Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 20 - Nominations and High Roller twist #2

 No shock to see Britini go to jury, but I'll miss her anyway. Just that energy she brought even if it did annoy people in there and out here

Anyway, back to the present and this week kicks off with Sarah Beth as HoH, or should that be a 2nd HoH for Kyland. I know, lucky us eh?

Just delays her own exit by at least a week, Kyland don't care for her. He's got more loyalty to the Cookout than her, and she'll find that out the hard way. But oh boy, her little face when he turns on her for his alliance, which is still off the non members radar by the way, will be a picture.

Into the 2nd High Roller twist we go as well in this episode, as we find out who gets the various amounts from the public this week, and it's a roulette type of twist today. More on that later.

Sarah Beth saying she won't rub this win into people's faces, but the first thing she does in the Diary Room is..... Yep rubbing it in peoples faces. Oh boy her downfall is going to feel so sweet.

And as expected Kyland already getting in her ear and celebrating with her.... Seriously what was the point of her winning HoH if Kyland is just going to run things before he cuts her loose.

Tiff is boiling mad, probably because she didn't win HoH again. The main target of her fury is Derek Do Nothing F because of some situation with Britini before she went. Oh boy she is really getting stuck in, but does need to be careful in terms of a jury vote should she get to the end.

What's this, Derek X and Claire finally figuring things out....Maybe, maybe not. We'll have to wait and see.


Sarah Beth nominates Claire and Derek F, a touch of deja vu from last week when Kyland laid out the same nominations.

Chopping Block Roulette

Basically it's a game of balance, as in stand on the wheel and get the ball around the wheel as many times as possible

$100 - Claire, Derek F, Derek X
$75 - Hannah, Xavier, Alyssa
$50 - Azah, SB, Tiff, Kyland

Alyssa - 19 spins

Turns out she is the only one to play this one, so essentially wins by default, and she chooses Derek F to take off the block. The roulette wheel stops at XAVIER, so he is the replacement nominee.

To be continued in Episode 21, when it's another Veto up for grabs but I suspect the decision itself will be carried over into 22

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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