


Nominations ceremony

Shortlist - Merron, Maddy, Hamza and Veronica

"As Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate 2 people for eviction

Nominated - Merron and Maddy

Merron - Game relationship hasn't developed
Maddy - Lack of game chats, so don't know where head is at

Merron says he is pumped for the Veto competition, and Maddy says she respects the decision but won't forget it either

Will Merron or Maddy make their way off the block, find out in episode #10

That's all for this post, and I do hope this is a good read

Find me on Twitter at richiew4ever

May I direct your attention to a brand new podcast from BB on Blast, the link to which can be found on the right....It comes highly recommended. Don't forget Rob has a podcast as well which comes on a few minutes after the televised episodes

Thanks for reading, and every like, retweet or share or merely a read is very much appreciated :)

Until next time, and someone is always watching....

Monday, 26 March 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 8 - Eviction #3

Welcome to episode #8, citizens, of Big Brother Canada 2018 and it's eviction number 3

"Tonight, Hamza's wild reign of HoH comes to an end. When it's all said and done, Olivia or Jesse will be evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. Which one will have the almighty strength to save themselves? Let's get to it"


  • Veronica and Hamza won the HoH competition, and Veronica handed the HoH reins to Hamza
  • Hamza says nobody is safe, and then put Olivia and Jesse on the block
  • In the Veto competition, Jesse was craving safety, but Hamza beat him to the punch to win all of the week's power
  • After much deliberation with various housemates and considering several scenarios, Hamza decided NOT to use the Power of Veto, so Jesse and Olivia stayed on the block
  • Jesse did not take the decision laying down and called out Hamza for being untrustworthy
Arisa welcomes us in and says Olivia has been perceived as a threat, and Jesse has been coasting along until this week happened. She plugs the eviction, and also that there will be a big announcement at the end of the show.

We pick up the action straight after Hamza's Veto decision and Jesse's rant towards Hamza. To recap, Jesse halting proceedings just before Hamza could close the ceremony, and said to Hamza he wanted to point out a few things that were untrue. Jesse said Hamza said that Jesse would not be on the block this week, and before and after the Veto ceremony Hamza would use the Veto to take Jesse off the block. They promised on some very personal things, and that Jesse would not put his trust in someone who did that. Hamza then finally closed the ceremony.

Jesse says he had no choice, and that Hamza swore on his (Hamza's) fiancee's life that he would use the Veto on Jesse. When that didn't happen, he needed to let everybody know and that desperate times call for desperate measures.

Hamza refers to Jesse as a kid, and it was bad to bring Hamza's fiancee into it. In public Hamza is saying it's cool, but in the confines of the Diary Room not so cool. Olivia says that after Jesse's little rant, she can just sit back and watch Jesse dig his own grave.

In the HoH room, Will calls Jesse a shady b*****d. Hamza says if Jesse had left that remark in terms of the game, then it would have been fine. He calls Jesse disrespectful, and says it is much more easier for the rest of them to vote out Jesse now.

Maddy asks Jesse if that was a game plan, to which he replies it was a plan. Maddy thinks Jesse's speech was valid, but saying it in front of the whole house surprised her. Jesse wonders if it was smart or not, to which Maddy says the next few days are going to be a whirlwind. Jesse says he is just pointing out the situation. Maddy advises him that he either has people thinking or has made himself a target, and she doesn't really know which one. Jesse pitches to Maddy that it may be helpful to keep him around, and that Maddy doesn't like Olivia.

Merron is in the HoH room listening to some music, and describes the perks of possibly being HoH 

Paras says to Derek that she is worried about the upcoming eviction, and Derek tells her they have to go with the votes they have in Kaela and the two of them.

Derek says Jesse is his true friend in the house and will fight for him to the end and that the Real Deal alliance has his back and have the votes to keep him.

Paras is saying how p'd off they are with Jesse for saying what he said, and Hamza is apparently saying "It is so rude what he's done". Derek said Hamza's the one who brought his fiancee (not wife, Derek, get it right) into the game. He then says it's nice the alliance is still there, and that they want to go as far as they can

In the Red Rose bedroom, Kaela is putting some pants on as Derek walks in. Olivia had complimented him on his sweater, which he brings up with Kaela. Derek says Liv has never talked to him, and Kaela points out Olivia is on the block. Kaela says Derek is fighting hard to Jesse in the house, which is not really number 1 on her mind. She reminds Derek not to ruin his game while people are voting out Jesse. She says she is not going to ruin her own game, just to save him, and Derek shouldn't either. She warns Derek, if Olivia stays she may win HoH and put Kaela and Derek up.

Back to the studio, and Arisa tells us to stay tuned to see what Olivia and Jesse can do to stay safe and also the housemates celebrate not having to do any dishes...To find out what that means, find out after the short messages


"Hamza was HoH this week, and the house will either be sending Jesse or Olivia packing. The vote is coming up, but first it was Veronica's birthday a few days and the houseguests wanted to make a cake, and throw a little party. Before they knew it, things got a little out of hand"

Back to the house, and as Arisa said, it's party time. Veronica is blindfolded as she is led to her surprise party. Veronica says, once the surprise is revealed, that season 6 is going to get crazy and to party and make the most of it.

Several party games ensue, first up it's flip the cup which basically is to flip the cup face down

Alejandra warns the party is about to get weird, and right enough it's the good old fashioned game of Truth or Dare that UK viewers have got so accustomed to over the years

Several dares follow in the jacuzzi, such Will and Veronica, Kaela and Veronica, and Paras and Maddy. That is followed by Veronica twerking.

