Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 29 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 23 - Nominations and Coin of Destiny

 Fresh week ahoy, as Sarah Beth's reign of terror finally came to an end, but it came as a cost with fan favourite Derek X leaving the main house and upping sticks to the jury house.

However not all bad, as SB's successor has a much better and wiser head on her shoulders and won't be swayed by Kyland, yes it's Tiffany taking the reins this week........or does she?

The final part of the High Roller twist comes into play tonight, in the Coin of Destiny and to use the description, 'overthrow the HoH' roughly translated whoever wins this power can change the nominations and dethrone the HoH.

So this could be a very short reign for Tiffany, but I doubt she will lose much sleep as her alliance is pretty much strategically running the house. Claire and Derek X were so close to uncovering things, but now he's gone and Claire probably won't be far behind. Hopefully not this week though, as Sarah Beth is firmly in Tiffany's crosshairs.

And we start with Tiffany, Azah, Claire and Hannah getting down and boogying in the pantry while the tears are flowing from Kyland and SB. Oh please spare us, you two put him up, well SB more as it was her HoH, which he took over.

Hannah now crying, jeez these people do know they will be seeing these evictees again in a few weeks when finale night comes around. Meanwhile, Derek F saying he wished he had got rid of Tiffany weeks ago, that is the same Derek F who does nothing most of the time anyway and will probably float to near the end winning no comps, and yep doing nothing.

Who wants to see my HoH room

The fan favourite segment returns, ok it isn't, but this is the first time it's been shown this season. Let's see if it's improved, well what do you think. We see a pic of her son and she reads out the letter from her loved ones.

Moving swiftly on..... A little throwing Alyssa under the bus from SB

Nominations ceremony

Tiffany nominates Sarah Beth and Kyland, and Xavier is up as well as part of his ongoing punishments.... But these are subject to change with the Coin of Destiny coming into play. Side note, I'll be so glad when these High Rollers twists are done. Dread to think what else is in store twist wise for these last few weeks

Coin of Destiny

Quite simply it's an invisible HoH, as they can effectively turf out the HoH and take over without anyone knowing

As punishment, Xavier is ineligible to be removed from the block

Kyland or SB can be removed if the invisible HoH so wishes

Alyssa, Xavier, Azah, Sarah Beth, Tiff, and Kyland do not have enough bucks to play, while Hannah chooses not to play despite having enough bucks

So it's down to Claire and Derek F for this final High Roller twist

Basically roll 3 coins in the fastest time into the 3 holes into the holes at the end of the runway, fastest wins the invisible HoH is power

It's CLAIRE who wins the Coin of Destiny, think the stars are aligning here for a Derek X revenge tour.

Tiffany must now flip a coin which will decide whether Tiff is still HoH or not, Claire has already picked heads and Tiffany gets Tails. So Heads = Overthrown, Tails = Tiff still in power

The coin lands on Heads, so Tiff is dethroned

Like Tiffany, she nominates Sarah Beth and Kyland. Nothing to see here obviously, but thumbs up to Claire. Not the best 3 weeks in terms of these twists, confusing from start to finish. But thank goodness they are now over.

To be continued in Episode 24, when we have another Veto to be contested

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 22 - Eviction (Derek X v Claire) and HoH

Seems like a waste of an evening, as it's patently obvious who is going, unless by some miracle someone can pull off a vote flip before voting time

In case you missed it, a rather sad Veto episode. No, nobody's relatives have passed, it's just Claire failed to win Veto, meaning Sarah B, the HoH from hell, could go through with her plan to backdoor Derek X.

And believe me there were tears aplenty....

I dread to think what people's reactions are going to be if Kyland gets a 2nd official HoH (or 3rd if you count how he took over SB's), however on the flipside, pardon the pun there, there is still the coin twist to come so all may not be lost.

Bound to be more tonight, especially from Claire. I doubt SB will be crying, she'll be over the moon or near Mars when Derek X goes. Her head will be so big, thinking she's this big shot when in fact her HoH has sucked from start to finish. Not saying that because Derek X is all but going, just her general attitude this past week has been awful. The big crash to Earth for her begins tonight with any luck.

So, off we go for the post Veto fallout and.....

There's not much point in these highlights, as we know who is most likely going, but I will say the Cookout cracks are getting bigger. Can't wait for the massive breakup.

It is announced in the house that Xavier will now start his solitary confinement, he will have some brief freedom when Julie calls for him to cast his vote for the eviction.

