Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 22 - Eviction (Derek X v Claire) and HoH

Seems like a waste of an evening, as it's patently obvious who is going, unless by some miracle someone can pull off a vote flip before voting time

In case you missed it, a rather sad Veto episode. No, nobody's relatives have passed, it's just Claire failed to win Veto, meaning Sarah B, the HoH from hell, could go through with her plan to backdoor Derek X.

And believe me there were tears aplenty....

I dread to think what people's reactions are going to be if Kyland gets a 2nd official HoH (or 3rd if you count how he took over SB's), however on the flipside, pardon the pun there, there is still the coin twist to come so all may not be lost.

Bound to be more tonight, especially from Claire. I doubt SB will be crying, she'll be over the moon or near Mars when Derek X goes. Her head will be so big, thinking she's this big shot when in fact her HoH has sucked from start to finish. Not saying that because Derek X is all but going, just her general attitude this past week has been awful. The big crash to Earth for her begins tonight with any luck.

So, off we go for the post Veto fallout and.....

There's not much point in these highlights, as we know who is most likely going, but I will say the Cookout cracks are getting bigger. Can't wait for the massive breakup.

It is announced in the house that Xavier will now start his solitary confinement, he will have some brief freedom when Julie calls for him to cast his vote for the eviction.

Just the usual 'lull the casuals into false sense of security' edit as usual, as in the person going being edited to have a chance of staying, when in fact they have none. Derek X knows he is toast....

Eviction vote

Here we go for what's its worth, however Derek X throws a little hand grenade in with his final pitch saying one of them is playing a Nicole Franzel game

Alyssa - Derek X
Hannah - Claire
Kyland - Claire
Derek F - Derek X
Tiffany - Derek X
Azah - Derek X
Xavier - Derek X

Derek X is evicted by a vote of 5-2, and is juror #2 

Had him down to win the whole thing, don't know who to root for now. Guess I will settle on someone before the end.

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Sarah Beth is not eligible to play this week

Memory comp, as the houseguests are shown watching some video clips and it's true or false

Order of elimination:

Derek F

And the winner and new HoH.....TIFFANY

To be continued in Episode 23 when Tiffany makes their nominations, and the final and most crucial High Roller twist comes into play with the coin toss to 'overthrow the HoH'. So Tiff's reign could effectively be over before it's even started

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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