Back in the house, Jesse is telling Olivia he loves girly girls, the hair and they are literally his type. Olivia says although she and Jesse are on the block, that doesn't mean they have to be enemies. He tells Olivia he wasn't expecting being on the block, to which she says its because he is a big strong guy. Olivia says she's been trying to stay in game mode, and tells Jesse that he could distract her.

The next day, Veronica is asked if she enjoyed kissing the girls at her party. Veronica tells Kaela that she is a good kisser, and Kaela says to tell Derek that. Veronica then whispers that Will is a horrible kisser.

Will tells Paras and Kaela that Hamza thinks getting Jesse out would be a good game move in the long term. Paras thinks that Hamza is telling people who to vote out and doesn't make any sense. She says the alliance needs to keep their people safe. Will suggests Kaela, Paras, himself, Maddy, Derek and Veronica. Kaela says Veronica and Derek won't keep Jesse safe. Paras says Hamza is on their side, but he is the HoH and they put up two people and that the people are the numbers. Paras says she didn't go in to play Hamza's game, and wonders why someone is afraid to p's off Hamza.

Back to the studio, and Arisa plugs what last minute moves Olivia and Jesse may make to avoid being voted out, and then plugs the eviction


Arisa plugs the Hasbro games that are part of the show this year

Back to the house, and Merron summons everyone to the sofas to read out a message from Big Brother

"Hello houseguests. You know its hard work living together with 14 people and it's an even tougher job keeping the house clean. It is time to put your cleaning skills to the test, along with your dancing skills. You have just 30 minutes to transform the house from filthy to fantastic, and when you hear Big Brother's music you must clean and dance at the same time. If you successfully clean the house, you will earn a tasty reward. Let the cleaning and dancing commence"

Several clips begin of housemates dancing as they clean, it's pretty obvious they will pass

And voila they have passed, and they get to order online at Skip the Dishes...Burritos seems like the leading choice.

Alejandra tells Olivia not to stress too much about the upcoming eviction. Olivia says she is not stressed, and just doesn't want to look like she doesn't care. She wants to be nice to Ryan, but thinks he is so weird about the game. 

Olivia tells Maddy she would love her vote, but doesn't want to blow smoke up people's rear ends. Maddy says she really doesn't know what she will do yet. Olivia replies with that she doesn't expect to, and Maddy says she appreciates that Olivia came to her

Jesse says he has to go and talk to Hamza and some of the people he's (Hamza) is working with even though he doesn't want to. Jesse thinks he has five votes, and Hamza tells him his people will vote the way he wants them to. Jesse then asks if he wins HoH, who would Hamza want on the block, to which Hamza is reluctant.

Veronica walks into the HoH room, and Jesse says he doesn't want to be affiliated with people who are going to be targets in the house. Jesse pitches that it would make sense to keep him as Veronica and Hamza were never targets of his, to which Veronica agrees and believes him. Hamza tells Jesse to put up the showmance if he wins HoH.

Back to the studio, and Arisa announces it is eviction time after the break


But first, something that happened 'moments ago'

Jesse speaks to the Red Rose bedroom and informs them everyone was talking about voting him out, but he is going to lay out all the information for everyone. He tells them Will, Hamza, Veronica and Merron are in a tight four, but at that moment Olivia makes her way to the bedroom and interrupts Jesse in mid sentence. She says she wants to grab her bag and Will lets her in telling her he was just saying goodbye to everyone. He says if he leaves today, then the Red Rose bedroom is screwed.


Arisa gives Olivia and Jesse the 30 second pleas.

11 of them voting tonight, and as always the outgoing HoH and nominees are not eligible to vote

6 is the magic number tonight, once a houseguest reaches that number they are gone, and no conferring is allowed during the vote

And here we go....

Merron votes to evict Jesse
Derek votes to evict Olivia
Alejandra votes to evict Jesse
Maddy votes to evict Jesse
Paras votes to evict Jesse


4-1 to Jesse coming back from the break

And on we go....

Veronica votes to evict Olivia
Kaela votes to evict Jesse
Will votes to evict Jesse

Jesse is evicted as he has reached 6 votes

Ryan votes to evict Jesse
Erica votes to evict Jesse
Johnny votes to evict Jesse

Evicted - JESSE

Final score - 9 votes to 2

Jesse said the last couple of days have been crazy, and said there wasn't enough time to get some decent campaigning done. He can't come up with an answer when Arisa asks him who he thinks will win.

The customary goodbye messages follow, before Arisa plugs a full interview for Jesse on Facebook and also the start of the next HoH competition after the break


Memory quiz to sort out the next HoH, and we get to see Ika, Kevin and Sabrina return and the housemates have to memorize various details as obviously there will be questions coming up

Arisa goes live to the house to start the competition, as outgoing HoH Hamza is not eligible to compete

1. What was the name on the envelope Ika was holding in her hand

Answer - JOHN

Everyone is correct

2. In Sabrina's display which hand did she have pointing in the air

Answer - Right hand

Will and Merron eliminated

3. Kevin had the Veto necklace around his neck

Everyone left is correct

To be concluded in Episode #9

Arisa closes the show by announcing that the next eviction is a DOUBLE eviction

Reminder to UK viewers, with the clocks going forward the times of the shows are now back to normal for the rest of the season

Monday - 2am
Wednesday - Midnight
Thursday - 1am

Pity they didn't finish off this particular HoH comp in this show and it will most likely drag on for longer in Monday's episode. Overall a good episode, and to be frank Jesse's fate was signed and sealed after that rant in the Veto episode

Thats all for now, but keep the likes and retweets coming in as they are very much appreciated and to any new readers a very warm welcome :)

Don't forget to check out the links on the right for the latest content, including a fresh podcast from BB on Blast, and also Rob has a Podcast which goes on air shortly after each televised episode

Find me at richiew4ever on Twitter, and thanks for reading :)

Remember, someone is always watching :) Until next time.....