Just the usual 'lull the casuals into false sense of security' edit as usual, as in the person going being edited to have a chance of staying, when in fact they have none. Derek X knows he is toast....

Eviction vote

Here we go for what's its worth, however Derek X throws a little hand grenade in with his final pitch saying one of them is playing a Nicole Franzel game

Alyssa - Derek X
Hannah - Claire
Kyland - Claire
Derek F - Derek X
Tiffany - Derek X
Azah - Derek X
Xavier - Derek X

Derek X is evicted by a vote of 5-2, and is juror #2 

Had him down to win the whole thing, don't know who to root for now. Guess I will settle on someone before the end.

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Sarah Beth is not eligible to play this week

Memory comp, as the houseguests are shown watching some video clips and it's true or false

Order of elimination:

Derek F

And the winner and new HoH.....TIFFANY

To be continued in Episode 23 when Tiffany makes their nominations, and the final and most crucial High Roller twist comes into play with the coin toss to 'overthrow the HoH'. So Tiff's reign could effectively be over before it's even started

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 21 - Power of Veto

The series trundles along as Sarah Beth's reign of terror as HoH continues, or should that be Kyland's HoH as he basically took over from the word go. Either that, or she has got a severe case of HOH-itis, thinking she's some big shot because she won HoH, and her nominations were not even her own. Yeah I'm kinda looking forward to seeing her little face when the houseguests turn on her.

Alyssa won the Chopping Block Roulette, well won it by default as no-one else chose to play as they were probably looking ahead to the 3rd and final twist as in the coin toss to 'overthrow the HoH'.

Cookout still running things under the radar, but Derek X and Claire started to put the pieces together. But could it be too little too late?

Alyssa cries us a river as she feels bad about playing in the 2nd twist, and then the roulette wheel finished on Xavier. Xavier claims he feels comfortable within the Cookout, well of course he does as they going under the radar and the non members are only now getting wise to it when it may be too late.

Sarah Beth tells Claire, that she is safe. Claire deduces Derek X will be the replacement nominee....

Oh did I mention much how much I am looking forward to seeing the look on SB's little face when they turn on her very soon. Her comeuppance is incoming.....

Derek X keeping his fingers crossed his name gets drawn for the Veto comp, and so do his loyal fanbase. You know, I had him down as a contender so I am crossing fingers as well.

Veto picks and comp

Joining Sarah Beth, Xavier and Claire for the Veto comp will be Derek F, Azah and Alyssa

Derek X doesn't get his wish sadly, and neither do his fanbase. This could be it for the fella if Claire doesn't win Veto. No pressure, Claire.

Prizes up for grabs in this week's competition, but first the rules. Quite simple thank goodness, set up dominoes in the yard. There are also green (prizes) dominoes, and red (punishment) dominoes. Red dominoes can contribute towards winning the veto, while the green dominoes means its prizes only. Housemates choice to go for green or red. Timed comp, fastest wins. Only the Veto winner gets the prizes or punishments, depending on what route they took.

So classy that SB isn't she. Telling us where to go because we don't give her enough BB bucks. Don't think she will be winning AFP somehow.

The winner and Veto holder is XAVIER, and he chose the red route so it's punishment city for him.

Punishments: 24 hours solitary confinement, lost his BB Bucks and will be 3rd nominee (unless he wins the next HoH)

Bit of a promotional segment now as BB has left a load of American Red Cross stuff in the backyard

Veto ceremony

No surprise, Xavier uses the Veto on himself. Sarah Beth to equally no surprise chooses Derek X as

To be continued in Episode 22 when Derek X or Claire join Britini in the jury house.....

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 20 - Nominations and High Roller twist #2

 No shock to see Britini go to jury, but I'll miss her anyway. Just that energy she brought even if it did annoy people in there and out here

Anyway, back to the present and this week kicks off with Sarah Beth as HoH, or should that be a 2nd HoH for Kyland. I know, lucky us eh?

Just delays her own exit by at least a week, Kyland don't care for her. He's got more loyalty to the Cookout than her, and she'll find that out the hard way. But oh boy, her little face when he turns on her for his alliance, which is still off the non members radar by the way, will be a picture.

Into the 2nd High Roller twist we go as well in this episode, as we find out who gets the various amounts from the public this week, and it's a roulette type of twist today. More on that later.

Sarah Beth saying she won't rub this win into people's faces, but the first thing she does in the Diary Room is..... Yep rubbing it in peoples faces. Oh boy her downfall is going to feel so sweet.

