Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 18 - Power of Veto and Second Veto

When last we left our remaining houseguests:

Kyland won HoH, and I might add held some really lengthy meetings with everyone to assess his options ahead of the nominations ceremony

He decided to nominate Claire and Derek F, but no doubt there will be people in his ear about possible backdoors regarding the non Cookout members

Later in the High Rollers room, his luck continued as he won first place in the first of 3 High Rollers game for a Second Veto. Now this is where it gets complicated, so please don't swing out at me if I get this wrong.

The peeps that played in the first game who finished in the first four places will get to bet on who wins the Veto in today's episode, with the person who guesses correctly getting this week's overall prize of a Second Veto.

The four that will be placing bets will be:

Derek F
Sarah Beth

Think that's about it.....

So the Cookout continuing to elude the non members of that particular alliance, the non members need a wake up call and fast. Although I do feel it could be too late, and we could be looking at yet another steamroll and then the customary alliance picking each other off.

Nothing against the Cookout, but I do hope the non members can do SOMETHING to stop the above scenario.... Fingers crossed.

Veto picks, veto bets and competition

Joining Kyland, Sarah Beth and Derek F will be Alyssa, Azah and Britini

Kyland bet on Alyssa
Derek F bet on Britini
Claire bet on Kyland
Sarah Beth bet on Azah

The competition is confirmed to be OTEV, after all it's not BB without OTEV and also Zingbot

The premise of this competition is basically elimination, usual OTEV comp in that he/she gives the players a clue to what is required and they have to go and look for it in the many hazards. The last one back is eliminated, and then rinse and repeat until one houseguest is left standing and they win the Veto.

And may I just say OTEV sounds remarkably like Arnie, if it's not him that is quite a top notch impersonator

Order of elimination:

Derek F

And the winner of the Veto is ALYSSA, and Christmas has come early for Kyland as he wins the Second Veto for betting on Alyssa to win the Veto. 

Oh boy, Kyland couldn't have made it more obvious about throwing that. A $750,000 mistake? We shall see very soon. Apparently on the feeds a hell of a lot of people were mad at Kyland for throwing that.

Anyway, back to house action and Claire's punishment as Duke of the Deck is finally over along with Kyland's punishment.

Britini now the red hot favourite to be backdoored by Kyland, cue pitching to prevent the scenario. The plan obviously gets back to her, and she is scrambling to find Kyland saying he has gone back on some sort of deal. Kyland's not budging on this one I don't think. Brit is on the verge of hulking out as we go to end credits....

To be continued in Episode 19 when both Veto decisions will be made and the first houseguest for this season's jury will be revealed

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking...

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