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Big Brother Canada - Episode 7 - Power of Veto #3

Welcome to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave, and this is episode #7 for Big Brother Canada

Tonight sees the third Veto competition and if the Veto is used by whoever wins to save either Jesse or Olivia


  • Hamza and Victoria won the HoH competition, but Veronica passed the reins of HoH to Hamza
  • Hamza wanted to wreak havoc, and targeted Olivia
  • Feeling uncertain, Olivia tried to shift the target to the gatecrashers, unaware one of the said gatecrashers was listening in from another room
  • Hamza nominated Olivia and Jesse, immediately causing Jesse to question Hamza's decision
We start at the aftermath of the nominations ceremony, Hamza is explaining his reasons for his nominations

Olivia - No talked much game and Hamza doesn't know where her allegances lie
Jesse - Physical and social player, and Hamza doesn't know where his (Jesse) head is at

Hamza says that Olivia was wanted on the block by the house, and its time to break up the popular kids and that summer camp is over

Jesse is not taking being on the block particularly well, we see a little flashback of just before the nominations ceremony with Derek telling Jesse that Jesse is certain to go up, to which Jesse says it makes no sense. Back to the present, Jesse is calling Hamza's decision 'rash'.

Another flashback shows Hamza and Derek making a pact to them two and Will and Jesse teaming up

Back to the present again, and Jesse saying he is freaking out on the inside. In the HoH room, Jesse says he is not gunning for Hamza. The conversation then turns to the already mentioned four to which Hamza says for it to work nobody must suspect it. Hamza says if he wins Veto, he will pull Jesse down and put Alejandra up on the block or if he and Jesse are neck and neck, Hamza will step aside and let Jesse win and Jesse agrees with this idea.

Hamza says he is telling Jesse what he wants to hear, as he still doesn't know who he wants to keep safe. He wants to see if Jesse handles the pressure of being on the block.

Jesse says Hamza's plan sounds super sketchy but Hamza has to be trusted

Olivia goes to talk to Hamza, and he tells her he has a plan for the Veto comp

In the kitchen,Paras tells Jesse that Hamza told Olivia she's not the target, and then says she is afraid he will take Olivia off and put Derek next to him on the block. Jesse calls Hamza an idiot, to which Paras agrees with and says Hamza said he came to play big moves and that pretty boy aka Derek needs to go.

Paras said she is freaking out Jesse is on the block and tells him to wake up as he is a target. She tells Jesse he has to gun for Veto as even if he looks like a threat, it's better than if he goes home.

Jesse tells Paras about the proposed alliance between himself, Hamza, Derek and Will, and says about Hamza possibly throwing the Veto if it's close.

Derek now steps into the HoH room and tells Hamza that Jesse is choked. Hamza says he had to do it, and it wasn't intended as a shot at Derek and the whole thing is working like a charm and people are buying this. Hamza makes Derek promise he will take Jesse down if he wins Veto. Hamza then says in the Diary Room that no-one is safe and he intends to cause as much confusion as possible.

Derek leaves the HoH room, and tells Will the nominations will stay the same as its the best case scenario as they have until Eviction day to decide who goes home.

Jesse, Derek and Olivia are in the kitchen....Jesse is telling the other two that Hamza told him that Olivia is not the target. Olivia says Hamza wants to backdoor or put one of Olivia or Derek against Jesse. Jesse says this Veto is essential, and if Liv gets pulled off the block then he or Derek will be going home. Enter Alejandra, and she says her mind is a bit messed up right now and that her name has been bandied about lately. Jesse says he doesn't understand these nominations at all and that he is missing something. Alejandra says Hamza is a pretty closed book.


Time to pick players for the Veto competition

Hamza as HoH, Jesse and Olivia as nominees, and picked to play are Derek, Ryan and Erica. Host for the competition is Maddy.

In the Have Not room Hamza, Jesse and Derek make the pact that if one of them win the Veto Jesse is coming off the block, and Hamza says even if one of them doesn't win Veto Olivia still goes home.


Rules: The competition is called Fresh off the Block. The goal is to knock all the vegetables down, but the balls that are needed are frozen in ice. Once the klaxon sounds,houseguests have to walk on their fence and the vegetable patch to their respective freezer. If they fall off their fence or on the vegetable patch they will have to start again. Once they get to their freezers they will use their tools to break the ice and get their ball, and then go back over the patch and fence and try to knock down a target with their ball. After 4 targets are down, they can search through the soil underneath their targets to find a key for a bigger ice block. The first houseguest to knock down all their targets will win Veto, and also $5,000 courtesy of Wendy's.

Hamza insists it's over and he is winning that Veto and $5,000

And we are underway for the next Veto competition

After much ice breaking, Hamza and Jesse have one target down and Derek follows suit shortly afterward.

Hamza and Jesse are four targets down, and can go and get their key for their bigger ice breaker. Jesse says Hamza is running away with this and that he needs to get a move on.