And as expected Kyland already getting in her ear and celebrating with her.... Seriously what was the point of her winning HoH if Kyland is just going to run things before he cuts her loose.

Tiff is boiling mad, probably because she didn't win HoH again. The main target of her fury is Derek Do Nothing F because of some situation with Britini before she went. Oh boy she is really getting stuck in, but does need to be careful in terms of a jury vote should she get to the end.

What's this, Derek X and Claire finally figuring things out....Maybe, maybe not. We'll have to wait and see.


Sarah Beth nominates Claire and Derek F, a touch of deja vu from last week when Kyland laid out the same nominations.

Chopping Block Roulette

Basically it's a game of balance, as in stand on the wheel and get the ball around the wheel as many times as possible

$100 - Claire, Derek F, Derek X
$75 - Hannah, Xavier, Alyssa
$50 - Azah, SB, Tiff, Kyland

Alyssa - 19 spins

Turns out she is the only one to play this one, so essentially wins by default, and she chooses Derek F to take off the block. The roulette wheel stops at XAVIER, so he is the replacement nominee.

To be continued in Episode 21, when it's another Veto up for grabs but I suspect the decision itself will be carried over into 22

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 19 - Veto decisions and Eviction

The end of Kyland's HoH reign comes to an end, and we find out what Alyssa and he will do with their respective Veto's

Alyssa won hers via the OTEV comp, where we got a star studded cameo from Arnie.... Yes THAT Arnie, if not it was a really good impersonator. 

Kyland won his, via betting his bucks on Alyssa winning the Veto....

Britini would seem to be the favourite to be replacement, as decreed by Kyland. Look out though, hell hath no fury like a Britini on the block, if she does go on the block that is.

Veto ceremonies

Alyssa decides not to use her Veto, but Kyland to no surprise uses his to take down Claire and then puts Britini up as the replacement.

Oh boy, another meltdown from Britini saying everyone picks on her. But credit to her she's much braver than I would be to go on this show and must be overwhelming to her with her autism in this pressure cooker

Derek X and Claire are looking to try and save Britini, but of course Tiff is determined to shut that idea down as Derek F is in the Cookout. 

Staying with Tiff, and she is already plotting her next move with Xavier. This alliance has to be exposed fast, please. No more steamrolls. Is that too much to ask?

Interesting note from Julie, Cookout MUST win HoH or risk being exposed

Eviction vote

Xavier - Britini
Hannah - Britini
Claire - Britini
Derek X - Britini
Azah - Derek F
Tiff - Britini
Sarah Beth - Britini
Alyssa - Britini

Brit is officially the first member of this season's jury, and I know I may be in the minority but I will miss her in there. Someone to relate to, and it would be nice to hear one day about her autism diagnosis, and how she adjusted. As most of you know by now, I am autistic. May have given it away a few times in past posts, or in my social media profiles for those that look. Anyway, I will let in on a little secret, I am struggling with my diagnosis, no post diagnosis groups since last March (thanks a lot pandemic) as everything shut down.

Goodbye for now, Brit, and see you on finale night

HoH comp

Looks like a balancing comp to decide who gets the power next

As outgoing HoH, Kyland is not eligible to play

Timed course of 45 seconds, anything over 45 seconds or the quickest time means instant DQ

Fastest houseguest wins HoH

Claire - 34.97 seconds
Alyssa - DQ
Derek F - DQ
Sarah Beth - 21.03 seconds
Azah - DQ
Hannah - DQ
Tiff - DQ
Derek X - DQ
Xavier - DQ

The winner and new HoH.....SARAH BETH. Oh joy, another HoH for Kyland more or less.

To be continued in Episode 20, the start of the road for the 2nd jury member begins along with the usual fun and frolics with SB making her nominations, and also the High Roller twist continues with Chopping Block Roulette, more details in due course.

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 18 - Power of Veto and Second Veto

When last we left our remaining houseguests:

Kyland won HoH, and I might add held some really lengthy meetings with everyone to assess his options ahead of the nominations ceremony

He decided to nominate Claire and Derek F, but no doubt there will be people in his ear about possible backdoors regarding the non Cookout members

Later in the High Rollers room, his luck continued as he won first place in the first of 3 High Rollers game for a Second Veto. Now this is where it gets complicated, so please don't swing out at me if I get this wrong.

The peeps that played in the first game who finished in the first four places will get to bet on who wins the Veto in today's episode, with the person who guesses correctly getting this week's overall prize of a Second Veto.

The four that will be placing bets will be:

Derek F
Sarah Beth

Think that's about it.....

