The end of another week for the episodes is nigh, and it does look like another formality with Whitney being the hot favourite to go....
And as Julie said after Brent's exit, it will be the first endurance competition this week and despite Christian's departure as HoH, his showmance partner in crime in Alyssa could be the next HoH. So not necessarily the end for now for those two in the HoH room in that particular scenario.
Just for giggles I would love to see Britini win HoH, although very unlikely. Looking forward to seeing who has got the stomach for some endurance. Heck, we saw how good the Australian housemates were (well some of us saw anyway) so let's see out of the American not rights can cut the mustard when it comes to endurance.
So this is it then for the teams, and one last look at the lineups before curtain down on this particular twist.
Team Jokers - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany
As Julie just said, "The game changes"......
Whatever happens tonight, The Kings finish intact
As it turns out, Tiffany has got her fingers in too many pies in terms of alliances and just my personal opinion... I can see her gone before jury, just an impression I'm getting. She's making all the plans with CookOut alliance to ensure Hannah is safe, she's thinking a few steps ahead and I do appreciate that kind of strategy.
Kyland and Sarah's friendship continues to flourish, can see them staying in touch once the season is over. Any further is possibly out of the question with her having a girlfriend outside.
Oh boy, a dance segment which is adding absolutely nothing to this particular episode.....Moving swiftly on I think
Signs of a flip flop here, maybe not a formality after all. Then again this kind of edit is usually rolled out to make things closer than they really are
Eviction vote
Christian only votes in the event of a tie...
Derek F - Whitney
Britini - Whitney
Azah - Whitney
Kyland - Whitney
Alyssa - Whitney
Sarah Beth - Whitney
Claire - Whitney
Derek X - Whitney
Tiffany - Whitney
Xavier - Whitney
No surprise there really, unanimous as usual (10-0) and plenty of shout outs (apart from Derek F and Claire) thrown in there while voting
She says to Julie, she thinks the men were afraid of her making big moves and getting rid of them. The Royal Flush alliance is revealed to her, much to her shock. She says she is not mad, and is impressed that alliance was kept really secret.
Julie announces to the houseguests that the teams are officially over.....
HoH comp begins
As outgoing HoH, Christian is not eligible to compete
Hang for as long as possible, last houseguest standing is new HoH. Quite simple really.
As of end credits, nobody has fallen....
To be continued in Episode 14, when the new HoH is eventually crowned and they make their nominations.
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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