Jesse says he needs to take this risk to make up time. Hamza gains another ball and it's a hit and only needs one more to win Veto. Hamza takes a few shots to get his last target, and is eventually successful to take the Veto and $5,000

WINNER - Hamza

Jesse is mad about Hamza winning Veto and says he's not sure if anyone has had a worse day but that's alright. Back in the kitchen, he says he is mad about losing both the money and the Veto. He says its brutal and says Hamza says he would be taken off the block if Hamza won veto, but doesn't trust him and it sucks that his life in this game is in Hamza's hands.


Jesse says the problem with Hamza is that he (Jesse) is not kissing his rear end 100%

Derek says Jessie has been mad since the Veto loss, and Derek has been telling Jessie to keep his cool

In the HoH room, Big Brother has laid out some pizzas and a board game called Hearing Things. Hamza says he decided to invite the Have Nots and some others to the HoH room for a house party

The rules for Hearing Things:

Read your team-mate's lips and correctly guess what they are saying from the phrase on the card. The team with the most corectly guessed phrases wins.

Veronica - Let's go to the Hot Springs
Will - Let's go to the Hockey Park

Will eventually gets it right though, and now Will to Veronica

Will - I have to get gas
Veronica - I have lots of cash

Veronica doesn't get it right, even after several attempts

Kaela - All parents love jazz
Derek - All berries love Jack

Derek - That salsa is too spicy

Kaela says Derek's lips are good for something, but not whispering

Hamza - I'm going to eat a cookie
Erica - I'm going to eat a turkey

Erica - This hill is super steep
Hamza - Something super sleepy

Paras gets 'I hope it's covered by the warranty' at her first attempt


Back to Hamza, and he says he has all the power this week and time to buckle down and figure out what the best move is for Team Hummus

Olivia has joined Hamza in the HoH room in a last ditch attempt to sway him ahead of the Veto ceremony. She says she was calm after the nominations ceremony and then heard Jesse was already rallying against her. She hasn't made any alliance, there are some people who are super strong in the house and some people who are floaters and a good mix is needed. Olivia wonders if she is really the big threat Hamza is making her out to be, and to man up and make a big move in taking her off the block and put up an actual threat.

Jesse says he heard that Hamza was disrespecting him in some way, and has to make the Veto is going to be used on him as Hamza promised.

Jesse feels as if the vibes have been off in some way, and that he apologises for coming off as sour about losing the Veto and wants to be there for the team at the end of the day.

Hamza seriously considers keeping Jesse on the block, as he is being a big baby and temperamental and people are beginning to notice.

Back in the HoH room, Hamza is explaining to Derek about Jesse. He says to Derek he knows Jesse is Derek's boy, and to not let it ruin his game. He tells Derek to keep an open mind and not to get mad. Hamza then says the last thing he wants is to annoy the rest of the house, and have himself and Derek sitting on the block next week.

Merron is next up in the HoH room, and Hamza fills him in about the conversation he just had with Derek. Merron suggests using the Veto and putting Derek on the block and taking Derek out, but also points out that Jesse hasn't won a competition yet and says that if the veto is not used Derek will hunt Hamza regardless, but is down for Derek being shown the door. Hamza then suggests taking Olivia down and putting Derek in her place



Hamza says he promised to take Jesse down, but Jesse has been annoying him so it may be better for Hamza's game if Jesse stays where he is. He also says Olivia is not a huge threat, but suggests taking her down and putting Derek on the block to light up the house some more.

Back in the living area, Hamza gives Olivia and Jesse a few seconds to potentially explain why the Veto should be used on them

Olivia says she would totally hate the Veto being used on her, it sucks being on the block but Hamza won fair and square and respects his decision.

Jesse says Hamza absolutely beasted the Veto competition, and doesn't think there is much debate and says before and after the Veto competition it would be used on him and thinks it should be used.

After some deliberation, Hamza decides NOT to use Power of Veto, so it's Jesse versus Olivia for the 3rd eviction of this season

Jesse stands up and starts to rant towards Hamza before the ceremony is closed about trust issues and basically accuses Hamza of being untrustworthy before Hamza closes the ceremony

Jesse says Hamza is all talk, he just started a war and Jesse will do everything in his power to stay this week and take Hamza down

Hamza said if Jesse hadn't of run his mouth, it wouldn't have sealed his fate and tells him to pack his bags

Who will be evicted? Jessie or Olivia?

Find out when episode #8 rolls around

And that's a wrap for tonight's post, as always a thousand thanks to anyone who shares, likes or retweets these posts

Thank you to everyone who reads these recaps, and I hope I am doing a good job with them

Reminder, check out BB on Blast's new podcast, and also Rob has a Podcast which is on the air straight after all the televised episodes. Links to them and other pages of interest can be found to the right, you won't be disappointed :)

Follow me on Twitter - twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Big Brother Canada - Episode 6: HoH and nominations #3

Greetings citizens, and welcome to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave

We move into episode #6 and the beginning of the next HoH's reign and who they will put on the chopping block before Veto

Previously on Big Brother Canada:

  • Erica successfully raided her Tomb to win the Power of Veto, along with $5,000 and a trip out of the house with a houseguest of her choice to see an advanced screening of Tomb Raider
  • Ryan pressured Erica to use her Veto, so he could backdoor Olivia
  • Erica didn't use the Veto, so Ryan's plan didn't come to fruition
  • Andrew was evicted 10-0, and didn't say his goodbyes
  • The battle for the power began
Will a showmance be on the block whoever wins HoH, find out presently

We pick up the action at Arisa announcing Andrew was evicted, in case you missed it...Andrew just upped and left without any goodbyes, and was straight out of the door

Ryan says he is feeling incredibly guilty Andrew has gone and didn't want him to go. Ryan claims he asked Andrew to trust him as he (Ryan) had a plan. He also says his plan to backdoor Olivia backfired, and his closest ally is out of the game.