So the Cookout continuing to elude the non members of that particular alliance, the non members need a wake up call and fast. Although I do feel it could be too late, and we could be looking at yet another steamroll and then the customary alliance picking each other off.

Nothing against the Cookout, but I do hope the non members can do SOMETHING to stop the above scenario.... Fingers crossed.

Veto picks, veto bets and competition

Joining Kyland, Sarah Beth and Derek F will be Alyssa, Azah and Britini

Kyland bet on Alyssa
Derek F bet on Britini
Claire bet on Kyland
Sarah Beth bet on Azah

The competition is confirmed to be OTEV, after all it's not BB without OTEV and also Zingbot

The premise of this competition is basically elimination, usual OTEV comp in that he/she gives the players a clue to what is required and they have to go and look for it in the many hazards. The last one back is eliminated, and then rinse and repeat until one houseguest is left standing and they win the Veto.

And may I just say OTEV sounds remarkably like Arnie, if it's not him that is quite a top notch impersonator

Order of elimination:

Derek F

And the winner of the Veto is ALYSSA, and Christmas has come early for Kyland as he wins the Second Veto for betting on Alyssa to win the Veto. 

Oh boy, Kyland couldn't have made it more obvious about throwing that. A $750,000 mistake? We shall see very soon. Apparently on the feeds a hell of a lot of people were mad at Kyland for throwing that.

Anyway, back to house action and Claire's punishment as Duke of the Deck is finally over along with Kyland's punishment.

Britini now the red hot favourite to be backdoored by Kyland, cue pitching to prevent the scenario. The plan obviously gets back to her, and she is scrambling to find Kyland saying he has gone back on some sort of deal. Kyland's not budging on this one I don't think. Brit is on the verge of hulking out as we go to end credits....

To be continued in Episode 19 when both Veto decisions will be made and the first houseguest for this season's jury will be revealed

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking...

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 17 - HoH, High Rollers and Nominations

Another fresh week condensed into 3 episodes

Christian fell at the last hurdle before jury, and was evicted by a vote of 7-2, and the Cookout alliance began the road to destruction. Those cracks looking like becoming so much wider, but fair do's to them they have actually made it to the jury stage intact, which was part one of the plan. So many divided opinions on this particular alliance though.....

Tonight sees a new twist hit the house in the form of a new room called High Rollers

"To try and explain it simply, in the room there will be 3 BB casino games and 3 game changing powers as in Remove from Block, 2nd Veto and Flip Power to Your Favour).

Top 3 vote getters will get $100, next 3 $75, and the remaining get $50. The money is used to play, and the money can be banked and used within the next 3 weeks ie the duration of this new twist.

Think that's accurate, hopefully it will become clearer over time."

Tonight sees the start of the road to see who will be first member to jury as a new HoH is crowned, and they make their pre-Veto nominations

HoH comp

Straight down to business, and the name of the comp is Name that Croon and it's a knockout comp

Derek X not eligible to compete as outgoing HoH

2 houseguests at a time will have a song played to them regarding a comp, winner of the heat chooses the next two and so on and so forth, until there are only 2 left and the last houseguest standing will be the new HoH.

Order of play

Claire v Britini - Britini
SB and Kyland - Kyland
Britini v Azah - Azah
Kyland v Alyssa - Kyland
Azah v Derek F - Azah
Tiff v Hannah - Tiff
Azah v Kyland - Kyland
Xavier v Tiff - Tiff
Tiff v Kyland - Kyland

Your winner and new HoH is KYLAND

Have to say, Cookout does need shaking up, they do seem to be cruising through even though the cracks are there for all to see.

Apparently these meetings Kyland is currently engaging in on the episode lasted hours on the feeds, he didn't get to bed until at least 5am local time if I remember correctly. Azah being particularly demanding in her meeting, she's got bitter juror written all over her when she eventually goes. Will be very surprised if she makes it to final 3.

Claire, very elusive I may add, says she doesn't know who Kyland's targets will be this week. Derek F then agrees to be a pawn, well he barely does anything else if the feeds are anything to go by.

Nominations ceremony

Kyland nominates Claire and Derek F

Kyland explains previous actions in the HoH comp, causing him to re-evaluate his position

Tiff says losing Claire would not be good for her game....