Jesse says this eviction has been wild, and that he feels fantastic. He is working with Derek, Kaela and Paras, and says he has good relationships with everyone in the house

Recap of the HoH competition rules:

Earlier in the day, a random draw was made to determine the pairings for this competition. Each pair must work together, as they are in crates, to transfer 8 of each fruit to their respective trays. One of each team will pick up the fruit and transfer it to their partner, who is also in a crate, and must then transfer it to the respective tray. The first pair to complete this task will be declared the winner, and then the winning pair must decide which of them will be HoH this week

The pairings are:

Hamza and Veronica
Jesse and Alejandra
Olivia and Maddy
Will and Johnny
Paras and Merron
Kaela and Derek

As Erica was the only one who didn't get a partner, she sits this competition out and has the added bonus of being safe for the week

Alejandra says she really needs to win this HoH, as she has been on the block before and it really sucks and is beyond stressful. Paras says she feels she doesn't have to win this HoH, as she is working both sides of the house and doesn't want to be forced to take a shot at either side. Will is very uncomfortable in the box he is in, as the box is too small and he is getting splinters. Kaela says this competition is perfect for her as she is small, and got big powerful legs.

Ryan remarks how cute it is that Kaela and Derek got picked together. Back to Kaela, and she says working together with Derek is perfect, as they are both physically fit and competitive, and he will work just as hard as her to try and win this game

It is announced that Hamza and Veronica are currently in the lead along with Kaela and Derek, and after much to-ing and fro-ing Hamza and Veronica get over the finish line

Winners: Hamza and Veronica

New HoH will be HAMZA


Hamza reminds us he is the new head of house and wants to divide the house. He says he is not a fan of the showmances or the floaters, and wants to make everyone feel uncomfortable. He says he is sick and tired of everyone going with the house, and is going to do what is best for his game

Veronica is laughing silently in the White Rose bedroom, and says that even though Hamza is technically HoH she is the one that propelled him to the win. She also says she showed the other houseguests what she is capable of, and that she is a force to be reckoned with

In the Red Rose bedroom, Alejandra is silently saying 'Thank god its Hamza' and whispers it could be the best case scenario for her, but not with Veronica keeping her mouth in Hamza's ear. Alejandra says she can't trust Veronica and doesn't know where she stands with her and can't read her at all.

Paras reiterates that she is working both sides of the house and currently has Real Deal and the White Room. In the White Room she feels most comfortable with Maddy and Will, and she says the White Room is targeting Olivia this week. She claims she heard Will was coming for Maddy from the start, and will do whatever it takes to protect her people.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Erica says to Olivia that Hamza is so unpredictable and is very hard to read, and also that she and him have been on opposite sides of the game. Olivia says Hamza getting HoH is not ideal and doesn't know where his head is at. Erica has noticed he is getting closer to Jesse and Derek, especially when they were Have Nots, and not sure he would go for Merron because they seem like buddies, and Erica wants Merron gone. She doesn't feel like she is on Hamza's radar, but at the same time doesn't think Olivia is either.

"Who wants to see my HoH room"

We see pics of Hamza's fiancee and his parents, and he gets a video message from his fiancee

Merron says he has moved into his first full week of Big Brother, and wants to talk to Hamza to make sure they are on the same page as nominations loom large

Hamza says breaking up the showmances is the back up plan, as Plan A is to try and get Olivia out. Hamza says Olivia is a marathon runner and is not dumb and calls her a floater. 

Merron says he doesn't think Olivia is a floater, and people are making her out to be more mischievous than she actually is.He then tells Hamza that he is the one person in the house he 100% trusts.


And now for some filler before we get to nominations, in a game called "Will You Showmance"

As HoH, Hamza had to choose 4 couples to compete and he chose:

Erica and Merron
Paras and Jesse
Kaela and Derek
Veronica and Will

After a few questions Derek, Erica, Kaela and Merron are declared the Have Nots...

Veronica asks for a few moments with Hamza and feels she should have 50% say in the nominations this week

She suggests putting Alejandra on the block with Olivia, and Hamza says they are on his radar and has to figure out what the best options are


Hamza has chosen Derek to share his Wendy's meal with,in their conversation Derek says if Olivia or Alejandra go then the other one of those two has nothing.

Jesse and Paras are handcuffed to each other for the night, likewise with Veronica and Will. Veronica and Will are sharing a bath, and Hamza warns them Olivia is on her way to see him and for them to keep quiet while she is in there.

Olivia says the consensus was to try and get one of the newbies out, and would like to know if she is going up so she can mentally prepare. Hamza says he is uncertain at the moment.


Paras asks Hamza if he has made his mind up and asks to talk to Hamza. She says to him that she is down to taking a shot at the other room and is down for whoever Hamza wants. He asks her who she has in mind to take a shot at other than Olivia and Alejandra, and she says that she is getting to know Jesse a little better and that Derek and Kaela want to work with them.

Jesse is next up and says he doesn't talk game a lot, and says Alejandra, Olivia and Ryan's names are getting thrown around

Meanwhile, Alejandra says she trusts Olivia the most in the house and needs to check with Hamza that Olivia is not on his radar. She tells Hamza he can trust her, especially beyond this current week. Hamza tells Alejandra that her name has been mentioned a lot, because she is very tight with Olivia.

Time for the nominations ceremony

"As Head of Household it is my duty to nominate two people for eviction"

Hamza has nominated Olivia and Jesse

Olivia - Not sure where alliegances lie
Jesse - Physical and social player, but doesn't know where head is at

Can Olivia or Jessie pull themselves off the block, find out in episode #7

And that's a wrap for another episode, thanks for reading and major thanks to anyone who retweets, likes or shares these posts...It is very much appreciated :)

Hope this is a good read for whoever reads it

And before I go, BB on Blast have a new podcast out, be sure to give it a listen

Link is https://www.spreaker.com/user/lightupvm/bbcan6-feud

And don't forget Rob has a Podcast goes on the air straight after each television episode, so be sure to catch them as well :)

Until next time, and someone is always watching......

Monday, 19 March 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 5 - Eviction #2

Greetings, citizens, as Big Brother from the Batcave rolls onto the next eviction in Big Brother Canada

Arisa welcomes us in with "Welcome to our second eviction of the season. Tonight Andrew or Hamza will be sent packing, after that we will watch as the house becomes an absolute zoo"

Previously on Big Brother Canada

  • Ryan came out of the HoH competition high and dry, and gained the power
  • Ryan primed himself for a big move, as in a backdoor of Olivia 
  • He sent Andrew and Hamza to the chopping block
  • Erica successfully raided her tomb in the Veto challenge to win herself an advanced screening of Tomb Raider and netted herself a cool $5,000 and more importantly the Power of Veto
  • Erica didn't buy Ryan's master plan, and therefore didn't use the Veto causing Ryan's nominations to stay the same
Who will be taking the second walk of shame, find out presently on Big Brother Canada

We start tonight's proceedings just before the Veto ceremony ends, and Erica says Andrew and Hamza's gameplaying have contributed to them being on the block and closes said ceremony

Ryan thinks his HoH tenure has been a complete bust as his plan to backdoor Olivia hasn't come to fruition and it's still his two best allies on the block. Andrew says he would have used the Veto, and then says Erica didn't have to do him like that, but she did. As for Hamza, he doesn't care he is still on the block as long as Andrew is still the target.
Ryan chips in with that you can't win a poker game unless you win a couple of hands and in order to win you have to be willing to put your chips on the table. He then says he fears he may have overplayed his hand already, and compares himself to a man at sea without a sail.

In the bathroom, Andrew is shaving Hamza's hair while Alejandra is using hair straighteners and Hamza says even though he and Andrew are on the block they are still buddies

Merron and Will are in the White Rose bedroom. Will thinks Merron is not aligned with anyone yet and is on a different social game to everyone else right now, and also that the 'cool kids' are in the Red Rose bedroom and that the White Rose bedroom crew may be seen as the outcasts of the season.

Alejandra thinks Ryan is regretting his decision of putting Andrew and Hamza on the block. Erica thinks that Ryan reckons he is smarter than the rest of them, but she says he isn't and with 14 still in there it is still a numbers game.

Back to the White Rose Bedroom, Merron says he wouldn't nominate anyone from that bedroom if he were to win HoH, and that the mission right now in the other bedroom is to get Andrew out and then they would target himself and Veronica

Will seems convinced Merron has his back and he has Merron's

Back to the studio, Arisa plugs what is coming up and calls a break

"Andrew and Hamza are on the block, and in a few minutes we will see how the houseguests have decided to vote...But before that Erica had another big decision to make this week. She won the PoV and Big Brother gave her two tickets to an exclusive screening of Tomb Raider. Who did she choose, let's find out"

A word of warning for those who are against houseguests leaving the house outside of an eviction or personal emergency should probably skip this part....

For those who haven't skipped forward, keep reading, and for those who have, see you in the next section ;)

Back we go to the house and the back door, where Erica emerges and she has picked HAMZA to accompany her to the screening of Tomb Raider. They think as they are making their way to the screening that the houseguests are not really sitting around thinking, and probably regretting putting him and Andrew on the block

I myself am not a big fan of this outside world stuff, just unfortunate this show is picking up some of the UK show's bad habits as we have already seen with s**tstirring and now taking the housemates out of the house on day trips. For me the outside world stuff is a big no no, as it defeats the purpose of what Big Brother is about.

Erica and Hamza arrive at the screening where there is a lot of popcorn waiting, and we see a few shots of the Tomb Raider movie.

Hamza asks Erica whether it was a good mental break from the house, and she says it was nice to get out and recharge

Back to the house, and it's snowing quite heavily. Veronica, Maddy and Will build a mini snowman. Maddy says being in the house one minute wondering who is going to stab you in the back, and the next minute that you can actually hang out with each other and life feels pretty nice. Fast forward a few seconds to Maddy sitting out in the snow saying she's wanted to be in there for so long and is so proud of herself.

Alejandra decides to play a joke on the White Rose bedroom as she knocks on the door and runs away, cue Will checking who knocked the door and he makes his way to the Red Rose bedroom, where Alejandra is planning to jump out on him from behind the door. Unfortunately this time it doesn't work as Will doesn't come through the door of the Red Rose bedroom Take 2 from Alejandra, and this time it does work as Will does come through the door and Alejandra jumps out on him.