High Rollers

Roll up, roll up. High Rollers officially opens its door

Top 3 vote getters and gaining $100, will be Britini, Derek X and  Derek F

$75 goes to Hannah, Xavier, Tiff, 

$50 for Sarah Beth, Azah, Alyssa, Kyland and Claire

Prizes are:

Second Veto
Remove a Nominee from the block, and spin the wheel to determine the replacement
Flip A Coin, call the flip correctly and the HoH can be overthrown

A power can only be used once and in the week it was won, the only game they could play is Second Veto as $100 is the only amount available. Houseguests can also save their money for one of the other powers, and it is also mentioned that there will be other opportunities to win money to bump up their amounts.

Sarah Beth decides to spend her $50. Basically she has to slide 3 mint julips down a 1-5 counter and her score will be the total number of where the julips ends up, and she scored 4 points in total.

Same challenge for Kyland, who scores 9 points, Derek F scores 5 points, Claire scores 4 and Tiff doesn't get on the board

And there we have it for another episode, with another Veto up for grabs in Episode 18, and also bets will be placed on the Veto players as per the rules of this twist. Yes I know it's complicated but let's just bear with it, and hopefully it will be explained a little more in the next episode

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 16 - Veto decision and Eviction

Derek X's HoH reign comes to an end tonight, and another will leave the house

Although we have yet to see Britini's decision, yes you read correctly as in Britini, whether to use the Veto. As she is on the block herself, think it's highly likely she will use it on herself and Christian will go up as the replacement.

Not very pleasant sides of Alyssa or Christian came out in basically threatening Derek X not to put Christian on the block.

Anyway, pre-warning there is a public vote tonight to give out some power which Julie will tell us about at some point in this episode

And we left the last episode with everyone gathering for the Veto ceremony...

Veto ceremony

And it is as described above, Britini uses the Veto on herself and Derek X puts Christian up on the block as the replacement.

Apparently on the feeds it has been all sorts of spicy with mad scrambling to keep Christian leading up to this eviction. Can he pull the impossible off, we are going to find out in a condensed version of events as the clock ticks down to eviction time.

At least if Sarah Beth leaves, she will go with $5,000 in her back pocket which is hers no matter where she finishes up in the pecking order this season

Speaking of the Veto prizes, guess we are going to have to see the costumes dished out to Claire and Kyland amongst others. We've already seen Derek's as in Lord of the Latrine, thankfully didn't last long.

Showmance is scrambling, and Christian is fuming. He has the temerity to call Derek X a coward, he does know what show he is on doesn't he? Did he not do his homework before signing up?

Next up, Claire in her Duke of the Deck and she has to play 52 card pickup by herself at random intervals. Kyland, meanwhile, has to wear a Jackass of Clubs costume for 1 week.

What can only be described as the Cookout getting some dents, with Tiff possibly blowing up her game to save Christian. She's made Christian believe she is the swing vote in keeping him in when she's really not. This can only be a futile cause right? Christian is all but out the door, but it's the usual make the one going seem safe edit.

Cook Out is almost done, the torch paper is lit. This is really going to be a lot of poo flying in Tiff's direction eventually. She is going to need some pretty fancy footwork to get out of this one. Now getting some of her minions to march Britini to the HoH room for some old fashioned brow beating, but it doesn't go quite to plan, with the segment ending with Tiff steaming mad.

Eviction vote

Hannah - Christian
Kyland - Christian
Xavier - Sarah Beth
Alyssa - Sarah Beth

Finally poised at 2-2, as we head into commercials

Britini - Christian
Derek F - Christian
Tiff - Christian
Claire - Christian
Azah - Christian

By a vote of 7-2, Christian is the last to fall before jury

Part one of Cook Out's plan of getting to jury intact complete, highly likely at least one of them will get to final 2.

Jury is announced officially open from next week, and also the High Rollers Room for the next 3 weeks

High Rollers Room

To try and explain it simply, in the room there will be 3 BB casino games and 3 game changing powers as in Remove from Block, 2nd Veto and Flip Power to Your Favour).

Top 3 vote getters will get $100, next 3 $75, and the remaining get $50. The money is used to play, and the money can be banked and used within the next 3 weeks ie the duration of this new twist.

Think that's accurate, hopefully it will become clearer over time.

With that being said, Christian is gone and now the road to the finale gathers pace as the jury starts to assemble. To be continued in Episode 17....

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 15 - Power of Veto

 And off we go again for another Veto episode....

Derek X currently ruling the roost as HoH, and he has nominated Britini and Sarah Beth. Whether it will stay that way after Veto is anyone's guess, remember EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED

Derek X deduced that Christian couldn't go upvia conventional means so decided on a backdoor should the Veto go to plan.

In case you missed it, Claire is immune until jury so can't be a replacement if the Veto is used

Two pawns on the block says Derek X, just so he can get his Operation Get Christian Out plan done. Britini is crying again, stating 7 days of safety. While everyone else ponders Derek X's tactics.... How little they know, looking forward to seeing Christian's face if all this goes to plan.

Awkward convo between SB and Derek X, where she finds out she is a pawn after a long silence and also that Christian is the real target.

Veto picks and competition

Joining Derek X, Britini and SB in the competition will be Alyssa, Claire and Kyland

It's the all too familiar swap competition, whoever ends up with the Veto at the end wins the Veto

Premise is that it's exercise based, and the person who scores lowest in each round is eliminated

Plenty of punishments and prizes for 6th to 1st....

Order of elimination:

6th - Claire (Veto)

5th - Sarah Beth ($5,000)

SB keeps her prize

4th - Kyland (Duke of the Deck)

He swaps that with the Veto

3rd - Derek X (Jackass of Clubs)

He swaps that with the Veto, although he was tempted by the money but SB was not willing to part with it, even turning on the waterworks at one point

Runner up - Alyssa (Message from home if she is there in 4 weeks)

Winner - Britini (Lord of the Latrene)

And to nobody's shock, Britini swaps for the Veto

And would you believe it, BRITINI has won the Veto

Confirmed prizes:

SB - $5,000
Claire - Duke of the Deck
Kyland - Jackass of Clubs
Derek X - Lord of the Latrine
Alyssa - Phone and laptop, phone call and video call in 4 weeks if she is still there
Britini - Veto

And we are off with the costumes already, Derek X is in his Lord of the Latrine costume. They have to knock and ask him if they can use the bathroom. 24 hours only and thankfully. 

Alyssa's trying so hard to save her one and only storyline in her showmance, she is basically threatening Derek X not to put Christian on the block. Well near enough threatening. Christian is no better basically saying how dare Derek X try and backdoor him. Does Christian even know what show he has signed up for?

There he is again, basically threatening Derek X before the Veto ceremony

Veto ceremony

To be continued in Episode 16 when the Veto decision is made and also there will be a public vote for something or another.

Oh boy some unpleasant sides coming out there tonight, especially from the showmancers. Hopefully Christian is out tomorrow if Derek X is not intimidated to changing his mind. Let's hope.....

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 14 - HoH conclusion and Nominations

Another week over with another unanimous vote, this time Whitney was next to fall by a 10-0 vote
As for the rest of them, when we last left them they were literally hanging on for dear life as it was the first endurance comp of the season, and that is usually a cliffhanger. As per usual the outgoing HoH was not eligible to compete, in this case Christian.

Oh yes and the teams are no more, so from this point every houseguest for themselves as we hurtle closer to the jury starting. A jury which Claire may or may not be on as she is immune until jury starts. I state may not be on in case she gets to final 2, got to have all bases covered.

Have to say Tiffany is playing pretty well, pulling each string with pin point precision. But a lot can change as we have seen over the years on this show.

HoH comp concludes

As of the end of the previous episode, nobody had fallen yet. Remember this is the hang on for dear life while BB throws all manner of things like gunk, water and also tipping the wall slightly forward.

Order of elimination:

Derek F
Sarah Beth

And last houseguest standing is DEREK X, step forward the new HoH. Alyssa turning on the tears, and then we see Hannah and Derek X celebrate in the pantry. Hannah is planning to be in Derek X's ear all week, and possibly get Sarah Beth on the chopping block in the process. Peace talks commence between Hannah and SB, an uneasy truce to say the least given how much SB has been talking about trying to get Hannah out.

Some are still talking in the team sense, did they not get the memo the teams are over.

Anyways, Tiff drops a bit of a clanger mentioning the Royal Flush alliance which Hannah is not a member of, a good bit of intel to use at a later date if she's still there at the final stages. Apparently Tiff mentioned the alliance at least 7 times on the feeds in that particular conversation.

Next up, we have Derek X picking everyone's brains to get the lay of the land on who to put up, and what they can do to help him moving forward.

Segment involving Derek F and the places where he sleeps, snoring which can be heard all over the house. Can't really say much about that, as I am just as bad as I can snore with the best of them.

Back to the Derek picking brains segment, where he is now asking people if they want to be pawns. Hannah wants Derek X to put up Sarah Beth as a pawn, will it work? Stay tuned.