Ryan admits this week hasn't gone to plan, and says for his game Andrew has to stay. Veronica says she would rather have someone who can be better at comps right now, rather than someone who she can't trust. Ryan thinks he has nothing to lose by trying to convince people to keep Andrew rather than Hamza, and if people get a little paranoid in the process then whatever.

Ryan then asks some of them if Hamza wins the next HoH who would he put up, to which there is barely an answer. Ryan leaves the room and Derek immediately calls him a clown.

Veronica says Ryan has been going around the house and telling people who to vote for and she wants to put a stop to it, so calls a 'family' meeting. She says there are other people in the house who want to call Ryan out, but it's her time to shine and wants to paint a big target on Ryan.

At the meeting, Veronica calls out Ryan for trying to flip the house in trying to get Hamza out and keep Ryan

Ryan says all of them are working together and not working with him, which means it's time to light the house up and smoke out an alliance or two

To the Have Not room we go, and the various complaints of smells and small blankets from the current have nots. Derek says it feels like hell trying to sleep in the Have Not room and the worst part is not being able to cuddle up with Kaela.

Andrew asks Hamza if it is truly annoying that they can't turn their heads without seeing one of the showmances. Hamza calls it 'lovey dovey bulls**t'....Hamza speaking for the showmance dislikers there.

At the pool table, Olivia asks Paras if she (Paras) is interested in Jesse to which Paras says no several times. Paras says it is a little awkward being asked, and is finding it difficult to hide what she and Jesse have in there. Olivia walks in on the conversation between Jesse and Paras in the Red Rose bedroom, so cue some awkwardness as Olivia hangs around to apply her make up

Alejandra tells Andrew that a certain spot on the couch is Andrew's lucky spot. Andrew says it is to watch and observe. He then says he is going to do some last minute campaiging, and starts to go to work on Alejandra but it doesn't look like it has worked

Arisa plugs the incoming eviction and next HoH comp and calls a break

After the break, Arisa goes live to the house to reveal something which happened earlier in the day in the kitchen. The Have Nots covered all the fridge food in foil, which obviously the others did not know about.

Eviction time, and Andrew or Hamza will leave, and first of all it's the 30 second pleas from the said two to why they should stay.

Usual rules as in Ryan as HoH will only vote in the event of a tie, and the two nominees cannot vote and also as the newcomers Veronica and Merron will not vote

Conferring is also not allowed and there mustbe absolute silence

And off we go....

Erica votes to evict Andrew
Johnny votes to evict Andrew
Paras votes to evict Andrew
Jesse votes to evict Andrew
Alejandra votes to evict Andrew
Olivia votes to evict Andrew
Will votes to evict Andrew
Maddy votes to evict Andrew
Kaela votes to evict Andrew
Derek votes to evict Andrew

Another landslide vote and Andrew is evicted 10-0

Andrew is up and grabbing his bag and up the stairs before Arisa finishes what she says

"Andrew, say your goodbyes....or not"

Andrew basically says he'd had enough of the house with all the fake stuff going on. Andrew admits he may have gone a bit too far in terms of gameplay trying to keep Rozina in the game. He asks Arisa to remind Ryan that he (Ryan) messed up.

Back from the break, and it's the start of the next HoH competition to close this particular show

As per the rules, as outgoing HoH Ryan is not allowed to compete

Earlier in the day there was a random draw to decide pairings, and as the only one left without a partner Erica can sit out and will be safe for the week.

This next competition is called Handle with Care, the rules are:

The houseguests have to work together in their pairs to transfer 8 pieces of each fruit to their respective trays. One houseguest will get the fruit while in their box, while their partner who are also in boxes have to transfer the fruit to the trays. The first pair to transfer all their fruits will win, and then decide between themselves which of the pair will be the next HoH.

Under starters orders and they are off....

To be concluded in episode #6

And that's a wrap for this episode....

Thousand thanks to everyone who comes in here and reads these posts, all the retweets and likes are very much appreciated

Don't forget to join Rob has a Podcast after every episode has aired to get their take on the night's episode, and also tune into Sistah Speak for a new podcast for this season of Big Brother Canada

Links can be found on the right as always, and there have been some new links added....Be sure to check them out, I can't recommend them all enough

Until next time, someone is always watching :)

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Big Brother Canada 6 - Episode 4: Power of Veto #2

Greetings citizens, and welcome to Big Brother from the Batcave: Big Brother Canada

We move into episode #4, and it's a Veto competition tonight....Will Andrew or Hamza pull themselves off the block, we will find out presently

Previously on Big Brother Canada:

  • Andrew's aggressive attempt to flip the house to keep Rozina in failed
  • Veronica and Merron entered the house and had to come up with a convincing story to how they got in
  • At the HoH competition, Ryan won the honours
  • Andrew and Hamza were placed on the chopping block
We join the action after the nominations ceremony and Ryan says he nominated the two people in the house he was closest with because the house is against them. He then says the problem is now to think about the long term game, and to do that he has put his two closest buddies on the block.

Hamza says he requested to go on the block is so he is guaranteed to play in the Veto competition, whilst Andrew says he knew he was going on the block and is humbled and annoyed. He then admits he erred in his judgment about Ryan

Alejandra says she has no sympathy for Andrew being on the block as he indirectly put her in that position the week before

In the HoH room, Ryan says this game is a b***h and wants Andrew to win Veto. Andrew warns Ryan he may not, and Ryan says he has a plan in place as in putting Olivia up on the block should Andrew or Hamza win Veto and take themselves off.