Nomination ceremony

Derek X has chosen to nominate Britini and Sarah Beth, a decision which Britini has another head in hands moment. Thankfully no tears, but she is not happy. She vows to win the Veto, she has to win one comp surely. Something to put on her BB resume.

To be continued in Episode 15 when the next Power of Veto is up for grabs

Until next time thanks for reading, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 13 - Eviction (Whitney v Hannah) and HoH comp begins

The end of another week for the episodes is nigh, and it does look like another formality with Whitney being the hot favourite to go....

And as Julie said after Brent's exit, it will be the first endurance competition this week and despite Christian's departure as HoH, his showmance partner in crime in Alyssa could be the next HoH. So not necessarily the end for now for those two in the HoH room in that particular scenario.

Just for giggles I would love to see Britini win HoH, although very unlikely. Looking forward to seeing who has got the stomach for some endurance. Heck, we saw how good the Australian housemates were (well some of us saw anyway) so let's see out of the American not rights can cut the mustard when it comes to endurance.

So this is it then for the teams, and one last look at the lineups before curtain down on this particular twist. 

Team Jokers - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany

As Julie just said, "The game changes"......

Whatever happens tonight, The Kings finish intact

As it turns out, Tiffany has got her fingers in too many pies in terms of alliances and just my personal opinion... I can see her gone before jury, just an impression I'm getting. She's making all the plans with CookOut alliance to ensure Hannah is safe, she's thinking a few steps ahead and I do appreciate that kind of strategy.

Kyland and Sarah's friendship continues to flourish, can see them staying in touch once the season is over. Any further is possibly out of the question with her having a girlfriend outside.

Oh boy, a dance segment which is adding absolutely nothing to this particular episode.....Moving swiftly on I think 

Signs of a flip flop here, maybe not a formality after all. Then again this kind of edit is usually rolled out to make things closer than they really are

Eviction vote

Christian only votes in the event of a tie...

Derek F - Whitney
Britini - Whitney
Azah - Whitney
Kyland - Whitney
Alyssa - Whitney
Sarah Beth - Whitney
Claire - Whitney
Derek X - Whitney
Tiffany - Whitney
Xavier - Whitney

No surprise there really, unanimous as usual (10-0) and plenty of shout outs (apart from Derek F and Claire) thrown in there while voting

She says to Julie, she thinks the men were afraid of her making big moves and getting rid of them. The Royal Flush alliance is revealed to her, much to her shock. She says she is not mad, and is impressed that alliance was kept really secret.

Julie announces to the houseguests that the teams are officially over.....

HoH comp begins

As outgoing HoH, Christian is not eligible to compete

Hang for as long as possible, last houseguest standing is new HoH. Quite simple really.

As of end credits, nobody has fallen....

To be continued in Episode 14, when the new HoH is eventually crowned and they make their nominations.

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 12 - Power of Veto

 Another chapter is at hand as we head into another Veto episode

When we last left our season 23 inmates:

Christian nominated Whitney and Hannah, so we were spared another Britini meltdown. But there's still the Veto comp to come, and if she goes up as a replacement those tears could still run. Not that I'm bothered about it, her way of coping in my opinion. That house is a pressure cooker and it doesn't take much to crack. Yes I know I have never been in there but I have seen in different versions (Canada, UK, Australia, etc.) what the pressure can do to some people.

Claire won the final Wildcard Challenge, and in a choice of safety for her team or safety for herself until jury, she chose herself and so cannot be nominated until then or be a replacement nominee. She also has her ticket stamped for jury if she goes out at that stage.

So many alliances in the house right now as well, it would take forever to list them all.... However I would guess the most prominent ones right now going forward are Royal Flush and Cookout.

But have to say, this series is absolutely flying by as we head into a brand new month and it's good to see more 😊 out there on social media rather than 😠 for this series.

Final lineups before the teams are disbanded in the next episode

Team Jokers - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany

Hugs all round for Whitney and Hannah after the nominations, and obviously both are disappointed to be on the block. Welcome to Big Brother, you two, that's sort of the name of the game.

No shock, Sarah Beth STILL wants Hannah to go home, does she want to paint that target on her. The way she's going, it would seem the answer is yes. Meanwhile, the Kings decide on Whitney to go, which of course doesn't sit well with SB given her obsession with getting Hannah out.

So moving on, and now Whitney finds out via Xavier she apparently said she wanted to go after the Kings team hence why she is on the block.

Pointless segment alert now, as we are treated to Christian doing a few backflips in the garden. Trying to top that, we have Azah confessing she has a crush on Xavier, and she even tells the man of the moment. He just laughs it off in the Diary Room, saying he's not there for a showmance and wants that prize money. Thank you Xavier, not getting bogged down with a showmance....yet as it's still early in the season.

Veto picks and competition

Minor accident on Azah's part pre-comp, when she moonwalks and falls flat on her rear end. Her head narrowly avoiding a collision with some pots and the wall. She is ok, and laughs it off saying "I'll never moonwalk again".

Playing alongside Christian, Hannah and Whitney will be Azah, Derek X and Claire

Tiffany ratting SB out to Hannah about going on and on about Hannah being a target.... Tiffany is not one to mince her words I will say. 

Back to the competition, and it's volleyball based this week. Up the ramp with the ball, and then leg it to the other side and rinse and repeat 100 times. First houseguest to 100 wins the Veto. If the ball is dropped then the score is reset back to zero for that houseguest.

Guess we can only sit back and watch this play out....

And the winner of this week's Veto is....CHRISTIAN. All the power to him this week, and he is building up quite a resume. Think that target is getting a little bit bigger on his back.

Veto ceremony

Christian does not use the Veto, so it's guaranteed Whitney or Hannah will be leaving in Episode 13. So another predictable eviction coming up.

To be continued in Episode 13, when Whitney or Hannah will leave, and we will get the first Endurance HoH started and the teams are finally disbanded

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Big Brother USA 2021 - Episode 11 - Wild card challenge and Nominations

The end is near for the teams, and Christian rules the roost in becoming the next HoH for this season which means the Kings are safe for this week

In case you missed it, in a move everyone saw coming Brent was unanimously voted out of the house. 11-0 to be precise, while this past week Britini went from rap to speech to rap to speech. Oh you get the picture....

Not many villains left in there now for the feedsters and casuals to throw rotten tomatoes at, but the vivid image of Christian and Alyssa in the HoH bed this week.... Doesn't bear thinking about, just that mental image.

No doubt plenty of footage of those two getting down and dirty which won't be spoken about here. No to showmances is my motto, can't stand them and never will no matter what version.

Anyway, the teams as they stand going into hopefully the final week of this twist:

Team Jokers - Azah, Britini and Derek F
Team Whitney (Aces) - Derek X and Hannah
Team Christian (Kings) - Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah
Team Claire (Queens) - Kyland and Tiffany 

Not the ideal HoH result, I will admit, for reasons stated above. Hopefully a bigger target on Christian's back with all these competitions he is winning. Add to the fact Alyssa could do much better without him in there.

Of course, Britini is very happy as in screaming she is safe in the Diary Room. She's adorable in her own autistic way, but I am probably only in the minority in thinking that....

Derek F is paranoid his team are going to be pawns this week, quite annoyed in fact the Kings won

Whitney does make a valid point in that there is no clear target. Well, the two villains are gone so it's time for a new one to emerge.

Talk from Sarah Beth about possibly making Hannah a target, Whitney's name also comes into the frame but she would make a better shield right now.

Pointless segment alert, as in Whitney's fitness outfits. Yeah right fine.... Heard some alarming rumours about her while this segment is on, as in she's a massive conspiracy theorist. Something which has not gone down well in some sections on social media.

Wildcard Challenge

Playing today will be Azah, Whitney and Claire

Haven't seen Claire much so far, let's see what she can do here

Quite simply, get an 'olive' into their respective box via a crooked path, but there is a catch in that the room will go dark at random intervals. First to get their olives into the box will win this challenge

Would you believe it, Claire wins the Wildcard Challenge. Woohoo, go Claire!!!!

Wildcard decision - Safety for Claire and her team for 1 week, or she can choose safety for herself and that lasts until jury starts

She chooses safety for herself until jury....Sensible decision I would say. No many mad or sad faces in her many alliances, what there is of them left.

Sarah Beth and her obsession with Hannah comes up again, with SB saying Hannah is a big threat to her game. Really pushing hard I may add, and needs to be careful this doesn't come back to bite her in the you know where

Looking at the group chat, Christian is slowly coming round to Hannah going on the block, but who else, that is the question? Well looks like Whitney is the unlucky second, but hey remember WELCOME TO BIG BROTHER

Nomination ceremony

Christian nominates Hannah and Whitney. No real shock really. Bet some will be happy with that, as Britini won't be crying, but there is always the Veto which is incoming in the next episode and we could still get a rap. But that's a story for another time should it happen again.....

To be continued in Episode 12.....

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....