Alejandra and Jesse are talking about the nominations, to which they both agree on. Alejandra says Ryan is smart and knows the game better than anybody. She then says Ryan did exactly what the house wanted him to do, and show everyone a sign of good faith and is a man of his word and trying to make the house happy.

Andrew says he is going try and lay low, kick back with Hamza and see how things play out. He then says he trusts Ryan, but Hamza says putting both he and Andrew up is a bit risky and wonders what will happen if one of them wins the Veto.

Time for the Veto competition, and to pick 3 other players alongside Ryan, Andrew and Hamza and also a host

Johnny, Jesse and Erica are the 3 other players, and Ryan picks Alejandra as the host

Ryan campaigns to Johnny, Jesse and Erica to throw the competition as they could put a spanner in the works to put Olivia on the block, but the houseguests smell a rat as they figure out the plan straight away.

Ryan walks in on a houseguest meeting in the Red Rose bedroom, and he says no matter what happens to just stick to the plan. In this meeting there is a lot of resistance to Ryan's plan, and he says even if Andrew or Hamza pulls themself off the block then it will be bloodless as the other will still go home.

In the HoH room, Ryan insists he still has Andrew's back and wants Andrew to keep the faith that the plan will succeed

Time for the Veto competition, and it's a Tomb Raider based challenge

Erica says she is ready to go full on Lara Croft beast mode

The rules of the competition:

Houseguests will start with their hands tied, once they are free then they must collect a bow and arrow and attempt to hit their first puzzle piece. They will then head into the 'jungle' to find the rest of their puzzle pieces and must clear the ravine and traverse the log on their way back. Once they have collected all their puzzle pieces, then they must start putting together the pieces in their respective pyramid which will reveal the solution to unlock the tomb. The first player to unlock their tomb will win the Veto. Bonus prizes for the winner include an advanced screening of the new Tomb Raider movie, and also $5,000.

Andrew remarks that everybody in the house is against him and he has to win as his future in the house depends on it

Ryan says the plan is out of the window as everyone is up for winning that $5,000

And we're off....

Everyone gets free relatively quickly, and Erica says she wants to win not only for the $5,000 but when someone tells her not to win a competition, it motivates her to win it some more

Erica finds the target first in regards to her first puzzle piece, and now off to the 'jungle' to look for the rest of her pieces, with Jesse not too far behind

Johnny is still struggling with his bow and arrow, but manages to eventually find his aim and gets his first piece

Ryan and Andrew are almost out of steam and fading fast

Back from the break, Ryan and Andrew are completely exhausted and Andrew just about stops altogether. Ryan is now relying on Hamza to win this Veto

Very close between Hamza and Erica to get the puzzle pieces in their pyramids, which Erica completes. Erica makes her way to the lock, but forgets the combination. Second attempt for Erica and this time she is successful

Veto winner: Erica

She also gets to see an advanced screening of Tomb Raider and also wins $5,000

Sofa gatherage and the cast of Tomb Raider appear on the plasma to promote the prize and Erica will get the $5,000 from the cast

Ryan says Erica winning the Veto has ruined everything

Veronica is rapping about the houseguests, to which Andrew and Ryan join in

Back in the living area, Big Brother has laid on a party for the houseguests and Twister is readily available to play

Kaela is doing her usual cooing over Derek, saying he looks so great playing Twister, and now Paras is cooing over Jesse

Paras says Jesse usually isn't the kind of guy she goes for as they are seen flirting in the White Rose room, she says she likes laughing with him

Jesse says Paras is a great girl, really cute, has a fun personality and they jive pretty well. He then says a public showmance would not be such a good idea.

Ryan thinks that if the $5,000 hadn't of been put into play in the Veto competition, the plan would have worked and has regrets about how he went about trying to get the other participants to throw the competition.

In the kitchen, Erica tells Hamza he is not going home this week. Hamza is not so sure. Erica tries to pitch that the numbers are there to keep Hamza in this week. Hamza says he is not worried about being on the block next to Andrew, but feels Andrew is still needed in the game to which Erica disagrees.

Ryan asks Erica that if there is a play to make, will she make it. Erica replies with she is unsure about using the Veto right now. Talk now turns to putting Maddy on the block should Erica use the Veto, and Erica believes nobody would send her or anybody else home over Andrew. Ryan tries to convince Erica that people think Maddy is a bigger threat to peoples games, and then asked Erica if she will use the Veto, and Erica says she will think about it.

Erica tells Andrew he should be proud of himself and pushed himself to the brink. Andrew says he feels torn trying to overplay and not lobby. Erica says she has been trying to keep her emotions out of the game and play with her head and she says she sometimes gets too attached to the people she cares about and her friendship with Andrew is legit.

Veto ceremony time and Erica says she doesn't want to burn her bridges with Andrew and doesn't want to ruffle major feathers if she uses it on Hamza

After Andrew and Hamza have made their pleas, Erica decides NOT to use Power of Veto and Ryan's nominations remain as they are

Andrew or Hamza will leave in the next eviction

Andrew feels betrayed and Hamza says he feels pretty safe...Ryan says he is screwed

Will Andrew or Hamza leave in eviction #2....Tune in for episode #5

And that is a wrap for another episode, thanks for reading if you pop in and read this post :)

Will be an interesting eviction for sure, but not expecting a surprise and Andrew will probably go

That being said, don't forget to tune into Rob has a Podcast after the eviction, link on the right

And I will be back with the eviction recap very soon, and hopefully not as late as it has been lately ;)

Until next time, someone is always watching......